


2021-12-31 11:20:31 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: [db:作者] 阅读:168


1、The buyer shall pay in advance (after signing of this Contract) 100% of the sales proceeds by T/T(M/T; a bankerx27s demand draft) to reach the seller on or before Nov. 20th, 1998.rnrn2、The buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at 30 days after date of B/L upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment(acceptance) only.rnrn3、Shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/C which must reach the seller not later than the end of June 1998 failing which the Seller reserves the right to cancel this without further notice.rnrn4、Shipment to be effected on or before (not later than, latest on ) July 31, 1998 from Shanghai to London with partial shipments and transshipment permittedrnrn中文翻译成英文rn1、1996年12月31日前从上海港运至纽约港,不允许分批和转运。rnrn2、在1997年7月,8月和9月从大连港分三批平均装运,目的港为伦敦,允许分批和转运。rnrn、经协商,买卖双方同意:装船口岸暂定为上海,目的口岸暂定为大阪,经买卖双方同意时可作变更;2000年5、6、7月按月分三批等量出运。那么,合同的装运条款可订立为:
1.Shipment to be effected before December 31, 1996 from Shanghai to New York with no partial shipments and transshiwww.rixia.ccpment.

2.In July 1997, August and September an average of three batches of shipment from the port of Dalian to London,with partial shipments and transshipment permitted.

3.The parties reach an agreement after consultations: shipment port is tentatively scheduled for Shanghai, the port of destination is tentatively scheduled for Osaka,this can be changed if both parties agree; In May,June,July,2000, transport planning based on expenditure on a monthly basis in three tranches. So, the contract terms may make for this shipment:
If the quote of us have any mistakes, please correct:
(1) 3.5CIF each code in Hong Kong
(2) £100 per case in UK
(3) 6 dollars per dozen of FOB,in New York
(4) 18 per pair of FOB net discount rate by 1%
(5) 2,000 yen including 3% commission OF CIF in Dalian

,买受人应当提前支付(本合同签订后)由T 100%的销售收入/吨(M / T的,一个银行汇票),以达到对卖方或之前1998年11月20日。

2,买方应及时接受单汇票后,卖家所制订的B / L的30天之日起,首次演示,并就其到期付款。航运文件,须在付款交付(接受)只。

3,装船后30天之内收到的L / C为必须达到卖方不晚于1998年6月底否则卖方有权取消本,恕不另行通知。

1,1996 December 31 shipped from Shanghai to New York Harbor, are not allowed in batches and transfer.

2, in July 1997, August and September an average of three batches of shipment from the port of Dalian, the port of London, the arrival and transit.

After consultation, the parties agree that: shipment port is tentatively scheduled for Shanghai, the port of destination is tentatively scheduled fo日夏养花网r Osaka, agreed by both parties may be changed; 2000 5,6,7 transport planning based on expenditure on a monthly basis in three tranches and so on. So, the contract terms may make for the shipment:
1,买受人应当提前支付(本合同签订后)由T 100%的销售收入/吨(M / T的,一个银行汇票),以达到对卖方或之前1998年11月20日。

2,买方应及时接受单汇票后,卖家所制订的B / http://www.rixia.ccL的30天之日起,首次演示,并就其到期付款。航运文件,须在付款交付(接受)只。

3,装船后30天之内收到的L / C为必须达到卖方不晚于1998年6月底否则卖方有权取消本,恕不另行通知。



You should be getting the pen soon, I have the other person in China just receive his pen, you should have yours soon. Let me know if you donx27t receive it in 2 days. rnrnHi,As you read in Ebay detials its same as the pen,no other detials i have,no need to scare of what pls,tks for asking.
你应该很快收到那笔的, 因为我有另外一个在中国的人已经收到了. 如果你两天内没有收到,请告诉我.

你好, 那笔是和 EBAY 上的资料一模一样的,没有其它资料可以提供给你,不用担心的. 多谢你的查询.






