

谁能帮忙翻译一下啊 中译英!~谢谢拉!~急用!在线等!~

2021-01-20 11:39:00 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:175

急! 在线等... 那位高人帮忙翻译下(中译英)

所需翻译的文字:(不接受机器翻译)rnrn考虑到现场准确测量外窗的缝长较麻烦,所以,本标准仅采用面积指标。该面积即受检外窗窗洞口的面积,或当外窗的形状不规则时为该外窗的展开表面积。为了减少误差,便于操作,检测时受检外窗内外的起始压差定为70Pa,而不是10Pa,为了得到外窗在10Pa压差下的值,则需要通过回归方程来间接计算。 (回归方程-regression equation)rnrn本标准允许有一樘受检窗的检测结果不合格,但必须另外重新随机抽取一樘作为受检窗进行检测。 (受检窗-specimen windows)rnrn按照附图B.0.6中减压顺序进行逐级减压,每级压差稳定作用时间不少于3min,记录逐级作用压差下系统的空气渗透量,利用该组检测数据通过回归方程求得在减压工况下,压差为10Pa时,检测装置本身的附加空气渗透量。(检测装置本身的附加空气渗透量-extraneous air leakage; 空气渗透量--air leakage)
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It is twenty-five miles across the fields to Salisbury.Sheep can be seen everywhere and the great number of them is really wonderful.All around the city of Salisbury,as far as twenty-two miles to the west, and six miles south,down to the coast,farmers raise sheep.There could be as many as six hundred thousand sheep fed within six miles of Salisbury,measuring every way round and the town in the centre.rnAs we travelled through this country,we saw many old relics from ancient times and ruins of the native population of this kingdom.These are interesting to a traveller who has read something of the history of the country.The cathedral is famous for the height of its tower,which is without doubt the highest and the most handsome in England,being from the ground 404 feet.
从田野到 索尔兹伯来里市源(津巴布韦共和国首都) 有25英里,绵羊随处可见,如此之多的绵羊真是壮观。索尔兹伯里市周围的农民在西部长达20英里,南部6英里直达海边养殖绵羊。多达600000只绵羊放养在索尔兹伯里市6英里的土地上,路周围和城市中心都可见到。我们的旅途中,见到一些这个王国原住民留下的古代的遗迹和废墟,这对于一个读过一些这个国家历史的游客来说是一件十分有趣的事。大教堂以它的塔高闻名于世,404英尺毋庸置疑的是全英国最高也是最有气派的。


在92年的时候就开始做这一块了rn那时候是小打小闹的 几台机器做塑料配件rn从94年开始规模开始慢慢扩大rn从97年开始才正式开始外贸这一块rnrnrn那时候企业还没有自主创新的想法rn出国见见世面 看看自己的产品rn有的样品买回来 跟我们是同行的也带回来rn他拿回来做好以后在国内申请专利了rnrn他觉得他们是有专利的而我们没有rn官司是我们打赢了rn但是我们总结了一个经验rn不管怎么样我们一定要有自己的产品rnrn一定要把自主创新们这块做好rnrnrnrn原先的水平尺基本上是比较单一的rn就是一个工制型和框架型rn没有一个功能比较全面的产品rn我们通过市场调查以后rn我们就开发了DC06多功能水平尺rnrnrn一个是测量水平 一个是测量垂直rn这个是角值水泡rn一个1.5:100 一个是3.5:100角值水泡rn第二个是旋转水泡rn它是靠齿轮转动的rn这种转动水平尺在我们水平尺行业还未有的rn这个副尺转动角度这个水泡就能马上反映出来rn当我们需要的时候副尺可以单独的卸下来rn做为直尺使用rn这个http://www.rixia.cc孔是做为打孔时候的样板rn这是两个滑行器rn可以卸下来装在尺子上rn单独使用的时候这把尺也可以当作水平尺使用rn这个槽可以放画线的铅笔rnrnrnrnrn我厂在2001年12月通过了ISO9000认证rn通过这个质量管理体系认证rn我们便有了质量方针和质量目标rn现在我们的目标是通过14000和18000认证rnrnrnrn在这里我接触到了不同的人和事rn学会了在社会上怎么做事 怎么为人rn在这里学会了很多rnrnrn自从进厂到现在,我感觉越做越有信心rnrn目前对我们工厂来说rn要求要把产品做精做强rn能够一步一步向前走rn我希望我们的工厂能一步一步的走下去
At 92 year time started to make this at that time is piece of work several machines makes plastic fitting to start the scale from 94 years to start to expand to start slowly from 97 years only then officially to start foreign trade this

