


2021-09-10 10:18:59 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:117


Aladdin Long ago there was a poor boy named Aladdin who lived with his mother. One day when Aladdin was walking on the street, a stranger came up to him and claimed that he was Aladdin's uncle. Aladdin didn't question him and brought him home to his mother and his mother welcomed him. A few days later, this man told Aladdin he wanted to show him a really wonderful place, so Aladdin followed him out of the city. But soon, Aladdin realized that this man wasn't his uncle, but some wicked wizard. He demanded Aladdin go down a secret passageway to bring bawww.rixia.ccck a lamp that he wanted. "Do not touch the treasure you see in there, but go straight to the lamp," said the wizard. "And take this ring, it will protect you." Aladdin hesitated a bit, but did what he was told. When he returned, he heard that the wizard was going to secretly kill him . The boy got scared and started to rub his hands and his ring. All of a sudden, a genie appeared. "What do you wish for, my Master" asked the genie. Aladdin stuttered and said to the genie, "I just want to go home." Then, the genie grantedlYcbX his wish and he disappeared. Not surprisingly, Aladdin and his mother began to have a better life because of the magic ring and the lamp. He also married the Emperor's daughter with the help of the genie. Although the wicked wizard tried to trick them and take back the lamp, Aladdin and his smart Princess defeated the wizard and they lived happily ever after.


Tom's mother died when he was a little child and he was adopted by his aunt(Aunt Polly). Tom, the clever and naughty boy, could not stand the restrain of his aunt and the school, so he often played truant and got into troubles. One night, he and his friend Huckleberry Finn played in the graveyard, and saw a murder by accident. Being afraid of known by the murderers, Tom and Huckleberry went to a deserted island as "robbers" along with some other friends. And so they were believed to be drawn in the river, and they went to attend the "funeral" held for themselves. After thinking long and hard, Tom stand out and point日夏养花网ed out the murderers. Not for long, Tom and his dear girl Betty Keatcher got lost in a grotto and strived for life for three whole days and nights……
At last, they went out the grotto and were saved by villagers. They told the villagers their experiences, and they stemmed the grotto with a huge stone. Tom and the girl told that when they met the murderer Dean Joe, he was already dead. At last, Tom and Huckleberry went back to the grotto and found a fortune there

Author: Daniel defoe (Daniel Defoe,1660 year - April 24, 1731) English writer of fiction, newsman, booklet author.Its work mainly for personally through diligently, depends on own wisdom and overcomes the difficulty bravely.The plot is winding, uses tells the way, readable.And displayed has at that time pursued the risk, initiated individual struggle social convention.Its representative works "Robinson Wanders Records" world famous, Robinson also becomes with the difficult resistance model, therefore he is regarded does one of English novel pathfinders

Dean has exhibited in both group and solo shows throughout Europe, including two solo shows at Hales Gallery, London, and group shows at La Malterie, France; De Praktijk, Amsterdam; and Galerie Voss, Germany.

She has received two Awards to Individual Artists from the London Arts Board, as well as a scholarship from the Netherlands Universities Foundation for International Co-operation. In 2000 Dean undertook a Public Commission for the London Borough of日夏养花网 Camden, entitled Bollards, which is located in a residential area, south of King's Cross, London.

Dean makes work without much preconception. She is a re-active artist who responds to whatever situation or context she finds herself in. She will form a view of the socio political implications of the context and place, building on this to make a many layered outcome. Whether in a disused shop, gallery or out in a public space she will leave a work that is completely relevant to the meanings the place engendered in her.



改编了《阿拉丁和神灯》 用英文

Adaptation of "Aladdin andhttp://www.rixia.cc the Magic Lamp"


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本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/161212.html





