谁翻乐府凄凉曲?风也萧萧。雨也萧萧,瘦尽灯花又一宵。 rn 不知何事萦怀抱,醒也无聊。醉也无聊,梦也何曾到谢桥!《纳兰性德词新释辑评》
谁翻①乐府凄凉曲, 风也萧萧。雨也萧萧, 瘦尽灯花又一宵②。
不知何事萦怀抱, 醒也无聊。醉也无聊。梦也何曾到谢桥③。
【注释】①翻: 演唱或演奏之意。欧阳修《蝶恋花》:" 红粉佳人翻丽唱, 惊起鸳鸯, 两两飞相向。"②瘦尽句: 意思是说眼望着灯花一点一点地烧尽, 彻夜不眠。③谢桥: 谢娘桥。相传六朝时即有此桥名。谢娘, 未详何人, 或谓名*谢秋娘者。诗词中每以此桥代指冶游之地, 或指与情人欢会之地。晏几道《鹧鸪天》:" 梦魂惯得无拘检, 又踏杨花过谢桥。" 纳兰反用其意, 谓在梦中追求的欢乐也完全幻灭了。 【讲解】纳兰的词中有一部分爱情词很朦胧, 又无本事可寻, 所以很难确定其所指。这首词便是这样。从词里所描写的情景来看, 很像是对一位情人的深深怀念。通篇表达了一种无聊赖的意绪。上片侧重写景, 刻画了萧萧雨夜, 孤灯无眠, 耳昕着风声、雨声和着凄凉乐曲声的氛围与寂寞难耐的心情; 下片侧重写不眠之夜, 孤苦无聊的苦情。词情凄惋悱恻, 哀怨动人。陈廷焯《词则别调集》说此篇" 哀婉沉著"。梁启超认为此词有"时代哀音", "眼界大而感慨深"。 此说不无道理, 可资参考。 【辑评】一、黄天骥《纳兰性德和他的词》:" 这词表现一种莫名其妙的心情, 诗人在风雨中听到凄凉的曲调, 不知怎的, 变得坐立不安, 寂寞、凄凉、失望、空虚的情绪, 笼罩着他的心头。他患的是时代的忧郁症。"(1983年广东人民出版社)二、参见前《菩萨蛮》 (春风吹散湘帘雨)" 辑评一 " 。 三、参见后《采桑子》 (凉生露气湘弦润)" 辑评 "。
谁翻①乐府凄凉曲, 风也萧萧。雨也萧萧, 瘦尽灯花又一宵②。
不知何事萦怀抱, 醒也无聊。醉也无聊。梦也何曾到谢桥③。
【注释】①翻: 演唱或演奏之意。欧阳修《蝶恋花》:" 红粉佳人翻丽唱, 惊起鸳鸯, 两两飞相向。"②瘦尽句: 意思是说眼望着灯花一点一点地烧尽, 彻夜不眠。③谢桥: 谢娘桥。相传六朝时即有此桥名。谢娘, 未详何人, 或谓名*谢秋娘者。诗词中每以此桥代指冶游之地, 或指与情人欢会之地。晏几道《鹧鸪天》:" 梦魂惯得无拘检, 又踏杨花过谢桥。" 纳兰反用其意, 谓在梦中追求的欢乐也完全幻灭了。 【讲解】纳兰的词中有一部分爱情词很朦胧, 又无本事可寻, 所以很难确定其所指。这首词便是这样。从词里所描写的情景来看, 很像是对一位情人的深深怀念。通篇表达了一种无聊赖的意绪。上片侧重写景, 刻画了萧萧雨夜, 孤灯无眠, 耳昕着风声、雨声和着凄凉乐曲声的氛围与寂寞难耐的心情; 下片侧重写不眠之夜, 孤苦无聊的苦情。词情凄惋悱恻, 哀怨动人。陈廷焯《词则别调集》说此篇" 哀婉沉著"。梁启超认为此词有"时代哀音", "眼界大而感慨深"。 此说不无道理, 可资参考。 【辑评】一、黄天骥《纳兰性德和他的词》:" 这词表现一种莫名其妙的心情, 诗人在风雨中听到凄凉的曲调, 不知怎的, 变得坐立不安, 寂寞、凄凉、失望、空虚的情绪, 笼罩着他的心头。他患的是时代的忧郁症。"(1983年广东人民出版社)二、参见前《菩萨蛮》 (春风吹散湘帘雨)" 辑评一 " 。 三、参见后《采桑子》 (凉生露气湘弦润)" 辑评 "。
我是英语专业学生,毕业论文要写比较文学,现急需纳兰性德诗词的英文翻译,越多越好,已经找到翻译的几首有:rn长相思 (山一程 水一程)rn采桑子. 塞上咏雪花 (非关癖爱轻模样)rn采桑子(而今才道当时错)rn金缕曲(德也狂生耳)。rnrn现在急等待找到英文译本的有:rnrn木兰词rn清纳兰性德rnrn人生若只如初见rn何事秋风悲画扇rn等闲变却故人心rn却道故人心易变rnrn骊山语罢清宵半rn泪雨零铃终不怨rn何如薄幸锦衣郎rn比翼连枝当日愿rnrn画堂春 日夏养花网 rn一生一代一双人,争教两处销魂。相思相望不相亲,天为谁春? rn rn浆向蓝桥易乞,药成碧海难奔。若容相访饮牛津,相对忘贫。rnrnrn浣溪沙rn谁念西风独自凉,萧萧黄叶闭疏窗。沉思往事立残阳。rn被酒莫惊春睡重,赌书消得泼茶香。当时只道是寻常。rnrnrn河传rn春浅,红怨rn掩双环,微雨花间rn画闲,无言暗将红泪弹rn阑珊,香销轻梦还rnrn斜倚画屏思往事rn皆不是rn空作相思字rn忆当时,垂柳丝rn花枝,满庭蝴蝶儿rnrnrn采桑子rn白衣裳凭朱栏立rn凉月趖西rn点鬓霜微rn岁晏知君归不归rn残更目断传书雁rn尺素还稀rn一味相思rn准拟相看似旧时rnrnrn南乡子rn为忘妇题照rnrn泪咽更无声rn止向从前悔薄情rn凭仗丹青重省识rn盈盈rn一片伤心画不成rnrn别语忒分明rn午夜鹣鹣梦早醒rn卿自早醒侬自梦rn更更rn泣剧前夜雨铃rnrnrn清平乐rn风鬟雨鬓rn偏是来无准rn倦倚玉阑看月晕rn容易语低香近rn软风吹过窗纱rn心期便隔天涯rn从此伤春伤别rn黄昏只对梨花rnrn减字木兰花rn烛花摇影,冷透疏衾刚欲醒。待不思量,不许孤眠不断肠。rn茫茫碧落,天上人间情一诺。银汉难通,稳耐风波愿始从。rnrn又 新月rn晚妆欲罢,更把纤眉临镜画。准待分明,和雨和烟两不胜。rn莫教星替,守取团圆终必遂。此夜红楼,天上人间一样愁。rn又rn相逢不语,一朵芙蓉著秋雨。小晕红潮,斜溜鬟心只凤翘。rn待将低唤,直为凝情恐人见。欲诉幽怀,转过回阑叩玉钗。rnrnrn如梦令rn正是辘轳金井,满砌落花红冷。蓦地一相逢,心事眼波难定。