


2020-12-05 16:59:55 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:185


Everybody is fond of allow me self to be introduced to everybody , my 16-year-old this year please, my fam日夏养花网ily is in northern Shaanxi Sui De county , there is very beautiful. My household member has father mother elder brother. I am fond of black colour clothes, because of put on compares have on colour isXoAIPGsXmH two kinds different feeling other. I am to compare in fact extroversion point's, I only do not know this shift well, therefore everybody feels I am a girl gentle and quiet. Hope that everybody is fond of me.



Lily is mainly used to watch, especially in the Netherlands and Japan output of cut flowers varieties in the majority. Lilies of the root ball rich starch, part can be used as a vegetable, more in China, edible lily has a long history of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, and lily sex small cold flat, with cough runfei, lowerihttp://www.rixia.ccng the effect of nerves, NingXin, spend all can be used to heal squamous stem, is a k日夏养花网ind of food and medicine of most flowers.

Lightning helps provide our daily need of the element nitrogen. Nitrogen is the third most abundant element in the human body, and it must be renewed continually.We are actually surrounded by nitrogen, since it comprises 78 percent of the earth's atmosphere. However, we cannot use the nitrogen in this molecular, gaseous form; nitrogen gas has a strong covalent bond that our bodies cannot break down. Instead, nitrogen must first be taken up by plants as part of the food chain.There are two major ways in which nitrogen becomes part of vegetation. First, certain plants are able to absorb or "fix" nitrogen through their root systems. These plants are called legumes and include clover and peas. Legumes are distinguished by nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live inside their root nodules. These bacteria change the N2 form of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrate, NO3 : N2 + 3O2 ---> 2NO3In the nitrate, form the legumes, as well as other plants, can utilize the needed nitrogen.Through a diet that includes either these plants directly or the products from grazing animals we make the nitrogen available to our bodies.The second major way by which nitrogen is transformed into a usable form is by lightning. The great electrical energy of lightning is easily able to convert N2 to NO3.


There is a plant that is used for almwww.rixia.ccost every thing. It is used in construction, used for making yarn and fabric, jewelry, tools and other implements, pulp for paper, medicine, used as food and even use to make musical instrum...


比如:The root are hold the plant in the ground.


本文标题: 用英文介绍植物部位的功能
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/65731.html





