蛇在神话中更多的是象征着邪恶和神秘出现的。蛇给人类带来的灾难是世界性的,而且蛇出入地穴,蛰居于隐匿之处,先人便把它看作对死者不利之物。rnrn诱惑。蛇类的行动方式悄无声息、诡异非常。中国民间就有美女蛇诱人的诡异传说。基督教《圣经》中描述了蛇是怎样诱惑人类始祖亚当和下午偷吃善恶树上的禁果,被上帝逐出乐园的过程。rn权势。在古埃及,蛇是一种代表王权的动物,所有法老形象的头部王冠上都有一件处于攻击状态的眼镜蛇造型饰物。rnrn在中西文化中,蛇与医药也是联系在一起的。中国民间认为蛇有识别药草的能力,中国家喻户晓的神话传说《白蛇传》里描绘的白蛇与许仙成婚后就是开药馆给人看病的。另外中医认为蛇几乎全身都可入药,如蛇肉、蛇皮、蛇血、蛇胆、蛇蜕、蛇骨,甚至于蛇毒等。中国尤其是广东一带素来还有食蛇肉的饮食传统。rn在中国文化中,蛇还有着其他文化不具备的特殊地位,对普通老百姓而言,它还象征着长寿、吉祥和财富。蛇在中国文化里,和龟、鹤一样是长寿的象征。rn 总之,蛇在世界神话中扮演着重要的角色,几乎每一个民族的神话中都有蛇的原型或化身,而每一个神话中她都代表着不同的风俗、文化、信仰亦或图腾。因此,在神话史上,蛇扮演着不可或缺的重要作用。Snake myth is more of a symbol of evil and mysterious arise. Snakes brought disaster to
mankind worldwide and out of the crypt, and the snake that lived in the hiding place, the
ancestors he gave it as negative thing for the deceased.
Temptation. Snakes action silently, very strange. Chinese folk have a strange legend of the
beauty snake tempting. Christian Bible describes snake how the temptations human ancestor
Adam, and the afternoon eating good and evil tree of forbidden fruit, God expelled from
Power. In ancient Egypt, the snake is a representative of the kingship of animalKtayFs, have an
image of the head of all the pharaohs crown in the attack state Cobra styling accessories.
Chinese and Western culture, snakes and medicine is also linked. Chinese folk snake herb's
ability to identify, China's well-known myths and legends depicted in the "Legend of the White
Snake" White Snake and Xu Xiancheng marriage is to prescribe Museum gives the doctor.
Other Chinese medicine practitioners believe that the snake almost the whole body can be
used as medicine, such as snake meat, snake skin, snake blood, gall bladder, snake slough,
Yi Gu, and even venom. China, especially Guangdong has always been there to eat snake
meat eating tradition.
In Chinese culture, the snake also do not have a special status in other cultures, for ordinary
people, it also symbolizes longevity, luck and fortune. Snake in the Chinese culture, and
turtles, cranes are a symbol of longevity.
In short, the snake in world mythology plays an important role in almost every nation myth has
snake prototype or incarnation of every myth she represents different customs, cultures,
beliefs, or will totem. Therefore, in the myth of history, the snake plays an indispensable role.
mankind worldwide and out of the crypt, and the snake that lived in the hiding place, the
ancestors he gave it as negative thing for the deceased.
Temptation. Snakes action silently, very strange. Chinese folk have a strange legend of the
beauty snake tempting. Christian Bible describes snake how the temptations human ancestor
Adam, and the afternoon eating good and evil tree of forbidden fruit, God expelled from
Power. In ancient Egypt, the snake is a representative of the kingship of animalKtayFs, have an
image of the head of all the pharaohs crown in the attack state Cobra styling accessories.
Chinese and Western culture, snakes and medicine is also linked. Chinese folk snake herb's
ability to identify, China's well-known myths and legends depicted in the "Legend of the White
Snake" White Snake and Xu Xiancheng marriage is to prescribe Museum gives the doctor.
Other Chinese medicine practitioners believe that the snake almost the whole body can be
used as medicine, such as snake meat, snake skin, snake blood, gall bladder, snake slough,
Yi Gu, and even venom. China, especially Guangdong has always been there to eat snake
meat eating tradition.
In Chinese culture, the snake also do not have a special status in other cultures, for ordinary
people, it also symbolizes longevity, luck and fortune. Snake in the Chinese culture, and
turtles, cranes are a symbol of longevity.
In short, the snake in world mythology plays an important role in almost every nation myth has
snake prototype or incarnation of every myth she represents different customs, cultures,
beliefs, or will totem. Therefore, in the myth of history, the snake plays an indispensable role.
