


2020-10-14 15:59:31 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:206

关于介绍撑杆跳女王伊辛巴耶娃的5句话英语作文 急在线等

写作内容:rnName:Yelena IsinbayevarnDate of birth:June 3,1982rnPlace of birth:RussiarnLife and Achievement: 2004,2008年两次荣获奥运金牌;rn2008年北京奥运会上创造了5.05米的室外世界纪录,2009年2月15日创造了5米的室内世界纪录,那也是她的第26个世界纪录 5--15岁时,练体操,但最终因身高原因转练撑杆跳;rn 练撑杆跳6个月后,就在1998年的世界青年运动会上以4米的成绩夺冠rn 从来没有停止前进的脚步,下一个目标是赶上布勃卡(Sergei Bubka),那意味着她还要再打破九次世界纪录.rn写作要求:用5个句子表达所有内容撑杆跳运动员pole-vaulter体操运动员gymnast恳求认真写一篇!万分感谢!!
This is my favorite sports start,her name is Yelena Isinbayeva。She is an excellent pole-vaulter around the world,she born on June 3rd 1982 in Russia。when she was 5 - 15 years old,she practised gymnastics ,but eventually switched pole vault for height reasons,and Pole vault training six months later, in the 1998 World Youth Games achievements of 4-meter win。2008 Beijing Olympic Games have created the outdoor world record of 5.05 meters,on February 15th, 2009 created a 5-meter indoor world record, that is world record of her 26th。And now,she never stopped the pace ofprogress, the next goal is to catch up with Sergei Bubka , that means she still then had to break the world record nine times。希望能够帮得上你的忙,也让我过了一下描写自己偶像的瘾。



英语作文 我最喜欢的地方 五句话 内容越简单越好!!在线等!!

Great Wall is my favourate place, not only because it is a famous sightseeing .
there is a saying : you are not a real man if you can not get on it. I want that I shall climb on it one day and be a real man.



你班要举行一次有关“该不该做家务”的讨论会,请你写一篇短文,阐述自己的观点,并向全班做一个汇报。rn提示:1.Do you often do housework at home?rn2.What housework do you often do?rn3.What do you think about doing housework?rnDear classrnGood morning!Now let me say something about myself._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________rnrnPS:注意要在文中回答提示中的三个问题,初二水平,要80词左右,希望是高手写的,www.rixia.cc在线等,谢谢!!
1.My mother is very tired after works of all day.So I decided to help my mother to do some housework.First,I washed the dishes.After do that I swept the floor.then,i poor the rabbish. Did all of that,I thought my mum will be very happy.when i was thought that,mum was coming,she was vemrMsnLulry suprising for my behavior.then i wash the bowls.mum was very happy.i kown that i did very well.(估计七八十字左右吧)

2.i've been learning to do housework these days. the first thing is cooking. it's until i held the slice did i realized that to cook yourself is much more difficult than to watch others do that, sometimes i made the food out of the pan, or made the oil on my clothes, but finally i learned to cook celery and meat, i was reall日夏养花网y excited, though it wasn't very delicious, i enjoyed it a lot. besides cooki日夏养花网ng, i aslo learned to wash my clother, to sweep the floor, and some other things. i feel now i can understand how toilsome my mum is better than ever.

急求一篇英语作文 在线等!!

一个杂志对15000名高中生的课外阅读做了调查科普科技类最多,漫画第二,学习参考书第三,名著及其他小说第四有百分之十一,其他的百分点不管,介绍调查情况,必须包括调查对象,问题。结果, 详细内容可以自己鬼扯..其他的不管了...多用一点华丽的词藻呀复杂句什么的..rn..拜托了..等待高人出现..100到120字
The reading survey was conducted on 15000 senior high school students. The purpose of this survey is to provide researchers a broader insight into the reading patterns of high school students.

From our research, we notice that technology is the most popular genre, which students read about. Followed by comics, study guides and novels, which itself consisted of 11% of the students surveyed.

We are able to conclude that high school students are able to balance their readings. This is essential in providing them a relaxed, yet study oriented lifestyle.
你这是雅思作文一道题目 我做过 但是你说的太笼统了 要是能把那个图表发上来就好了
A survey on book-reading was made by a magazine日夏养花网 covering fifteen thousand senior school students,which suggests that the books on science are the students' favorites,taking up the majority,followed by the books on comic,and then books about study guide,and last is the famous works and other novels,occupying 11 percent.It seems that our students prefer to science books and comics which are of great interest and show less interest in famous works which are thought more important by all teachers.


本文标题: 求英语5句话作文急急急急,在线等~
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/48226.html

上一篇:卧室适合放什么植物 不能放在卧室的植物有哪些




