


2021-10-16 21:47:03 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:119


A brilliant student can apply the knowledge he learns to everyday life.
That girl was so brave that she saved three students from the ruins.
a wise student can apply the knowledge to normal life

the brave girl saved three classmates from the ruins
A brilliant student can apply the knowledge he learns to everyday life.
That girl was so brave that she saved three students from the ruins.

翻译句子 要用到括号内的单词

she give up http://www.rixia.ccsocial activity in order to hold the whole family together.
he lament for rash act.
at transition period, someone are puzzled,while the others feel adaptable.


He would rather download pop songs than listen to English tapes.
Planting trees is one of the effective ways to control deserts.
Being lasy is the reason why you fail in every exam.
1.He perfer downloads the popular song rather than be willing to listen to English magnetic tape.

2.The tree-planting controls one of desert most effective methods.

3.Lazy is the reason why you each timdwebZWHe take a test do not pass http://www.rixia.ccan examination.





选择合适的职业是很重要的,我们应该设法发现自己的才能并找出如何运用它们的方法。(make use of) rn 如果你问我的意见,我更喜欢去海边度假,而不是到丛林中冒险。(prefer … to …)rn 塑料取代了传统(conventional)材料,在我们日常生活的每个方面都得到了广泛应用。(take the place of)rn 人类和动物在许多方面不同,作为重要交流工具的语言就是其中之一。(differ from) rn 她越说越气愤,最后她突然站起身来,把那封信撕得粉碎。(the more… the more)
Select the appropriate occupation is very important, we should try to find your talents and find out how to use their method.
If you ask my opinion, I like to go to the seaside resort, not into the jungle adventure.
Plastics to replace the traditional materials, have been widely applied in every aspect of our daily life.
Human and animal are different in many ways, as an important tool of communicationlanguage is one of them.
She grew angry, finally she suddenly stwww.rixia.ccood up, tore the letter to pieces.

It is important to choose a suitable job. We should try to find out our talent and how we can make use of it.
If you ask my opinion, I prefer vacation at seashore to advanture in jungles.
P日夏养花网lastic took place of conventional materials, and is widely applied in all aspect of our life.
Human being is differ from animals in many aspects, and language-the essential communication tool- is one of these aspects.

The more she said the angrier she was. She finally stood up and tear the letter up.


本文标题: 麻烦翻译一下英语句子,要用到括号内的词语,谢谢!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/175851.html


下一篇:求口袋妖怪漆黑的魅影 佐罗亚克中所有怪兽的捕捉地点和捕捉方式



