仿:如果你种下的是( ),秋天收获的就是( )。
仿:书籍好比( ),( );书籍如同( ),( )。
仿:关爱是( ),给人( &http://www.rixia.ccnbsp; )。
2阶梯,它能帮助我们步入知识的殿堂 钥匙,她能帮助我们开启心灵的桎梏
2阶梯,它能帮助我们步入知识的殿堂 钥匙,她能帮助我们开启心灵的桎梏
仿:如果你种下的是(种子 ),秋天收获的就是( 一树果实 )。
仿:书籍好比(春风 ),( 它能温暖人们冰冷的内心 );书籍如同( 伙伴 ),( 它能陪伴我们度过寂寞的黑夜 )。
仿:关爱是( 一丝阳光 ),给人( 温暖的怀抱 )。
仿:如果你种下的是(种子 ),秋天收获的就是( 一树果实 )。
仿:书籍好比(春风 ),( 它能温暖人们冰冷的内心 );书籍如同( 伙伴 ),( 它能陪伴我们度过寂寞的黑夜 )。
仿:关爱是( 一丝阳光 ),给人( 温暖的怀抱 )。
仿写以下句子 !!!
仿写以下句子 rn1. 夜更深沉,山上山下到处是一片漆黑,只有点点星光在空中闪耀。珠穆朗玛顶峰的黑影在他们面前开始变得非常低矮了。 rn2. 举目四望,朦胧的夜色中,珠穆朗玛山区群峰的座座黑影,都匍匐在他们的脚下。现在,他们三人头顶上,只www.rixia.cc有闪闪发光的星斗……不会!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!最奥你走激动脑子
因为我听到海依然在远方为我喧腾 rn——那雪白的海潮啊,夜夜奔来 rn一次次漫湿了我枯干的心灵……我听到人们在远方为祖国60华诞欢呼,那激动地欢呼声啊,一浪高过一浪,一次次打动着我……
这几句貌似学过- -
帮我仿写以下句子`rn是用"仿写词"写出相仿的句子还是用这些词写出一样的意思但不同的句子~rnrn1. It is the third year I have worked here.rn仿写词:I have worked rn2. As a teacher I already knew students are the center of a class.rn仿写词:arern3. By the end of this year, I will have been with him for 10 years.rn仿写词:will have been rn4. When I was unhappy, I always listened to music.rn仿写词:listenedrn5. Up to now, I have kept the secret for 7 years.rn仿写词: have kept rn6. I had intended to call you yesterday, but someone stopped me.rn仿写词:had intended 、stopped rn7. I will be soaking in hot spring this time tomorrow.rn仿写词:will be soaking rn8. I feel relieved since I know I should forget.rn仿写词:feel、knowrn9. I had worked with him for 2 months before you introduced him to me.rn仿写词:had worked 、 introduced rn10. I hate being restricted. rn仿写词:hate1. It is the third year I have worked here.
仿写词:I have worked here for three years
2. As a teacher I already knew students are the center of a class.
仿写词:the center of a class are students ISGABuas i knew
3. By the end of this year, I will have be日夏养花网en with him for 10 years.
仿写词:i will have been with him for 10 until the end of this year
4. When I was unhappy, I always listened to music.
仿写词:i listened to music when i was unhappy
5. Up to now, I have kept the secret for 7 years.
仿写词:i have kept the secret for 7 years until now
6. I had intended to call you yesterday, but someone stopped me.
仿写词:someone stopped me when i had intended to call you
7. I will be soaking in hot spring this time tomorrow.
仿写词:at this time tomorrow i will be soaking in hot spring
8. I feel relieved since I know I should forget.
仿写词:i won't feel relieved unless i know i should forget
9. I had worked with him for 2 months before you introduced him to me.
仿写词:i had worked with hime for 2 months when you introduced him to me
10. I hate being restricted.
仿写词:i hate swww.rixia.ccomeone to restrict me
仿写词:I have worked here for three years
2. As a teacher I already knew students are the center of a class.
仿写词:the center of a class are students ISGABuas i knew
3. By the end of this year, I will have be日夏养花网en with him for 10 years.
仿写词:i will have been with him for 10 until the end of this year
4. When I was unhappy, I always listened to music.
仿写词:i listened to music when i was unhappy
5. Up to now, I have kept the secret for 7 years.
仿写词:i have kept the secret for 7 years until now
6. I had intended to call you yesterday, but someone stopped me.
仿写词:someone stopped me when i had intended to call you
7. I will be soaking in hot spring this time tomorrow.
仿写词:at this time tomorrow i will be soaking in hot spring
8. I feel relieved since I know I should forget.
仿写词:i won't feel relieved unless i know i should forget
9. I had worked with him for 2 months before you introduced him to me.
仿写词:i had worked with hime for 2 months when you introduced him to me
10. I hate being restricted.
仿写词:i hate swww.rixia.ccomeone to restrict me
本文标题: 仿写以下句子
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/228675.html