谁省,谁省。从此簟纹灯影。rnrnrn暂时只copy上这么多,只要是纳兰诗词的英文翻译请统统贴上来,小女子这厢有礼了,对所有伸出援手的同志们,我就一句话,谢谢谢谢谢谢昂!Mulan Nalanxingde life mere words - what if the wind had just painted fans sad but it's something people have changed Michimoto volatile Lishan language do people - night semi-final bell Jordan is not better to complain rose Boxing lives in the lap of luxury is not surprising that Lang Tong Chun-day life of people willing to draw a pair. Reapproaching Saying Good teaching two indisputable. Love each other no connections, whom spring day? Blue Bridge pulp easy to begging, hard drugs into sea fairly. If the drink :'s visit to Oxford, relatively forgotten poor. Huanxisha who read Westerly alone cooler whinny Mrs dredging window closed. Meditation lights up the past. Mo Chun liquor was scared to sleep heavy gambling sources have poured on the theme. It was only Road is unusual. Ho Chuan-chun, shallow, red cover bicyclo complain, light rain Among the paintings idle, silent dark red tear gas to finish. Hong marketing light dreams reclining 714 Acacia think events are not empty words for recalling the time, though wire squid. Man Ting Butterfly 儿 Cai Sangzi the white-robed With Zhu Lan legislature the cooler Letter dated 趖 as West Point, designer threads and make-up : At cream 微 year-old Reopening of Anchor Zhi Jun naturalization does not belong to residues more CONTENTS 断 Chuan-shu 雁 ulnar 素 also 稀 blindly mangium - seminorm 相 seemingly the old times, which is not compatible Tone of the South forgetting UNIFEM stated 照 泪 咽 more a silent only to the former Coming to Regret the inconstant in love to build on Danqing re - Province consensus floats in piece of sad painting fragmentation of other biliterate and trilingual deploy the National Missile Defense System clearly defined midnight 鹣 鹣 dream of had early morning awakening of State Albright since had early morning awakening the Avignon since dream of more more 泣 drama the former the rain which fell throughout the night Cathy Chu Qing Ping Yue wind nephrologists stormwater designer threads and make-up : At 偏 is to uncollmation tired to be our audience leaning against jade Fishery Fair In look at raters could easily low incense nearly soft blown across the screens 心 period, then every afar brings a distant land From then on