


2021-02-15 20:39:41 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:122


Once I unintentionally hurt you, and once I am crazily looking for you, I found it only after losting you, that is I have already quietly in loving with you!

Once unintentionally hurt you, also once you lose crazily, after you know, I have quietly like you!
"Had no intention to hurt you, it was crazy to find you lose after you know, I secretly love you!"


目前全世界共有烟民11亿,每年死于吸烟有关疾病的人高达400万,平均每秒钟就有一个人死于吸烟有关疾病。据估计吸烟使美国成年人的寿命平均减少14年。在因吸烟而死亡的成年人中39.8%的人死于癌症,34.7%的人死于血管性疾病,25.5%的人死于呼吸道疾病。吸烟已成为严重危害健康、危害人类生存环境、降低人们的生活质量、缩短人类寿命的紧迫问题。为此联合国确定每年5月31日为全球戒烟日,世界卫生组织把吸烟看成二十世纪的瘟疫。rn 烟草燃烧后冒的严重含有20多种毒素,对生命危害最大的要算尼古丁了。rnrn 吸烟三大危害rn由于吸入体内的烟对呼吸道、消化道等器官有恶性刺激作用,因而有人认为它是胃及十二指肠溃疡、呼吸道感染甚至为口、唇、舌、食道、呼吸道费等癌症的诱发因素。rn 由此看来,吸烟对人体健康来说有百害而无一利。所以要尽量戒除或少吸,不吸烟的人最好不要染上这个嗜好。rnrn 吸烟大大大的有害健康实例:rn 法国2000年抽烟比赛,一人连抽43支当场死亡在公共汽车站、医院、商厦等公共场合,我们常会看到如“吸烟有害健康”一类的醒目的字样。香烟,是大家最熟悉的,吸烟在当今社会也是一个极为普遍的现象,从年迈的爷爷、奶奶,到十几岁的青少年,有多少人不迷恋它?可你知道它究竟有多少危害?吸烟就好像在喝“慢性”的毒药一样!据科学家证明,香烟中含有大量的尼古丁,它是很强的毒性物质,损害着人类的健康,还会引发可怕的肺癌、胃癌、食道癌和各种疾病!一滴尼古丁就能毒死一只肥猪,还能使人的寿命缩短五秒!三滴尼古丁就能毒死一头壮牛呢!可想而知,其危害有多大!rnrn 有一组实验,名叫:香烟的危害,首先,找来了三个一样大的瓶子,里面装着相同的清水,然后再找来本条同一品种,大小一样的小鱼,又拿来平时抽一根香烟。实验开始了!第一个瓶子不放烟丝,在第二个瓶子里放上一点儿烟丝,而在第三个瓶子里放很多的烟丝,然后用棍在这三个瓶子里搅拌。过了一会儿,第一个瓶子里的水还是很清,而第二个瓶子里的水变成了淡黄色;第三个瓶子里的水竟成了土黄色!接着,把小鱼分别放进了这三个瓶子里。过了一会儿,情况可大不一样!出现了可怕的变化,第一个瓶子里的小鱼仍安然无恙;第二个瓶子里的小鱼拼命地挣扎着;而第三个瓶子里的小鱼尾部僵直了,只有嘴还在有气无力的呼吸着。“嘀嗒,嘀嗒……”。小鱼们最痛苦的时刻来临了!凶恶的死神不费吹灰之力就夺去了这两个家伙的生命!这么短暂的时间里,两条活泼可爱的小鱼就一动不动了,变成了硬邦邦的小僵尸!只有在没有放烟丝的第一个瓶子里,小鱼还快活地游着。rnrn 从以上实验证明,烟丝能够毒死小鱼。人类吸了它,同样也能造成不同程度的伤害。rnrn 现在,大家是否重新认识了香烟呢?我想是的,香烟实在太可怕了!抽烟者花高价把它买了回来,本以为它能给自己带来快乐,没想到它却把自己那健康的身体摧残成那样,甚至连自己的后代也不放过!给自己的身心健康带来了不同程度的伤害,与当初比起来,真是适得其反!不过,现在还来得及,快快行动吧!远离香烟!为保护我们自己的身体健康,为保护我们的子孙后代,从我做起,从青少年做起,广泛深入地开展“限烟”、“日夏养花网无烟”宣传:为大家的健康请不要吸烟!
Currently the world altogether has 11 billion, smokers die each year from smoking related diseases up to 400 million per second, there is a people die from smoking related diseases. An estimated the life of American adults smoking reduced on average by 14 years. In die from smoking adults 39.8% people die from cancer, 34.7% people die from vascular disease, 25.5 per cent people die from respiratory diseases. Smoking has become a serious health hazard, harm to human survival environment, reduce the quality of people's lives, shorten lifespans pressing problems. Therefore the United Nations determined May 31 each year for global JieYanRi, the world health organization take smoking as the twentieth century pestilence.
After the severe burning tobacco at 20 kinds of toxins, containing the largest life to calculate nicotine harm.