Snake in the myth is more a symbol of evil and the mystery of the. Snake disaster to humanity is worldwide, but the snake out of the crypt, secluded in their hiding place, they see it as the negative.Temptation. Snake mode of action, strange very quiet. Chinese folk has beauty snake charming strange legend. Christian " Bible " describes how temptation snake is human ancestors Adam and afternoon eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of good and evil, was expelled from paradise of god.Power and influence. In ancient Egypt, the snake is a representative of the animal kingdom, all Pharaoh's image of the head has a crwww.rixia.ccown in attack state cobras.In Chinese and Western culture, the snake is linked with medicine. Chinese people believe that the snake has a recognition of herb 's ability to make known to every family, Chinese myths and legends of the " White Snake " portrayed in the White Snake and Xu Xiancheng after is Medicine Museum to give medical treatment. The other medicine that snake almost all can be used as medicine, such as a snake, snake, snake, snake, snake, snake slough blood, even in the snake venom. China Guangdong area was also especially food snake eating traditional.In Chinese culture, snakes and other cultures do not have special status, for ordinary people, it is a symbol of longevity, good luck and fortune. Snake in the Chinese culture, and the turtle, the crane is a symbol of longevity.In short, the myth of snakes in the world plays an important role, almost every national mythology has snake prototype or avatars, and every myth she represents different customs, culture, religion and totem. Therefore, in the myth history, snake acting indispensable important role.
有谁可以帮我翻译这几句话? 谢谢。。非常感谢
那些曾说好要一起去做的事情 rn要一起去看的演唱会 rn要一起到达的某个城市 rn要一起举行的幸福婚礼 rn要一起分享的垂老岁月 rnrn还是,期望着它的实现 rn即使,那时陪在你身边的人,已然不是我。 rnrn我一直相信着,彼此承诺的一切,从来不是谎言。 rnrn只是很不幸的,碾碎在了时间测谎器下。rnrn可能有点难 但是还是很希望有谁能帮忙翻译。 谢谢。十分感谢Those who have agreed to go to do
Want to go to see the concerts
To arrive together a city
To hold together the happiness wedding
To share the old years
Still, expecting to its realization
Even if, then accompany in those around you, has not me.
I always believe in everything, each other commitments, is never lies.
But unfortunately, crushed in time detector.
Want to go to see the concerts
To arrive together a city
To hold together the happiness wedding
To share the old years
Still, expecting to its realization
Even if, then accompany in those around you, has not me.
I always believe in everything, each other commitments, is never lies.
But unfortunately, crushed in time detector.
Those who said good things to do with
To go to a concert
To reach a city with
Happy wedding to be held together
Years to share the wireless station
Or, looking forward to its implementation
Even when people stay at your side, already not me.
I always believe in each other all the promises, never lies.
It is very unfortunate, crushed under the lie detector in the time.
To go to a concert
To reach a city with
Happy wedding to be held together
Years to share the wireless station
Or, looking forward to its implementation
Even when people stay at your side, already not me.
I always believe in each other all the promises, never lies.
It is very unfortunate, crushed under the lie detector in the time.
Those who said good things to do with
To go to a concert
To reach a city with
Happy wedding to be held together
Years to share the wireless station
Or, looking forward to its implementation
Even when people stay at your side, already not me.
I have always believed in each other all the promises, never lie.
But unfortunately, crushed under the lie detector in the time.
To go to a concert
To reach a city with
Happy wedding to be held together
Years to share the wireless station
Or, looking forward to its implementation
Even when people stay at your side, already not me.
I have always believed in each other all the promises, never lie.
But unfortunately, crushed under the lie detector in the time.
Those who have agreed to go to do
Want to go to see the concerts
To arrive together a city
To hold together the happiness wedding
To share the old years
Still, expecting to its realization
Even if, then accompany in those around you, has not me.
I always believe in everything, each other commitments, is never lies.
But unfortunately, crushed in time detector.
Those who have agreed to go to do
Want to go to see the concerts
To arrive together a city
To hold together the happiness wedding
To share the old years
Still, expecting to its realization
Even if, then accompany in those around you, has not me.
I always believe in everything, each other commitments, is never lies.
But unfortunately, crushed in time detector.
有谁能帮我翻译几句话吗,英语,谢谢。 : 没有谁能主宰我 你能吗? 能摘到天上的星星?
有谁能帮我翻译几句话吗,英语,谢谢。n:n 没有谁能主宰我n 你能吗?n 能摘到天上的星星?还是天上的月亮?n 什么海誓山盟n 那是愚昧的n 难道还有别的意思吗?n 反正我就是n 唯我独尊n。。。。。n没 了No one can dominate me
Can you?
Can pick the stars in the sky? Or the moon in the sky?
What vows of eternal love
It is foolish
Is there any other meaning?
Anyway, I am
Just me
Can you?
Can pick the stars in the sky? Or the moon in the sky?
What vows of eternal love
It is foolish
Is there any other meaning?
Anyway, I am
Just me
大家好,我是于天津音乐学院音乐教育系的大四学生,很荣幸今天能有机会能与各位面对面交流rn我的家乡是一个人杰地灵的好地方,我打算毕业以后回家工作rn我最大的爱好是逛街购物。因为那样我可以买到很多漂亮的衣服和可爱的挂饰。rn我找男朋友的标准是:他长得不一定帅,家里不一定有钱,但是人品必须要好,有责任心和上进心,最重要的一点就是,他对我必须是真心的。Hi everybody, I come from Tian Jing music college, studying music eduacation in year 4.I'm glad to have the opportunity to meet face to face with you today.My hometown is a good place, I intend to work back home after graduation.