Melancholy in spring injured of other dusk only to Scenes from Jianzimulanhua candle-to spend 摇 SiyiDMiAnrqlXRng, Gang Yu Shu said the state-cold sober. Question is not thought, while Gumian not Heartbroken. Vast empty, a promise of heaven on earth conditions. Yin hard to execute, and stability will only resistance from the storm. Being also Crescent night makeup and put more defibrillators eyebrow A mirror painting. Accurately be clear, and rain and stack two victorious. Admonish Star for the defensive admission was eventually reunited. This night the Red Chamber, Heaven and Earth unhappy. Also not meet language, lotus with incessant autumn. Halo small red phoenix Alice only oblique slip dialysis center. You will Dihuan directly to the people, condensate terrorism intelligence. You wishing v. Huai, knocking the hairpin turn back exhausted. King is so jigging machine Koganei, full red characters falling cold. Suddenly give him one, alas, the Eye's difficult to decide. Who province, who provinces. From then on condition Dengying profile.
Acacia long (one-way water of a mountain range) Cai Sangzi. Frontier Wing snowflakes (like light love, not addiction) Cai Sangzi (It was wrong before Road) Hamamelidineae song (German maniac Health ears
Mulan Nalanxingde life mere words - what if the wind had just painted fans sad but it's something people have changed people Michimoto-night semi-volatile Lishan language do not complain Jordan is always better to end it is not surprising that the day will Boxing rose Lang lives in the lap of luxury
3.Hall generation of a pair of spring life painting, teaching two Reapproaching Saying Good indisputable.Love each other no connections, whom spring day?Blue Bridge pulp easy to begging, hard drugs into sea fairly.If the drink :'s visit to Oxford, relatively forgotten poor.
Huanxisha who read Westerly alone cooler whinny Mrs dredging window closed.Meditation lights up the past.Mo Chun liquor was scared to sleep heavy gambling sources have poured on the theme.It was only Ho Chuan-chun, shallow, red cover bicyclo complain, light rain Among the paintings idle, silent dark red tear gas to finish.Hong marketing light dreams reclining 714 Acacia think events are not empty words for recalling the time, though wire squid, Manting Butterfly abuse.
