


2021-12-24 15:00:26 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: [db:作者] 阅读:90


There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter help the bodyx27s immune system,that is, the system while another group of students served as the control group--in other words, Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had an increase in the activity of their white blood cells,that is,the cells which fight infection
大意是这样,你中间从that is到the control grouphttp://www.rixia.cc这段有问题,译不了。不过对理解没影响。


Abstract: the accounting professional ethic日夏养花网s is to point to in the accounting professional activities should be followed in the accounting professional characteristics, and reflects the adjustment of accounting professional relations professional behavior standards and specifications. Accounting industry as a market economy activity, it is an important field directly related to the implementation of state policies, but also related to various accounting behavior standard. Therefore, accounting personnel shall have high level of professional ethics. It is both accounting work to keep codes of conduct and actions standard, is the measure of a good accounting workers work of the standard. Along with the socialist market economy, the gradual establishment of accounting personnel fraud that the accounting information distortion caused economic losses of accounting work frequently occurred, met with many new challenges. Combining with the current accounting personnel professional moral existence situation, strengthening the accounting personnel from the Angle of professional ethics construction has conducted the preliminary thought and exploration
英文:The accounting professional ethics is to point to in the accounting professional activities should be followed in the accounting professional characteristics, and reflects the adjustment of accounting professional relations professional behavior standards and specifications. Accounting industry as a market economy activity, it is an important field directly related to the implementation of state policies, but also related to various accounting behavior standard. Therefore, accounting personnel shall have high level of professional ethics. It is both accounting work to keep codes of conduct and actions standard, is the measure of a good accounting workers work of the standard. Along with the socialist market economy, the gradual establishment of accounting personnel fraud that the accounting information distortion caused economic losses of accounting work frequently occurred, met with many new challenges. Combining with the current accounting personnel professional moral existence situation, strengthening the accounting personnel from the Angle of professional ethics construction has conducted the preliminary thought and exploration
Accounting Ethics is the activity in the accounting profession to be followed, reflecting the characteristics of the accounting profession, the日夏养花网 accounting profession to adjust the relationship between professional codes of conduct and norms.The accounting profession as theyyRoINYei market an important area of economic activity, it is directly related to the implementation of national policies, but also to the norms日夏养花网 of various accounting practices.Therefore, the accountants should have a high standard of professional ethics.It is the behavior of accounting to comply with norms of behavior, but also measure the quality of work of an accounting standard workers.With the gradual establishment of a socialist market economy, and even fraudulent accounting staff accounting information distortion phenomenon caused economic losses have occurred, accounting encountered many new challenges.In this paper, there is the current accounting status of professional ethics, accountancy professional ethics from the perspective of building a preliminary reflection and exploration.


“when i meets u last year...i promise u i can forget him...now i did~!倒立A...let me be 被爱...cuz i dont know how to...love u......”这句话中文是什么意思??谢谢~`
当去年我见你的时候 我给你承诺我会忘了他



本文标题: 大家帮帮忙,翻译下,急用!!谢谢
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/196214.html





