

有几道英语单选 帮忙解决一下 谢啦……

2021-05-14 06:38:53 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:222


11:Rom admits that watching TV sometimes distracts him _www.rixia.cc_____ his homework. 1.out 2.off 3.from 4.in 12:Writing is a slow process, requiring _________ thought, time and effort. 1.significant 2.considerable 3.enormous 4.numerous 13:Then Johnny reached quickly ___ the other pot, vigorously boiling on the stove. 1.down 2.out 3.for 4.to 14:The machine can pull up trees as if they ______ weeds (野草,杂草). 1.were 2. have been 3.are 4.had been 15:I don’t think I’m ______ of your success at your present job. 1. envious 2. obvious 3.happy 4.awful 16:We must focus _______ our sales force as the chief means of improving trade. 1. to 2.in 3.on 4.with 17:They took ______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. 1.fruitful 2.valid 3.beneficial 4.effective 18:Our team has no ______________ of winning. 1.occasion 2.luck 3.chance 4.favor 19:The enemies fought hard, but finally they had to give ______, because their food supply was cut off. 1.in 2.off 3.out 4.away 20:By careful study it was found out that this church was ______ in the 18th century. 1.equipped 2.defined 3.represented 4.established


1.With the joint effort of everyone, the plan is _____ to succeed; I’m sure of that.rna、obvious b、bound c、doubtless d、necessaryrnrn2.Liquids are like solids ____________they have a definite volume.rna、in which b、that c、in that d、whichrnrn3.Birds and flowers __________the coming of springrn a、declare b、claim c、announce d、 intimaternrn4.___________a good beginning is made, the work is half done.rna、As soon as b、While c、As d、Oncernrn5.I am interested in __________you have told mern a、which b、all that c、all what d、thatrnrn6.“Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed to the country last weekend?”“No, it _________for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.”rna、was raining b、would be raining rnc、 had been raining d、have rainedrnrn7.What is the man’s attitude towards his job? ______________________________________________.rna、He is an officer. b、It means more money.rnc、He fails to become a doctor. d、He hates his job for its low pay.rnrn8.May I use your computer for a while?_______________________________________________.rna、No, thank you. b、Yes, go ahearnc、I’m not sure. d、Yes, I think so.rnrn9.What do you do?_____________________________________.rn a、I find my work interesting.rn b、I believe him.rn c、I’m a nurse.rn d、I’m doing my homeworkrnrn10.Could you pick me up on your way to work?____________________________________.rn a、Thank you.rn b、Yes, please.rn c、Sure.rn d、It doesn’t matterrnrn11.Do you play football as well as your brother?____________________________________.rn a、He doesn’t play football.rn b、We both do.rn c、No, he doesn’t.rn d、Yes, I do.rnrn12.More poles are needed to _____ the weight of the tent.rn a、retainrn b、sustainrn c、maintainrn d、obtainrnrn13.You have got a good job. Why aren’ t you happy?______________________________________.rn a、I want to do well in it.rn b、I’m not feeling well.rn c、I don’t like it.rn d、I’m tirernrn14.Abdullah was the only one who knew how to cook because he had ____ in the kitchen when he was a boy.rn a、helped aboutrn b、helped uprn c、helped withrn d、helped outrnrn15.The police set a ____ to catch the thieves.rn a、planrn b、devicern c、traprn d、trick
1.With the joint effort of everyone, the plan is _____ to succeed; I’m sure of that.
b、bound be bound to 必然...
2.Liquids are like solids ____________they have a definite volume.
c、in that在……方面

3.Birds and flowers __________the coming of spring

4.___________a good beginning is made, the work is half done.
d、Once 只要,一旦

5.I am interested in __________you have told me
b、all that=what
6.“Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed to the country last weekend?”“No, it _________for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.”
c、 had been raining过去的过去,完成时
7.What is the man’s attitude towards his job? ______________________________________________.
d、He hates his job for its low pay. 问的是态度、看法

8.May I use your computer for a while?_______________________________________________.
b、Yes, go ahead

9.What do you do?_____________________________________.

c、I’m a nurse. 问你做什么工作

10.Could you pick me up on your way to work?____________________________________.

c、Sure. 当然

11.Do you play football as well as your brother?____________________________________.

d、Yes, I do.

12.More poles are needed to _____ the weight of the tent.

b、sustain 承受tent的重量

13.You have got a good job. Why aren’ t you happy?______________________________________.

c、I don’t like it.

