


2021-06-06 00:58:57 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:191


求高手翻译这封英文邮件,拒绝机器翻译!译出大意即可,不必一字一句深究。rn满意者加分~谢谢!rnrnD up and I replied, "You are then, my friend rnrnOur privilege with others. It has indeed often been disputed, whetherrnthere is or ever was such arncharacter in the world as an atheist. That it should be disputed is tornme no wonder. Every thing may be, and almost every thing has beenrndisputed. There are few or none who will venture openly to acknowledgernthemselves to be atheists. I know none among myrnacquaintance, except that one friend, to whom as a PhilosophicalrnUnbeliever I presented your Letters,rnand to whose answer I only mean this address as an introduction. Irnshall therefore not enter herernrninto the main argument of Deity or no Deity. My address is onlyrnpreliminary to the subject; but I do not therefore think myselfrnprecluded from entering into some considerations that may be thoughtrnincidental to it. I mean suchrnrnconsiderations as whether immorality, unhappinessrnor timidity necessarily do or naturally ought to ensue from a system ofrnatheism. But as to the question whether there is such an existent Beingrnas an atheist, to put that out of all mannerrnof doubt, I do declare upon my honour that I am one.rnrnBe it therefore for the future remembered, that in London in thernkingdom of England, in the year of our Lord one thousandrnseven hundred and eighty-one, a man has publickly declared himself anrnatheist. When my friend returned me your Letters, addressing me with arngrave face





Our privilege with others.我们与他人的特权。 It has indeed often been disputed, whether它的确经常引起争论,无论
there is or ever was such a或曾经有这么一
character in the world as an atheist.在世界上字符作为一个无神论者。 That it should be disputed is to这应该是有争议的
me no wonder.我不知道。 Every thing may be, and almost every thing has been每一个可能的东西,几乎每一个物件已经
disputed.有争议的。 There are few or none who will venture openly to acknowledge很少有或根本没有谁可以大胆公开承认
themselves to be atheists.自己是无神论者。 I know none among my我知道在我没有
acquaintance, except that one friend, to whom as a Philosophical相识,只是一个朋友,向谁作为哲学
Unbeliever I presented your Letters,不信我介绍你的信,
and to whose answer I only mean this address as an introduction.我的回答,并表示这只是作为一个介绍的地址。 I我
shall therefore not enter here因而不会在此处输入

into the main argument of Deity or no Deity.进入神或没有神的主要论点。 My address is only我的地址是唯一的
preliminary to the subject; but I do not therefore think myself初步的题目,但我并不因此认为自己
precluded from entering into some considerations that may be thought排除到一些被认为可能考虑进入
incidental to it.附带它。 I mean such我的意思是这样的

considerations as whether immorality, unhappiness考虑因素包括:是否不道德,不快乐
or timidity necessarily do or naturally ought to ensue from a system of或胆怯一定做或自然应该从系统的接踵而来
atheism.无神论。 But as to the question whether there is such an existent Being但对于是否有这样的存在的存在
as an atheist, to put that out of all manner作为一个无神论者,是把所有的方式进行
of doubt, I do declare upon my honour that I am one.如有疑问,我在我的荣幸宣布,我一个。

Be ihttp://www.rixia.cct therefore for the future remembered, that in London in the记住的,是为将来因此,在伦敦的
kingdom of England, in the year of our Lord one thousand英国的英格兰,在我们的主千年
seven hundred and eighty-one, a man has publickly declared himself an 781,一男子声称自己是一个publickly
atheist.无神论者。 When my friend returned me your Letters, addressing me with a当我回到我的朋友你的信,解决了我的
grave face面对严重
我回答说,“你以后,我的朋友我们与他人的特权。它的确经常引起争论,无论 或曾经有这么一 在世界上字符作为一个无神论者。这应该是有争议的 我不知道。每一个可能的东西,几乎每一个物件已经 有争议的。很少有或根本没有谁可以大胆公开承认 自己是无神论者。我知道在我没有 相识,只是一个朋友,向谁作为哲学 不信我介绍你的信, 我的回答,并表示这只是作为一个介绍的地址。考虑因素包括:是否不道德,不快乐 或胆怯一定做或自然该从系统的接踵而来 无神论。但对于是否有这样的存在的存在 作为一个无神论者,是把所有的方式进行 如有疑问,我在我的荣幸宣布,我一个。 记住的,是为将来因此,在伦敦的 英国的英格兰,在我们的主千年 781,一男子声称自己是一publickly
无神论者。当我回到我的朋友你的信,解决了我 面对严重


