


2021-01-21 16:23:00 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:149

麻烦帮忙翻译一下这段文章成英文 要人工翻译不要用网上翻译器 ><多谢啦 急用!! 会追加悬赏的T T

日前有位穿着白色背心、踩着芭蕾舞鞋的女大学生在宿舍45度劈腿引起关注,除了造成热烈讨论还吸引其他正妹争相模仿,除了45度劈腿外,甚至还出现高难度的悬空、I字型劈腿绝招,让人大开眼界。rnrn一字马又称劈腿,在舞蹈或武术中常见这类动作,主要是为了透过拉筋,让身体能有更广阔的活动空间,以做出更多绚丽动作。但一般人若要练习劈腿,在筋拉开前需要承受很大的压力与痛苦,若没有决心很难办得到。rn  这位穿着白色背心、踩着芭蕾舞鞋的女大学生在宿舍45度劈腿的照片在网络上走红后,也掀起了美女们争相挑战一字马的热潮。其中更有美女一字马吃盒饭、玩电脑,甚至集体穿着旗袍一字马劈腿,这些具有惊人柔韧度的动作也让网友们惊叹“会一字马的妹纸伤不起啊!”
At the moment theres a female college student wearing a white sweatshirt, stepping on ballet shoes at the dorm doing a 45 degree split attracting attension, besides the resulting comments, it also starting work girls to relicating the move, aside from the 45 degree split, there is appearing extereme levatation, I-style split, lets the crowd open their eyes.

yizhima also called splitting, in music or in martial arts, commonly seen these type of moves, the main reason is to stretch the joints, letting the body gainning more active space, able to do more glamourious moves. but if normal people practice splitting, before that one must accept great pressure and pain , it is hard to do if there is no determination..

After this white sweatshirt, ballet shoed college girl at dorm doing the 45 degree split gone viral on the internet, bring beauties to competition for splitting mainstream. in addition, beauties do the split while eating lunch box, while playing computer, and even doing the split in crowds wearing chinese styled robes, those astonishing flexible move let the online users say: " can't touch girls who know the split"


