请高手帮我翻译下这个文章 不要机器翻~!!!谢谢!急用
加索尔 被证明是湖人这个月在周四的交换截止日前唯一的收获。队伍在这个赛季结束之前不能再进行交换。(他们的交换搭档也是如此)。
夸梅-布朗 和贾瓦里斯-克里滕顿同孟菲斯回到了斯坦普中央球场。布朗
加索尔 被证明是湖人这个月在周四的交换截止日前唯一的收获。队伍在这个赛季结束之前不能再进行交换。(他们的交换搭档也是如此)。
夸梅-布朗 和贾瓦里斯-克里滕顿同孟菲斯回到了斯坦普中央球场。布朗
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我选择•我追求rnrnrnrnrnrn 弹指一挥间,五年的岁月就在绘声绘色的讲课声中,就在埋头批改作业的笔尖,就在上课铃与下课铃的交替声中滑过。 还记得,小的时候,“老师与学生”的游戏是我的最爱。 还记得,上学以后,能歌善舞的老师就是我心目中的天使。 还记得,中学毕业时,志愿栏里毫不犹豫地写下“师范”。 往事一幕一幕。 15岁,我背着行囊走进师范。在那里,严谨的校风,严格的基本功训练,让我明白了教师这两个字眼的深刻含义:“学高为师,身正为范”。 18岁,我带着一脸稚气走进这所学校,满腔热情地融入到与我年龄相仿的学生当中。望着那些在教育战线上呕心沥血几十年的老教师仍孜孜不倦,看着他们青丝变白发仍两袖清风,我突然特别深刻地理解人们为什么总是这样描写教师:“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”,“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”。 我深深地知道:作为教师,光有奉献是不够的,振兴民族的希望是教育,振兴教育的希望在教师,特别是世纪之交的青年教师,我们要有一种紧迫感、使命感,必须不断学习,与时俱进,开拓创新,学习新知识,掌握新技能,以适应社会对我们提出的越来越高的要求,从1999年至今,我走过了我人生不平凡的五年。 曾先后两次参加县英语汇教获二等奖。并取得了全国高等教育自学考试的大专文凭。2003年5月我被评为“全县模范青年团员”。去年,参加全国成人高考,被三峡大学成教院英语系本科录取。最重要的是去年8月,我以全县第四名的成绩被录用为正式编制教师。 我永远不能忘记的是那一段黑色的日子:2001年10月,第一次参加进编考试的我因一分半之差被拒之门外。我失望,彷徨,一度想,要离开,想去看看外面的精彩世界,但最终我选择留下来了,我离不开我心爱的讲台,我离不开我心爱的学生,这里有我儿时的梦,这里有我一生的追求。 “一腔热血温故土,四季甘霖润嘉禾”,我无悔我的选择。 “撑一支长篇,向青草更青处漫溯”,我将永不懈怠我的追求,我深信,终有一天,我会“满载一船星辉,在星辉斑斓里放歌”。I chose I went on
Pronto, five years on the lecture Huishenghuise amid Pigaizuoye hard on the nib, in the Shang Keling and the school bell sound of the turn over. Also remember that small, "teachers and students" is my favorite game. Also remember, to go to school, sing and dance teacher I had in mind is that the Angels. Also remember that graduated from high school, did not hesitate to write a column volunteer "teachers." Past the scene scene.
15-year-old, I am carrying a pack into the teacher. There, the strict school, rigorous training in basic skills, let me see the two teachers of the profound meaning of the words: "The high school teacher, who is Fan." 18-year-old, I went into this with a look of childish schools, enthusiastically into the same age with my students. Looking at those in the education front hard for several decades old teachers still work hard, watching them change Qing Si thus leave it penniless white hair still, all of a sudden I have a deep understanding of the special people always describe why the teachers: "holding a heart, no With grass-root "," Death to the wire Chuncan to do, Ash torch burning tears dry before. "
I am deeply aware of: As a teacher, the dedication, if it is not enough to revitalize the nation's hope is education, the revitalization of education in the hope that teachers, especially young teachers at the turn of the century, we must have a sense of urgency and sense of mission, we must Learning, with the times, blaze new trails, learn new knowledge, master new skills in order to adapt to our s日夏养花网ociety's ever-increasing demands from 1999 to date, I have gone through my life, an extraordinary five years. Has participated in two English county Department of Education won a Class Two award. And the country has made higher education self-study examination of college diploma.
May 2003 I was named "exemplary youth members throughout the county." Last year, to participate in the national college entrance examination for adults, the Three Gorges Chengjiao Yuan University Department of English undergraduate admission. Most importantly, in August last year, I scored fourth in the county have been recruited for the preparation of a formal teacher. I will never forget what it was for a black day: in October 2001, the first time I enter for the examination as a result of the difference between one and a half turned away. I am disappointed with a loss, like at one time, it is necessary to leave to go outside and see the wonderful world, but in the end I chose to stay, and I can not do without my beloved platform, I can not do without my beloved students, here I have a child When the dream, there is the pursuit of my life.