必须是这个的翻译,不需要别的简历!不要灌水谢谢了!!!!!rnrn教育培训经历rnrn-2003年9月-2007年7月就读于xxxx通信工程系rn-2005年12月参加华为窄带助理工程师培训,并且考取了华为窄带调试助理工程师证书rnrn实践与工作经历rn rn-2002年6月参加学校计算机组装与维护实习;rn-2003年6月参加学校组装收音机和万用表实习;rn-2004年7月---9月 xxx市网通公司IP电话业务推销员,主要完成向终端用户推销网通IP电话业务。rn-2005年7月---9月 xxxxxx电子城电脑装配技术员,主要是完成组装电脑的推销,和电脑的组装与故障处理工作。rn-2005年12月参加华为窄带助理工程师培训,培训内容主要是学习华为的窄带交换机接入网设备的理论知识及软件调试。rn-2006年2月至10月在xx邮电建设工程局做华为固网窄带软调工程师,在工作期间独立完成过xxxx的华为32模窄带交换机调试工作,和xxx电信,网通的一些华为窄带接入网的新建和扩容工程。rnrn英语、计算机能力 rn-英语:达到国家英语四级,具有一般听、说、读、写能力rn-计算机:熟悉计算机硬件技术,学习过JAVA编程,会制作简单的网页,能熟练操作办公自动化软件,和一些华为交换机、接入网调试软件。rnrn业余爱好 rn-喜欢篮球,足球等一些体育运动,和看一些计算机或经济方面的书刊及杂志rnrn个性特点 rn-因为我喜欢篮球,所以我的性格比较开朗,能很好的与人沟通,有主见;富有创造力和团队精神能,能尽快适应新的环境;对负责的工作会付出全部精力和热情,制定缜密计划,力争在最短时间内达成目标。
Education training experience

-2003 year in September - July, 2007 goes study to xxxxcorrespondence engineering department
-2005 year in December joins China to train for narrow bandassistant engineer, and was admitted to a school China to debugassistant engineer for the narrow band the certificate

Practice and employment history

-2002 year in June participates in the school computer assemblyand the maintenance practice;
-2003 year in June participates in the school assembly radio and theavonmeter practice;
-2004 year in July ---9 month xxx city net passes the company IPtelephone business salesman, mainly completes to the terminal usersales promotion network passes the IP telephone business.
-2005 year in July ---9 month xxxxxx electricity 子城 computerassembly technician, mainly is completes assembles the computer thesales promotion, with computer assembly and breakdown processing work.
-2005 year in December joins China to train for narrow band assistantengineer, the training content mainly is studies Hua Wei the narrowband switchboard to turn on the net equipment the theory knowledge andthe software debugging.
-2006 year from February is Hua Weigu to October in xx posts andtelecommunications construction construction bureau the net narrowband softly to adjust engineer, in work period independently hascompleted xxxx China is 32 molds narrow bands switchboard debuggingwork, with xxx telecommunication, some China which the net passesturns on the net for the narrow band newly built and expandsaccommodates the project.

English, computer capacity
- English: Achieved the national English four levels, havegenerally listen to, to say, to read, writes the ability
- Computer: The familiar computer hardware technology, hasstudied the JAVA programming, can manufacture the simple homepage, canskilled operate office automation software, with some China for theswitchboard, turns on net debugging software.

- Likes the basketball, the soccer and so on some sports, withlooks at some computers or the economical aspect books and periodicalsand the magazine

Individuality characteristic
-http://www.rixia.cc Because I like the bawww.rixia.ccsketball, therefore my dispositionquite open and bright, can be very good links up with the person, hasthe opinion; The rich creativity and the team spirit energy, can adaptthe new environment as soon as possible; Can pay the complete energyand the enthusiasm to the responsible work, the formulation meticulousplan, argues vigorously achieves the goal in the shortest time.



I'm sorry, we've been trying to log in ESP system from last night, but always fail. Would like to ask is only our companyto appear similar problem or a universal phenomenon, can provide the relevant solutions
Dear Sirs,

I'm very regret to inform you that we started to try to log in the ESP system since last night, but we failed all the time. Could you tell me whether this problem occured only in our company or it is a common problem? Could you please provide the solution for it (or how to solve this problem)? Thanks.

