


2022-08-13 08:40:06 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:83


  1. take on 和take in 都有接受的意思,请问有什么区别??

  2. would-be artists can draw flat forms or separate parts and then join them together 此句中would-be这种形式出现时什么意思??怎么使用??

  3. the adventures are for fun,but a noble purpose can make any experience more exciting.此句中for fun是什么意思??

  4. once they had unhooked the train's engine and first two cars from the rest,the Night Flyer Moved on.此句中first two cars from the rest是什么意思??

  5. i choose ones that go to the places i want to go and do off-the-beaten-path things.此句中 off-the-beaten-path things是什么意思??



take in v. 接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗
take on v.披上, 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 承担, 盛气凌人, 接纳, 流行
Our factory will take on twenty more workers next month.我们厂下个月将再雇用20名工人。
She takesHFqqHyT on extra work on Sundays.她星期天还承担了额外工作。
t the news of her husband's death she took on like a mad woman.听到丈夫逝世的消息,她伤心得象疯了一样。
The city took on a festive air.全市呈现出一派节日景象。
The idea somehow failed to take on.那主意不知为何未被大家接受。
We knew their football team was bigger and stronger,but we took them on anyway and beat them.我们知道他们的足球队比我们强大,但是我们仍然和他们比赛,而且把他们打败了。
The cloth took on red from the skirt that was washed in the same tub.那块布跟裙子在一个盆里洗染上了红色。
Let's have lunch here and then take in a movie.我们在这儿吃午饭,然后去看场电影。
We were completely taken in by his story.我们完全被他的谎言欺骗了。
Our hotel is full,we can't take in any more guests.我们的旅馆已经客满,不能再接待客人了。
We need some time to take the situation in.我们需要一些时间来弄清情况。
She scraped along by taking in sewing.她在家替人做针线活勉强糊口。
I think this list takes in everybowww.rixia.ccdy.我想这个名单是包括了所有的人。
This dress needs to be taken in a bit at the neck.这件衣服的领子要改小一些。
He took in what was happening and decided to get away quickly.他一眼就明白了是怎么回事,于是决定立即脱身。
Which newspaper do you take in?你订阅什么报纸?
The magician did many tricks,and the children took them all in.魔术师变了许多魔术,孩子们都信以为真。
first two cars from the rest的意思是辆车从休息;off-the-beaten-path things的意思是offthebeatenpath东西;the adventures are for fun,but a noble purpose can make any experience more exciting的意思是冒险是funbut有高尚的目标,可以使任何经验更精彩,这里for fun的意思是为了好玩,这些句子都有问题。根本就没有funbut这个单词


阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A. B. C.D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
My stutter(口吃)had always been much of a problem. I‟d had so many specialists for my______35______over the years. As l walked down the hallway to meet a new one, memories popped in my head of how painful(痛苦的)being a kwww.rixia.ccid who stutters had been. It______36______hurt.
“Hello! I‟m Mrs. Claussen. I hear you‟re from Texas!”
“Ye-Ye-Ye-Yes m-m-m-m-m-m-m-aam I am…”My heart felt like it was pounding through my chest and my hands were dripping wet. I really blew that ______37______. “Well,” she said with a _____38______smile. I‟ve always liked Texas.”
She turned out to be the best speech specialist I‟ve ever had, not like those who told me to clap my hands while speaking. She was_____39______.She spent the first several weeks just talking to me—asking me all kinds of questions about myself, especially my feelings. And she_____40______ . She then began to teach me about the speech. Not just about my speech, but about everybody‟s.
I______41______ in my old school and was a pretty good tenor(男高音), but I learned that the new school‟s singing group was all filled up. It was such bad news, for I thought that was the one thing I could really do well - and I could do it_____42______stuttering. Somehow Mrs. Claussen finally got me in the group. I felt like she really cared about me as a person, not just a speech student.
During the next two years, my speech didn‟t get much better - except with her. When I was in college, things got worse. I once even wondered if I would ever be able to_____43_____! It was a very depressing time, and I often felt alone. When I was feeling really sorry for myself, I remembered Mrs. Claussen had told me whether I could______44______ my speech was all up to me. She had told me not to fight for perfect speech, just better speech. She was right about that. I finally improved my speech greatly.
Many years have passed, but I think of her from time to time, wondering if she had as much______45_______on her other students as she had on me. I like to think that she did. Her name was Mrs. Claussen... and she____46____ . I‟II never forget her. 35. A. speech B. study C. dream D. fear 36. A. maybe B. even C. still D. never 37. A. instruction B. description C. introduction D. presentation 38. A. shy B. cold C. weak D. kind 39. A. silent B. simple C. direct D. different 40. A. cried B. listened C. waited D. stopped 41. A. sang B. spoke C. played D. clapped 42. A. against B. besides C. beyond D. without 43. A. practise B. communicate C. report D. reply 44. A. train B. share C. change D. follow 45. A. advice B. influence C. dependence D. action 46. A. continued B. taught C. agreed D. cared
35. A 36. C 37. C 38. D 39. D 40. B 41. A 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. B 46. D
36. C 根据第二段可知,目前问题还没有解决,所以这种痛苦仍然困扰我
44. C 根据本段最后一句话可知,最后作者的语言能力有了一个较大的提升,对比之前语法能力不好,可知我的语言老师告诉我是否我能改变语言能力完全取决于我


