


2021-05-27 00:45:56 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:99


这是如果我别成回忆的歌词,谢谢了!rnrnrn累了 照惯例努力清醒着 rn也照惯例想你了 rn好怕一放心睡了 rn心跳在梦中不听话的 rn就停止了 rnrn听着 呼吸像浪潮拍动着 rn越美丽越让我忐忑 rn我还能珍惜什么 rn如果我连自己的脉搏 都难掌握 rnrn如果我变成回忆 退出了这场生命 rn留下你错愕哭泣 rn我冰冷身体 拥抱不了你 rnrn想到我让深爱的你 人海孤独旅行 rn我会恨自己 如此狠心 rnrn如果我变成回忆 终于没那么幸运 rn没机会白着头发 rn蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽 rnrn漫长时光总有一天你会伤心痊愈 rn若有人可以 让他陪你 rn我不怪你 rnrn快乐 什么时候会结束呢 rn哪一刻是最后一刻 rn想把你紧紧抱着 rn可知你是我生命中的 rn最舍不得 rnrn如果我变成回忆 退出了这场生命 rn留下你错愕哭泣 rn我冰冷身体 拥抱不了你 rnrn想到我让深爱的你 人海孤独旅行 rn我会恨自己 如此狠心 rnrn如果我变成回忆 终于没那么幸运 rn没机会白着头发 rn蹒跚牵着你 看晚霞落尽 rnrn漫长时光总有一天你会伤心痊愈 rn若有人可以 让他陪你 rnrn如果我变成回忆 最怕我太不争气 rn顽固地赖在空气 rn霸占你心里 每一寸缝隙 rnrn连累依然爱我的你 痛苦承受失去 rn这样不公平 请你尽力 rn把我忘记
Tired conventionally to awake
Also conventionally like you
Afraid of sleep a worry
Disobedient heart in a dream

Listening to the waves flapping like a breath
The day you went away
What else can I treasure
If I even own heartless

If I became a memory from this life
Leaving you startled cry
I can not hug you cold body

I let you think of love broken heart
I will hate myself so heartless

If I became a memory finally not so lucky
No chance of having white hair
Holding you let myself stumble

A long time one day your heart heal
If anyone can let him be with you
I do not blame you

When will it end happy
Which moment was the last moment
Want to hold you tight
Know that you are my life
The most reluctant

If I became a memory from this life
Leaving you startled cry
I can not hug you cold body

I let you think of love broken heart
I will hate myself so heartless

If I became a memory finally not so lucky
No chance of having white hair
Holding you let myself stumble

A long time one day your heart heal
If anyone can let him be with you

If I became a memory I was too afraid to blame
Stubbornly hanging on in the air
To occupy every inch of your heart gap

Incriminate you still love my pain by the loss
This is not fair to ask you to do
Forget me


