


2020-11-25 06:00:00 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:189


采用可靠性极高的三菱可编程(PLC),体积小,抗干扰能力强,能适应恶劣的工业环境,具备容错、自诊断功能,平均无故障时间达三十万小时以上;using a high reliability Mitsubishi PLC (PLC), small size, anti-jamming capability and can adapt to adverse industrial environment, with fault-tolerant, self-diagnosis function, the average time freeing from failure is 300,000 hours;
采用PLC内部测频方式,可同时满足适时性和测频精度的要求,机频故障时可自动地切为手动;人机界面采用可编程专用彩色智能显示单元(触摸屏),汉化显示,清晰直观。while adopting PLC, the demand for the precision that can meet timeliness and examine frequently at the same time, the machine can be cut into manually automatically at the time of the trouble frequently; The man-machine interface is adopted programmable special-purpose colored intelligent display unit ( Touch-sensitive screen) ,Chinesizing shows, clear and visual.
采用PID智能控制,具有良好的稳定性及调节品质,采用数字协联,协联精度高。具有可扩展通讯接口,可方便地实现调速器与计算机监控系统(或AGC)的数据通信。PID intelligent control, has good stability and regulate quality, digital Federation, the Federation high accuracy. Extensible with communication interface and can be easily achieved with the governor computer monitoring system (or AGC) data communications.
进口步进电机可靠性高,驱动力大,抗油污能力强,耗油省。用滚珠丝杆构成的引导阀自复中机构,复中精度高。Stepper motor import high reliability, driven, anti-oil capacity, fuel consumption Province. Screw form with the ball valve guide from the Middle agencies, the Middle high accuracy.
Uses reliable extremely high Mitsubishi programmable (PLC), the volume is small, antijamming ability, can adapt to the bad industry circumstances, has fault-tolerant, from the diagnosis function, the mean time between failure amounts to above for 300,000 hours;
Selects the PLC interior frequency measurement method, may simultaneously satisfy timely and the frequency measurement precision request, machine when frequency breakdown may cut automatically for manually; The man-machine contact surface uses the programmable special-purpose colored intelligent demonstration unit (touching screen), sinicizing demonstrated, clear direct-viewing.
Uses the PID intelligence control, has the good stability and the adjustment quality, uses the numeral to cooperate the association, cooperates the joint precision to be high.Has may expand the communication connection, but realizes the velometer and the computer supervisory system conveniently (or AGC) data communication.
The import step-by-steps the electrical machinery reliability to be high, the driving influence is big, anti-greasy dirt ability, fuel consumption province.Constitutes with the ball bearing lead screw directs the pilot valve from the duplicate organization, the duplicate precision is high.
The highly reliable Mitsubishi PLC (PLC) adopted is small in size and effective in anti-jamming, it can adapt to harsh industrial environment by boasting its fault-tolerant and self-diagnosing functions, and its mean- time-to-failure reaches over 300,000 hours; The internal frequency measurement of PLC can simultaneously meet the requirement of timeliness and accuracy of frequency measurement, and can be automatically switched to manual operation when the machine frequency is in fault; The human-machine interface uses a programmable color intelligent display module (touch screen), which is clear and visible with Chinese localization.
The PID intelligent control adopted has good stability and regulating quality, by means of numeral combination, it guarantees high accuracyhttp://www.rixia.cc. With the extensible communication interface, the data communication between speed regulator and computer monitoring system (or AGC) can be easily achieved.
The imported stepper motor is perfect in reliability, strong in driving force, effective in resisting oil stain and saving fuel. The repeated structure of the pilot valve composed of ball screw has high accuracy.
Uses reliable extremely high Mitsubishi programmable (PLC), volumesmall, the antijamming ability is strong, can adapt the bad industryenvironment, has fault-tolerant, from the diagnosis function, theaverage non- fault time amounts to above for 300,000 hours; Selects the PLC interior frequency measurement method, maysimultaneously satisfy at the right moment and the frequencymeasurement precision request, machine when frequency breakdown mayautomatically cut for manually; The man-machine contact surface usesthe programmable special-purpose colored intelligence to demonstratethe unit (touches screen), sinicizing demonstrated, clear isdirect-viewing. Uses the PID intelligence control, has the good stability and theadjustment quality, uses the numeral to cooperate the association,cooperates the joint precision to be high. Has may expand thecommunication connection, but conveniently realizes the velometer andthe computer supervisory system (or AGC) data communication. Import step of 进电 machine reliability high, driving influence big,the anti- greasy dirt ability is strong, fuel consumption province.Constitutes with the ball bearing lead screw directs the pilot valvefrom the duplicate center organization, the duplicate center precisionis high.




