

英语高手帮帮忙! 帮忙翻译一下, 满意有赏分.快!!!!

2021-10-23 09:00:38 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:143


我现在需要翻译个个人介绍!本人英语不行 只会简单的 我需要在面试的时候简单用一下 帮我翻译一下 千万别有语法错误!谢谢大哥大姐 在线等!rn 我的英文名字叫TOM 是一只猫的名字。我很喜欢猫,记得书上说过爱猫的男人是很适合做老公的男人。我喜欢运动。篮球,街舞,跑步。喜欢听音乐交友,上网。我是一个爱钱而且爱美女的男人。我有一个幸福的生活和一个漂亮的女朋友。很高兴在这里做自我介绍。rn 就这一小段 在线等 别有语法错误!谢谢啦我再追分!
My name is Tom, a name of cats. I like cats very much, and I remember a saying on a book: a man who love cats is suitable to be a husband. I like sport: basketball, street dance, running. I am also interested in listening to music, making friends and surf on the net. I am a man who love money and love beauties. I have a happy life and has a prety girlfriend. I am very glad to make an introduction of myself.
My English name is Tom that is a name of cat. I like cats, I remember that the books say cat lovers are very suitable to be husband. I like sports. Basketball, Street Danceing, running. Friends like listening to music, the Internet. I'm a man that both love money and pretty woman. I have a happy life and www.rixia.cca beautiful girlfriend. Here are pleased to introduce myself.
My English name is Tom which seems to the name of a cat .I like cat very much ,and I remember that the man who loves cat is fit for a good husband .I like sports ,basketball,listening music ,making friends and surfing.I'm a man who likes money and beauty.I am living a happy life and a pretty grilfriend .I am grad to introduce myself to all of you !
my name is Tom,which is a cat's name.给点分接着翻

求英语高手帮忙翻译一下毕业论文摘要关键词 高分答谢!!如满意还可多给分!

德州市德城区残疾人体育现状分析rn摘 要: 残疾人事业是构建和谐社会的一个重要组成部分,残疾人问题也是全社会共同的责任。残疾人体育是残疾人及其群体在长期的社会实践中所形成的一种参与体育现象,是全民健身计划实施的重要内容,是群众体育活动扎实而全面开展的重要评价指标[1]。本文通过对德州市德城区残疾人体育(这里所说的主要是残疾人全民健身体育,不包括竞技体育)的现状分析,提出影响德城区残疾人体育发展的主要社会因素并提出相应的对策与建议。为从事残疾人体育的工作者提供相关的理论依据,促进德城区残疾人体育的发展。rn关键词: 德城区; 残疾人体育; 体育锻炼; 对策研究
Dezhou City of Disabled Sports
Abstract: People with Disabilities is to build a harmonious society is an important component of the disability but also the common responsibility of society as a whole. Groups of disabled sports is a long-term disabilities and their social practice in the formation of a participation in sports phenomenon that is important to the implementation of the National Fitness Program content is solid and comprehensive sports activities carried out awww.rixia.ccn important evaluation index [1]. Based on the disabled sports in Dezhou City, (referred to here are mainly disabled sports fitness, not including sports) the status of analysis, affect the development of disabled sports in Germany and the main urban social factors and put forward countermeasures and recommendations. Engaged in sports for disabled workers provide the theoretical basis for the development of disabled sports in Germany and city.
Keywords: German City; Disabled Sports; physical exercise; Strategy