Nanxiangzi to forget UNIFEM stated as tears pharyngeal more silent than to the past, to repent fickle build on Danqing important provincial consensus floats was sad painting not other language crucial clearly midnight 鹣 鹣 dream had early morning awakening Fuqing since had early morning awakening Avignon since dream even more sob drama before the roof on a rainy night Chu Qingping Le wind dialysis rain sideburns side is the face of prospective curl lean Yu begins to see refine easily Low Hong recent soft blown across the screens heart period, then every distant corner of the world since then for spring wounded another evening only Scenes Jianzimulanhua candle spend shaken impact.Gang Yu Shu said the state-cold sober.Question is not thought, while Gumian not Heartbroken.Vast empty, a promise of heaven on earth conditions.Yin hard to execute, and stability will only resistance from the storm.Being also Crescent night makeup and put more defibrillators eyebrow A DMiAnrqlXRmirror painting.Accurately be clear, and rain and stack two victorious.Admonish Star for the defensive admission was eventually reunited.This night the Red Chamber, Heaven and Earth unhappy.Also not meet language, lotus with incessant autumn.Halo small red phoenix Alice only oblique slip dialysis center.You will Dihuan directly to the people, condensate terrorism intelligence.You wishing v. Huai, knocking the hairpin turn back exhausted.King is so jigging machine Koganei, full red characters falling cold.Suddenly give him one, alas, the Eye's difficult to decide.Who province, who provinces.From then on condition Dengying profile.
Acacia long (one-way water of a mountain range) Cai Sangzi. Frontier Wing snowflakes (like light love, not addiction) Cai Sangzi (It was wrong before Road) Hamamelidineae song (German maniac Health ears
Mulan Nalanxingde life mere words - what if the wind had just painted fans sad but it's something people have changed people Michimoto-night semi-volatile Lishan language do not complain Jordan is always better to end it is not surprising that the day will Boxing rose Lang lives in the lap of luxury
3.Hall generation of a pair of spring life painting, teaching two Reapproaching Saying Good indisputable.Love each other no connections, whom spring day?Blue Bridge pulp easy to begging, hard drugs into sea fairly.If the drink :'s visit to Oxford, relatively forgotten poor.
Huanxisha who read Westerly alone cooler whinny Mrs dredging window closed.Meditation lights up the past.Mo Chun liquor was scared to sleep heavy gambling sources have poured on the theme.It was only Ho Chuan-chun, shallow, red cover bicyclo complain, light rain Among the paintings idle, silent dark red tear gas to finish.Hong marketing light dreams reclining 714 Acacia think events are not empty words for recalling the time, though wire squid, Manting Butterfly abuse.
Nanxiangzi to forget UNIFEM stated as tears pharyngeal more silent than to the past, to repent fickle build on Danqing important provincial consensus floats was sad painting not other language crucial clearly midnight 鹣 鹣 dream had early morning awakening Fuqing since had early morning awakening Avignon since dream even more sob drama before the roof on a rainy night Chu Qingping Le wind dialysis rain sideburns side is the face of prospective curl lean Yu begins to see refine easily Low Hong recent soft blown across the screens heart period, then every distant corner of the world since then for spring wounded another evening only Scenes Jianzimulanhua candle spend shaken impact.Gang Yu Shu said the state-cold sober.Question is not thought, while Gumian not Heartbroken.Vast empty, a promise of heaven on earth conditions.Yin hard to execute, and stability will only resistance from the storm.Being also Crescent night makeup and put more defibrillators eyebrow A DMiAnrqlXRmirror painting.Accurately be clear, and rain and stack two victorious.Admonish Star for the defensive admission was eventually reunited.This night the Red Chamber, Heaven and Earth unhappy.Also not meet language, lotus with incessant autumn.Halo small red phoenix Alice only oblique slip dialysis center.You will Dihuan directly to the people, condensate terrorism intelligence.You wishing v. Huai, knocking the hairpin turn back exhausted.King is so jigging machine Koganei, full red characters falling cold.Suddenly give him one, alas, the Eye's difficult to decide.Who province, who provinces.From then on condition Dengying profile.
The long lovesickness (one
mountain Cheng Shui Yi
Cheng) gathers Sang Zi .
Chant snowflake (be not that
pass addiction loves light
appearance) spirit Sang Zi
on the stopper (say that
inlaying gold wisp of wrong
(morals grew an ear also
crazily) at that time now
just now).