我要考四级,下面是老师给的一些作文模板,也有我自己找的。总感觉里面有些错误,望解答...(括号里是我的问题)rn 谢谢rnrnThe past few years have witnessed the emergehttp://www.rixia.ccnce of a wide spread social phenonmenon, that is…(of后面应该是名词,此处写spread是不是错了,而且应该副词修饰动词也不应该是wide吧。是不是应该写成a widely-spread什么什么的)rnrnIn my opinion,both sides are partly right。When we____,we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems,and then make the right decision.(不是take sth intoconsideration么,应该怎么改)rnrnObviously,this is a topic that most people are not only interested in,but also hold opinion about.______(请举例说一下opinion about后面应该写些什么 我没有思路)rnrnAn important factor worth our concern is that_____(worth在这里是不是作为形容词,形容词修饰前面应该有be动词吧)rnrnIt is the duty of ordinary people to activity participate in tHFqqHyThe action(activity是名词,participate是动词吧,这句话我怎么看着那么别扭,求解)rnrnHowever,what worries most of us is that____(most of 能不能用dominant代替,应该怎么替,dominant的用法又是什么,修饰可数名词还是不可数?)rnrnFirstly,secondly ,lastly but in no means least____(我不知道最后一个对不对,求解)rnrnAmong the media, we can find bulk of relevant discussions.(find 还可以用什么代替)
1.没错,of后是名词phenonmenon,前面是起修饰作用的,wide spread也就相当于widely-spread。
2.take sth into consideration 中的sth如果比较长,可以放在最后。英语中用词很活的。
4.sth worth n/doing 是一个习惯用法。
a widely-spread更好
ake into consideration all aspects of the problems 我觉得可以。宾语太长就放最后了
肯定打错了是 activily
2take it into consideration
7Last but by no means least


英语不懂的题目rnrn1、 some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure ( )rnrnA、than more on efficiency B、and more efficiency rnrnC、but more on efficiency D、than efficiencyrnrn答案是Crnrn2、X-ray are able to pass through objects and thus make ( )details that are otherwise impossible to observernrnA、it visible B、them visible C visible D、they are visible rnrn答案是Crnrn3、even though she herself has never had such an experience, it’s ( )rnshe can recognize from what has happened to her good friend .rnrnA、that B、one C such D、allrnrn答案是Crnrn4、Primary products are the raw materialsrn______ which manufactured goods are made.rnrnrn rn rn rnA.byrnrn rn rn rnB.ofrnrn rn rn rnC.fromrnrn rn rn rnD.inrnrn rn rn rn rn rn答案是C,该句子的意思?rnrn rn rn rn rnrn rn rn rn rnrn rn rn rn rnrn rn rnrn5、______isrnthat I can’t understand what she is talking about.rnrnrn rn rn rnA.What I find difficultrnrn rn rn rnB.What I find it difficultrnrn rn rn rn rn rnC.How difficult I findrnrn rn答案是Arnrn rn rn rnD.How difficult I find itrnrn rn rnrn rn rnrn6.Byrnreferring______his notes, the speaker was able to give the exact detailsrnrequired.rnrnrn rn rn rnA.tornrn rn答案是Arnrn rn rn rnB.forrnrn rn rn rnC.asrnrn rn rn rnD.inrnrn rn rnrn rn rnrn7.Unfortunately, he didn’t ______ to read the agreementrncarefully before signing it.rnrnrn rn rn rnA.botherrnrn rn答案是Arnrn rn rn rnB.disturbrnrn rn rn rnC.occurrnrn rn rn rnD.happenrnrn rn rnrn8、Thernchild was ______ to open the window.rnrnrn rn rn rnA.tallrn barely enoughrnrn rn答案是Crnrn rn rn rnB.barelyrn enough tallrnrn rn rn rnC.barely tall enoughrnrn rn rn rnD.tallrn enough barelyrnrn rn rnrn9、______rnthe strength of the opposition , we did very well to score two goals.rnrnrn rn rn rnA.Torn considerrnrn rn rn rnB.Consideredrnrn rn rn rnC.Consideringrnrn rn rn rnD.Considerrnrn rn rnrn答案是C
2,detais是名词,在这里,前面用形容词就好了,visible details 又作为了定语从句的先行词,不是别的什么从句,不用多加什么东西
4,初级产品是未加工的一些材料,制成品就是由它们做的。考查be made from
6,refer to 固定搭配,参考
7,bother to do 费心去做 看意思
8,enough修饰形容词要后置的。barely 副词,仅仅,勉强,就像just一样,放在形容词前面


本文标题: 请英语高手帮我解答一下几个问题,感谢!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/306449.html





