


2022-06-05 03:19:09 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:87

请高手帮忙做下面的英语选择题 谢谢啦~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!

第1题 While reading books, he will usually ________ the important sentences for future reference.rn A、outline B、outline C、headline D、deadlinern第2题 Not surprisingly, his strange behavior caused a great deal of ________.rn A、preference B、attitude C、conclusion D、commentrn第3题 New Zealand possessed rich mineral deposits, ________ gold.rn A、including B、involving C、introducing D、informingrn第4题 An car accident is most ________ to happen at the road intersection.rn A、instantly B、individually C、likely D、livelyrn第5题 It was his fatherhood that ________ him into a more responsible person.rn A、transformed B、transferred C、transmitted D、transportedrn第6题 Very soon after the ________ of the fight the young man was arrested.rn A、outbreak B、outlook C、outlet D、outcomern第7题 If you suspect that the illness might be serious you should not ________ going to the doctor.rn A、put up B、put off C、put out D、put forwardrn第8题 Both the pink and blue dresses are pretty, but I like the ________ better.rn A、original B、latest C、former D、priorrn第9题 Robin Hood always ________ what he set out to do.rn A、accelerated B、recognized C、employed D、accomplishedrn第10题 I have been ill for two weeks, and so I must try to ________ my work.rn A、come up with B、catch up with C、put up with D、stand up withrn第11题 China is country with a very large population which is ________ of many nationalities.rn A、published B、practiced C、composed D、comparedrn第12题 The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC ________.rn A、for short B、in short C、in detail D、in turnrn第13题 The ________ “death duty” means the tax paid on the property of a person when he dies.rn A、term B、goal C、tip D、priorityrn第14题 If Harry is not well enough to go with you, take me ________.rn A、instead of B、instead C、as a result D、as a result ofrn第15题 The actor pretends to be a very brave man, but_______ he is timid and shy.rn A、in general B、in addition C、in reality D、in shortrn第16题 We want to have the meeting today, but it has been ______ until next Friday.rn A、postponed B、delayed C、stopped D、transmittedrn第17题 She said she liked dancing, but was not in the ________ for it just then.rn A、mannerwww.rixia.cc B、intention C、desire D、moodrn第18题 日夏养花网Since a great deal of money is needed to operate a business, _______ people are needed torn A、many a B、a good many C、a good deal of D、a large amount ofrn第19题 You should _______ what your parents expect of you.rn A、run up to B、stand up to C、look up to D、live up torn第20题 The foreign tourists were greatly _______ by the great development of our industry.rn A、pressed B、depressed C、impressed D、suppressed
第1题 underline 在...下划出横线

第2题 D comment 评论

第3题 A including 包括

第4题 C likely 有可能的

第5题 A transform 改变/转变

第6题 A outbreak 爆发

第7题 B put off 推迟

第8题 C former 前者

第9题 D accomplished 完成

第10题 B catch up with 赶上

第11题 C composed (被)组成

第12题 B in short 简称

第13题 A term 术语

第14题 B in日夏养花网stead 代替

第15题 C reality 事实上

第16题 A postponed (被)推迟

第17题 D mood 心情

第18题 B a good many 许多

第19题 D live up to 不辜负

第20题 C impressed 对...印象深刻
1.C (headline vt.给...加标题)

2.D (comment n.批评)

其余的参考楼上的- -
adaca abcdb caabc adbdc
1 underline . 2---20:D、A、C、A、A、B、C、D、B、C、B、A、B、C、A、D、B、D、 C。


1. ---What a day? Itx27s raining again. Ix27m afraid we canx27t fly a kite.rn ---Donx27t worry. It wonx27t ( ) long.rn A. live B. last C. wait D. gorn2. ---Do you like the song You and Me?rn ---Of course! It ( ) really beautiful.rn A. listens B. sounds C. thinks D. hearsrn3. The doctor advised Elsa strongly that she should take a good rest, but ( ) didnx27t help. A. she B. it C. which D. he
1. ---What a day? It's raining again. I'm afraid we can't fly a kite.
---Don't worry. It won't ( B ) long.
A. live B. last C. wait D. go
2. -日夏养花网--Do you like the song You and Me?
---Of course! It ( B ) really beautiful.
A. listens B. sounds C. thinks D. hears
3. The doctor advised Elsa strongly that she should take a good rest, but ( B) didn't help.
A. she B. it C. which D. he
3题选 B,it 指代 The doctor advised Elsa strongly that she should take a good rest这句话。
1 —这鬼天气,怎么又下雨了 ? 恐怕我们不能放风筝了。
— 别担心, 雨很快就会停了。
2 — 你喜欢“你和我”这首歌吗?
— 当然 !旋律听起来很优美!
3 医生强烈建议 EPVLIOqoYHlsa 应该好好休息 ,但是这并没有用。
1、B last做动词,“持续”,是一个不及物动词。
2、B sound,“听起来” 做系动词,后接形容词。hear是行为动词,只能用副词做状语。题目中beautiful是形容词,所以选择B。
3、B it代指前面整个句子,医生给他提建议这个事没有起作用。
B,有but则后半部分单独成句,it指代good rest。
1.A last译为持续
2.B sound听起来
3.B it指代医生的建议


用括号里所给的单词填空,并翻译。。。。。。rn题目:1.The market in the country is___________(busiest,the busiest)in winter.rn 2.“How tall is Ralph?”rn “Hex27s___________(far taller,slight taller)then you are.”rn 3.Tom is____________(happiest,the happiest)when he plays the piano.rn 4.He is__________(the stronger,stronger)of the two.rn 5.The price was very reasonable;I would gladly have paid___________________(as three times much as,three times as much as)he asked.
1.the busiest 这个国家的超市在冬季是最忙的。
2.slight taller “Ralph多高?”“他比你略高一点。”
4.the stronger“他是两个人中较强壮的那个。”
5.three times as much as“这个价钱很合理;让我付给他要价的三倍我也会很高兴的。”
基本同意楼上的 除了 第三个
我认为应该是 the happiest
1.A 2。B 3.A 4.B 5.B


本文标题: 请英语高手帮帮忙,做一下下面的一道题目,谢谢啦
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/262980.html





