

谁能帮忙翻译一下以下 英语商务信函?急

2021-01-04 23:00:59 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:209


承蒙日本东京商会介绍,我们了解贵公司在世界各地供应高品质的食品,并且相信我国对各种外国食品的需求量很大。现致函希望与你方建立贸易关系。rnrn 本公司是日本最大的食品贸易公司,在日本的主要城市都有分公司与门市部。我方已从欧美进口大量食品,因此,在这方面拥有丰富的经验。rnrn 我们预料你方产品在我方市场有着广阔的前景,我们保证随时给予你方密切配合,盼速复。
On the strength of recommendation by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan, We know your company provides high quality food for all over the world and sure that our country has the huge market demands for every kind of foreign food. Now we are writing to you for the establishment of business relations.
Our company is the largest food trading firm in Japan and it has branch and sales room in main city. We had imported great deal of food from Europe so we have much of experience.
We anticipate your production will have greater prospects in our market and we make sure that we can perfectly support to you at any time.
We await your prompt reply with much interest.

Best Wishes


On behalf of China's Metek Hardware Technology Compay we are honor to meet you!We have great concerned about the Hardware Show of Las Vegas(NHS)next year,and we are going to participate in with strong interest。As our first participation,we need to inquiry something for lacking experience:
1、Is the same application process of exhibition as participation?could we get the invitation just we fill an entry form and invitation letter of non-immigrant visa?
2、Do we need one or two invitation if we send two representatives next year?
3、Will the tickets be required if we get the invitation?How could we get it if necessary?
If you can reply our inquiries we would be grateful。



Chinese are close to us, the hope can translate some of style, thankyou~ here is the Zhejiang province Hangzhou China metek Hardware Technology Co. Ltd., is very pleased to meet you!636f707962616964757a686964616f31333335346137 Our company for the Las Vegas hardware exhibition next year (NHS) is very interested in, going to go and visit the exhibition. However, this is we are the first to participate in, a little bit of experience are not, in the hope to consult some things: 1 exhibition of the application process and the exhiwww.rixia.ccbitor application process? Is not only to fill in a registration form and a non immigrant visa invitation application form can get the invitation? 2 next year we have 2 people want to visitors, we need to apply one or two invitations? 3 suppose we apply to the invitation, we also need to show tickets? If need be, how do we get? If you can help us to solve these problems, we will be very very thank you very much ~ ~ ~
This is Hangzhou Metek(MetalTech.) Co., Ltd., Thank you for your invitation, we are very interested in the 20XXNational Hardware Show in Las Vegas and willing to pay a visit then. As it willbe the first time for us to participate in such an event, we sincerely hopethat we could be provided with some useful information about the followingquestions.
1. What is the application procedurefor visitors?
2. Can we get an invitation by fillingthe Registration Form and the Non-Immigrant Visa Invitation Application Form? Anddo we need two invitations for two persons?
3. Are the admission tickets alsorequired if we already have the invitations? If so, how can we get them?
We will be very grateful if youcan provide any useful information and we are eagerly looking forward to yourreply.

Yours XXX
Dec. 23rd, 2014
time limits


以下是邮件正文,请高人翻译为英语,务求准确实际,符合商务信函要求!谢谢!rnrn对于您的及时回复表示感谢,同时对您的敬业表示敬佩!我司致力于开发国际市场,我们产品的质量已经得到国际范围内的广泛赞许,我们力争为您提供最优惠的价格,更优质的产品,在这一点上,我想我们有着共同的目标。因此,我司同样期待和贵司的精诚合作,互利共赢(这句我感觉比较难,翻译不好)。rnrn关于您9号的来件,我司还有少许不明之处,烦请拨冗回复rnrn1.可否提供包含贵司具体业务方向(生产或经营)及联系方式(电话、传真)等更加详细的资料供我司参考,以便我司争取给您最优惠的价格;rn2.贵司需要我司产品是自用还是销售?从google中可以看到贵司经营碳酸钙(CACO3),对石油领域是否有过涉足?石油开采或者石油压裂方面是否有稳定的下游客户群?rn如有其它疑问,请发邮件,我将为您一一解答。rnrnOffer our very best wishes for your continued success!We looking forword to your early reply.谨祝事业蒸蒸日上!敬候佳音!rnrnVery truly yours.此致
Thank you for your timely response(佩服敬业?对老外说很奇怪的,建议删除哈。呵呵). Our company is devoted in developing international market with our reputation of supplying high quality products worldwide recognized. We will provide you the products with excellent quality at best price, which is an objective we both share. So, we are looking forward to cooperation with your company for a win=win situation.

Regarding the email from you at 9th XXX, please clarify with some items we日夏养花网 are unclear about.

Could you please provide your company's operation type (manufacturer or business),contact info.(tel, fax) and other detailed information for us so that we could offer you the best price we can.
Do your company use our product or merchandise them? From Google searches, I learned your company is related to CaC03. Do your company any related to crude industry? Do you have a steady downstream customer base regarding crude exploitation or crude refinement (注:压裂应为冶炼)。
Please let me know if there is any question and I will response at my earliest convenience.

