雅思口语最后P3没说好会扣很多分吗? 今天考口语,前面都还好,P3时候最后一个问题突然死机了,
雅思口语最后P3没说好会扣很多分吗?nnn今天考口语,前面都还好,P3时候最后一个问题突然死机了,就重复了几句I am not saying the...就是后面的词想不起来,就重复了几次这句话,然后考官就说时间到了考试结束。。好慌张,这样会很拉分吗TAT不会的,不要因为口语部分影响了自己其他考试的发挥,口语看的不仅仅是个人的,还看考官的心情。所以你不要太在意了。加油,希望你能去的好成绩。
刚才查了一下口语时间...12月4号 17:55......凄凉了还能这么晚!rnrn在青岛考那考点离家不是一般的远...考点荒山野岭啊...rnrn话说那么晚考..口语老师会不会情绪化得给分?rnrn怕怕...环球教育老师为同学们总结雅思口语考试必备问题如下,希望对您的备考有所帮助~
1. What's your name?
2. http://www.rixia.ccDoes your name have any special meaning?
3. Where were you come from?
4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?
5. What is the main crop in your hometown?
6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?
7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?
8. What is the climate like in your hometown?
9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?
10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?
11. What is people's favorite food in your region?
12. How do you make dumplings?
13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?
14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?
15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?
16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.
17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.
18. Tewww.rixia.ccll me something about the customs of your country.
19. How long have you lived in Beijing?
20. What is the weather like in Beijing?
21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?
22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why?
23. Which is the worst place you've been to China?
24. Which is the best place you've been to China?
25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?
26. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?
27. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.
28. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?
29. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?
30. Do you enjoy shopping?
1. What's your name?
2. http://www.rixia.ccDoes your name have any special meaning?
3. Where were you come from?
4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?
5. What is the main crop in your hometown?
6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?
7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?
8. What is the climate like in your hometown?
9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?
10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?
11. What is people's favorite food in your region?
12. How do you make dumplings?
13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?
14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?
15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?
16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.
17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.
18. Tewww.rixia.ccll me something about the customs of your country.
19. How long have you lived in Beijing?
20. What is the weather like in Beijing?
21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?
22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why?
23. Which is the worst place you've been to China?
24. Which is the best place you've been to China?
25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?
26. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?
27. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.
28. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?
29. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?
30. Do you enjoy shopping?
别怕 一般最后一个的话分都不会太低 而且会比较轻松 放心吧 还是看你遇到什么人了
遇到的人不一样 相差1分都有可能啊 哎 别紧张 记住别背诵就好
遇到的人不一样 相差1分都有可能啊 哎 别紧张 记住别背诵就好
雅思口语Part1最后一个问题没听清楚 乱扯了两句考官直接Pass了 Part2和3都说的可以 会
雅思口语Part1最后一个问题没听清楚 乱扯了两句考官直接Pass了 Part2和3都说的可以 会影响多少分没听清楚您可以问来他,一源般您一开口说baiplease...或者,excuse me 还没说完他就会给du你重复的zhi,您要是打的不dao着边肯定会扣日夏养花网分的,因为证明您在交流的理解上有问题,但是趴1的比重小,您要是后面答的好不会太大影响,考官主要看趴3,因为前面都能背,您说答的可以,我没法给你评分呀,6 7 8都算可以了。我不知道您到底多可以,一般趴3都打3句以上基本连贯6分以上肯定的了。
本文标题: 雅思口语考试,第三部分最后一个问题考官问的我有点难,我没回答上来,前面都还说的过去请问还会得高分么
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/84106.html