At that time the enterprise did not have independent innovation idea the study abroad to see the world has a look at own product some samples to buy is colleague's belt also comes back with us he to take carry back does later in domestic application patent he had thought that they have the patent, but we did not have the lawsuit are we have won but we summarized one to experience , no matter we certainly could how have our product certainly to innovate this to do independently
The original balance level basically was quite sole is a labor system and frame function quite comprehensive product we we have not developed the DC06 multi-purpose levels through market survey later

One is surveys level one is survey vertical this is angular value blister one 1.5:1001 is 3.5:100 angular value blister second is revolving blister it is depending on gear-driven the this kind of rotation balance level, in our balance level profession also unprecedented this vice-ruler rotation angle this blister can reflect immediately, when we need the time vice-ruler may independent unload down to do for the straightedge uses this hole does for the punch time model this is two skid may unload down installs on the ruler independent employment's time this may also treat as the ruler the balance level to use this trough to be possible to put the linedraw pencil

My factory passes ISO9000 in December, 2001 to authenticate to authenticate through this quality control system we then to have the quality policy and quality objectives now our goal is through 14000 and 18000 authenticates

Contacted the different person and matter how in here me learns to work in the society manner to be how many in here academic society

Since enters the plant the present, I felt that more does more has confidence
At present request must do to our factory the the product fine does strong to be able to walk I to hope that forward gradually our factory can gradually walk
In 92 when this one started the
At that time is a few minor plasti日夏养花网c machine parts to do
94 from the beginning of the scale began to expand slowly
From 97 foreign trade began to start this one

At that time business has not been the idea of independent innovation
Xian Shimian look at the country see their own products
Some samples came back with us is to buy the peer also brought back
He came back to take in the future of the domestic patent applications

He feels that they have the patent and we did not
We win the lawsuit
However, we summed up the experience of a
In any case we must have their own products

We must have this good of independent innovation

The original level of device is basically a single comparison
The system is a type of framework and
Not a function of a more comprehensive product
After we passed a market survey
We developed a DC06-foot level

One is a standard of measurement is to measure the vertical
This is the angle of blisters
1.5:100 one is a corner of blisters 3.5:100
The second is the revolving blisters
It is on the rotation gear
This turn-foot level in our industry has not been some level ulnar
The vice-foot turning point of view this can be immediately reflected in blisters
When we needed the time to separate the vice-foot to unload
Use as a ruler
This hole is the time for punching a model
This is for two taxiways
Equipment to be unloaded on the ruler
This alone when the device can also be used as a spirit level
This slot can put the pencil drawing a line

I plant in December 2001 passed the ISO9000 certification
Through the Quality Management System Certification
We have a quality policy and quality objectives
Now our goal is to 14000 and 18000 certification

Here I come into contact with different people and things
Learned how do things in the community how well
Here learned a lot

Since into the plant to now, I feel confident Yuezuo Yue

At present, our factory
We should do fine product demand and stronger
To move forward step by step
I hope that our factories can go step by step
In 92 when this one started the
At that time is a few minor plastic machine parts to do
94 from the beginning of the scale began to expand slowly
From 97 foreign trade began to start this one

At that time business has not been the idea of independent innovation
Xian Shimian look at the country see their own products
Some samples came back with us is to buy the peer also brought back
He came back to take in the future of the domestic patent applications

He feels that they have the patent and we did not
We win the lawsuit
However, we summed up the experience of a
In any case we must have their own products

We must have this good of independent innovation

The original level of device is basically a single comparison
The system is a type of framework and
Not a function of a more comprehensive product
After we passed a market survey
We developed a DC06-foot level

One is a standard of measurement is to measure the vertical
This is the angle of blisters
1.5:100 one is a corner of blisters 3.5:100
The second is the revolving blisters
It is on the rotation gear
This turn-foot level in our industry has not been some level of foot
The vice-foot turning point of view this can be immediately reflected in blisters
When we needed the time to separate the vice-foot to unload
Use as a ruler
This hole is the time for punching a model
This is for two taxiways
Equipment to be unloaded on the ruler
This alone when the device can also be used as a spirit level
This slot can put the pencil drawing a line

I plant in December 2001 passed the ISO9000 certification
Through the Quality Management System Certification
We have a quality policy and quality objectives
Now our goal is to 14000 and 18000 certification

Here I come into contact with different people and things
Learned how do things in the community how well
Here learned a lot