Clear lily magnolia
word Nalan sex
is morals
Life draws ordinary
change but old fan
popular feeling but
says that old
popular feeling is
volatile if autumn
wind is only sad if
what thing to see
for the first time
Li Shan finishes
speaking clear night
half tears rain
zero bells ends how
about inconstant
embroidered dress
husband or lover not
to blaming flying
wing to wing
including branch
wish that very day
One doubles, competes for
painting hall spring lifetime
generation teaching two getting
along being overwhelmed with joy.
Be lovesick taking a look at
block of wood blind date each
other, whose spring the day is?
Thick fluid is begged for to blue bridge Yi, able blue sea of medicine is difficult to run. If containing each other visit drink Oxford , forget relatively poor.
Whose thought west wind lets
Silk-Washing Stream cool alone ,
sough yellow leaves shuts the sparse
window. Meditate past events
immediately the setting sun. Shy
spring of Mo is slept to duplicate
each other , the book gambling is
disappeared such that splashing the
tea incense by the liquor. Thought
it was common at that time.
Not close , red
river biography
spring resentment
covers two ring ,
the drizzle spends
room painting
leisure , unclear
wordless general
tears of blood
flicks a waning ,
the incense sells
the light dream to
return back
Reclining on a
painted screen
thinking of past
events all is not
weeping willow silk
spray assuming the
character for
nothing recalling
that time,full court
butterfly son
Gather Sang Zi Bai
clothes the eye cuts
off a usually
fairly sparse
lovesickness of
biography book wild
goose ruler let Zhu
fence appoint the
late knowledge of
tiny year of cold
month ? t West
Point sideburns
frost monarch
returning to or not
being injured more
allowing intending
to look like an old
times each other
Nanxiang is cast
light on for son
forgotting the woman
The tear pharynx is
more silent just
fickle to regretted
before rely on the
heavy province of
painting knowledge
have a surplus of
having a surplus of
grieved painting a
sheet of is not
The clear language
error mythical bird
supposed to have
only one eye and one
wing at the
midnight mythical
bird supposed to
have only one eye
and one wing dream
is not awake long
ago offcial Nong
weeps more from
being awake long ago
from the dream
drama eve rain bell
Peace and
tranquility laughs
because wind bun
rain sideburns
insist to be to come
to have no to 日夏养花网pear
flower allowing
close light air of
tired low language
incense easy to lean
on the jade door
screen looking at a
lunar aureole to
have blown over
gauze for screening
windows heart
scheduled time just
hurting the spring
wound herefrom
cutting in right in
front of the dusk
god of the earth
across the end of
the world
The subtraction character magnolia snuff
sways an image , the transparent sparse
cold quilt is just just going to be
awake. Wait for considering it , not
allowing lonely ceaseless dormancy
intestines. The boundless sky ,
immeasurably vast difference feeling one
promise. Disturbance of the Milky Way
difficult to lead to , to be able to
bear surely I wishes the beginning is
The late stage makeup and costume of
crescent finishes wanting , the
eyebrow faces mirror painting more
with the towline. Allow waiting for
clearly, preparing rain and cigarette
not winning liang. Not teaching star
replacing , keep to take reunion
fulfiling eventually necessarily. This
night is worried about like the red
tower , the immeasurably vast
difference. Meet by chance language ,
one Seremban do not write autumn rain.
Minor dizzy blush , askew smooth bun
heart god of the earth the phoenix
curls up. Wait for fearing the person
idea with calling feeling out low ,
straightening for curdling. Had just
been going to tell the bosom deep and
quiet , been rotated to return to a
door screen knock jade hairpin.
If dream order exactly is that the burton
gold well , full step falling flower are red
cool down. The load on slef's mind fluid
glance is difficult to meet by chance
suddenly once, stable. Whose province ,
whose province. Herefrom bamboo mat lines
mountain Cheng Shui Yi
Cheng) gathers Sang Zi .