好的话追加悬赏!!!rn迎世博 讲文明 树新风rn1999年12月,中国政府正式宣布申办2010年世博会;2000年3月中国政府成立2010年上海世博会申办委员会;2002年12月3日中国•上海经4轮投票,以54票获胜成为2010年世博会申办城市…….3个年头,中国•上海历经万苦终成功!rnIn Decembre 1999,China rn之后至今的几个年头里,上海加紧对旧城区进行改造,对马路进行拓宽、修整。曾经的小矮房摇身一变成为高档住宅小区;曾经破旧的老城区矗立起一座座刺破天空的高楼•••••••我们世博园区的规模,已经横跨黄浦江,2010年的世博会也将会比任何一届更美,更精彩;园区里的组织物品,也将会不断更新、翻新,应有尽有,中华民族的特色将令世界爱不释手,应接不暇! rn这只是上海为迎接世博会做的一部分,另一部分是上海人民文明素质的提升。rn罗曼•罗兰说“没有伟大的品格,就没有伟大的人”;古人云:“自修齐,至治平”。不错,要干大事,就必须先学好文明礼仪、树立优良社会风气,而作为当代中学生更应如此。rn我们素有几千年文明古国之美誉,那么在文明程度、精神风貌和和谐发展方面该如何呈现于世界呢? rn一、努力学习一些外语,以便偶遇外国友人急需之用。试想,我们若在马路上遇见了迷了路的外国友人,对方问起路来,我们却无言以对,那是何等的尴尬?若我们学好了英语,对方问起来,我们马上以流利的英语作答,相信不仅能为外国友人提供方便,也能给外国友人留下一番好印象!rn 二、从自身做起,养成良好文明礼貌习惯和文明卫生习惯。尽管市区早就有了“七不”规范,但随地吐痰、抛纸屑、抛弃物等几乎成了我们难以改变的陋习,把马路当成垃圾箱,让人身处垃圾堆里不知有多么难受。现在生活水平提高了,卫生习惯,文明习惯还得时时提一下,天天说一说为好。让环境更美好,更洁净是生活提高的必然要求,也是一个民族素质的具体体现。若到了世博会期间,让来自世界各地的参观者看到城市马路上垃圾随处可见,即使世博会办得再好也在他们心中留下了坏印象。rn 三、说话要轻声轻柔多一些,待人要亲近多一些,笑容要自然多一些,这些发自内心的素质不仅有利他人,更有利于自己,健康来自心情的愉悦,来自和谐美好。这三多要能在世博园区里处处体现,那么城市让生活更美好就更实在,更健康,更高一层次。 rn 古人说:“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”,我要说,战争、仇恨,当今天下虽然还有,但和谐、发展、亲近、友好是历史的必然,那么“天下亲和、人人有责”不是更有实在的意义吗? rn我们也要通过我们的双手、至诚至热的心和实际行动,来实现上海对全世界的承诺:“城市,让生活更美好!”rnAll of us should do something for our city!rnIf we do something, Better city, Better life!
Ying-Expo-speaking civilization and fostering new practices
December 1999, the Chinese government officially announced that bid to host the World Expo in 2010; in March 2000 the Chinese Government set up the Shanghai World Expo 2010 Bid Committee; December 3, 2002 by the Shanghai China • 4 vote by 54 votes to wins to become the World Expo 2010 bid cities ... ... .3 years, China • Shanghai million suffer through the end of success!
In Decembre 1999, China
After a few years since, the Shanghai City to step up the transformation of old, and to widen the road was repaired. Small dwarf has transformed into high-end residential housing area; the old city has dilapidated buildings erected high piercing the sky • • • • • • • We are the size of the exposition area has been across the Huangpu River, the World Expo 2010 also will be more beautiful than any previous, more exciting; park organizations in the items will be continually updated, renovated, everything, the characteristics of the Chinese nation will not put it down the world, could not bear!
This is only for the Shanghai World Expo will be done to meet a part of, another part of Shanghai to enhance the quality of the people of civilization.
Roman • Roland said, "not a great character, there will be no great man"; The ancients said: "self-Qi, to Jhihping." Yes, to do important, we must first learn civilized manners and establish good social atmosphere, as should all the more so in contemporary secondary school students.
We have known for thousands of years ancient civilization's reputation, then the degree of civilization, the spirit of style and harmony, showing how the development of the world?
First, efforts to learn some foreign languages, so that foreign friends in urgent need of occasional use. Just imagine, if we met on the street lost a foreign friend asked about the road to the other side, we have nothing more to say, how embarrassing it is? If we learn English, asked each other, we immediately in order to be fluent in English to answer, I believe that not only provide convenience for foreign friends and foreign friends can leave a good impression!
Second, start from their own, courtesy and manners to develop good hygiene habits and civilization. Although urban areas have long had "seven is not" normative, but spitting, throwing confetti, and other discards, has become difficult for us to change bad habits, and litter the road as people living in the garbage heap I do not know how bad. Now raised the standard of living, health habits, habits of civilization have always the way, every day is better to talk about. Let the environment better and cleaner is an essential requirement for life to improve, but also a concrete manifestation of the national quality. If during the Expo, so that visitors from all over the world to see garbage on city streets can be seen everywhere, even if the Expo will be held in their hearts, no matter how left a bad impression.
Third, to speak more softly softly, others need to close more, smile a little more to the natural, the quality of his heart is not only beneficial to others, is more conducive to their health from the heart of the pleasure, from a beautiful harmony. This should be more than three in every embodiment of the exposition area, then the City Better Life is more and more health, a higher level.
The ancients said: "The rise and fall of the world, every man is responsible for", I have to say, war, hatred, although in today's world there are, but in harmony, development, and close, friendly and is a historical necessity, then "the world is the pro-and everyone's responsibility" more significance is not it?
We will have to go through our hands, in good faith to the hearts of heat and practical action to achieve the commitments to the world Shanghai: "City, Better Life!"
Welcomes the world to stress the civilized tree new atmosphere abundantly (迎世博 讲文明 树新风
1999 year in December, the Chinese government official announcement applies for in 2010 the World Expo; in March, 2000 the Chinese government established in 2010 the Shanghai World Expo to apply for the committee; on December 3, 2002 the Chinese Shanghai passed through 4 rounds the voting, won into 2010 by 54 tickets the World Expo bidding city .......3 years, the Chinese Shanghai succeeds after Wan Kuzhong!
In Decembre 1999,China
After Decembre 1999, China , in until now several years, Shanghai steps up to the old city to make the transformation, carries on to the street expands, the conditioning. Once small low house changed into the upscale residential district; Once the worn-out old city stood erect to puncture the sky the tall building we the world abundant campus scale, already stretched across the Huangpu River, 2010 World Expo will be also more beautiful than any session, will be more splendid; In campus organization goods, also will renew unceasingly, renovates, has everything expected to find, Chinese nation's characteristic military order world will be unable to put down, accepts!
This is only Shanghai to greet a part which the World Expo does, another part is the Shanghai people civilized quality promotion. Roman Lolan said that “the great moral character, has not had the great person”; Ancient cloud: “from cultivates oneself and puts one's house in order, to maintaining peace”. Good, must do the important matter, must learn the civilized etiquette, set up the fine social convention first, but as the contemporary middle-school student shoulYEaTVRNd so.
We are known as fine reputation of the several thousand year ancient nation, then in the civilized degree, how the spiritual outlook and the accord development aspect should present in the world?
First, studies some foreign languages diligently, with the aim of meeting by chance foreign friend urgently needed. Suppose, if we met the foreign friend who on the street became lost, opposite party asks the road to come, we actually have nothing to say in reply, that is the what kind awkwardness? If we have learned English, opposite party asked that we answer immediately by the fluent English, believed not can only provide the convenience for the foreign friend, can also give the foreign friend to make a good impression!
Second, starts from oneself, forms the good civilization manner habit and the civilized hygienic custom. Although the urban district already had “seven not” the standard, but spat everywhere, throws the paper scraps, the abandonment and so on to become the vulgar customs which nearly we changed with difficulty, regarded the trashcan the street, let the human place in the garbage heap not to know that had how uncomfortably. Now the living standard enhanced, the hygienic custom, the civilized custom must raise at times, say well daily. Let the environment be happier, purer is the request which inevitably the life enhances, ihttp://www.rixia.ccs also a national quality concrete manifestation. If to World Expo period, lets see from the world's the visitor on the urban street trash finds at everywhere, even if the World Expo managed well also has made again the bad impression in their heart.!
Third, the speech needs gentle many somewhat, to treat people in a soft voice needs to be intimate with many somewhat, the smiling face wants nature many somewhat, quality not only advantageous other people who these are from heart, is more advantageous to oneself, health from mood joyfulness, from harmonious happy. These more than three must be able to be alive in the abundant campus everywhere to manifest, then the city lets the life be happier is more solid, is healthier, higher level.
The ancient said: “the world rise and fall, the everyone has a share of responsibility”, I must say, war, hatred, now world, although also has, but the harmony, the development, are intimate with in a friendly way, are the historical necessities, “the world is so compatible, everybody has a responsibility” is not has the solid significance?
We must through ours both hands, most sincerely to the hot heart and the practical action, realize Shanghai to the world pledge: “the city, lets the life be happier!”
All of us should do something for our city!
If we do something, Better city, Better life!
建议你找专业选手吧, 太多了, 不好翻译.


