


2022-08-10 21:39:19 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:111


Tom retured the thing that I thought I was lost.
Tom was absent from the meeting again, he should not do like this.
You have to start the first aid to the sick person right now, otherwise he will be dead before the ambulance come.
I have heard someone shouted help while I was reading.
Parents warned their children that they should across the road carefully.
1. He has returned to me the thing i thought was lost.

2.Tom was absent yesterday again. He shouldn't be like that.

3.You have to give first aid to the victims immediately. Or else, they'd loss their lives before the ambulance comes.

4.I heard someone was screaming "help" while i was reading my book.

5.The paretns are reminding their children to be careful while crossing the street.
1 I think he lost his things back to me.
2, Tom has been absent yesterday. He should not be this way.
3, you have to first aid treatment immediately. If not, they will be killed before the ambulance arrived.
4 When I read, heard people crying for help.
5 parents told their children to be careful crossing the road.
1、He gave me back the thing that I ever believed was lost.
2、Yesterday Tom was obsented again.
3、You must do first aid to the wounded, unless they might die before the ambulance comes.
4、I heard someone crying out for help when I was reading my book.
5、Parents exhorted their children to be careful when crossing streets.


This paper researches and analyzes the "curriculum guidance for kindergarten" designed for toddlers and conducts detailed analysis and statistical work on the literature contents of the said curriculum. The research shows that 1) the curriculum concentrates on the Chinese literature works with the inclination towards the traditional education values, 2) the literature works in the curriculum have reached the balance between China and the West, rendering them with traditional Chinese holidays and regional cultures and conforming them to the traditional Chinese culture, 3) the literature works in the curriculum are in general compatible with the knowledge learning characteristics of toddlers with a few works stranded too far from the toddlers' life expierences and 4) the quality of the illustrations needs improvement.

In view of the above research, this paper puts forward the following remedy measures: 1) construe multicultural curriculum contents in the process of introduction and continuation, 2) stick to the principle of multiculturalism in the editing of the curriculum for toddlers and 3) pay attention to the difficulty levels of the curriculum and make the teaching contents further closer to the life of the toddlers.

你好 翻译如下

In this study, "the kindergarten curriculum guide" books for the child care research and analysis of objects, works of literature from which specific aspects of the statistical analysis and data. The results show that: 1, teaching Chinese literature class-based, tend to the traditional concept of culture and education. 2, teaching literature in the search for balance in the Eastern and Western cultures. Integration of traditional Chinese festivals and local culture, and in line with traditional Chinese culture. 3, generally speaking, teaching materials in line with the literature in the cognitive characteristics of young children, but individual works of life from early childhood experience. 4, children's picture books have the quality to be improved.
Based on the above conclusion of the study made the following specific measures: 1, in the introduction and the succession of the course content to build diversity. 2, insist on teaching children the diversity of the main editors. 3, early childhood education should be close to life, pay attention to ease of teaching content.
The book studying the infant "that the course guides with the kindergarten" uses is to study the analytical marriage partner , the concrete analysis and data having been in progress from literary works among them aspect count. The result studying is indicated: Teaching material gives first place to the literary works that CgsOuQBoDhina is similar to 1, the inclination culture in tradition educates concept. 2, literary works in teaching material seeks balance in Chinese and Western culture. Melt to have entered Chinese tradition festival and region culture, culture accords with Chinese tradition. But come 3, to say literary works in teaching material accords with infant cognition characteristic population, individual work abjunction infant experience of life. 4, the infant uses the book photograph mass to have much room for improvement. Study the conclusion has brought forward the countermeasure putting as follows almost a pertinency according to all above: 1, structures diversification course content in introducing to and inheriting. 2, insist that infant teaching material edits the main body diversification. 3, content of courses should press clowww.rixia.ccse to infant life, degree easy to pay attention to the content of courses disaster.


他终于弄到了这本书,真是如获至宝 (manage to)rn为了回报家乡父老的恩情,他决定了山村建一所小学。(determine)rn因为对片酬不满意,男女主角都不出演这部电影。(quite;due to)rn据报道有百分之十四的少年沉迷与因特网,这对他们生活和学习有了消极的影响。(it is resported...;addicted to;effect)
1. He has finnally managed to get this book. It's like hitting the jackpot.
2. In order to repay his fellow villagers' great kindness, he decided to build a primary school in the village.
3.Both male and female major characters quit this film due to th日夏养花网e unsatisfied film income.
4. It is reported that forty percent of teenagers are addicted to internet, which has negative impacts on their life and study.
Finally, he managed to get this book which he really cherished.
To repay all the kindness and generosity, he determined to build a primary school in his hometown.
The main actor and actress quit the show
due to quite less pay.
It is resported that nearly 14 per cent of the young are addicted to the internet, which has a really negative effect to their lives and study.
He finally got this book, is highly valued by
Homeland in order to return the elders owe, he decided to build the Village Primary School
Because of the fee are not satisfied with, male and female are not starred in the film
It is reported that 14% of teenagers have indul日夏养花网ged with the Internet, this study on their lives and have a negative impact
1. He has finnally managed to get this book. It's like hitting the jackpot.
2. In order to repay his fellow villagers' great kindness, he decided to build a primary school in the village.
3.Both male and female major characters quit this film due to the unsatisfied film income.
It is resported that nearly 14 per cent of the young are addicted to the internet, which has a really negative effect to their lives and study


本文标题: 小段英文翻译(满意再加50分!不要用金山快译啊)
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/304833.html





