


2022-01-28 05:19:05 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: [db:作者] 阅读:88


what are u doing this week-end?are u busy?nice to receive ur msg,thank u.ix27m sorry cannot send msg in chinese today,because the computer ix27m using doesnx27t have chinese version.sorry for the incovenient.maybe it will also be good for u to practice ur english.how about ur english?the day i use the one wich has a chinese version,ix27ll send u msg in chinese.ix27ll often use bothe english and chinese,ok.good friends good luck to all of us.all the best to u.have a nice week-end .see u soon.marc.
什么是u做这次为期一周的终结?都是u忙?尼斯接受乌尔日夏养花网味精,谢谢ui'm抱歉不能送味精,在今天的中国人,因为电脑我用的是没有中文version.sorry为incovenient 。或许它也将好美,以实践乌尔english.how约乌尔英语吗?一天,我用其中有中文版吧,我送u味精在chinese.i ' 11经常使用bothe英文和中文,好。好朋友,好运气都us.all最佳u.have好为期一周的结束。见uwww.rixia.cc soon.marc 。


摘要: 当前,城市设计已成为规划界、建筑界的热点研究领域。在理论上可谓百家争鸣,呈现出从未有过的繁荣局面;在实践上,从南到北,全国上下,各种各样的“城市设计”项目如雨后春笋,特别是一些重大的国际竞赛、招标项目,更是把“城市设计”推上了一个新的高潮,使“城市设计”正悄然成为一种时尚,城市设计的地位也日益提高。rn 关键词: 城市设计 城市规划
Presently, the city layout has become the gauge to mark off, the construction zone hot spot research area.Theoretically it may be said hundred school of thought contends, presents has never had prosperous aspect;In practice, from south to north, entire country, various “city layout” project like mushroom growth, specially some significant international competitions, the tender project, were pushed up “the city layout” a new high tide, caused “the city layout” to become one fashion quietly, the city layout status also day by day enhances.

Key word: City layout urban planning


Team Building Means More Than Throwing a Few People Togetherrn“Teamworking” is found every where within just about every organization.You can’t away from “teams” that are supposed to be able to create some thing that is greater that the of in parts, so the theory goes rnThere are five measures that to be you can get the our tram;rn61._______rnThere must be aclear reason for the team to exist. And all the members should realise the andsignificance of what they are going to do. What they are hoping to achieve should be something achievable but at the same time tough and inspiring enough to attract the members and keeep thet motivationg alive. What is more, they should also be well prepared for the possible difficulties they may come across in the process.rn62.______rnTeam members must be able to ppinions freely without fear of being criticired, and they must have the feeling that ther will be taken serously.This is an imporant point team may need or thorny issues. For example, it may discuse a sensitive topic. Should they conclusion within the team or .This is an issue in itself that all the members should agree on and frank discussion is .rn63._______rnA junior team member may have less to contribute than more experienced or discouraging, it also makes no sense – people that have become members of your team, you need to make sure that each of them has an opportunity to add his or her thoughts to discussions.rn64.________rnDisagreement are natural and, in fact, debate and iscussion should be encouraeed A team made up only “ men” can make people honestly the there disagreements be , team meetings may not be the most appropriate place for adiscussiong that only two people,so”under-the-table”method may be effective.rn65______rnMost high-performing terams are well orgaized,A good organizer should be able to play to individuals’strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses. It should be someone who can act as a promoter and a constant reminder of what the team needs to achieve. He must, above all, be skilled in sharing responsibility and setting tasks to oten coaching them to achieve tasks, and providing constructive feedback on how the tasks went.rnTeam building isn’t as simple as just throwing a ewople together,It requires much more. Most essential ,Sunnssful, working is not marked by how the team makes toward its goals,but by each of its members compleates his or her assigned tasks with a sense of achievement and pride.
必须为球队存在的清楚理由。并且所有委员都应该明白他们要做什么和意义。他们都希望实现的,应但在同一时间实现的坚韧和感召力,足以吸引动机活着的成员和持久 那东西。更重要的是,他们也应该得到很好的准备,他们可能会遇到在这个zDlHna过程中对可能遇到的困难。
初中的团队成员可能会减少作出贡献比经验更丰富或劝阻,也没有任何意义 - 这已经成为你的团队成员的人,你需要确保他们每个人都有机会讨论他或她的想法添加。


In July 1900, a German psychiatrist Lindman went into the surging Atlantic in a small boat by himself. He was doing an experiment that never happened in the history, to verify the power of self-confidence.
On July 1990, Lindaman, an expert in noology in German, sailed a shallop along into the surfy Atlantic. He was doing a
psychology experiment which had never been happened in the history,that is to prove the power of self-confidence.


Hangzhou top 100 private enterprises
Hundreds of innovation demonstration enterprises in China
Credit certificate
Hangzhou large taxpayers
Foreign trade license
Sinopec 2007 top customer
Hangzhou the top 100 Private Enterprises

Hundred of innovation demonstration enterprises of China

Credit grade certificate

an important ratepaying enterprise in Hangzhou

License for Foreign trade

2007 the top 10 customer of Sinopec Corp
Hangzhou hundred private enterprises
China 100 model enterprise innovation
Credit Rating Certificate
Hangzhou taxpayer
Trade License
Sinopec, the top ten customers in 2007
Hangzhou top 100 private enterprises

Hundreds of innovation demonstration enterprises in China
Credit certificate

Hangzhou large taxpayers

Foreign trade license

Sinopec 2007 top customer


本文标题: 谁能帮我翻译下以下的内容,谢谢了!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/207066.html





