


2022-05-07 02:39:15 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:134


1,如果能为我提供一份薪水颇高且稳定的工作,我将不胜感激。 2Tom很幽默,他常遍一些笑话来逗乐大家(sense,amuse)。 3我们多年来一直致力于睦邻友好的关系的建立(on good terms)。 4除了尽可能的承受丈夫已故的噩耗外,她无计可施。 5你怎么能甘心忍受他提出的一系列不合理的要求呢?(注意4中“承受”和这里“甘心忍受”的不同词语的运用) 6彼此之间融洽相处是必须的一种能力。 7许多国家多年来一直从中东国家进口cGLlyV石油。 8首先,这款车外形美观,其次,性能稳定(注意“首先”用first还是firstly比较好)
1、If can provide me with a salary is quite high and stable work, I will be very grateful.
2、Tom very humor, he often make up some jokes amused to everyone.
3、We have been committed to be on good terms with neighborly and friendly relationship many years.
4、In addition to the husband of the late as far as possible bear the bad news,She had no other way.
5、How can you stand ready to put forward a series of his unreasonable demands.
6、Get along with each other is a must a kind of ability.
7、Many countries for many years has been imported oil from the Middle East countries.
8、First , the car appearance is beautiful, second, it's stable performance.(first和firstly都可用在开头,first...second, firstly....secondly)

1 : If you can offer me a salary high and stable work, I would be most grateful.
2 :Tom is very humorous, he often times some jokes to amuse everybody.
3 :Over the years we have been committed to the establishment of friendly relations.
4 :In addition to the possible bear her husband late news, she be put in a quandary.
5 :How日夏养花网 can you reconcile to the he put forward a series of unreasonable demands.
6 :Between each harmony is a must for a kind of ability
7 :Many countries over the years has been to import oil from countries in the middle east.
8 :First of all, the car appearance, secondly, stable performance

给分吧 保证准确 因为这是我英语家教老师翻译的
1 : If you can offer me a salary high and stable work, I would be most grateful.
2 :Tom is very humorous, he often times some jokes to amuse everybody.
3 :Over the years we have been committed to the establishment of friendly relations.
4 :In addition to the possible bear her husband late news, she be put in a quandary.
5 :How can you reconcile to the he put forward a series of unreasonable demands.
6 :Between each harmony is a must for a kind of ability
7 :Many countries over the years has been to import oil from countries in the middle east.
8 :First of all, the car appearance, secondly, stable performance


1.孩子们寄了一张贺片表示对这位受伤战士的敬意(in honor of) 2.老师要求我们经常练习使用口语,因为我们需要和世界各地的人进行交流(regularly, commumicate) 3.那是防止此事再次发生的最好方法(approach,prevent...from) 4.现在发达国家中,越来越多的人对城市繁忙的生活感到厌倦(get tired of) 5.努力学习并不意味着从早到晚不停地做作用(keep)
1、Children send a greeting card in honor of the wound solider.
2、Our teacher requires us to practice oral日夏养花网 English regularly, because we need to communicate with people from all over the world.
3、That's the best approach to prevent this issue from happening again.
4、In developed country, more and more people get tired of busy life in cities .
5、Working hard doesn't mean keeping doing from day to night.
1. The children sent a postcard in honor of the wound soldier 。
2.The teacher requires us to practice in oral English regularly,because we need to communicate with all kinds of people in the world.
3.That's a good approach to prevent the incident from happening again .
4.More and more people get tired of the busy life of the city in the developed country.
5.Hard work doesn't mean to keep sth doing from day to night.
1. The children sent a postcard in honor of the injured soldier 。
2.The teacher requires us to practice oral English regularly,because we need to communicate with the people all over the world.
3.That's the best approach to prevent this from happening again .
4.More and more people get tired of the busy city life in the developed country.
5. The studying hard doesn't mean to keep on doing from day to night.
For your information:
1、Children send a greeting card in honor of wound solider.
2、Teacher requires us to practice our oral english regulary, because we need twww.rixia.cco communicate with people all over the world.
3、That's the best approach to prevent this issue from happening again.
4、More and more people get tired of busy life of city in developed country.
5、Work hard doesn't mean keeping study from day to night.


23.我真宁愿那天我没有得到他的消息(would rather)rn24.这个学生把父母给的零花钱主要用于打游戏机上(mostly)rn25.他把自己的孩子留给父日夏养花网母看管,自己出去寻找工作了(leave)
23.我真宁愿那天我没有得到他的消息(would rather)
I would rather I didn't receive his message that day.
The student spent the pin money his parents gave him mostly in playing computer games.
He went out to look for a job,leaving his own child being looked after by his parents.
I'd rather I haven't get his message.

The student spend the money from his parents on video game mostly.

He left his childern to his parents and went out to hunt a job.
23 I would rather I didn't get his news that day.
24 This student spent money which his parents gave him mostly in playing game machines.
25 He left his child at home,and let his parents help him look after him,then he went out to find a job alone.

I would rather not get his news.

The student spend the money which his parents give him (in) playing video games mostly.

He left his children to his parents and left out to hunt for a job.


本文标题: 找好心人帮忙给翻译几句英语,急!谢谢
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/248485.html


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