

英语高手~~~~ 请过来 帮我解下答案!!!!! 在线跪求中!

2021-02-24 02:58:52 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:174

关于英语语法的问题~~~~ 请高手过来帮我看下~~~ 在线哭着跪求中!!!!

They would know how far north or south of the equator they were.rnrn这里的 far north or south of the equator 是 how(far) (north or south) of the equatorrn这么划分么? far 和 north or south 是两个不相干的副词 对么????

They would know how far north or south of the equator they were.

how far north or south of the equator they were ==> 把疑问语序换成普通陈述句会更方便你理解:
they were 1,000 km north/south of the equator. 他们在赤道北边/南边1000公里处。

A is XXX kwww.rixia.ccm north of B:A在B的北边XXX千米处。
改成疑问句==> how far is A north of B? A在B的北边多远处?

现在懂了吧。 how far 只是一个提问。。。就好像how often, how long, how soon引导的提问一样。跟north or south 没有一点关系。
They would know how far north or south of the equator they were.

这里的 far north or south of the equator 是 how(far) (north or south) of the equator
这么划分么? far 和 north or south 是两个不相干的副词 对么????
1. n. 北方,作为名词,前面多有the, 如:in the north of...
2. adv. 意为:towards the north, 如:to travel (further) north| The room faces North,so it's always quite cold.
Edingburg is (a long way) (to the) north of London.
最后一个例句,如有to the,则north 为名词,没有则为副词。
a long way 是修饰语,可以具体化,用300 kilometers 来替换。
如果就300 kilometers 划线提问,则为:
How far (to the) north of London is Edingburg?
-->Do you know how far north of London Endingburg is?
你应该熟悉It is 300 kilometers away from London吧?
也知道问:How far away from London it is? =How far away it is from London?吧?
其实how far north of 与how far away from 一样的结构。这下明白了吧?
本题句出自2012年新托福考试TPO(1-24)听力TPO 14 Lecture 3 Astronomy
你是想表达南北赤道离彼此有多远是吗? 不如就写, They would know the distance between the north and the south equator. 翻译为他们会知道南北赤道之间的距离。 或 They would know how far the north equator is from the south equator. 他们会知道北赤道离南赤道有多远。
比如说他们在离赤道以北5000米 就是 they were 5000 meters far north of the equator
这句话说他们要知道他们在赤道以北或以南的什么位置 不用加where 因为还原成陈述语序也就是 they were how far north of the equator/south of the equator 不用加的原因正因为你分析的north or south 是副词,
south/north of the equator 是“赤道以南/北”的意思 整个做副词性质
They would know how far they were.意思是:他们应该知道他们离我们多远
They would know how far thewww.rixia.ccy were from A . 意思是:他们应该知道他们离 A 有多远
They would know how far (north of the equator) they were.意思是:他们应该知道他们向赤道以北偏离了多远(括号中整体是“赤道以北”的意思 整个做状语形式 修饰 how far they were 这个结构 本来是“离...多远”的意思 修饰之后 就变成了 以“以赤道向北”这种状态 偏离了多远的意思 也就是“偏离赤道以北多远”的意思)

Dr Tiller’s slaying reminded Americans (how far they are from) achieving their new president’s dream.

identifying日夏养花网 them and measuring how dim they appear tells (how far they are), since faintness means farness.

另外 north of the equator 表示“赤道以北”并整体作为定语结构或者状语结构的例子:

Zwierssays that cutting emissions is essential, because changes in rainfallwill impact many people negatively, especially in developing countries just (north of the equator).
Zwiers说减少温室气体的排放是至关重要的,因为降雨量的变化将对许多人产生不利影响,特别是对“赤道以北”附近的发展中国家。(这里 north of the equator 整个做后置定语 修饰developing countries 注意这里没有 in the north of the equator 而 直接是 north of the equator 可见其习惯上的整体性)

(South of the equator), the winds flow in the same direction as the hands on a clock. (North of the equator), they flow counter-clockwise.
在南半球,风吹的方向和时钟指针的转动方向一致都是顺时针。而在北半球,风是以逆时针旋转的。(这里 south of the equator、north of the equator 均作为状语结构 修饰后边的整个句子的状态 虽然中文翻译里边有“在”字 但是这里并不习惯用 in the north of the equator 可见习惯上是不加 in 的 而是直接 north of the equator 表示“赤道以南”的意思)
这里我觉得应该是省略了一个where其实,They would know how far “where” north or south of the equator they were.

请英语高手帮我翻译 急 急 急!!!!!!

1.你喜欢什么运动?为什么?rn 说到运动我想最喜欢的应该是muscle building 。因为这项运动不仅可以提高我的身体素质还可以完善体形。rnrn2.最喜欢什么电影?为什么?rn 我看过很多部电影,最喜欢的应该是《叶问》。因为他不仅能让我更多的了解中国武术,而且更能激发人们的爱国热情。rnrn3.最讨厌什么人或事?为什么?rn 最讨厌的人是那种不守时的人。因为不遵守时间就是对他人的不尊重。最讨厌的事是偷看别人信件。因为信件是他人隐私,偷看他人隐私是非常可耻的。rnrn4.圣诞节rn 每年12月25日,是教会年历的一个传统节日,它是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日。基督徒们相互祝福。本人从来不过圣诞节,我只过中国的节日。
1.What is your favorite sports? Why?
For sports i think my favorite is Muscle Building. becasue this sports rise my health level and help me matain my body shape.
2 Favortie Movie and Why?
I have seen a lot of movies, but most favorite is YiP Man. Because from the movie i learned more about gongfu and it affected my love for my country.
3. Why kind of people do you dislike? Why?
I dislike the kind people that never on time. It show disrespect to others. And people that looks through other;s mail. because mail contatin a lot of pravicy, it very to rude to do such thing.
4. Christmas
December 25th, is traditonal hoilday that gets celebrity by christan church. it celebrity the birth of Jesus. christen congratulate each other.For me, i never celebrity Christmas. i only celebrity china' holiday.
1. what sports do you like? Why?
I want to say to the building should be like muscle. Because this movement can not only improve my body quality can perfect figure.