14.Abdullah was the only one who knew how to cook because he had ____ in the kitchen when he was a boy.
a、helped about日夏养花网 在……帮手

15.The police set a ____ to catch the thieves.

c、trap 设陷阱
1.With the joint effort of everyone, the plan is ___b__ to succeed; I’m sure of that.
a、obvious b、bound c、doubtless d、necessary

2.Liquids are like solids ___c_________they have a definite volume.
a、in which b、that c、in that d、which

3.Birds and flowers ____c______the coming of spring
a、declare b、claim c、announce d、 intimate

4._____d______a good beginning is made, the work is half done.
a、As soon as b、While c、As d、Once

5.I am interested in ___c_______you have told me
a、which b、all that c、all what d、that

6.“Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed to the country last weekend?”“No, it ____c_____for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.”
a、was raining b、would be raining
c、 had been raining d、have rained

7.What is the man’s attitude towards his job? _______d_______________________________________.
a、He is an officer. b、It means more money.
c、He fails to become a doctor. d、He hates his job for its low pay.

8.May I use your computer for a while?_________d______________________________________.
a、No, thank you. b、Yes, go ahead
c、I’m not sure. d、Yes, I think so.

9.What do you do?________c_____________________________.
a、I find mhttp://www.rixia.ccy work interesting.
b、I believe him.
c、I’m a nurse.
d、I’m doing my homework

10.Could you pick me up on your way to work?________日夏养花网__c__________________________.
a、Thank you.
b、Yes, please.
d、It doesn’t matter

11.Do you play football as well as your brother?________d____________________________.
a、He doesn’t play football.
b、We both do.
c、No, he doesn’t.
d、Yes, I do.

12.More poles are needed to __b___ the weight of the tent.

13.You have got a good job. Why aren’ t you happy?________c______________________________.
a、I want to do well in it.
b、I’m not feeling well.
c、I don’t like it.
d、I’m tire

14.Abdullah was the only one who knew how to cook because he had __c__ in the kitchen when he was a boy.
a、helped about
b、helped up
c、helped with
d、helped日夏养花网 out

15.The police set a _c___ to catch the thieves.


1, A well-written composition( )good choice of words and clear oeganization among other things.rnA calls onrnB calls uprnC calls forrnD calls inrn2,( ),the honest boy ( )an excuse for his coming late, which made his teacher angry.rnA curious enough, made outrnB enough curiously, made outrnC enough curious, made uprnD curiously enough, made up
1.C calls for
call for要求
call in叫某人进来,来访
call up给某人打电话
2.D curiously enough, made up
make up an excuse编一个理由

C called for(要求)
D curiously enough(非常好奇)made up(编造)
1.C call on: 拜访、请求 call up:打电话,叫醒,使…回忆 call for:需要,要求 call in: 找来
2.D enough为副词,放在形容词后。 make out:辨认,理解 make up:编造,弥补
1,C call for 需要
2.D make up for补偿 编造


1.We should view the racial problem __ .nA.in the mass B.in the generalnC.on the mass D.on the generalnn2.Financial crisis is __ for the country this year.nA.in stock B.in the horizonnC.in shape D.on the horizonnn3.This is a nation which __ easily to change.nA.adapts B.is adapted nC.is adaptable D.is adaptingnn4.The teacher said,"Itx27s time you __ your oral presentation."nA.began B.should beginnC.begin D.are beginingnn5.The story you told me the other day has yet to be __.nA.confessed B.confirmednC.conquered D.connformednn6.In __ writing,each symbol represents one phoneme.nA.word B.syllable nC.alphabetic D.pictographicnn谢谢谢谢~顺便告诉我为什么这么选~
1 A in the mass 总体上
2 D on the horizen 即将到来
in stock 有存货 in shape 状况良好
3 A adapt to ...适应... adaptable 具有适应能力的
4 A 固定语法 It is time that +过去式
5 B confirm 确认,其他三个不符题意
confess 坦白 conquer征服 conform遵守
6 B alphabetic writing拼音文字 syllable音节音位 pictographic 象形文字,不符题意

A  in the mass总体上

D  on the horizon 即将来临的

A  adapt to  适应。。。

A it is time /it is high time 后加动词过去式,表示是时候干什么了

B confirm 证实


1.A in the mass 总体上整个地,in general也可以。
2.D on the herizon 即将来临.
3.A adapt to 适应适合.
4.A it is time后面的从句用一般过去时。
5.B confirm确定确认的意思。
6.B 音节,因为最后一个单词义为音素,音位。


本文标题: 有几道英语单选 帮忙解决一下 谢啦……
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/117513.html





