


2021-08-12 11:59:23 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:188


1.这对年轻夫妇想在镇上买一栋房子,但现在买不起。(afford)rn2.不能再等了,得马上走。(afford)rn3.他把房子照料得很好,每两年粉刷一次。(every)rn4.他把家具搬进了另一个房间.(move)rn5他们决定搬家,因为他们不喜欢住在这个地区。(move house)rn6.李明和其他4位同学住一套公寓。(share)
1.The young couple want to buy a house in this town,but can't afford.
2.We cannot afford to wait any longer,leave right now.(不知道为什么要用afford)
3.He takes good care of his house and have it painted every two years.
4.He moved the furniture into another room.
5.They decided to move house as they don't like living here.
6.Li Ming shares the appartment with the other 4 students.
1.The young couple wants to buy a house in the town, but can't afford it。
2.Can't wait afford to go.
3.He took good care of the house once every two years, the paint.
4.He moved to another room furniture.
5.They decided to move house, because they don't like living in this area.
6.Li Ming and other four students live in an share.

2 I am unable to afford to wait and get to go.
3 He takes good care of the house by painting it once every two years.
4 He moves the furniture to another room.
5 They decide to move since they dislike living in this area.
6 Liming and his 4 classmates share one apartment.
1.The couple wants buy a house in the town, but they can't afford it now.
2. We can't afford waiting. Leave right away.
3.He takes good care of the house, and paint it once every two years.
4.He moved the furniture into another room.
5.They decide to move house because they don't lie to live in this area.
6.Li Ming shares an appartment with another four classmates.

急求!谁能帮我翻译下面的句子!翻译成英文,要用到括号里的词!非常感谢! 1.这对年轻夫妇秒年个 在镇上买

1.The young couple wants to by a house in the town,but they can't afford it now

2. We must go now,we can't afford to wait.

3.He take good care of the house by painting it every 2 years.

4.He moved the furniture into another room.

5.They decid日夏养花网e to move house,because they don't like living in the area.

6.Li Ming and some other classmates shares a flat.
The young couple are in town to buy in seconds
1.The couple want to buy a house in town, but they can't afford it now.
2.We can't afford anymore waiting, we must leave,now.
3.He have been taking good care of the house, and painted it every year.
4.He moved all his furniture into another room.
5.They decided to move, for they don't like to live in this area.
6.Li-Ming and some other classmates live in an apartment togerher.
can`t want to go


Goat lives on grass

When water turns into ice, it swells.

He is always willing to share his opinions with us.

The teacher suggests us to expand our horizon by reading.

It's not advisable to waste time or energy.
sheep is living on eating grass.

the water will expand when it turns to ice.

he is willing to share his ideas with us .

the teacher suggests that we should expand our view through reading.

it is unadvisable that not only doing nothing but also wasting time.

羊靠吃草为生(live) Goat lives on grass

水结冰是会膨胀(when) When water turns into ice, it swells.

他总是乐意喝我们分享他的想法(share) he is always willing to share
his thoughts with us

老师建议我们通过阅读来拓展视野(expand) the teacher suggests that we should expand our sights by reading

浪费时间无所事事是不明智的(advisable) it is not advisable to waste time or do noting
问题补充:他开始意识到友谊的重要性[come] He starts to realize the importance of friendship

在他被急送到医院后,他苏醒了[rush] He have awakened after he was rush sent to the hospital

出了努力学习以外,他也积极参加体育活动[addition] Besides studies hard He also join in sports event additional

你只能考学习游泳到那边去[other than] You can only go there by swim other than anything
i have some books for you to choose
Sheep (live) on grass.

Water expands (when) it turns into ice.

He is always happy to (share) his ideas with us.

Teachers advise us to (expand) our horizo日夏养花网n through reading.

Wasting time doing nothing is not (advisable).

He starts to (come) to terms with the importance of friendship.

After he was (rushed) to the hospital, he regained his consciousness.


In (addition) to studying hard, he is proactive towards participating in sporting activities.

你只能考学习游泳到那边去(other than)
You cannot get to the other side (other than) learning to swim.

I have quite a few books for you to (choose).
Sheep lives on grass.

Water swells when icing.

He is always willing to share his thoughts with us.

The teacher suggests us to expand the views by reading.

It's not advisable to mess around or sit around.

He comes to realize the importance of the friendship.

He came to himself after being rush sent to the hospital.

Besides studying hard,he positively joins in sports activities

你只能考学习游泳到那边去[other than]
You can reach there by practising swimming other than anything.

I have several books for yowww.rixia.ccu to choose.
Sheep lives out with grass.

Water swells when it froze

He is always willing to share his thoughts with us.

The teacher suggests us to expand the views by reading.

It's not advisable to play around and waste time.

He came to realize the importance of the friendship.

he regained his consciousness untill rushed to emergency room.

Besides studying hard,he positively joins in sports activities.

你只能考学习游泳到那边去[other than]
you only can practice your swim there other than anywhere.

I have several books for you to pick. 绝对标准!


1.尽早选定旅游地,以防订不到机票。(in case)rn2.你越努力,取得的进步就越大。(the more...the more)rn3.他牺牲在他曾经为自由而战的地方。(where)rn4.这个实验的结果被证实比我们预料的好得多。(than)rn5.无论你买什么样的保险,都要本人签署。(whichever)
1.We should choose our holiday destination as soon as possible, in case the flight tickets are sold out.
2.The more efforts you make, the more progress you make.
3.He lost his life where he had fought for freedom.
4.It turned out that the result of this experiment was better than we expected.
5.Whichever insurance you buy, you should sign your name in person.



本文标题: 将以下句子翻译成英文,要用到括号里的关键词。
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/152276.html





