摘要:目前,因为“韩流”,“韩饰”,韩剧的流行,越来越多的人对韩国产生了浓厚的兴趣,为了了解这个国家,开始学习韩语。那么,学习韩语该从哪几个方面入手?又有哪些窍门可寻。为此,本文试探讨学习韩语的正确方法。从而让大家清晰的掌握韩语的特点日夏养花网,抓住韩语学习的窍门,轻松的学习韩语。rn关键词:韩语;快乐学习;有效学习摘 要: 지금 ' 한류 ', ' 한 " " 한국 드라 마는 유행 으로 점점 더 많은 사람 들이 한국 에 ᖊwww.rixia.cc1;미 를 갖 고 있 는지 를 알 아 보기 위해 이 나라 를 부터 한국어 를 공 부합 니 다.그렇다 면 한국어 공부 를 이 은 어디 에서 몇 가지 방향 에서 접 근해 야?묘&www.rixia.cc#47532; 아웃 룩 주소록 에 선 어느 수.이 를 위해 본문 시범 검토 한국어 를 배우 는 길이 아 닐 까 싶다.여러분 이 선 명 한 파악 해 한글 의 특성 을 잡 는 요령 을 가 볍 게 한국어 공부 는 한국어 를 공 부합 니 다.
키워드 = 한국어;즐 거 운 학습;유효 학습
키워드 = 한국어;즐 거 운 학습;유효 학습
摘要:“人力资源是第一资源”,人力资源对生产力发展起着决定性的作用,对企业经营战略的实施起着保证作用。企业的发展离不开人力资源,我国的中小型企业占我国企业总数的98%以上,这部分企业关系着我国经济的稳定与发展。而在实际运作中,碍于我国传统文化和中小企业存在时间短,我国的中小企业在人力资源开发与管理方面存在着许多问题,这些问题制约其发展。本文对我国中小企业在人力资源开发与管理方面的问题展开分析,并结合问题找出相应对策。 rnrn关键词: 人力资源 问题 对策 战略规划 劳动关系管理Summary
Human resouce is the most important resouce, which plays a decisive role in developing productivity and guaranteeing the enforcenment of the business strategy of enterprises. Enterprises cannot develop without human resource.Medium- and small-scale enterprises cover over 98% of all the enterprises in China, and they are attached to the stability and development of the economy in our country. But in practical operation, there are many problems in the development and management of human resouce in medium- and small-scale enterprises in China due to our traditional culture and the short existence of these enterprises. These problems restrict them from developing. The present article aimes to analyze the problems in the development and management of human resouce in the medium- and small-scale enterprises in China, and tries to find out the corresponding measure taking the problems into consideration.
Key words: human resouce, problem, measure, strategy planning, labor relationship management
Human resouce is the most important resouce, which plays a decisive role in developing productivity and guaranteeing the enforcenment of the business strategy of enterprises. Enterprises cannot develop without human resource.Medium- and small-scale enterprises cover over 98% of all the enterprises in China, and they are attached to the stability and development of the economy in our country. But in practical operation, there are many problems in the development and management of human resouce in medium- and small-scale enterprises in China due to our traditional culture and the short existence of these enterprises. These problems restrict them from developing. The present article aimes to analyze the problems in the development and management of human resouce in the medium- and small-scale enterprises in China, and tries to find out the corresponding measure taking the problems into consideration.
Key words: human resouce, problem, measure, strategy planning, labor relationship management
Summary:"The human resource is the first resources", the human resource has decisive function to productivity development, conducting a strategic implement to have assurance function to the business enterprise.The development of business enterprise cans not get away from human resource, the medium small scaled business enterprise of our country shares our country business enterprise total amount of 98% above, this part of business enterprises relate to the stability and the development of our country economy.But in actually the operation, due to our country traditional culture and in small business enterprise existence time is short, our country of in the small business enterprise develops and manages aspect to exist many problems in the human resource, these problem check and supervision its development.This text to our country the small business enterprise develops in the human resource with management of the problem launch analysis, and combine a problem to find out to correspond a counterplan.