"Blood Temperature cavity native land, rain-run Four Seasons Golden Harvest," I regret my choice. "Hold a full-length, the green grass is more diffuse Department back," I will pursue my ways, I am convinced that one day I will, "a ship loaded with star, the star in the colorful, Fang Ge."
Pronto, five years on the lecture Huishenghuise amid Pigaizuoye hard on the nib, in the Shang Keling and the school bell sound of the turn over. Also remember that small, "teachers and students" is my favorite game. Also remember, to go to school, sing and dance teacher I had in mind is that the Angels. Also remember that graduated from high school, did not hesitate to write a column volunteer "teachers." Past the scene scene.
15-year-old, I am carrying a pack into the teacher. There, the strict school, rigorous training in basic skills, let me see the two teachers of the profound meaning of the words: "The high school teacher, who is Fan." 18-year-old, I went into this with a look of childish schools, enthusiastically into the same age with my students. Looking at those in the education front hard for several decades old teachers still work hard, watching them change Qing Si thus leave it penniless white hair still, all of a sudden I have a deep understanding of the special people always describe why the teachers: "holding a heart, no With grass-root "," Death to the wire Chuncan to do, Ash torch burning tears dry before. "
I am deeply aware of: As a teacher, the dedication, if it is not enough to revitalize the nation's hope is education, the revitalization of education in the hope that teachers, especially young teachers at the turn of the century, we must have a sense of urgency and sense of mission, we must Learning, with the times, blaze new trails, learn new knowledge, master new skills in order to adapt to our s日夏养花网ociety's ever-increasing demands from 1999 to date, I have gone through my life, an extraordinary five years. Has participated in two English county Department of Education won a Class Two award. And the country has made higher education self-study examination of college diploma.
May 2003 I was named "exemplary youth members throughout the county." Last year, to participate in the national college entrance examination for adults, the Three Gorges Chengjiao Yuan University Department of English undergraduate admission. Most importantly, in August last year, I scored fourth in the county have been recruited for the preparation of a formal teacher. I will never forget what it was for a black day: in October 2001, the first time I enter for the examination as a result of the difference between one and a half turned away. I am disappointed with a loss, like at one time, it is necessary to leave to go outside and see the wonderful world, but in the end I chose to stay, and I can not do without my beloved platform, I can not do without my beloved students, here I have a child When the dream, there is the pursuit of my life.
"Blood Temperature cavity native land, rain-run Four Seasons Golden Harvest," I regret my choice. "Hold a full-length, the green grass is more diffuse Department back," I will pursue my ways, I am convinced that one day I will, "a ship loaded with star, the star in the colorful, Fang Ge."
we were waltzing together, to a dreammy me lody. when they called out change partners. you were waltzed away from mewww.rixia.cc.rn now my arms feel so empty and i gaze around the floor. Ix27ll keep on changing partners, till i hold you once more.rn though we danced for one moment ,and too soon we had to part. in that wonderful moment, something happened to my heart.rn so Ix27ll keep changing partners,till i hold you and then,oh,my darling,ix27ll never changing partners again.change partners ??
在梦幻的旋律中 我俩共舞着华尔兹
当我凝视着地面 我会不断地交换舞伴
虽然我们只共舞一刹那 很快就要分离
然后亲爱的 我再也不愿交换舞伴
在梦幻的旋律中 我俩共舞着华尔兹
当我凝视着地面 我会不断地交换舞伴
虽然我们只共舞一刹那 很快就要分离
然后亲爱的 我再也不愿交换舞伴
我们一起跳华尔兹,对梦想我向往。 当他们召集了变动伙伴。 您跳了华尔兹远离我。
现在我的胳膊感觉,因此倒空,并且我在地板附近注视。 我更加,拿着您我在改变的伙伴将保持。 我们跳舞一片刻,并且我们必须太很快分开。 在那美妙的片刻,某事发生在我的心脏。 我将继续改变伙伴的,我拿着您然后,哦,我的亲爱的,我将再从未改变的伙伴。
现在我的胳膊感觉,因此倒空,并且我在地板附近注视。 我更加,拿着您我在改变的伙伴将保持。 我们跳舞一片刻,并且我们必须太很快分开。 在那美妙的片刻,某事发生在我的心脏。 我将继续改变伙伴的,我拿着您然后,哦,我的亲爱的,我将再从未改变的伙伴。
因为热爱,所以选择;我选择,就用一生来热爱。rn在5.12汶川大地震中,永安坝村小学教学楼顶部出现坍塌,苟晓超老师为了救学生,不顾个人安危,三次冲上楼去营救学生,不幸牺牲。他用自己年轻的生命诠释了爱的永恒。Because deeply loves, therefore choice; I choose, uses the life to deeply love. in 5.12 Wenchuan big earthquakes, the Yongan dam village elementary school classroom building crown presents collapsing, careless dawn ultra teacher to rescue the student, does not give a thought to individual safety, three times flushes goes upstairs rescues the student, died. He has annotated eternal which with the young life loves.