In my daily teaching, I find XXX a diligent student, with a unique understanding of certain issues. As an outstanding student who is good at thinking and academics, he has been won several scholarships in school..

XXX has strong organizational skills. While working in the students union, he was one of the planners of several large-scale cultural and sports events. As a class president, he enthusiastically organized his classmates in investigations in remote rural areas and free medical treatment to the farmers. For this, he won praises by all and was awarded the titles of "Excellent Student" and "Outstanding Community Leader".

As XXX's teacher, I highly appreciate his generosity, kindness, loyalty and good faith as well as his devotion to medical science as a profession.

XXX has an enterprising spirit in academic pursuits. For these reasons, I am more than willing to recommend him for further studies in your school. I am convinced that he will contribute to advancements in the medical arena in the years ahead.
I find XXX hardworking in my daily teaching. He has a unique understanding of some questions. He is good at thinking with good marks in his study, winning the school's scholarship many times.

XXX has a strong ability of organization. He participated in and designed some large-scale literary and sports activities when he was working in the students union. As a monitor, he organized the classmates in his class to do investigations of the remote countryside. They gave some medical treatment to the peasants and were praised by them all. He was awarded "excellent student" and "outstanding community leader".

As XXX's teacher, I appreciate his generosity, kindness and honesty in addition to his devotion to the the medical course.

XXX has an enterprising spirit in study, so I am willing to recommend him for further study in your school. I believe he will make contributions to the medical development in the future.
From the daily teaching, I can tell that XXXX is diligent in study, has unique ideas to certain issues, and is a analytical student with outstanding grades who has won many scholarships.

XXXX has strong organizational skills. In the student organizations, participated and organized many large events. At the same time, as class president, he actively organized the students to remote farms for research, conducted free medical exams for farmers, and received wide acclaim such as "outstanding student" and "outstanding organization staff" for it.

As XXXX's teacher, I cherish his kind, 日夏养花网gentle, honest personality and his desire and spirit to devote to the career of medicine.

XXXX has strong motivation www.rixia.ccto advance and to explore academically, hence, I wish to recommend XXXX to your school for further study and believes that he will be able to make contribution to the advancement of medical science.

100% 手工,美式地道英文完美翻译!口语化!专业翻译也没这个好。
From my daily teaching activities, I come to notice that XXXX studies diligently and has an original view on some issues,he is a student who is good at thinking deeply and with high achievement, he also had been awarded school's scholarship many times.

