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2022-02-06 18:18:52 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: [db:作者] 阅读:106


数控技术的发展日新月异,从目前世界上数控技术及其装备发展的动态来看,高速高精度、智能化、柔性化、高可靠性、绿色化、开放化、网络化控制是数控技术发展的主要趋向。在体系结构方面,数控系统正在向基于PC的全数字化开放式体系结构发展;在网络功能方面,数控系统与CAD/CAM的集成以及数控机床的网络化监控、维护与管理有了很好的发展前景;在智能化控制方面,根据加工条件进行加工参数的自动修正、调节与补偿已成为现实;在高速、高精度控制方面,数控hIqclcFPr系统的加工趋于高速化,产品的质量精度也越来越高。有利于提高我国制造业信息化水平和国际竞争能力的重要性。数控技术发生了根本性的变革,是近年来应用领域中发展十分迅速的一项综合性的高新技术,它是为适应高精度、高速度、复杂零件的加工而出现的,是实现自动化、数字化、柔性化、信息化、集成化、网络化的基础,是现代机床装备的灵魂和核心,有着广泛的应用领域和广阔的应用前景。 关键词:数控的高速化与高精度化;数控的智能化,开放式,网络化,柔性化高可靠性,绿色化以及功能复合化;STEP-NC开放式数控系统。
CNC technology is advancing rapidly, from the dynamic numerical control technology and equipment development in the world, high-speed high-precision, intelligent, flexible, high-reliability, green, open, network control is the development of numerical control technologytrend. Architecture CNC system is an open system structure based on the PC digital development; in terms of network functions, numerical control systems and CAD / CAM integration, as well as CNC machine tools, network monitoring, maintenance and management have a good development prospects; in intelligent control, according to the processing condition日夏养花网s for automatic correction of the processing parameters, regulation and compensation has become a reality; tends to high-speed high-speed, high-precision control of CNC machining accuracy of quality of the products is also growing high. Conducive to the importance of improving the level of information of China's manufacturing industry and international competitiveness. CNC technology has undergone a fundamental change, is the very rapid development in recent years, applications of a comprehensive high-tech, it is to meet the processing and the emergence of high-precision, high-speed, complex parts, is automated, digital , flexible, information-based, integrated network based on the soul and core of the modern machine tools and equipment, has a wide range of applications and potential applications. Keywords: CNC high speed and precision; composite of CNC intelligent, open, networked, flexible high-relihIqclcFPrability, green and functional; the STEP-NC open CNC system.


Time quick, I join company as a receptionist position has nearly a year. In such a unique corporate culture, the staff of the company is quite high quality work, I feel so lucky. So I cherish the opportunity, always adheres to a single sincere heart and modest attitude to treat people do. Meanwhile, through the leadership help with their own efforts, I also learned much knowledge, accumulated a lot of relevant experience. Whether professional skill, or attitude towards. As a receptionist, I will serve in the entire people of company, this is also the first time makes me feel very good realizes self-value. Below, I for my work details as reporting:
Time flies quick, I join company as a receptionist position has nearly a year. In such a unique corporate culture, the staff of the company is quite high quality work, I feel so lucky. So I cherish the opportunity, always adheres to a single sincere heart and modest attitude to treat people do. Meanwhile, through the leadership help with their own efforts, I also learned much knowledge, accumulated a lot of relevant experience. Whether professional skill, or attitude towards. As a receptionist, I will serve in the entire people of company, this is also the first time makes me feel very good realizes self-value. Below, I for my work details as reporting:


对于这件事我是如此处理的:rn1、首先我会跟经理道歉,因为是我无法在规定时间内把这个邮件发给他,问题发生在我身上。rn2、跟经理解释说明原因,是因为有其它项目组有非常紧急的工作需要处理,而且两边无法同时处理,所以导致迟发email。 rn3、我会马上将email补发给他了rn4、承诺以后再遇到这种情况会及时跟他沟通,保证不再出现类似情况
To deal with this kind of situation:
1, Firstly I will apologize to the manager, because I wasn't able to deliver the email on time, I shoul日夏养花网d take all the responsibility.
2, I'll explain to the manager, it's because there are other very urgent tasks need to be done, and they cannot be carried out simultaneously by both teams, resulting in the delay of email.
3, Email will be sent to him immediately.
4, For the same kind of situations in the future I will communicate with him as soon as possible, to ensure that there is no delay and misunderstanding.
For this thing I was so to deal with:1, first I will apologize to the manager, because I'm not in a specified time to deliver the mail to him and problems occurred in me.2, with manager explain the reason, is because there are other items group have very urgent work needs to handle, and both sides cannot be processed simultaneously, resulting in delayed email.3, I'll be email reissue to him4, commitment later encounter this kind of situation will promptly communicate with him, to ensure that no longer appear similar case

As for this matter I handled it like this:
1.First make an apology to the manager,because I wasn't able to send this mail to him at the given time,that's my problem.
2.To explain the reasons to the manager for urgent work need to be done for the other project groups,and couldn't make it for both sides,so that's why what happened.
3.I'm going to send him the email right now.
4.I promise that I'll talk to him timely once happen such kind of thing again,and I guarantee it won't happen again.
For this thing I was so to deal with:
1, first I will apologize to the manager, because I'm not in a specified time to deliver the mail to him and problems occurred in me.
2, with manager explain the reason, is because there are other items group have very urgent work needs to handle, and both sides cannot be processed simultaneously, resulting in delayed email.
3, I'll be email reissue to him
4, commitment later encounter this kind of situation will promptly communicate with him, to ensure that no longer appear similar case


Jilin province northeast old industrial base is one of the important area in recent years, attracting and u日夏养花网tilizing foreign investment outstanding achievement, but compared with the developed regions, there exists a significant gap still. Based on the actual, jilin province by a large number of facts in jilin province attract and arguments of the current situation of the development of the utilization of foreign capital described under the new situation, analyses the utilization of foreign capital of jilin province facing opportunities and challenges, and deeply analyzed the utilization of foreign capital of jilin province, the main problems existing in the final amount, improve from improving foreign investment environment, improve the quality and efficiency of foreign investment, strengthen the conglomeration effect etc are proposed to attract and use of foreign capital of jilin province of jilin province, which improve way the efficiency of the utilization of foreign capital, and promote the construction of the old industrial base.
[key words] jilin; Use of foreign capital; The present situation; Question; way


本文标题: 急求翻译以下文字 请各位帮帮忙
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/209746.html





