

英语高手!!!! 请帮我解决下问题吧!!!! 在线跪求中啊!!!! 是关于英语语法的问题!

2022-05-04 11:19:05 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:136

英语高手!! 是关于英语语法的问题!!~~ 在线跪求之中!!! 谢谢

8. He was lying on the grass, his hands _________ under his head.rnA. to cross B. crossed C. crossing D. to be crossingrn此问题时关于独立主格的问题rn答案是B 但我觉得答案应该是C 独立主格的主语是his hands rn请高手 指点下~!
B 独立主格。cross 是及物动词,主动时应是 cross his hands ,所以his hands crossed under his head. 独立主格的结构是 主语+非谓语动词 ,此主语和主句主语不能一致。to be doing 表示将来正在做某事,与题不符。
1 是独立主格结构,但是不是cross,而是其后的under his head,也就是说,本身这句话不要crossed也可以,独立主格为his hands under his head.
而crossd 是his hands的后置定语,表示被动关系。原句为课扩充为:his hands crossed were under his head.
2 crossed 为独立主格结构 的非谓语动词: 与逻辑主语构成被动关系,原句可以扩充为:his hands were crossed under his head.
比较: 但是按照表达逻辑来看,按照后置定语的解释更好一点,因为如果是当第二种的话,表示她的手被交叉着枕在头下。被动语态有种被他人交叉的感觉。
答案B 没错. 不能选C.


即: He crossed his hands under his head.

变成独立主格后,其逻辑主语是his hands , 因此要用过去分词crossed 表示被动.
B 独立主格结构。当需要表示一件事与另一件事相伴而发生,且两件事主语不同时,比较重要的一件事作为主句,不重要的句子作为状语,称为独立主格结构。独立主格结构中的状语成分需要看其主语是主动动作还是被动动作,若为主动,谓语动词需要doing形式,若为被动,谓语动词用动词+ed形式,注意不可加入be动词。
你这个有点简单,给你来个稍微全点的例子。He lay on his back, his teeth set, his left hand clenched on his breast and his glaring eyes looking swww.rixia.cctraight upward. 解释——牙齿和手的动作是由大脑指挥的,他们不过是用来执行动作的器官,因此,牙齿和手,与动作之间是被动关系。而眼睛,看是它本身的功能,主动关系

英语高手~~ 是关于语法的问题问题~~在线跪求中!!

as if 可以引导 表语从句和 状语从句rn那么请问 as if 可不可以引导宾语从句?? 譬如:rnSo, why did the ancient Greeks believe that the Earth was the center of the universe? Well, it made sense to them. Observations of the sky make it appear as if the Sun, the moon, and the stars all revolve around the Earth everyday, while the Earth itself stayed in one place. rnrn这里的 it 代替的是 as if 引导的宾语从句么??
It seems that what you say is reasonable.
而It appears as if the Sun revolves around the Earth every day. 中的it不是形式主语,而是指“情况、天象,人们观察到的那个景象。”,一如:She appears as 日夏养花网if she is only 30 years old. 她的外表看上去好象只有30岁。
Observations of the sky make it appear (to humans) as if the Sun, the moon, and the stars all revolve around the Earth every day, while the Earth itself stayed in one place.
appear是系动词,后面的as if 从句是表语从句。
as if 不可引导宾语从句,这里的 it 代替的是 as if 引导的表语从句, it前省略了宾语从句引导词that。
make sense: 有意义;意思清楚;有道理。make sense of :理解;懂;明白,搞清…的意思。make sense to sb 对某人有意义、好处。如:
It would make sense to leave early. 还是早点走好。
That doesn't make sense to me. 对我毫无意思。

第一个it是指the belief of th ancient Greeks. 第二个it不是指as if引导的宾语从句,而应该是指the sky也可以说是指the universe.
as if可以引导名词性从句,句中不担任成分。常见有appear/feel as if

英语高手~~!! 是关于英语语法的问题 在线跪求中啊!!