Smoking three harm
The smoke inhalation of body organs such as respiratory tract, enteron, thus stimulating have malignant: some people think it is gastric and duodenal ulcers, respiratory infections even for mouth, lip, tongue, esophagus, respiratory fee, so the inducing factors cancer.
So it seems, smoking on human health are invulnerability and no benefit. So to try to kick or less suck, do not smoke had better not infected with this hobby.

Smoking is big big harmful to health examples:
French 2000 game, one even smoking a died on the spot in smoke 43 public bus station, hospital, shopping malls, public occasions, we often see such as "smoking is harmful to health" kind of striking the words. Cigarettes, is everybody's most familiar, smoking in today's society is also a very common phenomenon, from old grandfather, grandmother, to teenagers, how many people is not infatuated with it? But you know it exactly how much harm? Smoking is like drinking "chronic" in the poison the same!62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333264633534 According to scientists proved that contains a large amount of nicotine in cigarettes, it is very strong toxic substances, damaging the health of human beings, still can cause terrible lung, stomach, esophagus and various disease! A drop of nicotine can kill a pig, still can make the person's life shorten five seconds! Three drops of nicotine can kill a strong cow! It is conceivable that the harm have how old!

A group of experimental, named: the dangers of smoking, first of all, for three like big bottle filled with the same water, then looks for to this same breed, size, and took peacetime small smoking a cigarette. Experiment began. The first bottle cut tobacco, don't put in the second bottle put on a bit of tobacco, and in the third bottle with a lot of tobacco and then use stick in the three bottle mixing. After a while, one bottle of water or very clear, and the second bottle of water into a light yellow; The third bottle of water have become yellow! Then, put the fish in the the three respectively in the bottle. After a while, the situation is quite the same! Appeared terrible change, one bottle of fisher still safe; The second bottle fish desperately struggled; And the third bottle stiff, only small fish tail in the mouth feel groggy breathing. "Tick, tick..." . The little fish are the most painful hour coming! Atrocious death immediately claimed the life of these two guys! In such a short time, two lively and lovely small fish is motionless, become stiff small zombie! Zombie! Zombie! Only in not put the first bottle cut tobacco, fisher also cheerily swim.

From the above experimental proof, of tobacco could kill fish. Human absorb it, can also result in different degree of damage.