Chant snowflake (be not that
pass addiction loves light
appearance) spirit Sang Zi
on the stopper (say that
inlaying gold wisp of wrong
(morals grew an ear also
crazily) at that time now
just now).
Clear lily magnolia
word Nalan sex
is morals
Life draws ordinary
change but old fan
popular feeling but
says that old
popular feeling is
volatile if autumn
wind is only sad if
what thing to see
for the first time
Li Shan finishes
speaking clear night
half tears rain
zero bells ends how
about inconstant
embroidered dress
husband or lover not
to blaming flying
wing to wing
including branch
wish that very day
One doubles, competes for
painting hall spring lifetime
generation teaching two getting
along being overwhelmed with joy.
Be lovesick taking a look at
block of wood blind date each
other, whose spring the day is?
Thick fluid is begged for to blue bridge Yi, able blue sea of medicine is difficult to run. If containing each other visit drink Oxford , forget relatively poor.
Whose thought west wind lets
Silk-Washing Stream cool alone ,
sough yellow leaves shuts the sparse
window. Meditate past events
immediately the setting sun. Shy
spring of Mo is slept to duplicate
each other , the book gambling is
disappeared such that splashing the
tea incense by the liquor. Thought
it was common at that time.
Not close , red
river biography
spring resentment
covers two ring ,
the drizzle spends
room painting
leisure , unclear
wordless general
tears of blood
flicks a waning ,
the incense sells
the light dream to
return back
Reclining on a
painted screen
thinking of past
events all is not
weeping willow silk
spray assuming the
character for
nothing recalling
that time,full court
butterfly son
Gather Sang Zi Bai
clothes the eye cuts
off a usually
fairly sparse
lovesickness of
biography book wild
goose ruler let Zhu
fence appoint the
late knowledge of
tiny year of cold
month ? t West
Point sideburns
frost monarch
returning to or not
being injured more
allowing intending
to look like an old
times each other
Nanxiang is cast
light on for son
forgotting the woman
The tear pharynx is
more silent just
fickle to regretted
before rely on the
heavy province of
painting knowledge
have a surplus of
having a surplus of
grieved painting a
sheet of is not
The clear language
error mythical bird
supposed to have
only one eye and one
wing at the
midnight mythical
bird supposed to
have only one eye
and one wing dream
is not awake long
ago offcial Nong
weeps more from
being awake long ago
from the dream
drama eve rain bell
Peace and
tranquility laughs
because wind bun
rain sideburns
insist to be to come
to have no to 日夏养花网pear
flower allowing
close light air of
tired low language
incense easy to lean
on the jade door
screen looking at a
lunar aureole to
have blown over
gauze for screening
windows heart
scheduled time just
hurting the spring
wound herefrom
cutting in right in
front of the dusk
god of the earth
across the end of
the world
The subtraction character magnolia snuff
sways an image , the transparent sparse
cold quilt is just just going to be
awake. Wait for considering it , not
allowing lonely ceaseless dormancy
intestines. The boundless sky ,
immeasurably vast difference feeling one
promise. Disturbance of the Milky Way
difficult to lead to , to be able to
bear surely I wishes the beginning is
The late stage makeup and costume of
crescent finishes wanting , the
eyebrow faces mirror painting more
with the towline. Allow waiting for
clearly, preparing rain and cigarette
not winning liang. Not teaching star
replacing , keep to take reunion
fulfiling eventually necessarily. This
night is worried about like the red
tower , the immeasurably vast
difference. Meet by chance language ,
one Seremban do not write autumn rain.
Minor dizzy blush , askew smooth bun
heart god of the earth the phoenix
curls up. Wait for fearing the person
idea with calling feeling out low ,
straightening for curdling. Had just
been going to tell the bosom deep and
quiet , been rotated to return to a
door screen knock jade hairpin.
If dream order exactly is that the burton
gold well , full step falling flower are red
cool down. The load on slef's mind fluid
glance is difficult to meet by chance
suddenly once, stable. Whose province ,
whose province. Herefrom bamboo mat lines
本文标题: 急求纳兰性德词<采桑子.塞上咏雪>(非关癖爱轻模样)翻译
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/223753.html