XXXX possesses comparatively strong organizing ability,he took part and planned some large type of literary style acitvities (or recreations),being a monitor, he could at the same time actively organizes trips for classmates to go to distant villages to conduct survey and research; to carry out voluntary diagnosis and treatment,and received consistent appreciation from all,besides,he was judged as "Excellent Student" and "Outstanding Community Group Cadre".
As XXXX's teacher, I very much appreciate his broadminded,kindhearted, loyal and keeping one's promise type of moral character, as well as his spirit in willingly to dedicate himself to medical cause.
On the aspect of XXXX's studies,he possesses enterprising and exploring spirits, I am therefore, willing to recommend him to your school to continnue taking an advanced course of study, and I believe that he would be able to make contribution to the development of medicine.
Teaching from the day-to-day I saw xxxx diligent study, has a number of insightful questions, consider a good score excellent students, schools have been awarded scholarships.
xxxx organization has a strong ability to work in the Student Union had participated in planning large-scale cultural and sports activities, at the same time as the Organization to actively monitor classmates to engage in research in remote rural areas, the obligation for farmers to do clinics by the same appreciation for everyone and commentary as "excellent students" and "outstanding community cadres."
The Teacher as a xxxx, I have great admiration for his generosity, kindness, loyalty and trustworthiness of Integrity, as well as his willingness to sacrifice the spirit of medicine.
xxxx up at school with the enterprise and pioneering spirit, therefore, I would like to recommend xxxx to your school for further studies, I believe the future for him to contribute to medical advances.

From the day-to-day teaching of diligent study I have seen, there is a number of insightful questions, consider a good score excellent students, schools have been awarded scholarships.

The organization has a strong ability to work in the Student Union had participated in planning large-scale cultural and sports activities, at the same time as the Organization to actively monitor classmates to engage in research in remote rural areas, the obligation to do clinics for farmers by the U.S. praise, and as "Outstanding Student" and "outstanding community cadres." As a teacher, I have great admiration for his generosity, kindness, loyalty and trustworthiness of Integrity, as well as his willingness to sacrifice the spirit of medicine. Up at school with a pioneering spirit of enterprise and, therefore, I would like to recommend to your school for furthttp://www.rixia.ccher study, I believe the future for him to contribute to medical advances. 这是一一翻译的


小弟论文中的一段 其他都翻译完了 这段实在不会了 求助大家 rn翻译软件我也有 请不要直接复制粘贴(我不会采纳的)别报有侥幸心里了 rn只要是真正自己翻译的就可以 如果有专业术语不知道就把原英文放着就可以,只要用心翻译我一定会给分的,我不在乎分如果两个人都回答很好,我就再开贴送分!麻烦大家了!rnrnrnrnB. Process Development ToolrnrnLithography modeling has also proven to be an invaluable tool for the development of new lithographic processes or equipment. Some of the more common uses include the optimization of dyernloadings in photoresist [23,24], simulation of substrate reflectivity [25,26], the applicability and optimization of top and bottom antireflection coatings [27,28], and simulation of the effect of bandwidth on swing curve amplitude [29,30]. In addition, simulation has been used to help understand the use of thick resists for thin film head manufacture [31] as well as other non-semiconductor applications. Modeling is used extensively by makers of photoresist to evaluate new formulations [32,33] and to determine adequaternmeasures of photoresist performance for quality control purposes [34]. Resist users often employ modeling as an aid for new resist evaluations. On the exposure tool side, modeling has become an indispensable part of the optimization of the numerical aperture and partial coherence of a stepper [35-37] and in the understanding of the print bias between dense and isolated lines [38]. The use of optical proximity correction software requires rules on how to perform the corrections, which are often generated with the help of lithography simulation [39].rnrnAs a development tool, lithography simulation excels due to its speed and cost-effectiveness. Process development usually involves running numerous experiments to determine optimum process conditions, shake out possible problems, determine sensitivity to variables, and write specification limits onrnthe inputs and outputs of the process. These activities tend to be both time consuming and costly. Modeling offers a way to supplement laboratory experiments with simulation experiments to speed up this process andrnreduce costs. Considering that a single experimental run in a wafer fabrication facility can take from hours to days, the speed advantage of simulation is considerable. This allows a greater number of simulations than would be practical (or even possible) in the fab.
Lithography建模还被证明是开发新的lithographic processes或equipment的一个极其重要的工具。普遍应用于photoresist中的dye loadings的优化,substrate reflectivity的模拟,top and bottom antireflection coatings的适用性模拟和优化,以及模拟swing curve amplitude中effect of bandwidth。此外,还被应用于理解thick resists在thin film head manufacture和其他non-semiconductor applications中的应用。建模被photoresist制造商广泛应用于估算新的formulations和决定基于品质控制的photoresist性能的合适measures。Resist使用者通常采用建模来帮助他们估算新的resist。在exposure工具方面,建模已经成为优化the numerical aperture and partial coherence of a stepper并理解在dense and isolated lines间的print bias所比不可少的一部分。optical proximity校正软件的使用要求定义如何进行校正,而这通常是随着lithography模拟的帮助来完成的。