PCI Express Power Managementrn- Link power management states: L0, L0s,rnL1, L2/L3 Ready, and L3rn- Device states: D0 and D3hotrno Spread Spectrum Clock Isolationrn- Dual clock domainrno Quality of Service (QoS)rn- Two Virtual Channels (VC) per portrn- Eight Traffic Classes per portrn- Weighted Round-Robin Port & VCrnArbitrationrno Reliability, Availability, Serviceabilityrn- All ports Hot-Plug capable thru I2Crn(Hohttp://www.rixia.cct-Plug Controller on every port)rn- ECRC & Poison bit supportrn- Data path protectionrn- Memory (RAM) error correctionrn- Advanced Error Reporting supportrn- Port Status bits and GPIO availablern- Per port error diagnosticsrn- Performance monitoringrn(per port payload & header counters)rn- JTAG AC/DC boundary scanrn- Fatal Error (FATAL_ERR#) output signalrn- INTA# output signalrnThe ExpressLane™ PEX 8604 device offers PCI Express switching capability enabling users to add scalable high bandwidth non-blocking interconnection to a wide variety of applications including control plane applications, consumer applications and embedded systems. The PEX 8604 is well suited for fan-out,rnpeer-to-peer, and intelligwww.rixia.ccent I/O module applications.rnLow Packet Latency & High PerformancernThe PEX 8604 architecture supports packet cut-thru with a maximum latency of 190ns in x1 to x1 configuration. This, combined with low power consumption and non-blocking internal switch architecture, provides full line rate on all ports for lowpower applications such as consumer and embedded. The low latency enables applications to achieve high throughput and performance. In addition to low latency,rnthe device supports a max payload size of 2048 bytes, enabling the user to achieve even higher throughout.rnData IntegrityrnThe PEX 8604 provides end-to-end CRC protection (ECRC) and Poison bit support to enable designs that require guaranteed error-free packets. PLX also supports data path parity and memory (RAM) error correction as packets pass through thernswitch.rnDual-Host and Fail-Over SupportrnThe PEX 8604 supports full non-transparent bridging (NTB) functionality to allow implementation of multi-host systems and intelligent I/O modules in applications which require redundancy support such as select embedded applications.Non-transparent bridges allow systems to isolate host memory domains byrnpresenting the processor subsystem as an endpoint rather than another memory system. Base address registers are used to translate addresses, doorbell registers are used to send interrupts between the address domains, and scratchpad registers are accessible from both address domains to allow iwww.rixia.ccnter-processor communication.InteroperabilityrnAll PLX switches undergo thorough interoperability testing in PLX’s Interoperability Lab and compliance testing at the PCI-SIG plug-fest to ensure compatibility with PCI Express devices in the market.
PCI明确力量管理 -链接力量管理状态: L0, L0s, L1, L2/L3准备和L3 -设备状态: D0和D3hot o扩展视谱时钟隔离 -双重时钟领域 o服务质量(QoS) -二条虚拟通道(VC)每个口岸 -每个口岸八交通类 -被衡量的联名声明港& VC 仲裁 o可靠性,可及性,操作性能 -所有口岸热插座可胜任的通过I2C (在每个口岸的热插座控制器) - ECRC & 毒物位支持 -数据通路保护 -错误校正的记忆(RAM) -先进的错误报告支持 -端口状况可利用的位和的GPIO -每港错误诊断 -性能监测 (每港酬载& 倒栽跳水柜台) - JTAG AC/DC界限扫瞄 -致命错误(FATAL_ERR#)输出信号 - INTA#输出信号 ExpressLane™ PEX 8604设备提议PCI明确开关能力使用户增加可升级的高带宽非阻塞互联到各种各样的应用包括控制飞机应用、消费者应用和嵌入系统。 PEX 8604为输出端是非常合适的, 对等和聪明的输入/输出模块应用。 低小包潜伏& 高性能 切开通过与190ns最大潜伏的PEX 8604建筑学支持小包在x1的对x1配置。 这,与低功率消耗量和非阻塞内部开关建筑学结合,在所有口岸提供轮廓鲜明的率为低功率应用例如消费者并且埋置了。 低潜伏使应用完成高生产量和表现。 除低潜伏之外, 设备支持2048个字节的最大酬载大小,使用户更高始终达到。 数据完整性 PEX 8604提供端到端CRC保护(ECRC)和毒物位支持使能要求保证的无错的小包的设计。 PLX也支持数据通路错误校正的同等和的记忆(RAM),当小包穿过 开关。 双重主人和故障转移支持 PEX 8604支持充分的不透明的跨接的(NTB)功能允许多主人系统和在要求多余支持例如精选的嵌入应用的应用的聪明的输入/输出模块的实施。不透明的桥梁允许系统隔绝主人记忆领域 提出处理器子系统作为终点而不是另一个存储系统。 基地址寄存器被用于翻译地址,门铃记数器被用于送中断在地址领域之间,并且高速暂存的记数器从两个地址领域是容易接近的允许相互处理器通信。互用性 所有PLX开关接受在PLX的互用性实验室和服从测试的周到互用性测试在PCI-SIG插座fest保证与PCI明确设备的兼容性在市场上。
-链接力量管理状态: L0, L0s,
L1, L2/L3准备和L3
-设备状态: D0和D3hot
-被衡量的联名声明口岸& VC
- ECRC &毒物位支持
- JTAG AC/DC界限扫瞄
- INTA#输出信号
The ExpressLane™ PEX 8604设备提议PCI明确开关能力使用户增加可升级的高带宽非阻塞互联到各种各样的应用包括控制飞机应用、消费者应用和嵌入系统。 PEX 8604为输出端是非常合适的,
The PEX 8604建筑学切开通过与190ns最大潜伏的支持小包在x1的对x1配置。 这,与低功率消耗量和非阻塞内部开关建筑学结合,在所有口岸提供轮廓鲜明的率为低功率应用例如消费者并且埋置了。 低潜伏使应用完成高生产量和表现。 除低潜伏之外,
The PEX 8604提供端到端CRC保护(ECRC)和毒物位支持使能要求保证的无错的小包的设计。 PLX也支持数据通路错误校正的同等和的记忆(RAM),当小包穿过
The PEX 8604支持充分的不透明的跨接的(NTB)功能允许多主人系统和在要求多余支持例如精选的嵌入应用的应用的聪明的输入/输出模块的实施。不透明的桥梁允许系统隔绝主人记忆领域
presenting处理器子系统作为一个终点而不是另一个存储系统。 基地址寄存器被用于翻译地址,门铃记数器被用于送中断在地址领域之间,并且高速暂存的记数器从两个地址领域是容易接近的允许相互处理器通信。互用性
All PLX开关接受在PLX’s互用性实验室和服从测试的周到互用性测试在PCI-SIG插座fest保证与PCI明确设备的兼容性在市场上。


本文标题: 英语高手帮帮忙! 帮忙翻译一下, 满意有赏分.快!!!!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/178244.html


下一篇: 所有的一切,生活给我的压力,我感觉我快要扛不住了怎么办?