每到这时刻心欢畅,约你的路上;rn路上不时想起你,眼睛如闪烁的星光。rn我总忍不住逗你笑,看你羞涩模样,rn因为你脸庞此刻会泛起红光。rn每到这时,我总在心里傻傻的想;rn想我们未来时光开心的模样,rn你总不停的对我讲,要一起到远方;rn一起到那些早就向往的地方。rn就这样,走在约见你的路上,rn就这样想你可爱的模样;rn不知你是否和我一样也这样的想,这样的想,rn想我们,在一起,到永远,去远方……rn落日晚霞洒落在你我肩膀,rn我们挽手徜徉到华灯初上,rn微风吹动你的发梢抚我脸庞,rn看路灯将我们身影渐渐拉长。 rnrnrn翻译时意思差不多就行,也可以根据自己的理解做改动,只要注意压韵,意境到位就好。谢谢!!
That moment evoWzXMery heart elated about you on the road;
From time to time you think of the road,
eyes flashing as the stars. Funny,
I can not help you laugh,
do you shy person,
because you will treasure the moment faces red.
Each time, I always think the heart innocently;
Next time we want to look happy,
you always keep the right I say,
we should work together to afar;
together those long aspired to place.
This way,
walk in the meeting with you on the road,
so you want to look cute; I wonder if you,
like me,
and the wish to do, this would,
we think,
togethe日夏养花网r, forever ...
to distant sunset afterglow spilled over the shoulders of you and I,
we dalliance that night hand in hand,
the breeze rustled the health of your face,
I ask to see streetlights will gradually extend our presence.
That moment every heart elated about the way you 第1行
From time to time you think of the road, eyes flashing like the stars 2
Funny, I can not help you laugh, do you shy person, because you will treasure the moment faces red 3.4
Each time, I always think the heart innocently;
Next time we want to look happy 5.6
You keep right I say, to work together to afar; Together those long aspired to place. 7.8
This way, walk in the meeting with you on the road.
This way you want to look cute;
I wonder if you, like me, and the wish to do so to the 9.10.11
We would like, together forever ... to distant sunset afterglow spilled over the shoulders of you and I, we dalliance that night hand in hand, the breeze rustled the health of your face, I ask, will we see streetlights figure gradually lengthening 后面的

(Each arrive to engrave heart at this time delight, invite you of road up; )
(Often remind of you on the road, eyes such as flicker of star light. )
(I am total to cannot help but stir you to smile, see your wkward and shy shape,)
(Because your face will start to be suffused with red light at the moment. )
(Each arrive at this time, I be total to in mind and silly think; )
(Miss our happy shape of the future time,)
(You are total continuously speak to me, want to arrive far-away place together; )
(Get to those place which early look forward tos together. )
(Walk on the road which see you around so,)
(Think like this your lovely shape; )
(Whether don't know you is similar to me or not also so of think, so of think,)
(Miss us, together arrive forever, go to far-away place ……)
(The setting sun rosy sunset spread to fall at your my shoulder,)
(The our Wan hand wander about unhurriedly Hua light beginning up,)
(The light breeze blow to move you of the hair Shao fondle my face,)
(See street lamp be gradual our figure to make longer.)
Each arrive to engrave heart at this time delight, invite you of road up

(Often remind of you on the road, eyes such as flicker of star light.

I am total to cannot help but stir you to smile, see your wkward and shy shape

Because your face will start to be suffused with red light at the moment.

Each arrive at this time, I be total to in mind and silly think

Miss our happy shape of the future time,

You are total continuously speak to me, want to arrive far-away place together

Get to those place which early look forward tos together

(Walk on the road which see you around so,)

(Think like this your lovely shape; )

(Whether don't know you is similar to me or not also so of think, so of think,)

(Miss us, together arrive forever, go to far-away place ……)

(The setting sun rosy sunset spread to fall at your my shoulder,)

(The our Wan hand wander about unhurriedly Hua light beginning up,)

(The light breeze blow to move you of the hair Shao fondle my face
(See street lamp be gradual our figure to make longer.)
That moment every heart elated about you on the road;
From time to time you think of the road,
eyes flashing as the stars. Funny,
I can not help you laugh,
do you shy person,
because you will treasure the moment faces red.
Each time, I always think the heart innocently;
Next time we want to look happy,
you always keep the right I say,
we should work together to afar;
together those long aspired to place.
This way,
walk in the meeting with you on the road,
so you want to look cute; I wonder if you,
like me,
and the wish to do, this would,
we think,
together, forever ...
to distant sunset afterglow spilled over the shoulders of you and I,
we dalliance that night hand in hand,
the breeze rustled the health of your face,
I ask to see streetlights will gradually extend our presence.
回答者:王佳佳6 - 经理 四级 8-9 10:43