To stay longer or to travel to at all outside the tourist zone requires a good reason, a special permit, and a local person to sponsor the visitor.rn请问,, 这里的 travel to at all outside the tourist zone 是啥意思 特别是那个 to at all。。。
at all,根本,任何。比如:
unable to walk at all. 根本不能走
not at all sorry. 没有一点儿歉意
Are you hurt? Not at all. 你伤到了吗?一点儿都没有。

to stay longer or
to travel to
travel to at all outside the tourist zone 这个结构里面,at ... zone,这是大的方向;然后理解outside the tourist zone ,然后理解 all outside the tourist zone ,然后理解 at all outside the tourist zone 。这样,一层层下来,就容易理解了。
To stay longer or to travel to outside the tourist zone at all requires a good reason, a special permit, and a local person to sponsor the visitor.
意思是 在游客被允许的活动(即是旅游地区)范围之外。
整句话的意思是 在游客被允许的活动范围之外逗留或者旅行需要正当的原因,特殊签证(特别许可),和一个当地人的赞助(或担保,视具体语境)。
至于 to + at 的用法个人觉得很怪异 不过没有影响句子的理解 可能是作者笔误或者我才疏学浅
以上 求分 谢啦

英语高手!!! 是关于 语法的问题!! 在线跪求中!

To provide a useful comparison with which to illustrate how a countercurrent exchange system works rnrn这里的 with which http://www.rixia.cc的作用是什么? 是定语从句的关系代词么? 还是 什么?rn请高手 赐教!
答:这是Tpo15阅读理解第Para. 6 第5题Why问题的一个回答项。
关于介词+which(/whom) to do sth. 作定语的(问)题,请参考:
In my opinion, the best friend is one _____your sorrows and joys
A with which to share
B with whom to share
C with whom share
D with which sharing
析:确切地说,one后面跟的不是一个定语从句,而是一个不定式的复合结构,由介词(with)+关系代词(whom) +不定式 组成。实质上相当于一个定语从句:with whom you can share your sorrows and joys.

看一本语法书上介绍He has no house in which to live是对的,然介词in放后面
He has no house which to live in却不对,为什么不对?
首先,我们知道,He has no house 后面跟的是一个定语。
He has no house where he can live.
He has no house in which he can live.
He has no house which he can live in.
I don't know what to do. =I don't know what I should do. 我不知道该做什么。
I don't know wherehttp://www.rixia.cc to live. =I don't know where I should live. 我不知道该住哪里。
同时,我们也见过一种介词+which +不定式的“特殊不定式”可以作定语,相当于一个定语从句的用法,这样的考题也是有的:
Now I’ll present the facts ____C______.
A. on which to be based my opinion B. which to base my opinion on
C. upon which to base my opinion D. which to base my opinion upon

We need more actual facts on which to base our arguments
=We need more actual facts on w日夏养花网hich we can base our arguments
至于这个相当于一个定语从句的作后置定语的“特殊不定式”为什么可以用介词+which +不定式,而不用which+不定式+in, 除了习惯(我们没有见到别人这么用过)以外,也可以去理解:
in which =where, in which to live =where to live, 这是大家熟悉的一种疑问不定式的变体。
但用which引导,介词置后,大家一方面不能一下子知道两者之间的关系,另一方面以为后面的是一个定语从句,却不是,会引起理解错误。至于你问which he can live in 这个定语从句,为什么不能简化为whcih to live in, 就说不清楚了。
To provide 不定式
a useful comparison with which to 不定式的宾语
comparison with which to 是个固定用法,与。。相比,与。。相类比
illustrate how a countercurrent exchange system works 宾语从句

比如:UNIT OF VALUE is the amount of some one thing taken as a standard by comparison with which to reckon the value of other things
To provide a useful comparison with which to illustrate how a countercurrent exchange system works
1. which 是关系代词引导一个定语从句。which = a useful comparison
2.works with a useful comparison

提供一个有用的对照, 以来说明逆流(逆向电流, 取决于你的上下文)交换系统是怎样工作的。
with which to illustrate 是comparison的定语不定式动词从句。但有宾格的含义
a comparison with 是一词组, 是动词词组 to compare with 的名词形式。

文章标签: 生石花

本文标题: 英语高手!!!! 请帮我解决下问题吧!!!! 在线跪求中啊!!!! 是关于英语语法的问题!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/247252.html