作为一个开发工具,lithography simulation以它的处理速度和性价比取胜。Process development通常意味着进行无数的实验来获取最佳的process conditions,筛选去可能出现的问题,决定sensitivity to variables(尝试翻译为“变量的敏感度”但又感觉好象不太合适),并写
下process中的输入输出的specification limits。这些活动既耗时又花费颇多。建模为实验室实验之外提供了模拟实验的方式来省时和降低成本。考虑到在a wafer fabrication facility上的一个单独实验就可能花去几小时甚至几天,simulation的速度优势是相当可观的。因为他使得大量的在fab中的模拟实验变得实际(至少是可能)。(原文的than我觉得是that才对)


B. 程序发展工具

石版印刷术模型也已经证明是新石版印刷的程序的发展或设备的一个无价的工具。 一些比较通常使用包括颜料的最佳化
在顶端和底部 antireflection 涂料 [27,28] 的 photoresist[23,24] 、基体反射率 [25,26] 的模拟、适用性和最佳化、和带宽对摇摆的效果曲线广阔 [29,30] 的模拟中的载入.除此之外, 模拟已经用来帮助了解厚阻体的使用为薄地电影领导产品 [31] 连同其他的非半导体的申请。 模型广泛地被 photoresist 的制造者所用评估新的形成 [32,33] 而且决定适当的
对 photoresist 的衡量对于质量控制的表现企图 [34] 。 阻体使用者时常为新的阻体评估雇用模型作为一个帮助。 在暴露工具边上,模型已经变得数字孔的最佳化的一个不可缺少部份和高抬腿运步的马 [35-37] 的部分同调和在理解方面版偏见在密集和隔离的线 [38] 之间. 光学接近订正软件的使用需要关于该如何运行订正,时常与石版印刷术模拟 [39] 的帮忙一起产生的规则。

作为一个发展工具,由于它的速度,石版印刷术模拟胜过和成本效益的。 通常处理发展包括流动的很多实验决定最适宜的程序情况,摇动出可能的问题,决定对变数的敏感, 而且写规格极限在
程序的输入和输出。 这些活动倾向于两者的耗费时间和昂贵的。 模型提供一个方法用模拟实验补充实验室实验加速这一个程序和
减少费用。从各方面来看哪一晶圆捏造设备的实验的奔跑能从数小时拿到数天,模拟的速度利益是相当多的。 这比在极好者中会是实际的 (或甚至可能) 允许一个模拟的较棒的数字。

石版印刷塑造也被证明是为新的平版印刷的过程或设备的发展一个无价的工具。 某些更加共同的用途包括染料的优化
在光致抗蚀剂[23,24的]基体反射性[25,26的]装货,模仿,上面和底部抗反射膜[27,28的]带宽的作用的适用性和优化和模仿对摇摆曲线高度[29,30]。 另外,模仿被用于帮助了解使用浓厚为薄膜头制造[31]抵抗并且其他非半导体应用。 塑造由光致抗蚀剂制造商广泛地用于评估新的公式化[32,33]和确定充分,
光致抗蚀剂表现措施质量管理的打算[34]。 抵抗用户经常使用塑造作为新的援助抵抗评估。 在曝光工具边,塑造成为了数值口径和部分相干性的优化的一个不可缺少的部分步进[35-37]和在对在密集和被隔绝的线[38之间的]印刷品偏心的理解。 使用光学接近度更正软件要求关于怎样的规则执行更正,在石版印刷模仿[39帮助下]经常引起。

