

急求!谁能帮我翻译下面的句子!翻译成英文,要用到括号里的词!非常感谢! 1.这对年轻夫妇秒年个 在镇上买

2021-06-05 08:13:47 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:190


1,他把座位让给一位怀抱小孩的妇女。(with)rn2,我姐姐去美国读书已经有4年了。(since)rn3,必须去请医生,否则这些伤员就没有救了。(send for)rn4,他明天要去北京,他要在哪里带一个星期。(where)rn5,我们肯定我们现在正在计划的事不久将变成现实(sure,come true)rn6,王老师负责这个班已经4年了。(in charge of )rn7,我母亲喜欢听音乐,看电视。(fond)rn8,他将为自己的所作所为而受到惩罚。(punish)rn9,他父母经常外出,而把他一个人留在家里。(leave)rn10,到去年年底,我们已经学了2000个英语新单词。(end)
1. He gave a seat to a woman with a baby.
2. It's four years since my sister went to the USA to study.
3. A doctor must be sent for, or the wounded won't be helped.
4. He will go to Beijing where he will stay there for a week tomorrow.
5. We are sure that the thing that is planning now will come true soon.
6. Mr. Wang has been incharge of the class for 4 years.
7. My mother is fond of music and TV.
1 He give a seat to a women with a child.
2 My sister has been to the USAsince 4 years ago.
3 They must be sent for the doctor,or they will die.
4 He will go to Beijing where he will stay at for a week tomorrow.
5 We are sure that our planning will come ture.
6 Miss wang has been in charge of this class for 4 years.
7 My mom is fond of listening music and watching TV.
8 He will be punished for his actions.
9 His parents always go out,leaving him at home alone.
10 By the end of last year,we had learnt two thousand new English words.
1, give a seat to his embrace of women with children.
2, and my sister to the United States to study have been 4 years.
3, to be a doctor, or else they would not save the wounded.
4, he go to Beijing tomorrow, where he has to take a week.
5, we are now sure that we are planning to do will soon be a reality
6, Wang is responsible for this class are four years.
7, my mother likes to listen to music, watching TV.
8, he will own actions and be punished.
9, his parents often go out, and he was a person to stay at home.
10, the end of last year, we have learned from 2000 the new English words.



being a sailor involves being away from home for a long time

【急求】谁能帮忙用英语翻译下面的句子(每句需用括号中的词汇),(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

1、他不知道他考得怎么样,但他已经尽力了。(try onex27s best)rnrn2、安娜能胜任这项工作吗?(be qualified for)rnrn3、我认为这样的好天气会持续两个多星期。(last)rnrn4、她向这所学校申请一个职位,但是没有成功。(apply for, succeed)rnrn5、你发烧了,不应该去上学,而应该去看病。(instead of)rnrn6、我的朋友霍布建议我不要搬到纽约去。(advise, more)rnrn7、史密斯太太的体重不断增加,她的丈夫告诉她要节食。(go on a diet)rnrn8、下次别再迟到了,否则你会被解雇的。(fire)

1. he don't know how about his test,but he try his best.

2. is anna qualified for this job ?

3. i think this whether will last 2 weeks more.

4. she apply the school for a degree ,but she don't succeed.

5. as youIKcZKpdPKD get a cold ,you should go the hospitol instead of school.

6. my friend hop advise me not move to New York any more.
(这句我翻译的感觉,不太好。因为这个 MORE 太变态,不知道放哪里)

7. Ms(太太忘了怎么写) Smith is getting her weight,and her husband tell her to go on a diet.

8. Don't be late next time,otherwise (或用 or)you will be fired.

## 有些题目真的太简单了,你不会这么懒吧???
1、He had no idea of the result of the exam, but he had tried his best.

2、Is Anna qualified for the job/work?

3、I think the fine weather will last more than two weeks.

4、She applied for a post from this school, but didn't succeed.

5、You've got a fever. You must go to see the doctor instead of going to school.

6、My friend Hobb advised me not to move to New York.

7、Mrs Smith is getting on weight so her husband has told her to go on a diet.

8、Don't be late next time, or I will fire you.
1、他不知道他考得怎么样,但他已经尽力了。(try one's best)
He didn't know what the exam results would be, but he had tried his best.

2、安娜能胜任这项工作吗?(be qualified for)
If Anna can be qulified for this job?

I think this good weather will last two more weeks.

