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  32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333238636638This semester, I read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea." I really admire the will of the Lao Yufu novels, he let me know how a person must have the spirit of perseverance in order to be successful.

  The novel is a description of Liu Xun in recent years, the Lao Yufu, in a single sea fishing, caught a big fish, but do not pull up. Lao Yufu and deal with the fish for several days before it is discovered that a fishing boat several times more than their big Marlins, even if it is difficult to win, but do not give up. Later, due to the Marlins large wound on the fish smell attracted several groups take food off the shark, but the elderly are reluctant to give up on this, the final tight encirclemen日夏养花网t, the big fish will be brought back to the fishing port, so that other fishermen admire very much.

  When I read "like Lao Yufu: from here is too close to the coast, perhaps even in places where there will be a bigger fish ... ..." I really admire the Lao Yufu, at this time because he has been a hit Some fish, but he did not with the status quo, but more towards the goal. We take a look at another, usually encounter difficulties in a small, we all suffer a great deal. We are the future of the motherland should be the same as the old aim higher, go in search of a better, more objective.

  When I read "Marlins began to quickly walk around the small fishing boat, the cable will be winding up the mast, an Gang Cha old right hand held high, leap on its surface the moment, to do it in the heart of throwing objects , An end to the wail of the big fish life, it quietly floating in the water ... ... "My heart is like a big rock down to. I have great admiration for the elderly without the kind of fear, perseverance, though opponents know that a strong, but he did not back down, but the difficulties. It is precisely because of this spirit, the Lao Yufu was only the victory of life and death battle. We have to learn in life the spirit of the Lao Yufu, not afraid of difficult things to do in order to be successful.

  I read in the big fish by a group of sharks smell blood, travel to take food off each other, just for the elderly in the left hand cramp, he can only use his right hand, the stick is used, the swordfish caught in the mouth, and so all can be used to The attack in self-defense weapons, and ultimately to get rid of these sharks. However, the big fish eating the meat has been most of the elderly people also criticized his own humorous left-handed, "the work of the rest of the time but" when I was old impressed by the spirit of optimism. In life, some loss is inevitable, we should be optimistic attitude can not be over.

  Finally, a juvenile novel to see in the Lao Yufu measure 18 feet long enough to have a big Marlins, 日夏养花网once again describing the huge fish on the Lao Yufu to overcome the difficulties of large, out of the ordinary.

  Lao Yufu novel bull by the horns to sing the praises of the spirit, we should be just like him, can not be satisfied with the status quo should be positive, do whatever it wants to be persistent and difficult to meet difficulties head-on, must not give up. Only in this way will we be able to obtain a higher chance of success and victory.
This semester, I read the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea." I am extremely impressed with the novel will of the elderly fisherman, he let me know how a person must have the spirit of perseverance in order to be successful.

The description of the novel is a nearly 60-year-old fisherman the elderly, in a single fishing when caught a big fish, but not pull up. Elderly fisherman and fish deal a few days later, only to find that this is a fishing boat several times more than their big Marlins, even if it is very difficult to win, but do not give up. Later, due to large Marlins wound fish smell attracted several groups take food off the shark, but the elderly are reluctant to give up on this, and ultimately tight encirclement will be a big fish back to the fishing port, so that other fisherman admire very much.
When I read of a "Fisherman's elderly would like to: here it is too close from the coast, perhaps further afield in the larger fish will be ... ...", I really admire the elderly fisherman, because he now has hit a some fish, but he did not the status quo, but toward the greater goal. Let us now look at us, usually encountered little difficulty, we all suffer a great deal. We are the future of the motherland should be the same as the old aim higher, to strive for better, more objective.

When I read the "big Marlins began to quickly walk around the small fishing boats will be winding the cables to the mast, the elderly the right hand banner harpoons, leap on its surface the moment, to make every effort to the heart of it throwing to wail out the end of the life of a big fish, it quietly floating in the water ... ... "when my heart is like a big rock down the land. I very much admire the kind of people without fear, perseverance, although aware of strong opponents, but he did not flinch, but the difficulties. Exactly because we have had this spirit, the old fisherman won the talent contest the victory of life and death. We have to learn in life the spirit of the elderly fisherman, so things are not afraid of difficulties, in order to succeed.

Read a big fish in the blood by a group of sharks smell, and eager to take food off tour, the elderly happened to be in the left hand cramps, he can only use his right hand, the stick is used, the swordfish cahttp://www.rixia.cctch all of the mouth can be used to offensive weapons in self-defense, and ultimately get rid of the group of sharks. But the big fish eat the meat has been most of the elderly people also criticized his own humorous left-handed "the work in the rest", I was also optimistic about the spirit of the elderly impressed. In life, some losses are inevitable, we should be optimistic attitude can not be over.

Finally, the story of a juvenile to see the elderly fisherman measure 18 feet long enough there is a big Marlins, once again described the huge fish on the elderly fisherman overcome difficulties, and extraordinary.

Novels praise the efforts of the bull by the horns elderly fisherman fighting spirit, we should also, as he did, can not be satisfied with the status quo, should be positive, do anything to be persistent and difficult to difficulties must not fall by the wayside. Only then can we gain greater success and victory.

看你好像是说书的。 飘过...........

This semester, I read the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea." I am extremely impressed with the novel will老渔夫32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333238636662, he let me know how a person must have http://www.rixia.ccthe spirit of perseverance in order to be successful.