作为开发工具,石版印刷模仿擅长由于它的速度和成本效益。 工艺过程开发通常介入跑许多实验确定最宜的处理情况,震动可能的问题,确定敏感性到可变物和写规格限制
过程的输入和输出。 这些活动倾向于是费时和昂贵的。 塑造提供一个方式用仿真实验补充实验室实验加速这个过程和
减少费用。 考虑在薄酥饼制造设施的实验性奔跑可能从几小时采取到几天,模仿的速度好处是可观的。 这比实用(甚至可能的)允许模仿的一个更加了不起的数字在很好。
B. 过程开发工具
B. Process Development Tool

1)平版印刷原理也已证明了它是一个开发新的平 板印刷过程/设备的有效工具。
Lithography modeling has also proven to be an invaluable tool for the development of new lithographic processes or equipment.

2)一些比较常用的功能就包括了最优化染色,装载光阻材料, 模拟(仿真)光感底层反射率的适应性,最优化顶部和底部的防反射覆盖材料和以及模拟(仿真)是曲线震动振幅的带宽。
Some of the more common uses include the optimization of dye loadings in photoresist [23,24], simulation of substrate reflectivity [25,26], the applicability and optimization of top and bottom antireflection coatings [27,28], and simulation of the effect of bandwidth on swing curve amplitude [29,30].

3)模拟也被用来提高对于加强微薄膜顶部的抵抗性和其他非半导体的计算机部件 的认识 。
In addition, simulation has been used to help understand the use of thick resists for thin film head manufacture [31] as well as other non-semiconductor applications.

Modeling is used extensively by makers of photoresist to evaluate new formulations [32,33]

5)它也被用来测定光阻材料 在质量控制 方面的效力。
and to determine adequate measures of photoresist performance for quality control purposes

6)Resist使用者常用模型来辅助他们评估新的 resist 。
Resist users often employ modeling as an aid for new resist evaluations.

On the exposure tool side, modeling has become an indispensable part of the optimization of the numerical aperture and partial coherence of a stepper [35-37] and in the understanding of the print bias between dense and isolated lines.

The use of optical proximity correction software requires rules on how to perform the corrections, which are often generated with the help of lithography simulation

As a development tool, lithography simulation excels due t日夏养花网o its speed and cost-effectiveness

Process development usually involves running numerous experiments to determine optimum process conditions, shake out possible problems, determine sensitivity to variables, and write specification limits on the inputs and outputs of the process

These activities tend to be both time consuming and costly.

12)平版印刷原理 提供了一个辅助试验。它给予模拟试验来加速这个过程和减低它的成本。
Modeling offers a way to supplement laboratory experiments with simulation experiments to speed up this process and reduce costs.

Considering that a single experimental run in a wafer fabrication facility can take from hours to days, the speed advantage of simulation is considerable.

This allows a greater number of simulations than would be practical (or even possible) in the fab.

荷载在光致抗蚀剂[ 23,24 ] ,模拟衬底的反射率[ 25,26 ] ,适用性和优化的顶部和底部抗反射涂层[ 27,28 ] ,及仿真效果的带宽就摆动曲线的振幅[ 29,30 ] 。在此外,仿真已被用来帮助了解使用厚抗拒薄膜头制造[ 31 ] ,以及其他非半导体的应用。建模是广泛使用的决策者的光致抗蚀剂,以评估新剂型[ 32,33 ] ,并确定适当的
措施的光致抗蚀剂性能质量控制的目的[ 34 ] 。抵制用户经常聘请建模作为一个援助新抗拒的评价。对曝光的工具方面,建模,已成为不可缺少的组成部分优化的数值孔径和部分相干的步进[ 35-37 ] ,以及在了解打印偏见之间的密集和孤立的线[ 38 ] 。使用光学邻近校正软件要求的规则如何执行的更正,这往往是产生与帮助光刻模拟[ 39 ] 。



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