


2022-08-08 17:25:21 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:152


题目:两税合一对内外资企业的影响rn摘要:本文首先阐述了两税合并的背景以及两税合并的意义(两套税制并存的弊端),并且运用比较分析法对比新旧企业所得税法的主要差异。其次从1.企业利润增加;2.营造公平竞争环境;3. 促进产业升级这三个方面阐述了两税合一对内资企业的影响。再次从对现有的外资企业的影响和对我国后续利用外资的影响这两大方面阐述了两税合一对外资企业的影响。最后提出笔者的一些看法,给投资者提出一些投资建议。rn 关键词:两税合一,所得税,内资企业,外资企业,rn请不要网上百度谷歌这种翻译,太差了~~高分追加。
title:the influnce of the consolidation of the two taxes to the domestic and the foreign enterprises
summary:This paper expatiated on the purpose of the background of the two taxs' consolidation firstly.
Then discussed the influnce to the domestic companies from three parts.1.the increase of the profits;2.creating a fair competition environment;3.Quicken the industry's step to the upgrading
Thirdly,the paper discussed the influnce to the foreign enterprises from the influence of the existing foreign ones and the following uses by our country.
Lastly, to presedent some opinions and the advices to the investors from the writer.
Key Word: consolidation;Income Tax;Document Enterprises;Foreign Enterprises
Title: Two-in-one tax impact of domestic and foreign-funded enterprises
Abstract: This paper first described the background of the merger of the two taxes, as well as the significance of merging two taxes (the drawbacks of the coexistence of two sets of tax), and the use of comparative analysis comparing the old and the new Enterprise Income Tax Law of the main differences.Secondly, from 1. Corporate profits increase; 2. To create a fair competition environment; 3. To promote industrial upgrading in these three areas on the two-in-one tax effects of domestic-funded enterprises. Again from the impact of the existing foreign-invested enterprises and foreign capital utilization in our country follow-up of these two aspects of the impact of imputation tax system on the impact of foreign-funded enterprises. Finally, some of the views of the author, give investors some investment advice.
Key words: two-in-one tax, income tax, domestic enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises.
Title: Two-in-one tax impact of domestic and foreign-funded enterprises
Abstract: This paper first described the background of the merger of the two taxes, as well as the significance of merging two taxes (the drawbacks of the coexistence of two sets of tax), and the use of comparative analysis comparing the old and the new Enterprise Income Tax Law of the main differences.Secondly, from 1 enterprise profit increase, 2 to create a fair competition environment, 3) upgrading industries on three aspects of this law on the domestic enterprises. For existing once again from the influence of foreign-funded enterprises in China and foreign influence subsequent using the two aspects of the wholly foreign-owned enterprise law. Finally, the author put forward some opinions for investors to put f日夏养花网orward some Suggestions. Keywords: law, tax, domestic enterprises, foreign enterprises.
Topic: law of a foreign-capital enterprise internal Abstract: this paper expounds the background of law and the law merger of two sets of merger (tax), and the disadvantages coexist methods of comparative analysis and comparison of the eit law major differences. Secondly from 1 enterprise profit increase, 2 to create a fair competition environment, 3) upgrading industries on three aspects of this law on the domestic enterprises. For existing once again from the influence of foreign-funded enterprises in China and foreign influence subsequent using the two aspects of the wholly foreign-owned enterprise law. Finally, the author put forward some opinions for investors to put forward some Suggestions. Keywords: law, tax, domestic enterprises, foreign enterprises.


急急急,十万火急!请帮忙翻译一下!!!rn(1)bad debts (2)贷方 (3)资产负债表 (4)ending balance (5)所有者权益 (6)Liabilities are probable future payments of asset or service that an entity is presently obligated to make as a result of past transactions or events.rn(7)Full-disclosure prinhttp://www.rixia.ccciple requires financial statements (including footnotes) to report all relevant information about the operations and financial position of the entity rn(8)Straight-line method of interest allocation is a method of amortization that allocates an equal amount of interest to each accounting period in the life of bonds.rn(9)收益性支出产生的效益只作用于本期,因而作为一项费用列示;而资本性支出产生的效益不仅仅在本期还包括以后的期间,因而作为一项资产列示。rn(10)在会计工作中,取得和填制原始凭证是其起点。rn简答题rn1. Explain the relationship between the matching principle and the need to estimate uncollectible accounts receivable.(回答可用中文)rn2. Does debit always mean increase and credit always mean decrease?
(3)Balance Sheet
(5)Owners equity
(9)Benefits generated revenue expenditure only act on this issue, which listed as an expense; the benefits derived from capital expenditure not only in the current period also includes the subsequent period, which listed as an asset.
(10)In accounting, the acquisition and fill in the original certificate is the starting point.
1.坏账 2、credit 3、balance sheet 4期末余额 5 owner's equity

1配比原则(matching principle)是指企业在进行会计核算时,收入与其成本、费用应当相互配比,同一会计期间内的各项收入和与其相关的成本、费用,应当在该会计期间内确认。
坏账的估计(estimate uncollectible accounts receivable)是在配比原则的要求下估计与本期收入相关的应收账款的坏账损失,计入资产减值费用。

2,of course not.debiting an asset or an expenses means increase but debiting a liability or owner's equity means decreasing.