I have a dog ,it is my favorite animal. This dog is one and a half years old. It is a dog with white black hair. And it is a clever and lovely dog. It has a small nose and two spherical eyes. It likes to eat meat and gnaw bones. I often feed it with somthing to eat. When l come back home ,it always runs to welcome me warmly.
It's such a lovely dog!!
I have a dog ,it is my favorite animal。It is one and half years old.It is a dog whose hair is white and black.It is very clever and lovely!It has a small nose and two spherical eyes.It likes to eat meat and gnaw bones.I often feed it with somthing eat.It always run to welcome me warmly when I come back home from school
I have a dog, it is my favorite animal. I have a year and a half of the dog, it is a black and white and friendly and intelligent. YEaTVRNThe lovely dog. It has a small nose, two round eyes. It loves to eat meat, gnawing on a bone. I often feed it. Each time I come home from school, he always enthusiastically ran to meet me.
I have a dog and he is my favorite animal.He is one and a half years old.The dog,black and white,is very friendly,smart and cute.His nose is very small and his eyes are round.He likes eating meat and bones,and I always feed him.When I return home from school,he always run towards intensely.
I have a dog, it is I most like the animal. The dog I have a year and a half, it is a black and white, clever and frwww.rixia.cciendly. Lovely dog. It has a small nose, two round eyes.It is love to eat meat, bones. I often feed it to eat. When Icame home after school, it always run to greet mewarmly.


It is as though some giant’s hand were squeezing the trunks of the trees,forcing the sap up and along the branches,for the blossom seems to squirt into the air.rnThere have been other Mays in other years,but never has there been so much blossom..The bees are bewildered by it.A few small bush-apples which were as austere as walking-sticks when I planted them only two months ago are now in full flower,and look like little girls just off to a carnival.rnPeach,cherry,plum and apple strain into the air;all the trees in the orchard are out together,and for once,no clumsy wind has shorn or washed their frail.enamed,fine petals down into he lecherous hands of grass.rnWhat flower is there as delicate as this flower that grows out of a knarled old tree with its trunk all twisted and its bark all blistered?It is a paradox..Beauty is always a paraox.rnThe village postman is an amateur with a grafting knife.But by “amateeur”I do not suggest that he is incompetent.I mean what the word means-that is,I wish to say:he loves.For it is more than a casual interest or a hobby that takes him out into his orchard in the very grip of winter whilst he makes his careful cut into the stump of an old tree and grafts a new clean shoot into it.And it is more than an interest in arboriculture that keeps him there for hours pottering about with a jarof white clay,which he uses to cover the graft and keep the air from the moist joint.I have watched him binding his bandages over the virtue has man than his ability to love?And the object of the love does not matter:it can be a woman,a dog or a stump of an old tree.It is only the love that matters.That is all that ever matters.The rest is as irrelevant as a wind blowing over a shoreless ocean.rnWith the postman’s triumph of getting both pink and white blossom on a single tree,I shouldnx27t be surprised to see even my gateposts or my wife’s clothes-prop burst into sudden and urgent flower.rnIt is not so easy to describ this spring.We feel shy of it,even awkward –like Joe,the carpenter’s son,who’s been musing over my orchard gate for the last half-hour.Silently we exchanged cigarettes.Then,whilst staring at my most decrepit old tree,which stood in full flamboyant bloom,he said,half to himself:”When we were retreating to Dunkrik I often wondered what it was I defending;and when we landed in Normandy I used to ask myself what I was fighting for...I suppose I was fighting for that there old tree of yours!Damn funny,ainx27t it?"







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