


2022-04-23 16:39:37 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:164


Oscar Wilde emphasized that the art of music could influnce human sense organs and souls in a way that can't be explained, but only be sensed. He also thought that some of the spirit of music could be found in fairy tales and other literary works, because language itself contains musicality and melody. Here, the clever and unparalleled use of language by Wilde makes language as a carrier and connotation of the work matched perfectly. The language used in fairy tales are beautiful, vivid, full of melody, exquisite, as beautiful as classical music.
Wilde places an emphasis on the indescribable influence art has to the human senses and the human soul. At the same time, he believes that fairy tales and other literary works can be linked to the spirit of music, for language in itself possesses musicality and rhythm. In here, Wilde's marvelous usage of words perfectly marries the medium that is the language and the connotation of the work. In the fairy tale, the descriptions are vivid, lyrical, unparalleled. They are as elegant as a piece of classical music.
Wilde takes the music as an art of human senses and soul of love can only be sensed effects, at the same time that the fairy tale and other works of literature and music is spiritual mastery, because language itself has a inner music and rhythm. Here, Wilde to the lanwww.rixia.ccguage and writing incomparable skillfully, so that the carrier language and the content of the work matches a seamless heavenly robe. In the fairy tale, descriptive writing beautifully vivid rhythm, infinite, exquisite beyond compare, really like classical music beautiful


1“这房子对我们来说不够大,而且,离城市太远了!rn2“他们决意要赢这场足球赛”rn3.“祸不单行”rn4“这对老夫妇除了圣诞节平时很少收到包裹”rn5 “玛丽会来参加他的生日晚会。对这点TOM深信不疑。
The house is not big enough. What's more, it is far away from the city.
They're determined to win the soccer match.
Misfortune never comes singly.
The old couple seldom received parcels except on X'mas.
Mary would attend his birthday party. Tom had a strong belief.
This house is not big enough for us, nor is it anywhere near the city centre.

They were determined to win the football match.

Misfortune never comes alone.

This old couple seldom recieve any parcels except on Christmas.

5 “玛丽会来参加他的生日晚会。对这点TOM深信不疑。
Tom firmly believes that Mary will come to his brithday party.
This house to us not enough big, and, leave city too far!

They decide to win this football game .

The disaster goes not only.

This rightness of old husband and wife in addition to Christmas seldom gets package at ordinary times.

Mary will attend his birthday evening party.Believe deeply to doubt not to this TOM.
1.This house is not big enough for us, moreover, it is too far away 日夏养花网from the city.
2.They decided to win the football match.
3.Misfortunes (or Hardships) never (or seldom) come alone (or singly).
4.The old couple rarely recerve cabbagge eccept on Christmas Day.
5.Marry日夏养花网 will come to his birthday party.Tom has no doubt of it.
A "house for us is not big enough, but too far away from the city! 2, "they are determined to win in this tournament" 3. "Yet" four "This elderly couple in addition to Christmas Festival usually received little parcels "5" Mary will come to attend his birthday evening. TOM no doubt about this.


(1)我不喜欢一成不变的生活,愿意主动寻求变化 rn(2)不断体验新事物可以让我具有更加丰富多彩的人生rn(3)我总喜欢用新方式处理问题 rn(4)当我身处一个团队中,我倾向于让自己当头 rn(5)我一般很相信自己的判断力 rn(6)与别人比起来,我比较难接受父母、老师的权威 rn(7)很理解有人已经很成功后,还要追求更高的目标 rn(8)对我来说,不断接受新的挑战是非常重要的 rn(9)无论做什么事情,我总是倾向于做得比别人好 rn(10)大部分创业者都过得不错 rn(11)就改善个人财务状况而言,开办一个自己的企业帮助很大 rn(12)开办一个自己的企业是一件容易的事情 rn(13)我认为创业技术提供是完备的 rn(14)我认为创业的融资没有问题 rn(15)我认为创业的社会资本(指人际关系网络)已经具备rn(16)未来找到理想工作的机会不大,所以我不得不自己办企业 rn(17)相比其他职业选择,开办企业更能实现我的人生目标 rn(18)创业经历对以后更好的就业很有帮助 rn(19)我倾向于毕业后创业
I don't like a invariable life, I like to make changes
Try new things to have a better life
I like to solve problems through new methods
In a groupl, I like to be the captain
I trust my judgements
I find it hard to believe parents' and teachers' authorities compare to others
I find it hard to believe someone would want more after succeeded some thing
It is important to me to accept new challenges
I like to do the best in everything
people who run business are doing fine
it is important to change economic problems through doing business
it is easy to have your own business
I think the techniques of creating a new business is completed
I don't have any problems in finacing
I think that (my 我的)society ability (about relationships to others)is possessed
I can't find my dream work, so with no choice I created my business
Compare to other professions, I can reach my dream by creating my own business
it is a big help to creat your own business before you get a job
I like to create business after (某人,或自己I) graduated