My biggest hobby is shopping. Because then I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely ornaments.
I'm looking for boyfriend. He doesn't need to be handsome, his family is not necessarily wealthy, but his character must be good, responsible and motivated, the most important point is that he must be true to me.
My biggest hobby is shopping. Because then I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely ornaments.
I'm looking for boyfriend. He doesn't need to be handsome, his family is not necessarily wealthy, but his character must be good, responsible and motivated, the most important point is that he must be true to me.
Hello everyone, I am the tianjin music college seniors music department, very honored to have the opportunity to today with all face-to-face
My hometown is a good place to outstanding, and I intend to work at home after graduation
My biggest hobby is shopping shopping. Because of that I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely hang adorn.
I seek boyfriend standard is: he grow not handsome, home not rich, but character must have responsibility and ambition, better, the most important is, he is really in I must.
Hello everyone, I am the tianjin music college seniors music department, very honored to have the opportunity to today with all face-to-face
My hometown is a good place to outstanding, and I intend to work at home after graduation
My biggest hobby is shopping shopping. Because of that I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely hang adorn.
I seek boyfriend standard is: he grow not handsome, home not rich, but character must have responsibility and ambition, better, the most important is, he is really in I must.
Hello everyone, I am the tianjin music college seniors music department, very honored to have the opportunity to today with all face-to-face
My hometown is a good place to outstanding, and I inten日夏养花网d to work at home after graduation
My biggest hobby is shopping shopping. Because of that I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely hang adorn.
I seek boyfriend standard is: he grow not handsome, home not rich, but character must have responsibility and ambition, better, the most important is, he is really in I must.
My hometown is a good place to outstanding, and I inten日夏养花网d to work at home after graduation
My biggest hobby is shopping shopping. Because of that I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely hang adorn.
I seek boyfriend standard is: he grow not handsome, home not rich, but character must have responsibility and ambition, better, the most important is, he is really in I must.
Hello everyone, I am the tianjin music college seniors music department, very honored to have the opportunity with us face-to-face today .
My hometown is a good place, and I intend to work at home after graduation
My bhttp://www.rixia.cciggest hobby is shopping . Because of that I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely hang adorn.
I seek boyfriend standard is: he grow not handsome, home not rich, but character must have responsibility and ambition, better, the most important is, he is believe in me first of all!62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333264633439
My hometown is a good place, and I intend to work at home after graduation
My bhttp://www.rixia.cciggest hobby is shopping . Because of that I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely hang adorn.
I seek boyfriend standard is: he grow not handsome, home not rich, but character must have responsibility and ambition, better, the most important is, he is believe in me first of all!62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333264633439
Hello everybody, I was at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Department of Education's senior students are honored today to have the opportunity to meet face to face with you
My hometown is a good place for old times, I intend to work back home after graduation
My biggest hobby is shopping. Because then I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely ornaments.
I'm looking for a boyfriend is this: He does not look handsome, the family is not necessarily money, but the character must be better, responsible and motivated, the most important point is that he must be true to me
My hometown is a good place for old times, I intend to work back home after graduation
My biggest hobby is shopping. Because then I can buy a lot of beautiful clothes and lovely ornaments.
I'm looking for a boyfriend is this: He does not look handsome, the family is not necessarily money, but the character must be better, responsible and motivated, the most important point is that he must be true to me
各位面试官好,我叫齐斌,来自于湖南株洲,我性格非常乐观,喜欢结交朋友,我毕业与湖南工业大学,在校期间自学了三大主流框架ssh,并且能够熟练的集成开发,我曾在湖南远景信息技术有限公司工作过一年,做过三个项目,感觉自己学习了蛮多东西,在工作上怎么处理上司跟同事之间的关系,在项目中深刻认识到团队的要性。我的爱好喜欢打篮球,泳动,参加团体活动,谢谢!All the interviewer, I'm JiBin from hunan zhuzhou, very optimistic personality, I like making friends, I graduated from hunan university, with the three mainstream during school self-study, and skilled framework SSH's integration development, I worked in hunan vision information technology Co., LTD, had worked three projects a year, feel oneself learn very much, how to deal with the boss at work with colleagues, in the relationship between project team to realize deeply. My hobbies like playing basketball, swimming, participate in community activities, thank you!32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333262356135
Members interviewer, my name is Qi Bin, from Hunan Zhuzhou, I am optimistic personality, likes to make friends, I graduated from Hunan University, at school learning the three major frameworks ssh, and can skillfully integrated development, I have vision of Information Technology Co., Ltd. in Hunan worked for one year, three projects done, feeling a find many things to learn, how to deal with their superiors at work with colleagues in the relations between the project team to deeply understand sex. My hobbies like playing basketball, swimming action, participate in group activities, thank you!636f7079KtayF3231313335323631343130323136353331333262356135
本文标题: 谁英文好能帮我翻译几句话吗?非常感谢!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/85926.html