Since into the plant to now, I feel confident Yuezuo Yue

At present, our factory
We should do fine product demand and stronger
To move forward step by step
I hope that our factories can go step by step

at that time is piece of work several machines makes the plastic fitting
to start the scale from 94 years to start to expand from
97 years starts only then officially to start the foreign trade this together at that time
enterprise also not to have the independent innovation idea study abroad
to see the world has a look the sample which own
product had to buy is slowly the colleague also the belt comes back him with
us to take carry back completes later in domestic application patent
him had thought but but they had the patent we
not to have the lawsuit are we win
us to summarize an experience
no matter we certainly must how have own product
certainly to have to innovate this block to complete independently
the original balance level to be basicOn will be quite sole
is a labor system and a frame
function quite comprehensive product
we later we has not developed
DC06 multi-purpose balance level one through
the market survey is surveys level one is the survey is vertical
this is angular value blister
one 1.5:100 one is 3.5:100 angular value blister
second is the revolving blister
it is depends on the gear-driven
this kind of rotation balance level this vice-ruler rotation angle this
blister which has not had in our balance level profession to be able to reflect immediately
when we needed the time vice-ruler might independent unload down
does uses this
hole for the straightedge is does for the punchHow time
model is this two
skids may unload down installs independent employment
time this also may treat as on the ruler the ruler the balance level
to use this trough to be possible to put the linedraw
the pencil I the factory to pass in December, 2001 the ISO9000
authentication to authenticate through this quality control
system we then to have the quality policy and the quality
goal now our goal is contacts through 14000
and 18000 authentication in here me the different person and
the matter learns to work in the society how the manner
to learn in here since to enter shop
very many the present, I felt more does more has the confidence
to have to do at present to our factory
request the productThe essence does
can forward walk I
to hope gradually our factory can gradually walk


他庆幸,他没有原日夏养花网地等待或者不停抱怨,否则,他又怎么能发现人生有无限可能? rn一旦你开始在人生道路上奔跑,你会发现甚至比原先定下的目标还要跑的更远,力克本来只是想让自己振作起来,不给父母添太多的麻烦,并且能尽自己所能帮助一些跟他之前一样身处困境的人。如今,他成为了一种力量的象征,他的演讲使数以百万计的人们重燃对生活的希望,他的信念在不断地传递中逐渐壮大,感染他人,也感染了自己。而这些,都是他始料未及的。rn(不要用在线翻译,谢谢)
  Fortunately,He did not wait there or complain Incessantly , otherwise, how can he find there are endless possibilities in his life?

  Once you start to run on the road of life, you will have to run even more further than the original target you set before, Lectra originally just want to pull himself together, and do not make much trouble for parents, and try his best to help some people like him in distress before.

Nowadays, he has become a symbol of strength,his speech gave millions of people renewed hope for life, and his faith grew over in the passed, infecting others, also infected, whick is what he unexpected.

he feels fortunate, he didn't just wait here and complain constantly. otherwise, how did he find all perhaps of one's life?
once you start to run on life's road, you will find you could run more distance than the target you have set before. originally Leeke just want to refresh himself, and don't make trouble for his parents, and try his best to help the people like himself before in deep trouble.
At present, he becomes a sympol of power, his speech let millions of people see the hopeofhttp://www.rixia.cc life. his faith become stronger in the transfer, and affect others as same as himself.
all of these is unexpected for himself.


香菇bai蒸滑鸡du Steamed Chicken with Mushrooms
花蛤娃娃菜zhi Clam with baby vegetables
蒸南瓜dao steamed pumpkin
豉油蒸排专骨 steamed pork ribs with soy sauce
虾茸蒸豆属腐 steamed tofu with shrimp puree.
Clam baby vegetables花蛤娃娃菜
Steamed pumpkin蒸南瓜回
Soy sauce steamed spareribs豉油蒸排骨答
The shrimp meat with bean curd steamed虾茸蒸豆腐
Steamed chicken with mushroom是来香菇自蒸滑鸡
花蛤娃娃菜是Clam baby vegetables
/蒸南瓜是steamed with pumpkin
豉油蒸排骨是Soy sauce steamed spareribsThe shrimp meat with bean curd steamed是虾茸蒸豆腐


本文标题: 谁能帮忙翻译一下啊 中译英!~谢谢拉!~急用!在线等!~
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/84144.html

上一篇:和宝剑锋从磨砺出 梅花香自苦寒来也意思样的诗句?




