


2021-06-17 12:42:24 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:192


More and morepeople today are realizing the importance of regular physical exercise. In thepast, work for most people involved manual labor(体力劳动) in the fresh open air of the fields. However, nowadays an increasingnumber of people are employed in offices or factories. Their daily work doesnot provide them with the amount of exercise their bodies need. Therefore, theyhave come to spend part of their free time doing regular physical exercise.rnThere are manydifferent forms of exercise to suit different tastes. For example, those whoenjoy competitive sports(竞技性体育) may take up ball games. Those who prefer to exercise alone can havea run or take a walk in the morning or in the evening. Besides, people can goswimming in summer and go skating in winter. In short, no matter what theirinterests are, people can always find one or more sports that are suitable tothem.rnHowever, theform of physical exercise must be chosen carefully. More harm than good willresult if people choose the wrong form of exercise. For the aged, Qigong(气功) or Tai Ji Quan will suit them betterthan competitive sports. Those who have little spare time may have a regularrun in the morning. Only if the kind of exercise is chosen properly andperformed regularly, will it benefit people’s health, work and study.rn rnEach of the following questions is provide with fourchoices marked A, B, C, and D. Decide on the one that best answers thatquestion.rn rn1. Which of the following may bestsummarize the main idea of the passage?rnA. Theimportance of competitive sports.rnB. Importanceof sports and how to choose proper forms of exercise.rnC. Benefit ofsports.rnD. Harms ofwrong forms of exercise.rn2. What kind of sports is more suitable topeople who like competitive sports?rn A.Walking B. Fishing C. Jogging D. Playing footballrn3. Which of the following can be inferredfrom the passage?rn A.Ball games are highly competitive sports forms.rn B.Those who have heart diseases may take up ball games as their regular exercise.rn rn C.Only young men can take up competitive sports.rn D.The young cannot exercise Qigongrn4. What kinds of sports can be chosen by anold person?rn A.Competitive sportsrn B.Ball gamesrn C.Qigong and Tai ji Quanrn D.Swimming in summer and skating in winter.rn5. What is the implied meaning of the lastsentence of the passage?rn A.If one wants to keep healthy, he must work hard.rn B.Health, work and study are related to each other.rn C.Proper forms of exercise plus regular performance can benefit one’s healthy,work and study.rn D.Without health, there is no work or study
1. B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C 保证全对,错了找我算账


阅读理解rn 2. Regular child care provided outside the home or by someone other than the mother does not in itself undermine healthy emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month-old infants, according to a long-term national study. The finding holds even if care begins during the first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per week.rnAmong infants who receive unkind and unresponsive care from their mothers, however, the mother-child relationship may be damaged. "This research helps us put apart complexities regarding child care that have not previously been studied in detail," contends Jay Belsky, a psychologist.rnThe investigation consists of 1,www.rixia.cc153 children and their families living in or near Boston. The youngsters, no more than 1 month old when they entered the study in 1991, will be tracked until the age of 7. Experimenters administered questionnaires to mothers in their homes and videotaped baby caretakers interacting with the kids at ages 1, 6, and 15 months. Independent observers rated the quality of each child care efforts and noted infant nervousness. Unlike most previous studies, this one allows researchers to observe each caretakerx27s personality at child nursing, and kidsx27 emotional reaction by the equipment.1). From the first paragraph we know that______. rnA. child care outside home is the best in accordance with the study rnB. mother care is the best according to a national studyrnC. regular child care outside home may play a role as a motherrnD. connections between mothers and infants are damaged by outside care rn 2). According to the passage, unresponsive care from a mother may______. rnA. ruin a kidx27s growthrnB. injure a babyx27s emotional reactionrnC. spoil a childx27s personalityrnD. harm the mother-child tie rn 3). Jay Belsky implies that the study of child care______.rnA. was interesting, but very difficulhttp://www.rixia.cct to make discoveryrnB. was never carried out in the pastrnC. was not much done in detail in the pastrnD. was greatly ignored by psychologists and researchersrn 4). The main difference between the investigation and the previous ones is that______. rnA. the observers could rate the quality of child care efforts and analyzed them soonrnB. video equipment enabled researchers to observe what was happening directly rnC. the researchers were able to give the questionnaires to mothers in their homesrnD. the researchers started with only one month old infants rn 5). Which of the following is not TRUE of the investigation?rnA. Some independent observers play a part. rnB. Researchers paid site visits to see a caretakerx27s personality and kidsx27 emotional reaction. rnC. Cooperation from the mothers is also necessary.rnD. It will last at least 7 years.
2D ( 不利于母子关系的发展) 3C 4D