2. Favorite movie? Why?
I have seen many movies, favorite should be "Ip." Because he can not only make me more understanding of Chinese martial arts, but also bring out people's patriotic enthusiasm.

3. What is the most annoying person or thing? Why?
The most annoying is the kind of people who are not punctual. Because non-compliance with time is no respect for others. The most annoying thing is peep into other people letters. Because the letter is another's privacy, peep the privacy of others is very shameful.

4. Christmas
December 25 each year, is the church calendar, a traditional Chinese festival, which is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ Christian celebration. Christians are blessed with each other. But I never Christmas, I only had Chinese holiday.
One. Do you like sport? 为什么? Why?
说到运动我想最喜欢的应该是muscle building 。 Speaking of sports I want to be the most favorite muscle building. 因为这项运动不仅可以提高我的身体素质还可以完善体形。 Because the sport can not only improve my physical shape can be improved.

2.最喜欢什么电影? 2. Favorite movie? 为什么? Why?
我看过很多部电影,最喜欢的应该是《叶问》。 I have seen many movies, favorite should be "Ip." 因为他不仅能让我更多的了解中国武术,而且更能激发人们的爱国热情。 Because he can not only make me more understanding of Chinese martial arts, but also bring out people's patriotic enthusiasm.

3.最讨厌什么人或事? 3. What is the most annoying person or thing? 为什么? Why?
最讨厌的人是那种不守时的人。 The most annoying is the kind of people who are not punctual. 因为不遵守时间就是对他人的不尊重。 Because non-compliance with time is no respect for others. 最讨厌的事是偷看别人信件。 The most annoying thing is lowww.rixia.ccok at somebody else letter. 因为信件是他人隐私,偷看他人隐私是非常可耻的。 Because the letter is another's privacy, peep the privacy of others is very shameful.

4.圣诞节每年12月25日,是教会年历的一个传统节日,它是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日。 4. Christmas Day December 25 each year, is the church calendar, a traditional Chinese festival, which is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ Christian celebration. 基督徒们相互祝福。 Christians are blessed with each other. 本人从来不过圣诞节,我只过中国的节日。 But I never Christmas, I only had Chinese holiday.
问题补充: Questions added: 请高手帮我把问题和答案全部都翻译成英文(用翻译软件者,请勿打扰!!!!!) 谢谢 Please help me master all the questions and answers translated into English (with translation software, please do not disturb !!!!!) Thank you
1 what sports do you like? Why?
I want to say to the building should be like muscle. Because this movement can not only improve my body quality can perfect figure.

2 most like movies? Why?
I have seen many movie, like most of the leaf is ". Because he not only can let me know more Chinese martial arts, and more can inspire patriotic enthusiasm.

3 what is the most hated things? Why?
The person dislike most is that not punctual. Because time is not comply with respect to others. The most hated things are looking at someone else letters. Because the letter is other people's privacy, peep others privacy is very ashamed.

4 for Christmas
Every year December 25, is a traditional festival of the church calendar, it is the christians celebrate to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christians mutual greeting. I never but Christmas, I only Chinese festival.
1. what sports do you like? Why?
I want to say to the building should be like muscle. Because this movement can not only improve my body quality can perfect figure.

2. Favorite movie? Why?
I have seen many movies, favorite should be "Ip." Because he can not only make me more understanding of Chinese martial arts, but also bring out people's patriotic enthusiasm.

3. What is the most annoying person or thing? Why?
The most annoying is the kind of people who are not punctual. Because non-compliance with time is no respect for others. The most annoying thing is peep into other people letters. Because the letter is another&#日夏养花网39;s privacy, peep the privacy of others is very shameful.

4. Christmas
December 25 each year, is the church calendar, a traditional Chinese festival, which is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ Christian celebration. Christians are blessed with each other. But I never Christmas, I only had Chinese holiday. 啊啊~~~

是关于 英语的语法问题!!!! 请高手 帮我解决掉!!!! 在线跪求之中!!!!! 谢谢了!!!!

Um ... another gas associated with the spread of agriculture is methane. Methane forms in large concentration above wetlands, and as it turns out, the cultivation of certain grains creates vast areas of artificial wetlands, and probably drastically increases the amount of methane getting into the atmosphere, over and above what would be there. rn这里 最后的 getting into the atmosphere, over and above what would be there. 这里的(into the atmosphere) , (over and above what would be there.)都是跟着 系动词get的标语么?当然, 意思我是懂的, 可想详细的了解其用法~ 谢谢了!
increases the amount of methane getting into the atmosphere, over and above what would be there.

get into the atmosphere 和 over and above what would be there 两者是并列的,并非从属关系。
getting into the atmosphere 修饰methane

over and above what would be there 修饰的也是 methane,介词短语作定语。
get into the atmosphere ~over and above what would be there 两者是并列的,并非从属关系。
getting into the atmosphere 修饰methane

over and above what would be there 修饰的也是 methane,介词短语作定语
1. getting into the atmosphere是现在分词作定词修饰methane,意为:进入大气中的沼气量
2. over and above what would be there是介词+从句构成一个起进一步解释说明的同位语,作 the amount of methane 的同位语。

文章标签: 生石花

本文标题: 英语高手~~~~ 请过来 帮我解下答案!!!!! 在线跪求中!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/95324.html