Best Regards,

I'm very regret to inform you that we have been trying to log in the ESP system, but always failed from last night. Would you like to tell us whether this is a particular case or common phenomenon? We will be much appreciated if you can provide us relevant solutions.
so sorry for disturbing, we have been try to log on the EPS system since yesterday but it seems like malfunction so far. I am wonder if we are the only company with this problem, would you mind to suggest us how to solve this problem.


FROM THE DESK OF THE DIRECTOR: INTERNATIONAL PRIZE AWARD DEPTrnWINNING NOTIFICATION FOR CATEGORY "A" WINNER ONLYrnrnATTENTION!rnrnWe are pleased to inform you of the result of the last final annual rndraw ofrnourrnLOTTERY INTERNATIONAL Programs. The online cyber lotto draws was rnconductedrnfromrnan exclusive list of 25,000,000 e-mail addresses of individuals andrncorporate institutions,rnpicked by an advanced automated random computer search from the rninternet.rnNo tickets were sold.rnrnAfter this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address emerged as arnwinner in the category "A" with rnthe following numbers attached Ref Number: GP 14-M-246-04,Batch Number:rn573881545-NL/2005 rnand Ticket Number: PP 3502 /8707-01.rnrnYou are therefore to receive a cash prize of $7,000,000.00. ( Seven rnMillionrn United States Dollars)ggYTFsrnfrom the totalpayout.rnrnCONGRATULATIONS!!!rnrnYour prize award has been insured with your e-mail address and will berntransferred to you upon meeting rnour requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations andrnsatisfactory report. To file in for the rnprocessing of your prize winnings, you are advised to contact our rnCertifiedrnand Accredited claims agent rnfor category "A" winners with the information below:rn************************************************rnName:Donald WilsonrnEmail: donaldvanwilson@netscape.net rn vanwilson@consultant.comrn Tel : +31 6 266 724 28rn************************************************rnYou are advice to provide him with the following information: rnNames:rnTelephone/Fax number:rnNationality:rnOccupation:rnAge:rn rnrnNOTE: All winnings must be claimed not later than 14 days;rnthereafterunclaimed funds would be included rnin the next stake. Remember to quote your reference information in allrncorrespondence.rnrnYou are to keep all lottery information confidential, especially yourrnreference and ticket numbers. rn(This is important as a case of double claim will not be tolerated).rnMembers of affiliated agencies are rnPROHIBITED from participating in this program.rnrnFurthermore, should there be any change of address, do inform our agent rnasrnsoon as possible.rnCongratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for rnbeingrnpart of our rnPromotional Program.rnrnregards,rnrnWalter Jones.rnLottery Coordinator.
从主任的书桌: 国际得奖的褒奖部门赢取的通知为类别"A" 优胜者唯一


我们高兴通知您我们的抽奖国际节目最后最后的每年凹道的结果。网上cyber lotto 画被举办了从个体和公司机关25,000,000 封电子邮件一张专属名单, 由一次先进的自动化的任意计算机查寻采摘从互联http://www.rixia.cc网。票未被卖。

在这张自动化的计算机选票, 您的电子邮件涌现了作为一个优胜者在类别"A" 以以下数字附上Ref 数字之后: GP 14-M-246-04, 批号: 573881545-NL/2005 和票数字: 页3502 /8707-01 。

您将因此接受现金奖$7,000,000.00. (七百万美国美元) 从totalpayout 。


您得奖的褒奖被保险了以您的电子邮件, 将转移到您在遇见我们的要求、法律义务、证明、检验和令人满意的报告。归档为处理您得奖的赏金, 您被劝告与我们的被证明的和被检定的要求代理联系为类别"A" 优胜者以信息如下: ************************************************ Name:Donald 威尔逊电子邮件: donaldvanwilson@netscape.net vanwilson@consultant.com 电话: +31 6 266 724 28
************************************************ 您是忠告提供他以以下信息: 名字: Telephone/Fax 数字: 国籍: 职业: 年龄:

注: 所有赏金必须被要求不更晚比14 天; thereafterunclaimed 资金会包括在下个铁砧。记住引述您的参考信息在所有书信。

您将保持所有抽奖信息机要, 特别是您的参考和票数字。(这重要因为双重要求事例不会被容忍) 。附属的代办处的成员被禁止参加这个节目。

此外, 应该那里是任一个地址改变, 尽快通知我们的代理。祝贺更加从我们的职员的成员和感谢您是我们的增进节目的一部分。


Walter 琼斯。抽奖协调员。


本文标题: 写一份英文邮件,但碍于英文能力有限,急求高手翻译!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/126368.html