巴黎欧莱雅进入中国市场至今,以其与众不同的优雅品牌形象,加上全球顶www.rixia.cc尖演员、模特的热情演绎,向公众充分展示了“巴黎欧莱雅,你值得拥有”的理念。目前已在全国近百个大中城市的百货商店及超市设立了近400个形象专柜,并配有专业美容顾问为广大中国女性提供全面的护肤、彩妆、染发定型等相关服务,深受消费者青睐。回顾上述成功业绩,关键取决于欧莱雅公司独特的市场细分策略。L'Oreal Paris to enter the Chinese market so far, with its distinctive and elegant brand image, together with the world's top actors, models interpretation of the enthusiasm, displayed to the public, "the Paris L'Oreal, you have a worthwhile". At present, the country has nearly 100 large and medium-sized cities, department stores and supermarkets to set up a special counter to the image of nearly 400, with a professional beauty consultant for the overwhelming majority of Chinese women provide a full range of skin care, color cosmetics, hair type, and other related services, deep By consumers. Recalling the success of the above-mentioned results, depends on the company L'Oreal unique market segmentation strategy.
First of all, from the use of products targeted for market segmentation, is divided into ordinary consumers to use cosmetics, use of professional cosmetics, professional cosmevdzwpDtics used mainly refers to the professional beauty salon, and other establishments used by the product.
Second, the company will make products for sub-species, such as color cosmetics, skin care, hair conditioner, and so on, at the same time, each of the species in accordance with the make-up position, color, and so a further breakdown, such as human body parts in accordance with different color will be Into lipstick, eye, eyelashes Gaodeng; lipstick on again, according to the further broken down into the color pink, red, colorless and so on, In addition, in accordance with the nature of the differences in lipstick divided into moisture-bright type, moisture Type and so on. So broken down step by step, light Maybelline lipstick reached more than 150 kinds, and each remained 1-2 months to market new models, which will be sub-varieties of cosmetic products reached almost to the limit.
Then, according to the vast Chinese characteristics, in view of the North and South, East and West regional climate, customs, and cultural differences, people have a clear preference for the cosmetic differences. If the South because of high temperatures, people generally do less sun like the use of equipment or decorative light and therefore more inclined to light equipment; and the North due to the dry climate, as well as cultural practices because of the generally prefer thick loaded. The same things because of the economic area, concepts, such as climate factors, the people's cosmetics are also different. So L'Oreal Group is acutely aware of this, according to the different regions of the main product.
First of all, from the use of products targeted for market segmentation, is divided into ordinary consumers to use cosmetics, use of professional cosmetics, professional cosmevdzwpDtics used mainly refers to the professional beauty salon, and other establishments used by the product.
Second, the company will make products for sub-species, such as color cosmetics, skin care, hair conditioner, and so on, at the same time, each of the species in accordance with the make-up position, color, and so a further breakdown, such as human body parts in accordance with different color will be Into lipstick, eye, eyelashes Gaodeng; lipstick on again, according to the further broken down into the color pink, red, colorless and so on, In addition, in accordance with the nature of the differences in lipstick divided into moisture-bright type, moisture Type and so on. So broken down step by step, light Maybelline lipstick reached more than 150 kinds, and each remained 1-2 months to market new models, which will be sub-varieties of cosmetic products reached almost to the limit.
Then, according to the vast Chinese characteristics, in view of the North and South, East and West regional climate, customs, and cultural differences, people have a clear preference for the cosmetic differences. If the South because of high temperatures, people generally do less sun like the use of equipment or decorative light and therefore more inclined to light equipment; and the North due to the dry climate, as well as cultural practices because of the generally prefer thick loaded. The same things because of the economic area, concepts, such as climate factors, the people's cosmetics are also different. So L'Oreal Group is acutely aware of this, according to the different regions of the main product.
Thank you for setting the time aside from your busy schedule to meet with us. It provided a good opportunity to discuss your background and our companyx27s goals and expectations.rnrnrnrn rnrnrnrnHaving given thorough consideration to all the relevant factors, we regret that at the moment we do not have a position suitable to your background and experience. We will keep your information on file for a period of time. Should an opportunity arise that suits your skill and knowledge we will contact you directly.rnrnrnrn rnrnrnrnOnce again, thank you for your interest in serving our organization and we wish you continued success in your career.rnrnrnrn rnrnrnrn rnrnrnrnRegards,rnrn rnrnrnrn rnrnrnrn rnrnrnrnFor BenQ(IT) Co., Ltd.rnrnrnrnHuman Resources Department1,非常感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间来会见我们,这为讨论你们的个人背景,我们公司的目标和期望提供了一个好的机会.
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