The settlement auditing is 日夏养花网a comprehensive and professional very meticulous work of important technical multifarious. In the current auditing practice, construction settlement auditing r日夏养花网isk is mainly embodied in contract, behaviors and construction unit cost of materials is difficult to determine, supervising units ineffective supervision, etc. The risk of construction unit is mainly due to avoid and passed on the contract risks, the construction unit interaction was not strong enough, material market price confusion and supervision unit individual effort is less preferable, etc. Aimed at the causes of the system from the unified and responsible, strengthen the propaganda to optimize audit environment, strictly enforce the law strength, improve the increasing audit, strengthen the audit skills to coordinate dispersing risk prevention project settlement aspects of audit risk.

会计英语短文 帮忙翻译完整谢谢 高分

What is Accounting? Accounting is an information science used to collect, classify, and manipulate financial data for organizations and individuals.rn Accounting is instrumental within organizations as a means of determining financial stability. Accountants are responsible for determining an organization’s overall wealth, profitability, and liquidity. Without accounting, organizations would have no basis or foundation upon which daily and long-term decisions could be made. The budgets for marketing activities, profit reinvestment, research and development, and company growth all stem from the work of accountants. Accounting is one of the oldest and most respected professions in the world, and accountants can be found in every industry from entertainment to medicine. rn The accounting program at Saunders College of Business prepares students for a variety of career paths. Saunders College of Business, as a college within RIT, places an emphasis on technology and innovation in every program we offer. Our accounting program graduates have more than just a deep rooted understanding of the numbers side of accounting, they are also involved in the implementation of new accounting technologies; as well as taking leadership positions within the field.rn 会计是什么?会计是一种为单位或个人用来收集,分类和操控金融数据的信息学。会计是决定单位金融稳定的有效手段。会计从业者负责为一个单位的整体财富,盈利和流动资产作抉择。没有会计,单位将没有对日常或长线投资作决定的基础。对市场活动,利益再投资,研究,发展和公司扩展的预算都以会计从业者的工作为根据。会计是世界上最古老和最受人尊敬的职业之一。
Saunders College 经济学院的会计专业为学生提供了多样的职业道路。Saunders College 经济学院属于罗彻斯特理工学院,对于所设立的每一个专业都给予高度的重视。我们的会计学毕业生绝不是仅限于片面得知道会计里得数字,他们还能参与新型会计技术得实施,而且,他们在专业领域中都是佼佼者。


Transaction Advisory rn• Participated in US$ 4B carve-out project for a large multi-national aluminum producer rn• Performed investment elimination and intercompany analyses rn• Prepared interim financial statements for division under sale rn• Drafted Developed strong expertise in US GAAP related accounting issues, providing guidance to executive management on critical matters. rn• Identified and documented business management analytics (KPI) for senior management rnrnInternal Audit/ Compliance rn• Managed complex Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance projects at numerous multi-national corporations acting as the Subject Matter Expert. rn• Documented and analyzed complex business processes developing an expertise in Financial Close rn• Liaised with executive management and external parties on compliance and risk management related matters. rn• Trained accounting and finance personnel on SarbaneHUWlFcNiczs-Oxley implementations rn• Managed teams of up to 10 senior and junior accountants across various locations. rnrnSenior Associate rnPricewaterhouseCoopers, Boston, USA and Montreal, Canada 1998 – 2004 rn• Participated and later managed numerous financial audits rn• Compiled and prepared audit findings and presented them to executive management rn• Trained junior staff accountants.
交易咨询•在美国参加40亿美元分拆项目大型多国铝生产商•演出消除和公司间的投资分析•根据销售部编写的中期财务报表•起草制定美国会计准则相关的会计问题的强烈的专业知识,提供指导执行管理层的关键问题。•确定和记录企业管理的高级管理人员分析内部审计(KPI)的/符合•在许多管理多为主题的专家担任跨国公司复杂萨班斯法案(SOX)规定的项目。•记录在案并分析了复杂的业务流程制定一个专门的金融关闭•与执行管理和遵守情况和风险管理的有关事项外部各方的联络。•培训的会计和财务人员对萨班斯实现•管理多达10名高级和初级会计师不同团队不同地点。普华永道高级研究员,波士顿,美国和加拿大蒙特利尔1998 - 2004•参加,后来很多财务审计管理,编制和准备•审计结果,并提交给了执行管理•训练初级职员会计师。


本文标题: 高分急求翻译,会计英语
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/303395.html


下一篇:下列元素,为植物所必需的微量元素是(  )A.硫B.镁C.氮D.