The novel is a description of the六旬nearly老渔夫, in a single fishing when caught a big fish, but not pull up.老渔夫and fish deal a few days later, only to find that this is a fishing boat several times more than their big Marlins, even if it is very difficult to win, but do not give up. Later, due to large Marlins wound fish smell attracted several groups take food off the shark, but the elderly are reluctant to give up on this, and ultimately tight encirclement will be a big fish back to the fishing port, so that other fisherman admire very much.
When I read "老渔夫think: here it is too close from the coast, perhaps further afield in the larger fish will be ... ...", I really admire the老渔夫, because he now has hit a some fish, but he did not the status quo, but toward the greater goal. Let us now look at us, usually encountered little difficulty, we all suffer a great deal. We are the future of the motherland should be the same as the old aim higher, to strive for better, more objective.

When I read the "big Marlins began to quickly walk around the small fishing boats will be winding the cables to the mast, the elderly the right hand banner钢叉, leap on its surface the moment, to make every effort to the heart of it throwing to wail out the end of the life of a big fish, it quietly floating in the water ... ... "when my heart is like a big rock down the land. I very much admire the kind of people without fear, perseverance, although aware of strong opponents, but he did not flinch, but the difficulties. Exactly because we have had this spirit,老渔夫to secure victory in this battle of life and death. We have to learn in life老渔夫the spirit of doing things is not afraid of difficulties, in order to succeed.

Read a big fish in the blood by a group of sharks smell, and eager to take food off tour, the elderly happened to be in the left hand cramps, he can only use his right hand, the stick is used, the swordfish catch all of the mouth can be used to offensive weapons in self-defense, and ultimately get rid of the group of sharks. But the big fish eat the meat has been most of the elderly people also criticized his own humorous left-handed "the work in the rest", I was also optimistic about the spirit of the elderly impressed. In life, some losses are inevitable, we should be optimistic attitude can not be over.

Finally, a juvenile novel老渔夫see in the measure 18 feet long enough there is a big Marlins, once again described the enormous fish that老渔夫by overcoming great difficulties, extraordinary.

Sing the praises of a novel老渔夫the spirit of the bull by the horns to work hard, we should also, as he did, can not be satisfied with the status quo, should be positive, do anything to be persistent and difficult to difficulties must not fall by the wayside. Only then can we gain greater success and victory.


You,like most people,probably have been in such a situation where yo are being asked for a business card, and while reaching for it...and...oops.. "Ix27m sorry, I must be out at the moment" or "they must be in my other bag" or "I left them at the office, Ix27m sorry," and the conversation continues on with some sort of story about how this "never happens to me " or "I knew I was forgetting something this morning..."

和大多数人一样bai,你du可能已经在这样的情zhi况下哟被dao要求的名片,和而专深远的...和...哎呀... “对不起,属我必须出去了。”或“他们必须在我的其他袋”,或“我离开他们的办公室,对不起”的对话,继续与某种故事这个“永远不会发生在我身上”,或“我知道我今天早上忘了什么东西吧......”


How Culture Affects Mergers and Acquisitions.rnIndustrial Management • Sept, 2000 • rnrnExecutive Summary rnEven companies that appear to be very similar can have different corporate cultures -- and those cultures can be hard to integrate when companies merge or are acquired. Managing cultural change, the author argues, is critical to the success of a merger or acquisition. He discusses what culture is, how to assess it, and how to integrate two different corporate cultures. rnMake no mistake about it: These are the go-go years for mergers and acquisitions. But however adept top executives have been in working the art of the deal, many are now singing the post-M&A blues. Merging balance sheets, it turns out, is far easier than merging cultures. By some estimates, 85 percent of failed acquisitions are attributable to mismanagement of cultural issues. rnSmart companies know that cultural due diligence is every bit as important as careful financial analysis. They know that the values an organization holds are imbedded in organizational strategy exercising a kind of gravitational pull on decision-making. Without understanding the often hidden and implied values that drive decision-making at every level, the chances are great that a merger or acquisition will quickly be awash in misunderstanding, confusion, and conflict.
管理 • 2000年9月 •
看来是非常相似du的Even公司能有不同的公zhi司文化dao -- 当公司合并或获取时,并且那些文化可以是难集成。 处理的文化变动,作者争论,对合并或承购至关重要的成功。 他谈论什么文化是,如何估计它和如何集成二不同公司文化。

Make没有差错对此: 这些是合并和承购的时髦的岁月。 然而,但是娴熟高级主管在工作成交,许多的艺术现在唱岗位M&A蓝色。 合并资产负债表,结果是比合并文化容易。 由有些估计,不合格的承购的85%是可归咎的于文化问题的管理不善。

Smart公司知道文化适当努力是每位一样重要象仔细的财务分析。 他们知道组织举行的价值在行使一在政策制定的地心引力的组织战略被埋置。 没有了解驾驶政策制定各级的经常暗藏的和含蓄的价值,机会是伟大的合并或承购迅速将是充满的误解、混乱和冲突。



和你一同笑过的人rn你可能把他忘掉rn但是和你一同哭过的人rn你却永远不忘rn rn 谁能帮我翻译成英文!!rn 小弟跪谢
Guys share laugh with you
They may sometime fade away
Guys share tears with you
They will forever live in your memory
The one you laugh with,
you may forget him(her)
but you will never forget
the one who cried with you!
You may forget the one
with whom you enjoyed yourself together
But you will never forget the one
with whom you cried together
And you have laughed
You may forget about him
But with you cry
But you will never forget
You might have forgotten ever laugh with you people, crying with you, but you can not forget the people who
the people you had shared the happiness with

you may forget him

but people who had cried together with

you will never forget .


本文标题: 快快快,谁来帮我翻译一下,着急啊!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/82396.html