  I’m not into routines, instead, I prefer diversity.
  Trying new things make my life more colorful!
  I always like to handle problems in new ways.
  I am apt to lead a team.
  More often than not, I trust my judgment.
  Unlike others, it’s hard for me accept the authority of parents or teachers.
  I fully understand that some people want to pursue higher goals after remarkable success.
  It’s very important for me to meet new challenges.
  I always tend to do better than others no matter what it is.
  Most of the entrepreneurs live a good life.
  To start your own business is good way to improving financial condition.
  Starting your own business is a piece of cake.
  I think the supply of enterprise technology is complete.
  I don’t think there is a problem about entrepreneurial finance.
  I think we’ve been already equipped with social fund (social network).
  Since the chance to find an ideal job is slim, I have to start my own business.
  Compared with other careers, starting a business can make my life goal more easily to be accomplished.
  Pioneering experience is helpful to better future career.
  I’m inclined to start my own business after graduation.
(1) I don't like life, willing to seek changes
(2) continuously to experience new things can let me have more rich and colorful life
(3) I always like to use a new approach to problems
(4) when I was in a team, I tend to let his pledge
(5) I generally very believe your own judgement
(6) and others, difficult to accept my parents and teachers' authority
(7) very understanding has been very successful, also the pursuit of higher goalwww.rixia.cc
(8) for me, to accept new challenges is very important
(9) no matter what to do things, I tend to do better than others
(10) most entrepreneurs are good
(11) will improve personal finances, set up her own business helps a lot
(12) starting a business is an easy thing
(13) I think entrepreneurship technology provides is complete
(14) I think the undertaking of financing have no problem
(15) I think the undertaking of social capital (refers to the interpersonal relationship network)
(16) the chances of finding job, so I have to do business
(17) compared to other career options, to set up enterprises more can fulfill my goal in life
(18) to better their experiences of obtain employment is very helpful
(19) I tend to after graduation
1) I don't like life, willing to seek changes
(2) continuously to experience new things can let me have more rich and colorful life
(3) I always like to use a new approach to problems
(4) when I was in a team, I tend to let his pledge
(5) I generally very believe your own judgement
(6) and others, difficult to accept my parents and teachers' authority
(7) very understanding has been very successful, also the pursuit of higher goal
(8) for me, to accept new challenges is very important
(9) no matter what to do things, I tend to do better than others
(10) most entrepreneurs are good
(11) will improve personal finances, set up her own business helps a lot
(12) starting a business is an easy thing
(13) I think entrepreneurship technology provides is complete
(14) I think the undertaking of financing have no problem
(15) I think the undertaking of social capital (refers to the interpersonal relationship network)
(16) the chances of findinhttp://www.rixia.ccg job, so I have to do business
(17) compared to other career options, to set up enterprises more can fulfill my goal in life
(18) to better their experiences of obtain employment is very helpful
(19) I tend to after graduation
(1) I do not like the static of life, willing to seek change
(2) continue to experience new things and allows me to have a more colorful life
(3) I always like to use a new approach to the problem
(4) When I was in a team, I tend to let themselves take the lead
(5) I generally believe that their own discretion

(6) compared with the others, I am more difficult to accept the parents and teachers the authority of the
(7) It is understood some people have been very successful, but also the pursuit of higher goals
(8) For me, constantly new challenge is very important
(9) Whatever you do, I always tend to do better than others
(10) The majority of entrepreneurs are doing well
(11) to improve the personal financial position, offering a great help to your business
(12) to run a your own business is easy
(13) I think that is a complete business technology
(14) I think that there is no problem financing business
(15) I think the business of social capital (defined as interpersonal networks) are available
(16) the future is unlikely to find a good job, so I had to start their own businesses
(17) compared to other career choices, starting a business can help achieve my goals in life
(18) business experience on the job after more helpful
(19) I tend to start after graduation


이준기,생일 추카합니다. 一准给,申一了 出卡哈姆尼达。
영원히 상랑해요. 永万尼 莎朗海吆
6? Ki?, ?? ???, ? ?? ??? ?????.


The majority of the money was used in a scholarship fund which aimed to donate for the poor montanic area. The host,a retired worker, is eager to help others and has funded two young man from poor montanic area to finish their studies in college.
"These money is basic to all used for make a contribution to a poor mountain area of helping and learning fund up, get to reside to say according to the surroundings, the host are a retirement worker who takes pleasure in help others, have already subsidized two kids of poor mountain areas to finish reading university."


本文标题: 请大家帮我翻译一下这几句话吧,汉译英的,谢谢了,呵呵
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/242369.html