Now, whether we redefine the cigarette? I think yes, cigarettes, really terrible! Smokers to pay for expensive it bought back and thought it would bring them happiness, thought of it has put himself into the healthy body wrecked as, even his own offspring also don't pass! To give their physical and mental health brought different degrees of injury, compared with the original, it's counterproductive. However, it's not too late, quick action! From tobacco smoke! To protect our own health, to protect our offspring, starts from me from teenagers to start, extensive and deep development "limit smoke", "smoke-free" for everyone's health promotion: please don't smoke!
At present the world altogether has the smoker 1,100,000,000, every year dies in the smoking related disease's person reaches aswww.rixia.cc high as 4,000,000, average each second has a person to die of the smoking related disease. It is estimated smoking causes the American adult's life to reduce equally for 14 years. In because of smokes in the adult who dies 39.8% people to die of cancer, 34.7% people die of the vascular disease, 25.5% people die of the respiratory disease. http://www.rixia.ccSmoking has become the severely impair health, to harm the humanity living environment, to reduce people's quality of life, to reduce the human life the urgent problem. Therefore the United Nations determined that every year May 31 for the global no-smoking date, the World Health Organization regarded as smoking the 20th century's plague.
After tobacco combustion, braves to include 20 many kinds of toxin seriously, harmed in a big way to the life must calculate the Nicotine.

Smokes three big harmsbecause inhales in vivo please don't smoke!32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333264633536





Currently the world altogether has 11 billion, smokers die each year from smoking related diseases up to 400 million per second, there is a people die from smoking related diseases. An estimated the life of American adults smoking reduced on average by 14 years. In die from smoking adults 39.8% people die from cancer, 34.7% people die from vascular disease, 25.5 per cent people die from respiratory diseases. Smoking has become a serious health hazard, harm to human survival environment, reduce the quality of people's lives, shorten lifespans pressing problems. Therefore the United Nations determined May 31 each year for global JieYanRi, the world health organization take smoking as the twentieth century pestilence.

After the severe burning tobacco at 20 kinds of toxins, containing the largest life to calculate nicotine harm.

Smoking three harm

The smoke inhalation of body organs such as respiratory tract, enteron, thus stimulating have malignant: some people think it is gastric and duodenal ulcers, respiratory infections even for mouth, lip, tongue, esophagus, respiratory fee, so the inducing factors cancer.

So it seems, smoking on human health are invulnerability and no benefit. So to try to kick or less suck, do not smoke had better not infected with this hobby.

Smoking is big big harmful to health examples:

French 2000 game, one even smoking a died on the spot in smoke 43 public bus station, hospital, shopping malls, public occasions, we often see such as "smoking is harmful to health" kind of striking the words. Cigarettes, is everybody's most familiar, smoking in today's society is also a very common phenomenon, from old grandfather, grandmother, to teenagers, how many people is not infatuated with it? But you know it exactly how much harm? Smoking is like drinking "chronic" in the poison the same!32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333264633561 According to scientists proved that contains a large amount of nicotine in cigarettes, it is very strong toxic substances, damaging the health of human beings, still can cause terrible lung, stomach, esophagus and various disease! A drop of nicotine can kill a pig, still can make the person's life shorten five seconds! Three drops of nicotine can kill a strong cow! It is conceivable that the harm have how old!

A group of experimental, named: the dangers of smoking, first of all, for three like big bottle filled with the same water, then looks for to this same breed, size, and took peacetime small smoking a cigarette. Experiment began. The first bottle cut tobacco, don't put in the second bottle put on a bit of tobacco, and in the third bottle with a lot of tobacco and then use stick in the three bottle mixing. After a while, one bottle of water or very clear, and the second bottle of water into a light yellow; The third bottle of water have become yellow! Then, put the fish in the the three respectively in the bottle. After a while, the situation is quite the same! Appeared terrible change, one bottle of fisher still safe; The second bottle fish desperately struggled; And the third bottle stiff, only small fish tail in the mouth feel groggy breathing. "Tick, tick..." . The little fish are the most painful hour coming! Atrocious death immediately claimed the life of these two guys! In such a short time, two lively and lovely small fish is motionless, become stiff small zombie! Zombie! Zombie! Only in not put the first bottle cut tobacco, fisher also cheerily swim.

From the above experimental proof, of tobacco could kill fish. Human absorb it, can also result in different degree of damage.