Arrive to engrave heart at this time each time delight, invite your on the road;
The on the road reminds of you often, eyes such as the star light of the flicker.
I always cannot help but stiring you to smile, seeing your wkward and shy shape,
Because your face will start to be suffused with red light at the moment.
Each time arrive at this time, I always in mind silly think silly;
Miss our happy shape of the future time,
You are total continuously speak to me, want to arrive far-away place together;
Get to those places which look forward to early together.
Walk on the on the road which sees you around so,
Think like this your lovely shape;
Don't know whether you are similar to me or not also thinks so, so of think,
Miss us, arrive forever together, go to far-away place ……
The setting sun rosy sunset spread to fall my shoulder at you,
The our 挽 hand wanders about unhurriedly 华 light beginning up,
The light breeze blows to move your hair 梢 to fondle my face,
Seeing the street lamp make longer our figure gradually.


枫 rn乌云在我们心里刻下一块阴影 rn我聆听沉寂已久的心情 rn清晰透明就像美丽的风景 rn总在回忆里才看的清 rn被伤透的心能不能够继续爱我 rn我用力牵起没温度的双手 rn过往温柔已经被时间上锁 rn只剩挥散不去的难过 rn缓缓掉落的枫叶像思念 rn我点燃烛火温暖岁末的秋天 rn极光掠过天边 rn北风掠过想你的容颜 rn我把爱烧成了落叶 rn却换不回熟悉的那张脸 rn缓缓掉落的枫叶像思念 rn为何挽回要赶在冬天来之前 rn爱你穿越时间 rn两行来自秋末的眼泪 rn让爱渗透了地面 rn我要的只是你在我身边 rn被伤透的心能不能够继续爱我 rn我用力牵起没温度的双手 rn过往温柔已经被时间上锁 rn只剩挥散不去的难过 rn在山腰间飘逸的红雨 rn随著北风凋零我轻轻摇曳风铃 rn想唤醒被遗弃的爱情 rn雪花已铺满了地 rn深怕窗外枫叶已结成冰

Can the maple tree
dark cloud enhttp://www.rixia.ccgraves the shadow in our heart
I to listen respectfully the quiet long mood
clear transparent to like the beautiful scenery together
always only then to look in the recollection
the heart which injuries passes clear continue to like my
I making an effort passing to pull temperature both hands
not to be gentle already maple leaves the picture which cages by the time
only remains wields cannot diverge feels bad slowly falls to miss
I to light the candle fire warm year's end the autumn
aurora to pass over gently and swiftly the horizon
north wind to pass over gently and swiftly before thought why your appearance
I did like firing the fallen leaf
actually not to be able to trade
maple leaves the picture which the familiar that face
slowly fell to miss recall must catch up with came in the winter like your time of penetration two lines coming
Let from at the end of the fall tear like seeping the ground I to want only is you the heart which injuries passes can continue in my side to like my I making an effort passing to pull temperature both hands not to be gentle already feeling bad which cages by the time only remains wields cannot diverge the elegant red rain to be on the wane in the mountainside between along with the north wind I gently to drag the wind chimes to want to awaken the love snowflake shop which abandons has been filled has been very afraid outside the window maple leaves to form the ice

Deputy Uyunqimg in our memory engrave down a piece of shadow of I listened to the quiet has been long mood clear transparent is like beautiful scenery total in memories li before they look at the Qing been brains heart can not be able to continue to love me I Misconception # bridged did noWzXMot temperature hands past gentle already been time locking leaving only couplet casual not go to the sorry slowly flop the Maple Leaf like constant remembrance I lit guttering warmth Saiou autuhttp://www.rixia.ccmn harvest auroral passing over remotest North Wind passing over think you the scorched I put love burnt a defoliation has land exchange would not go back to familiar Sure face slowly flop the Maple Leaf like constant remembrance why restore had to rush to in winter to before love you travel time two lines from scaring the tears Let love infiltration ground I should like Hill player in the Red waist lightly sway with the winds dying I want to awaken useful abandoned love snowflake has shown a constant window to Maple Leaf has Jiechengbing


本文标题: 请帮我将这段歌词翻译成英文,谢谢.
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/123322.html





