


2022-05-11 11:58:47 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:75



  好喜欢小志在那间破旧的三号房里边安慰哭泣的KIMI边告诉他男子汉不能轻易落泪的桥段,边上搭配着“房子太破+没有妈咪+蜘蛛死了=哭”的字幕,父子二人瞬间有了凄凉的相依为命感,可是那种相依为命又在小志温柔的安慰和坚定的眼神中透出隐隐的安定,刚好看到小志在WB里回复这一段的话,“〔有爸爸在的地方,再简陋也是幸福〕,所以幸福没有固定的形状,只要你懂得去爱。”可能我爱极了小志和KIMI这一对父子,就是因为这种爱里面透露出的乐观情绪,小志说“他乐在其中”。我感同身受。尤其是KIMI对着航拍小飞机好奇的时候,他问小志“爸比,飞机为什么会跟着我们?”小志回答“因为谁酷就跟着谁啊。”萌得我一脸血。这还不算,当小志问起KIMI对妹妹的感受时,KIMI腼腆地回答“超甜”,血槽瞬间被清空。当小志用标准的台普对KIMI说“KIMI,去问问那边的UNCLE是不是可以把车借给我们?”那边被小志称为UNCLE的农村大叔,一句带有严重地方口音的“小孩儿”, 把KIMI吓到了,也勾出我头顶上的三条黑线。


Since October 11, hunan TV program “where dad” immediately come to a horse by ratings in the fourth quarter of the undisputed dark horse。“Dad” why effect instantly across television screens?

Cute babies and at a loss, in my opinion, the star of dad, how not to move people's hearts?


This program will be so, because it is concerned about the social hot spots of now: 


a lot of people put the center of gravity of the life in the make more money and the pursuit of fame fortune。

and neglect and relationship between family members in the spiritual level。Of course I think the most important still is the program's own innovation。There are many highlights in form, the program。

Bright spot is a celebrity fathers will star dads as a selling point caught their loyal fans in the first place。Many people want to know, when the stars in front of the screen to return to real life play the role of a father what happens?The audience is full of expectation。


求一篇 关于 爸爸去哪儿 的英语作文

内容如下 帮我翻译即可rn题目:爸爸去哪儿为什么火了rnrn 自从十月十一日起,湖南电视台的节目“爸爸去哪儿”立刻在第四http://www.rixia.cc季度的收视率中成为了一匹无可争议的黑马。“爸爸”效应为何瞬间席卷电视荧屏?在我看来,可爱的宝贝们加上不知所措的星爸,如何不打动人们的心呢?rn 这个节目会如此轰动,因为它关注到了现在的社会热点:许多人把生活的重心放在了赚更多的钱和追逐功名利禄之上,而忽视了与家庭成员之间在精神层面上的关系。rn 当然我认为最重要的还是这个节目自身的创新。在形式上,这个节目有许多亮点。rn 亮点一是明星爸爸们rn 将明星爸爸们作为卖点首先就抓住了他们的忠实粉丝们。许多人想要知道,当荧幕前的明星们回归到现实生活中扮演一个爸爸的角色时会发生什么?对此观众充满了期待。除此之外,观众们开始对下一季会是哪位爸爸和他的孩子来到节目带着很大的疑问和好奇。这同时也保证了节目的收视率。rn 亮点二是可爱的孩子们rn 大多小朋友上节目的时候,他们面对镜头根本不会去在意自己说的话,自己做的动作。他们因真实而可爱,他们身上流露出的萌气质并非成年人的搔首弄姿。光说这一点,就足以吸引爱孩子的大众了。小朋友让他们发笑,让他们着急,让他们感动,让他们心生爱意。rn 亮点三是处处都是爱rn 亲情,是一张最好打的牌。另外,从整个的节目形式上看,它是一个暴露问题+解决问题的叙述风格。这本身就会牢牢的吸引受众的眼球,让大家一心一意的坐在屏幕前。rn 总之,这档节目确实火了,因为它的真实。让我们通过这个节目来感受爱,学会爱。rnrnrn 谢谢大家了 不要用在线翻译啊 好的话继续追加分
Since October 11, hunan TV program "where dad" immediately come to a horse by ratings in the fourth quarter of the undisputed dark horse."Dad" why effect instantly across television screens?Cute babies and at a loss, in my opinion, the star of dad, how not to move people's hearts?This program will be so, because it is concerned about the social hot spots of now: a lot of people put the center of gravity of the life in the make more money and the pursuit of fame fortune, and neglect and relationship bet日夏养花网ween family members in the spiritual level.Of course I think the most important still is the program's own innovation.There are many highlights in form, the program.Bright spot is a celebrity fathers will star dads as a selling point caught their loyal fans in the first place.Many people want to know, when the stars in front of the screen to return to real life play the role of a father what happens?The audience is full of expectation.In addition, the audience began to next season which would be a father and his children came to the show with a lot of questions and curious.It is also to ensure the program ratings.Highlight 2 is the most lovely children of children on the show, they won't go to care about their face the camera say, do your own actions.They were real and lovely, they reveal's temperament is not posing in adults.Light said that would be enough to attract the public to love her children.Children make them laugh, let them try so hard, let they touched, let their heart of love.Highlight three is everywhere is love the family, it is a best playing CARDS.In addition, look from the entire program form, it is a matter of exposure to the narrative style to solve the problem.That in itself would be firmly attract the attention of the audience, let it be single-minded sitting in front of the screen.All in all, the show did fire, because it's true.Let us feel love through this program, learn to love.
Since October 11th, Hunan TV station "Daddy where to go to" immediately in the fourth quarter of the ratings became undisputed dark horse horse. "Father" whysuddenly swept through the TV screen effect? In my opinion, the lovely kids andbe at a loss what to do star dad, how not to move people's hearts?
This program will be so sensational, because it pays attention to the social hot spotnow: many people to focus on more money and the pursuit of high official positions and riches, and ignore the spiritual relationship with family members.
Innovation of course, I think the most important is the program itself. In form, the programme has many bright spots.
One bright spot is the star Dads
The star dad as a selling point first caught their loyal fans. Many people want toknow, what will happen when the screen before the stars returning to real lifeplayed a role of the father? The audience 日夏养花网full of expectation. In addition, the audience began to be a father and his children came to the show with a lot ofquestions and curiosity for next season. It also ensures that the ratings.
Highlight two lovely children
When most kids UCcdXTATULon the show, they face the camera don't care about what he said,do their own action. They were true and lovely, their body reveals the adorabletemperament not adult giggle and flirt. Saying this, is enough to attract the love child of a mass. The little friend to make them laugh, let them worry, let them be moved, let them the heart of love.
Point three is everywhere is love
The family, is one of the best play. In addition, from the entire program form, it is aproblem to solve the problem of the narrative style +. This in itself will attract the attention of audience, let your undivided attention to sit in front of the screen.
In short, this program is really a fire, because it's true. Let us through this programto the feelings of love, learn to love.
Where are wo going dad?


本文标题: 爸爸去哪英文观后感,60字。
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/250440.html


下一篇:姓赵 中间带玉字 起个什么名字好听