Offer our very best wishes for your continued success!We looking forword to your early reply.谨祝事业蒸蒸日上!敬候佳音!
【Wish you a good business and waiting for your good news】

Very truly yours.此致

we appreciate your early reply and your devotion to the job. we are working on exploring the international market; our products are well received. we can offer you the most competitive price and products of better qulity. we have the same goal speaking of that. we look forward to a sincere cooperation with your company and muturally benefit.(muturally是相互的意思,我不知道自己拼写的对不对,你再查查)
subject to your letter on 9, there's some misunderstanding, please kindly give us a reply on the following questions.
1.if you could please give more detailed information about your company such as your major products, contact(telephone,fax)? this will enable us to give you a more favorable price.
2.your company would buy products from our company for selfuse or for sale? we have searched on google and known that your company deals with Caco3, have you ever deal with with gasline products? do you have any clients dealing with petrol exploring?
if you have any question, do contact us. we will answer all your questions.

Offer our very best wishes for your continued success!We looking forword to your early reply.wish your business a greater success.
we look forward to your kind reply.

For your timely reply expressed his gratitude at the same time express our admiration for your work!e68a84e8a2ad3231313335323631343130323136353331333238663539 Our commitment to developing the international market, the quality of our products has been a wide range of international praise, and we strive to provide you with the most favorable prices, better quality products, at this point, I think we have a common goal. Therefore, I expect the same and your Secretary of sincere cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win situation (I feel this more difficult, bad translation).

About you on the 9th of Control, Division I still have a little unc日夏养花网lear, perhaps taking the time to reply

1. The possibility of providing includes the direction of your specific business (the production or business) and contact information (phone, fax) and other more detailed information for our reference so that I can give you the Secretary for the most preferential prices;
2. Your need for our products are for personal use or for sale? As can be seen from google your business calcium carbonate (CACO3), on whether the oil sector have been involved in? Fracturing of oil or oil whether it is the stability of the downstream customer base?
For other questions, please send an e-mail, I will answer you.

Offer our very best wishes for your continued success! We looking forword to your early reply. I wish the cause of success!good news!

Very truly yours. Sincerely,
Following is the message body, please expert translated into English, in order to accurately reality, in line with the requirements of business letters! Thanks!

For your timely reply expressed his gratitude at the same time express our admiration for your work! Our commitment to developing the international market, the quality of our products has been a wide range of international praise, and we strive to provide you with the most favorable prices, better quality products, at this point, I think we have a common goal. Therefore, I expect the same and your Secretary of sincere cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win situation (I feel this more difficult, bad translation).

About you on the 9th of Control, Division I still have a little unclear, perhaps taking the time to reply

1. The possibility of providing includes the direction of your specific business (the production or business) and contact information (phone, fax) and other more detailed information for our reference so that I can give you the Secretary for the most preferential prices;

2. Your need for our products are for personal use or for sale? As can be seen from google your business calcium carbonate (CACO3), on whether the oil sector have been involved in? Fracturing of oil or oil whether it is the stability of the downstream customer base?

For other questions, please send an e-mail, I will answer you.

Offer our very best wishes for your continued success! We looking forword to your early reply. I wish the cause of success!敬候good news!

Very truly yours. Sincerely,


商务信函,请帮忙翻译成英语,不要机器翻译哦!谢谢~rn rn对于最后一次延迟发货带来的不便我们深表歉意。以后会避免此类事件的发生,也请您以后把邮件每次都转抄给我一份。rn经过与货代及船公司联系,他们一致认为,是近来天气原因导致船期延误,但三个月内均为合理时间。书面解释见附件。
We are very sorry for all the inconvenience caused by delayed delivering. This will not happen again. Kindly pls, send or forward your email from now on.
After contacting with the forwarder and the shipping company, they all believe that three months delay are reasonable, due to recent whether problem. Attached you will find the explaination from them. Kindly pls, refer to it.

Email 的主题,bai因为你是回复你的客户du,对延迟交货表zhi示歉意,可以dao直接在原来内的邮件容中回复,不更改主题,也可以改变主题:delay shipping.
We are very sorry for the last delivery delay. To avoid such cases, pls cc. your email to me from now on.

We've contacted with forwarder and shipping company, and they believe the delay was due to the weather condition recently, but it is reasonable within three months. Written explanation pls see attached.

We are very sorry for latest shipment delay. We are taking action to prevent from this happen agian. Please also consider to put us on the c.c list in every email related.

After contacts with agent and shipping company reagrding the issue, they all claimed that shipment delay within three months under recent weath日夏养花网er condition would be reasonable. Please refer to the written statement as attachment.
For the last time delay the shipment we apologize for the inconvenience. Later will be able to avoid the occurrence of such events, please put the mail every time after transcribing give me日夏养花网 a copy.
After and freight forwarding and shipping companies contact, they agreed, was recently the weather causes timetable delays, but within three months was a reasonable time. Written explanation see Annex


本文标题: 谁能帮忙翻译一下以下 英语商务信函?急
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/74839.html

上一篇:高中生物 单倍体 二倍体 多倍体