31. 外国直接投资主要有三种形式:建立新企业,购买现成设备和建立合资公司。rn32. 世界500 强企业中有160多家企业总部设在美国,这160多家企业中有24 家是全球前百名企业。rn33. GDP 计算的是在一个经济体地理区域内所生产的所有实物产品和服务价值。rn34. 国际商务的另一种重要形式是由一国居民向另一国提供资金,称为国际投资。rn35. 每一份保险合同都需要有可保利益的支持,否则它就是无效的。rn41. 经济联盟的成员国不仅要在税收,政府开支,企业策略等方面保持一致,而且还应使用同一的货币。rnrn42. 在国际贸易中进出口双方都面临风险,因为总存在对方不履约的可能。rnrn43. 保险是一种风险转移机制。通过保险个人或企业可以将生活中一些不确定因素转移给其他人。rnrn44. 合同依法实施,未能履行合同义务的一方可能受到起诉,并被强制做出赔偿。rnrn45. 国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素,因而比国内贸易复杂得多。
The foreign direct investment there are three main types: to establish a new enterprise, buy ready-made equipment and establishing a joint venture.
32 of the world's top 500 enterprises have 160 companies headquartered in America, more than 160 companies in the world before 24 are 100 enterprises.
33 calculation of GDP in a geographical area economy in the production of products and services to all real value.
34 international business is another important form of another country by country residents to provide funds, called the international investment.
35 each insurance contract will have insurable interest support, otherwise it is invalid.
41. Economic league members should not only in the tax, the government spending, business strategies, and still remain consistent should use the same currency.

And in international trade, both the exporter and importer face risks as there is always the other possible.

43, insurance is a kind of risk transfer mechanism. Through the insurance individual or enterprise can be some of the uncertainty of life to others.

44. The contract according to law, the party fails to perform its obligations under a contract may be sued by force, and make compensation.

45. International trade generally refers to a different country trading parties, it involves many factors, so much more complicated than domestic trade.
31There are three types of foreign direct investment: set up a new enterprise, purchase existed equipemnt and construct a joint venture company.
32.Among the top 500 enterprises, 160 are american base company. and 24 out of those 160 enterprises are top 100enterprises.
33.GDP is stand for the total value of final products and service created by a economic entity in a given period.
34.Another form owww.rixia.ccf international business is to provide fund to a country by another country of residences, so call international investment.
35. Each contract need supports to guarentee the profit, otherwise it will be defined as invalid.
41. the members of economic union should not only consistent on tax, government expenditure and enterprise policy, but also should use the same currency.
42. risk exists on both sides of countparties when doing the international trading ,because there is always possible that one side of the counteparty will not exercise the contract.
43.insurance is consider to be a sort of risk transfer machanisn, insured individual or enterprises can be able to transfer uncertainty to others via purchasing insurance.
44. contract whttp://www.rixia.ccas carryied out by law, the party fail to exercise obligation writen in the contract will be discharged and imposed to pay the demages.
45 international trading usually refer to a different country trading parties, it involves many factors, therefore it is more complex than domestic trading.
31. Of foreign direct investment mainly in three forms: the establishment of new enterprises, to buy off-the-shelf equipment and the establishment of joint venture.

32. The world's top 500 enterprises, 160 enterprises headquartered in the United States, more than 160 enterprises in 24 is the world's top 100 enterprises.

33. GDP is calculated in a geographic area economies produce all kind of products and services value.

34. International Business Another important form of the population of a State by another State to provide funding, known as international investment.

35. Each insurance contract has to have an insurable interest to support, otherwise it is null and void.

41. Economic Union member states not only in terms of taxation, government spending, business strategies to maintain consistency, but also use the same currency.

42. In international trade import and export of both sides are facing risks, because the existence of other possible non-compliance.

43. Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism. Through insurance by individuals and businesses can be the life of a number of uncertainties transferred to other people.

44. Contract implemented in accordance with the law, failure to fulfill contractual obligations of the parents may be prosecuted, and forced to make compensation.

45. International trade generally refers to the parties in different countries to carry out the transaction, which involves many factors, and therefore much more complex than domestic trade.


本文标题: 帮忙翻译几句英文,外贸的。
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/197751.html


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