4、她向这所学校申请一个职位,但是没有成功。(apply for, succeed)
She has applied for one job from this school but didn't succeed.

5、你发烧了,不应该去上学,而应该去看病。(instead of)
You've got a fever 日夏养花网and you should go to see a doctor instead of going to school.

6、我的朋友霍布建议我不要搬到纽约去。(advise, more)
My friend Hob advised me not to move to New York any more.

7、史密斯太太的体重不断增加,她的丈夫告诉她要节食。(go on a diet)
Mrs Smith's weight is growing and her husband told her to go on a diet.

Don't be late next time or you'll be fired.
1、他不知道他考得怎么样,但他已经尽力了。(try one's best)
Although he does not know his examinations results but he has tried his best.

2、安娜能胜任这项工作吗?(be qualified for)
Is Anna qualified for this job?

I believe that this fine weather will last for about two weeks.

4、她向这所学校申请一个职位,但是没有成功。(apply for, succeed)
She has applied for a position in this school but did not succeed.

5、你发烧了,不应该去上学,而应该去看病。(instead of)
You are having a fever so instead of going to the school, 日夏养花网you should go to a doctor.

6、我的朋友霍布建议我不要搬到纽约去。(advise, more)
My friend, Robbie, advised me against moving to New York.
Or My friend, Robbie, advised me not to move to New York.

7、史密斯太太的体重不断增加,她的丈夫告诉她要节食。(go on a diet)
Mrs. Smith’s weight was increasing continuously so his husband told her to go on a diet.

Please do not be late again or you will be fired.
Or You will be fired if you are late once more.
1.He doesn't know how he did on his test,but he has tried his best.
2.Is Anna qualified for this job?
3.I think this good weather will last for more than two weeks.
4.She applied to this school for a position,but she didn't succeed.
5.You have had a fever,you should go to see a doctor instead of going to school.
6.My friend Hob advises me not to move to New York. (more?)
7.Mrs. Smith is putting on weight continuouslly,her husband tells her to go on a diet.
8.Don't be late next time,or you will be fired.
1, he did not know how his test, but he has been the best. (Try one's best)

2, Anna can do the job? (Be qualified for)

3, I think it's good weather will continue for more than two weeks. (Last)

4, to her school to apply for a job, but to no avail. (Apply for, succeed)

5, you have a fever, should not go to school, but to see the doctor. (Instead of)

6, Hob my friends advised me not to move to New York. (Advise, more)

7, Mrs. Smith's body weight increased, her husband told her to go on a diet. (Go on a diet)

8, the next stop late, or else you will be dismissed. (Fire)


1.这对年轻夫妇秒年个 在镇上买一栋房子,但现在买不起。(afford)rn2.不能再等了,得马上走。(afford)rn3.他把房子照料得很好,每两年粉刷一次。(every)rn4.他把家具搬进了另一个房间.(move)rn5他们决定搬家,因为他们不喜欢住在这个地区。(move house)rn6.李明和其他4位同学住一套公寓。(share)
1、The young couple of seconds a year in the town to buy a house, but can't afford it now.
2、Can't wait to go at once.
3、His house in the care of very well, every two years of paint.
4、He pushed the furniture moved to the other room.
5、They decided to move house because they don't like living in this area.
6、Li ming and the other four students to share an www.rixia.ccapartment.
1.The young couple seconds in town last year, but now buy a house to buy.
2.Can't wait to go.
3.He took good care of the house once every two years, the paint.
4.He moved to another room furniture.
5.They decided to move, because they don't like living in this area.
6.Li Ming and other four students live in an apartment.
1.This young couple is going to buy a house at the town,but they couldn't afford now
2.Coudn't afford to wait any more,we must leave now.
3.He took good care of the house,paint every two years once.
4.He moved the furnitures into another room
5.They decided to move the house,cause they don't like to live in this area
6.Liming andhis four classmates shared one apartment.
1.The young couple want to buy a house in the town,but they can^t afford it.
2.I^ve got to go,I can^t afford the time.
3.The house was took good care by him,he paint it every two years.
4.He moved the funiture into the other room.
5.Since he didn^t like this region,he decideIKcZKpdPKDd to move house.
6.LiMing share the apartment with other 4 classmates.


本文标题: 急求!谁能帮我翻译下面的句子!翻译成英文,要用到括号里的词!非常感谢! 1.这对年轻夫妇秒年个 在镇上买
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/126086.html





