


2022-08-09 19:27:11 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:154

谁能帮我把这几句话翻译成英语啊 。 谢谢谢谢了。

1 我的兴趣是唱歌,因为我小时候就喜欢唱歌。rn2 有很多 不用花钱的兴趣 也很好,这样还节省了钱。rn3 每个人有每个人的看法 我认为兴趣 就是你喜欢的东西 或者事情。rn4 周末与朋友一起 做些自己喜欢的事。rn5男孩喜欢运动方面的 作为兴趣爱好 有些女孩不太喜欢。rn6 钓鱼其实很有趣, 能让自己的内心平静。rn7 我小时候因为学习 放弃了自己喜欢的舞蹈,那时候非常伤心。rn8 我同意,我也认为和兴趣相同的人在一起比较有意思,rn9 当我压力大的时候 我也会唱歌,活着听音乐。rn10 如果你要参加兴趣班 你父母不同意 你要用你的行动去说服他们,告诉他们你是真的喜欢这个。rn11 我喜欢收集皮包。rn12 如果我有时间 我一定陪你去看电影。
1.My hobby is singing,because I was fond of singing when young.
2.Some hobbies that do not cost much are quite fair/good,as they save money.
3.Different people have their own view on interests,but as far as I'm concerned,interest is someting you enjoy.
4.(I will choose to) do something i do want to do with friends on weekend.
5.Boys prefer sports ,while girls do not show much interests!
6.Fish can be very amusing,as it makes you calm down.
7.I gave up dancing when was young because of studying,which made me dissapointed/upset.
8.I agree with you,because i think doing somethinYSIhfg with someone who shares interests is of fun.
9.Faced with pressure,i will sing a song loudly,and listen to music as well.
10. when you want to try some out-side classes, however you do not get your parents's support, you need to do something to le them know you do love it.
11.I'm enthusiastic about collecting carrybags.
12.I would accompany you to see the movie if i had time.
1、My interests are singing, because I was a kid to love to sing.
2, do not spend a lot of interest is also very good, so that also saves money.
3, every person I think everyone interested in the views of the things that you like or do.
4 weekend with friends to do the things you like.
5 boys like sports as a hobby some girls do not like.
6 fishing is actually very interesting, can hold their own peace of mind.
7 because I was a kid learning to give up their favorite dance, time is very sad.
8 I agree, I also think that the same people and interests together more interesting,
9 When I stress when I will be singing, live music.
10 If you want to participate in interest groups do not agree with your parents you want to use your action to convince them, tell them you really like this.
11 I like to collect purses.
12 If I have time I will go with you to the movies.
1. My hobby is singing because I like singing since I was little
2. The are many hobbies that does does not require spending any money that are also nice, you also save up money this way.
3.Everyone's point of view is different. As for me, I think hobby is some thing of event that you like.
4. Doing what I like on the weekends with friends.
5. Many boys have interests that have to do with sports which some girls don't like.
6.Fishing is actually really fun, you can relax your minds.
7. Due to studing and learning, I had to give up one of my favorite dance when I was little.
8. I also agree that it is more interesting if you are with someone with the same interests as you.
9. When I have too much pressure, I will sing or listen to music.
10. If you want to participate in clubs which your parents don't agree on, you'll need to show them that you really like thhttp://www.rixia.ccis with your actions.
11.I like collecting purses.
12. If I have time, I will definitely go to the movies with you.
1. My favourate is singing, since I was a kid.
2. a wide range of interests, if costs no money would also be good for me as it saves money
3. everyone has their own views, I consider the interest is something you like
4. be with freinds in the weekends to do something I like
5. boys love sports, but that is not girls' like
6. fishing is actually interesting to let you enjoy peace time
7. because of study, I gave up dancing when I was young. I felt very sad at that time.
8. I agree. I also take it fun when being with someone having the same interest with me
9. When I felt presssed, I may listen to music or sing
10 if you want to take some classes for yout interest while your parents hold your way, you can persuade them by your action and tell them this is what you want to do
11 I like collecting bags
12 I will definitely go to movie with you if I am available at that time
1. My hobby is singing, because I've love singing since I was young.
2. It's good to have some hobbies which don't need money, for it will help to save money.
3. Everyone has his own opinion. I think hobby is what you like.
4. (I like to)Do something I like on weekends with my friends. 给的中文句子不完整
5. Boys are interested in sports and take it as a hobby, while some girls don't like it.
6. Fishing is fascinating, and it will make people quiet.
7. I give up dancing for study when I was young, and I was very sad then because I like it very much.
8. I agree that people with same hobby will have a nice time together.
9. When I am under great pressure, I will sing or listen to music.
10. If you want to sign up for amateur courses but your parents don't agree. You have to persuade them by acts and tell them you really like it very much.
11. I like collecting leather bags.
12. I will go to the movies with you if I have time.