研究西方禁忌习俗的意义。1 禁忌的意义 禁忌存在于各种文化和民族中, 不同文化和民族, 禁忌的内容和 形式各不相同。弗洛伊德在他的书 《图腾与禁忌》 中对禁忌这一习俗。做出了分析他认为:禁忌是藐视一个人、一个地方、一件东西或一种暂时性的情 况, 他们具有这种神秘力量传导作用或者本身既是这种神秘力量的来 源。同时, 它也是代表了由这种事物禁忌预兆所产生的禁制。 禁忌这个名词的内涵包含了“神圣的”和“超乎寻常的”, “不洁 的”和“怪诞的”等意义。这种解释主要是真对原始民族队禁忌的理 解。《现代汉语词典》 中对“禁忌”这样解释: 人们忌讳的话或行动。现代人们所说的禁忌主要指人们认为会带来厄运的话和事情, 因此极 力避免他们的出现。2研究禁忌的目的。禁忌是十分敏感和不详的, 它在跨文化交际中为我们设置了障碍。在日常交往中, 如果不慎触犯了禁忌, 会导致对方产生误会, 甚至拒 绝继续来往, 因此, 研究禁忌可以避免不愉快的事发生, 促进国际交 往的顺利进行。 rn总之,禁忌被视为一定社会的文化现象,其背后蕴藏着一个民族深厚的文化内涵。因此,国度的不同必然会引起习俗的差异。而且文明发展越久远,遗留下来的禁忌就越来越多,不同国家之间的文化交流难免会出现不少困难。经济全球化发展的今天,文化碰撞,交际失误的现象屡见不鲜。追根溯源是我们对西方国家的社会习俗了解不深,基于此,我们应该积极培养文化差异意识,力求了解西方习俗,提高我们的文化交际能力。同时也进一步加强了我国与西方国家之间的交流,增进友谊关系。Study of Western taboos customary significance. 1 taboo taboo significance exist in a variety of cultures and peoples of different cultures and nationalities, the content and form of taboo varies. Freud in his book "Totem and Taboo," the practice of taboo. Analysis made him think: are flouting taboos of a person, a place, a thing or a temporary situation, they have this mysterious force itself is the conduction or the source of this mysterious force. At the same time, it is also represented by such a taboo omen of things arising from the prohibition. Taboo connotation of the term includes the "sacred" and "extraordinary", "unclean" and "grotesque" and other significance. This interpretation is true to the original understanding of the national team taboo. "Modern Chinese Dictionary" to "taboo" It explained: taboo words or actions. Modern people have said thmOMzOtCXGat people consider taboo main will bring bad luck and things then, so every effort to avoid the appearance of them. Study 2 The purpose of the taboo. Taboos are very sensitive and unknown, which in cross-cultural communication in an obstacle for us. In their daily dealings, if inadvertently violated the taboo, will lead to misunderstanding each other, or even refuse to continue to travel, and therefore the study can be avoided taboo Unhappy things happen, to promote international exchanges carried out smoothly.
In short, the taboos of society must be regarded as a cultural phenomenon, and its behind a nation with deep cultural connotations. Therefore, the country will surely give rise to different customs differences. The development of civilization and the more long taboo on the left by more and more cultural exchanges between different countries, there will inevitably be many difficulties. Today the development of economic globalization, cultural collisions, communication failures common occurrences. Tracing to its source is the Western countries do not know much about social customs, based on this, we should actively cultivate the awareness of cultural differences, and strive to understand Western practices, improve our cultural communicative competence. At the same time also further strengthened between China and Western countries of the exchanges and friendship relations.
In short, the taboos of society must be regarded as a cultural phenomenon, and its behind a nation with deep cultural connotations. Therefore, the country will surely give rise to different customs differences. The development of civilization and the more long taboo on the left by more and more cultural exchanges between different countries, there will inevitably be many difficulties. Today the development of economic globalization, cultural collisions, communication failures common occurrences. Tracing to its source is the Western countries do not know much about social customs, based on this, we should actively cultivate the awareness of cultural differences, and strive to understand Western practices, improve our cultural communicative competence. At the same time also further strengthened between China and Western countries of the exchanges and friendship relations.
本文标题: 请高手帮我翻译下面的文章,急用,多谢!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/182404.html