Modern life is impossible without traveling.Thefastest way of traveling is ( )plane.With a modern airliner you can travel in one day to places which it( )a month or more to get to hundreds of yeard ago.rnTraveling by train is( )than by plane ,but it has its advantages.You see the country you are traveling through.Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars.They( )even the longest journey enjoyable.rnSome people ( )to travel by sea when possible .There are large liners and river boats. You can yisit many other countries and different parts of your country on them.Ships are not so( )as trains or planes,but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.rnMany people like to travel by car .You can make your( )timetable .You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day,just as you like.You can stop( )you wish where there is something interesting to see,a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good( ),or at a hotel to spend the night.That is ( )traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips, while people usually take a train or plane when they travel on businese. 这是初中三年级的英语,请知道的帮帮忙,立刻就要,急急急…………
Modern life is impossible without traveling.Thefastest way of traveling is (by)plane.With a modern airliner you can travel in one day to places which it(took)a month or more to get to hundreds of yeard ago.
Traveling by train is(slower)than by plane ,but it has its advantages.You see the country you are traveling through.Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars.They(make)even the longest journey enjoyable.
Some people (like)to travel by sea when possible .There are large liners and river boats. You can yisit many other countries and different parts of your country on them.Ships are not so(fast)as trains or planes,but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.
Many people like to travel by car .You can make your(own)timetable .You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day,just as you like.You can stop(travel)you wish where there is something interesting to see,a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good(dinner),or at a hotel to spend the night.That is (why)traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips, while people usually take a train or plane when they travel on businese.


Reading Comprehension(每题3分,共30分)rnDirections: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the choice that best completes the question.rnrnPassage1rnrnThe advantages of Watching TVrnrn Women are terrible shoppers. They spend a lot of time shopping and they only buy a few things. My wife is one of them. Sometimes she shops all day and she doesn’t buy anything. She tries on clothes all day and then dwww.rixia.ccoesn’t bring anything home. This seems mad!rnrnShe’s too fussy , she only likes a few colors. Her favorite colors are blue, green and yellow. She doesn’t like red and pink. They are too brightened they don’t suit her. And brown and gray aren’t bright enough. Oh, she’s fussy!rnrnThis week, my wife bought herself a fur coat, and a ready-made suit dress, that is to say, a coat and a skirt. She wants to find a silkKNKQS blouse to match them. She’d like to buy a hat, too. In this way, she says, she will be in the very latest fashion. It seems that the suit she bought three weeks ago is already out of date.rnrn1. Women are terrible shoppers because they ____rnrnA. buy too many things at one timernrnB. go shopping every dayrnrnC. do a lot of shopping but buy little rnrnD. care little about pricesrnrn2. The author’s wife is____rnrnA. mad about colors rnrnB. blind to colorsrnrnC. fussy about colorsrnrnD. fond of bright colorsrnrn3. The author’s wife bought _______this week.rnrnA. a silk blouse rnrnB. a hat rnrnC. a suit rnrnD. a fur coat and a skirtrnrn4KNKQS. The author’s wife always buys more because_______rnrnA. she is keen on the latest fashionrnrnB. she is fuzzy about changing colors of her dressrnrnC. she always finds her dress uncomfortablernrnD. she tries to look younger than her agernrn5. The author thinks his wife is anything but a ____shopper.rnrnA. crazy rnrnB. fussyrnrnC. terriblernrnD. reasonable


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