希望对你有帮助 ^^
1、I am interested in singing, because I like it when I was a child.
2、There are also many other interests which don't cost.
3、Everybody has its view. I think interest is the thing what you like.
4、I love to do something that I like with friends at weekend.
5、Boys like to regard sports as their hobby, while girls not.
6、Fishing is very funny, it can help to calm down.
7、When I was young, I was sad to give up my favorite hobby, dance, because of study.
8、I think, it will be happier to stay with people who has the same interest with you.
9、When I feel stressed, I will sing or listen music.
10、If your parent don't agree you attending the interest class,you take some action to persuade them and tell them that you really have interest in it .
11、I like collecting leather handbag.
12、If I am free, I will go to see a movie with you.


1 To me, the process of corperate deivice administration has a certain familiarity, and much has been done by me for the company's device administration system's establishment.

2 The adeption at utilizing such softwares as Excel,autocad,etc.and at applying administrative softwares to set up the corporation reparation process, makes paperless maintenance recording come true and realizes that deive account statistics, and apparatus documents are shared on line.

3 A strong capability to communicate; eminent English oral expression.

英语专业,完全自己翻译, 希望楼主满意.
1, familiar with equipment management process, and established a company in writing of the equipment management system.
2, skilled in the use of excel, autocad office software, and use of equipment management software company, realize the maintenance process produces single paperless, equipment, equipment stand-books document realized network shares
3 and communication skills, good oral English ability.
1. Familiar with equipment management processes and took part in scribing and establishing the equipment management related regulations of the company.

2. Proficient in various office applications such as Excel and Autocad. Be able to utihttp://www.rixia.cclize equipment management software to set up maintenance processes without any paper needed for maintenance working documents and to realize a network sharing of the equipment standing books with equipment documents.

3. Strong communication skills and good spoken English.
1.Familiar with the enterprise device management processes involved in the preparation and the establishment of the company facilities management related systems.

2.Skilled use of excel, autocad and other office software, and use the device management software company maintenance procedures established to achieve a single paperless maintenance man, Equipment Accounting and equipment to achieve a network to share documents.

3.Strong communication skills, good English speaking ability.


她,想到会笑.遇见会紧张.说话会脸红. 我是否已经喜欢上她?. rn 请准确的帮我翻译下。谢谢,非常感谢,万分感谢、
She thought we would laugh. Meet tense. Words would blush. I have to love her?.
Please help me to translate accurately the next. Thank you, very grateful, extremely grateful
She, wants to attend a meeting for laughing at. Come across meeting tension. May blush in a minute. Do if I already like her? .
She ,When I thought I would laugh, meet tense,words would blush.And I have to love her?.
She thought we would laugh. Meet tense. Words would blush. I have to love her?.


Thank you for your check and approve my resume.I have recived the questions that come up by you and my responds are as follows:
1.I am also very interested in the post of sales engineer.
2.I have no specific demands on the working place but certainly I prefer Shandong Province the most.
1.Sales Engineer I'm also very interested in Sales Engineer this job
2.the workplace did not specifically require, of course, i prefer to work in Shandong for individuals.
Thanks for checking my resume and your questions.Here are my opionions.
1.I am interested in sales engineer.
2.I have no special request for the location,but I prefer Shandong.
thank for reviewing my resume. I have received your questions,the following is my answer:
1, I am very interested in the position of sales engineer
2, I have no specific requirement for working location, but personally I prefer to work in Shandong Province
Thank you for refering my biographical notes,I have receivede your advises,my replay are as follows:
1.I am very interested in the position of sale's engineer.
2.Any work plac日夏养花网e is ok,of course,I perfer to work in Shangdong.
Thanks for going through my resume and for your questions! My answer to the questions is as follows:

First, I am fairly interested in the serving on the post of Sales Engineer.

Second, I have no special requirements in terms of work site other than being inclined to work in Shandong.


本文标题: 谁能用英语帮我翻译下这几句话~~谢谢
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/304104.html