Now, whether we redefine the cigarette? I think yes, cigarettes, really terrible! Smokers to pay for expensive it bought back and thought it would bring them happiness, thought of it has put himself into the healthy body wrecked as, even his own offspring also don't pass! To give their physical and mental health brought different degrees of injury, compared with the original, it's counterproductive. However, it's not too late, quick action! From tobacco smoke! To protect our own health, to protect our offspring, starts from me from teenagers to start, extensive and deep development "limit smoke", "smoke-free" for everyone's health promotion: please don't smoke!
oh no , it's so long

英语高手请进 帮我翻译以下句子 谢谢

3. 教育学家认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致于没有足够的时间学习了。rnrnrn3.翻译成英文rn4. At that very moment he considered shouting for help, but instead of a gun or a knife, the hitchhiker pulled out several wrinkled bills and offered them to John.rn4,翻译成中文rnrn5. Nathan Hale looked for the last time at his beautiful country and said that he only regretted he had but one life to lose for his country.rnrn翻译成中文
1. Educators believe that the generation who have grew up with television have spent too much time sitting in the front of TV, so taht they don't have enough time to study.



3 educators believe that the geration growing up with the TV have spent too much time before TV to have enough time for study.

4. 就在那一刻,他考虑到高声呼救,但是搭车者掏出来的不是枪或刀子,而是几卷皱巴巴版的钞票给了约翰。

3. 翻译Educators feel that, along with the TV generation grew up, the time spent in front of the TV too much, so that there is not enough time to study.
3.Some educators consider that,those generation bond with the television have spent too much time in it,so that they have no enough time to study.


请注意!!!每个句子的翻译都务必得用括号里的词语或者短语!!!谢谢!这15个句子都是来自大学综合英语教程3(第二版)的第4和第5课的课后翻译练习!!!rnrnrn1.我显然是高估了自己的方向感,下次我一定记着带地图.(overestimate)rn2.母亲对她那个自私不孝的儿子彻底失望了.(be disillusioned)rn3.她很不善于见什么人说什么话.(have no knack for)rn4.从一开始他就和足球结下了不解之缘.(be meant for)rn5.老板指派我在第一个月里做秘书工作.(assign)rn6.驾驶员违反交通规则,除了罚款之外,还有别的处罚办法吗?(alternative to)rn7.他老是笨手笨脚,因而常常遭人嘲笑.(subject to)rn8.那天晚上James和你一起吃晚饭了吗?(in question)rn9.教练对比赛的最终结果表示满意.(untimate)rn10.为了排除各国人民交往中的语言障碍,许多语言学家都在研究新的世界语.(embark on)rn11.合资企业的出现使我们有了更多接触外国人的机会.(contact with)rn12.妈妈嘱咐他收拾起桌上的零碎东西,把它们放进抽屉里.(bits and pieces)rn13.因为一句小小的玩笑,他们发生了一场争吵.(arise out of)rn14.照片不清楚,我认不出其中的女孩.(identify)rn15.如果有人说他自己能和鬼神交流,你会信吗?(claim)
1.It was clear that I have overestimated my sense of direction, i will remember to bring a map next time.

2.The mother was totally disillusioned with her unfilial son.

3.She has no knack for speaking the right words to other people.

4.He was meant for football from the very beginning.

5.I was assigned to work as a secretary in the first month by the boss.

6.Is there an alternative to fine when the drivers against the traffic rules?

7.He is often subjected to be laughed by others for his stupidity.

8.Did James have supper with you on that night in question?

9.The coath is satisfied with the ultimate result of the match.

10. To remove the linguistic barriers in communication among the people of the world, linguists have embarked on the study of a new universal-language.

11.The emergence of joint-venture enterpries us to have more opptunaties contact with foreigners

12.Mother asked him to gather up the bits and pieces an the table and put them in the dHUQZaJhrawer.

13.An argument between them arose out of a small joke.

14.The picture is too blured for me to identify the girl in it.

15.If someone claims that he has an ability to communicate with ghost,would you believe it?


本文标题: 英语高手请进帮帮我翻译句子
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/94153.html





