


2022-07-27 21:19:29 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:101


Most of the time, men are more rational than women, while women are more sentimental than m日夏养花网en. For instance, when having sad feelings, women tend to cry, when having happy feelings and being touched, women tend to cry too. This seldom happens to men.
Most men are more sensible while women are more sentimental. For example, women will cry due to both sadness and happiness, as well as when they are mhttp://www.rixia.ccoved. However, these situations rarely happen to men.
Most men are more rational than women and the women are always sensitive .
For example, woman cries when she is in sadess , however, she will have tears laid down on her face when she is moved and happy.
Well, it seldom occurs to a man.


根据您的要求,我们预计这样发货,具体如下:rnItem AA,如果您不着急要的话,就等到4月23在发海运,具体数量我到时候再通知您。rnItem BB,您急需的数量是多少,我们可以根据您急需的数量安排发空运,其余的我们预计和Item AA在4月23日一起发海运。rn您看这样您可以接受吗?rn另外发票1234取消,我将根据发货情况重新开具,谢谢!
According to your requirements, we anticipate the delivery to be like this with the details as following:

Item AA. If it's not very urgent for you, it can be shipped by sea on April 23rd. Specific quantity to be adviced by us.

Item BB. What is the quantity that you want urgently? We can arrange shipment by air according to your required quantity. And we plan to ship the balance together with Item AA by sea on April 23rd.

What's your opinion? Can you accept the above arrangement?

In addition, invoice under the nubmer of 1234 has been cancelled. We will issue a new one based on actual shipment. Thank you!

accoring to your request, we estimate to delivery the goods as the following ways.

ItemAA if you are not in a hurry, we will delivery the goods on 23rd April. and the accurate quantity will be informed.

Itembb how many quantities do you want imperatively, we can arrange such quantities goods to be deliveryed by the air . as for the rest, deliveryed as the same time as the item AA

Is that available for you ?
By theway the No.1234 comercial invoice has been canclled, we will make a new one.
1)If this item is not urgent need by you , we will ship the goods at 23th April , and i will imform you the specific quantity at that time .
2)What's the quantity urgent needed by you ? We can arrange the shippment by air according to your requiry . The rest we will ship by vessel with item AA at 23th April .
How do you think about it ?
By the we we have cancel the 1234 invoice , we will open a new one
correspondingly . thank you .


He appeared as a president on TV for the first this New year
Helen neither can swim nor skate
No matter how hard he worked, he couldn't finish the task by himself
It is said that his book has been translate into 5 languages
I ever did some business with his brother
1, New Year's Day this year, his first appearance as president on television.
2, Helen that can not swim will not be skating.
3, no matter how hard he was, he was unable to independently complete their mission.
4, said that his book has been translated into 5 languages.
5, I have done business with his brother.


很高兴认识你, Mary,收到你的回信我非常惊讶,我很遗憾你有过那样的生活经历,你现在生活的好吗?rn我的中国名字叫许乐,看到你的照片我觉得你是个很漂亮的女孩,我很喜欢你.不过我还是个中国的高中学生,不会太多的英语,和你交流可能有些困难,我也只有在周末才能回复你邮件,希望你能谅解.rn我生活在一个和平的国家,每天穿梭于学校和家,有着很普通的青春期女孩的烦恼,我不知道你是从哪里知道我的邮箱的,不过我还是很高兴认识你.希望你快乐每一天!rn热切期待着你的回信!rn爱你的许乐
dear Mary:
It's nice to meet you. It is a surprise for me to hear from you and I am sorry to hear that you had such a bad life experience. How are you nowww.rixia.ccw?
My Chinese name is Xule. I think you are a pretty girl when seeing the photo of you. I like you very much, But I am a high school student in China and my English is a liitle poor,so it is a little hard for me to communicate with you and I can only reply your e-mail at weekends. I want your understanding. I live in a peaceful country and i have been shuttling back and forth between my home and school. I worry about the things that all the teenager girls worry about. I do not know how you get my mailbox, but i am glad to hear from you and i hope you will be happy every day. I am looking forward to your reply.
loving you
Nice to meet you, Mary. I'm very surprised by received your letter. And I feel really sorry about your life experience. Do you have a good life now?
My Chinese name is Xule, I think you are a beautiful girl because I have seen your photo. I like you very much, but I'm still a Chinese senior high school student. I'm not skillful at English so it is日夏养花网 difficult to communiat with you. And only on weekends can I reply your Email. I hope you can forgive me. I live in a peaceful country. I commute between school and my home everyday. You can find ordinary adolescence girls' annoyance on me. I don't know where did you find my mai box? But I'm really happy to meet you. Happy everyday!
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Nice to meet you, Mary, received your letter I was very surprised, I'm sorry you have had that kind of experience, you are now living?My Chinese name is Xu Le, see your photos I think you are a very beautiful girl, I like you very much. But I was a high school student from China, not too much English, and you may have some difficulty, I also only on weekends to reply to your mail, I hope you can forgive me.I live in a state of peace, shuttle in the school and home every day, has a common adolescent girl troubles, I don't know where you get my e-mail, but I am very glad to meet you. I hope you happy every day!Eagerly looking forward to your reply!Love you so happy

高手帮忙中译英啊 在线等!谢谢,不要机译哦!

looking at the number of the death , the injury and the missing increase constantly,I feel so sad.We human beings are so small facing these relentless natural disasters.
Knowing there are more and more casualty and missing persons,I really feel very sad,facing the ruthless natural disasters,we,human beihttp://www.rixia.ccng, are so incompetent
So sorrow am I seeing the increasing casualty and missing, our human is so tiny facing the ruthless disasters.
With the increasing death and missing figure, I lost in a distressed mood, human is too tiny to face the ruthless natural disasters.


本文标题: 在线等!请高手帮忙翻译下,中译英,谢谢!不要机译
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/295996.html


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