


2022-08-08 00:26:45 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:160


需要翻译的文字如下:rn我知道今天晚上唤起了你的一些伤心回忆,但我不是有意的。实际上我和我女朋友分手已经半年了,所以我完全能理解你现在的心情。你,作为我最喜欢的英语老师,我希望你能开心的面对生活,虽然你们的感情很深厚,但就像今天课程里说的那样,“有些事情你永远无法预料”,照顾好自己,我希望你能永远开心。 你的学生 布鲁斯



3.What else(其它什么).do这句的意思是:古代的计算器还能做什么?

4.it (形式宾语)to ,get


翻译,谢谢rn仍然是斯蒂芬.斯皮尔伯格(steven spielberg)一贯的大片,但不同的是一改其商业风格。思想的严肃性,非凡的艺术表现力达到了难以逾越的高度。rn影片中纳粹党的中坚分子辛德勒为获取更大利润而使用廉价的犹太工人,这些人得到工作意味着暂时的安全,避免了屠杀。当辛德勒意识到这一点时,他制定了一份声称让工厂正常运作的工人名单,使更多的犹太人得以幸存,免遭迫害。直至苏联攻克德国。战争结束,辛德勒在大雪之中离开了城市,同时也让他记起了戒指上的一句话:拯救一个人等于拯救全人类。他的义举被犹太人铭记在心。rn作为犹太人的斯皮尔伯格,拍摄这样一部电影也是他长期的心愿。以黑白摄影为主调,情节感人,气势悲壮,影片更具真实感。穿红衣服的小女孩构成了电影中唯一的色彩,犹如一个试图跨越战争之河的希望时隐时现却在途中熄灭。战争结束,色彩斑斓。当我们走出黑白的世界,呼吸自由空气时,竟有了一种历经沧桑的感觉。rn作为power point背景音乐的背景音乐的同样来自于影片。小提琴独奏的方式将残酷战争阴影下犹太人的凄凉心境表现出来,这也将是音乐中的经典。rn影片最终获得了第66届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳艺术指导、最佳摄影以及最佳电影剪辑等六项金像奖。对于影片成就来说,是当之无愧的。
Steven spielberg always remains large, but is a different style to their business. The seriousness of thought, artistic expression extraordinary reach insurmountable heights.
Film of the backbone of the Nazi Party Schindler to obtain greater profits for the use of cheap Jewish workers, which means that people get a temporary job security, to avoid a massacre. When Schindler aware of this, he developed a claim to allow the normal operation of the factory workers list so that more survived the Jews from persecution. Until the Soviet Union to overcome German. The end of the war, Schindler left in the snow in town, but also let him remember the words on the ring: the rescue of a person to save all mankind equal. His act was the Jewish mind.
Spielberg, as Jews, is also filming a movie so wish him a long time. Mainly black and white photography to emphasize that the circumstances of the touching, tragic momentum of the film more realistic. The little girl wearing a red constitute the only cinema in color, like a river attempting to cross the hope of the war when the time is implicit in the way out. The end of the war, colorful. Black and white when we get out of the world, breathing the free air, there has been a great feeling.
Power point background music as the background music from the same film. Violin solo, the way the Jews under the shadow of a brutal war of the miserable state of mind manifested, which will also be classical music.
Videos eventually won the 66th Oscar for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography and Best Film Editing Award six. The video success is well deserved.
Steven spielberg always remains large, but is a different style to their business. The seriousness of thought, artistic expression extraordinary reach insurmountable heights.
Film of the backbone of the Nazi Party Schindler to obtain greater profits for the use of cheap Jewish workers, which means that people get a temporary job security, to avoid a massacre. When Schindler aware of this, he developed a claim to allow the normal operation of the factory workers list so that more survived the Jews from persecution. Until the Soviet Union to overcome German. The end of the war, Schindler left in the snow in town, but also let him remember the words on the ring: the rescue of a person to save all mankind equal. His act was the Jewish mind.
Spielberg, as Jews, is also filming a movie so wish him a long time. Mainly black and white photography to emphasize that the circumstances of the touching, tragic momentum of the film more realistic. The little girl wearing a red constitute the only cinema in color, like a river attempting to cross the hope of the war when the time is implicit in the way out. The end of the war, colorful. Black and white when we get out of the world, breathing the free air, there has been a great feeling.
Power point background music as the background music from the same film. Violin solo, the way the Jews under the shadow of a brutal war of the miserable state of mind manifested, which will also be classical music.
Videos eventually won the 66th Oscar for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography and Best Film Editing Award six. The video success is well deserved.


1. hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做完某事

2. hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事

3. hear sb. oneself do sth. 听见某人亲自做某事

4. a piece of music 一首乐曲

5. How I wish …… 我多么想……

6. wish to do sth. 希望做某事

7. ( can ) afford to do sth. 能担负得起做某事

8. a ticket to the concert 一张音乐会的票

9. say sth for fun 开玩笑着说某事

10. knock at the door 敲门

11. in the dim candle light 在微暗的蜡烛光下

12. make shoes 做鞋

13. by a table 请原谅

14. to one’s ( great / deep ) surprise 使某人感到(非常)吃惊的是

15. to one’s ( great / deep ) joy 使某人感到(非常)高兴的是

16. to one’s ( great / deep ) pleasure 使某人感到(非常)愉快的是

17. to one’s ( great / deep ) anger 使某人感到(非常)生气的是

18. to one’s ( great / deep ) regret 使某人感到(非常)遗憾的是

19. learn sth. by ear 听着学会某事

20. the woman next door 隔壁的那位妇女

21. shine in through sth. 透过某物照射进来

22. look up to the sky 仰望天空

23. say to oneself 心里想

24. talk to oneself 自言自语

25. think out loud 自言自语

26. play a Sonata to the Moonlight 演奏月光奏鸣曲

27. lose oneself in sth. 沉浸在某事当中

28. work all night doing sth. 整夜在做某事

29. * go to the concert 去听音乐会

30. be surprised to do sth. 吃惊地做某事

31. know about sth. 了解某事

1. lots of money = a lot of money 许多钱

2. much money 许多钱

3. go on a trip = have a trip 去旅行

= go out for a trip

4. come along 一起来

5. * keep pet animals 饲养宠物

1. get sb. sth. 给某人拿来某物

2. It’s time for sb. to do sth. 某人该做某事

= It’s time that sb. did sth. 某人该做某事

3. I’m afraid so. 恐怕是这样。

4. It’s getting late. 天色已晚了。

5. leave sth. behind 落下某物

6. Thank you for having us. 谢谢你邀请我们。

7. invite sb. home 邀请某人到家里来

8. hit sth s.p. 把某部位碰到了某处上

9. *decide to do sth. 决定做某事

10. at the market 在市场上

11. ask sb. for help 请某人帮忙

12. hurry up 快一点;赶快

1. hold a sports meeting 举行运动会

2. have a sports meet 举行运动会

3. on the playground 在操场上

4. in the 100-metre race 在100米赛跑中

5. in the 100 metres 在100米赛跑中

6. the girls’ 400-metre metres ( race ) 女子组400米赛跑

7. the girls’ 400 metres ( race ) 女子组400米赛跑

8. the 400-metre race for girls 女子组400米赛跑

9. the relay race 接力赛

10. a team race 团体赛

11. the high jump 跳高

12. the long jump 跳远

13. jump high 跳高

14. jump far 跳远

15. win ( in ) the race 赛跑赢了

16. lose ( in ) the race 赛跑输了

17. run first 跑在最前面;跑第一名

18. run in front 跑在最前面

19. run in first place 跑第一名

20. run first past the finishing line 最先跑过终点线

21. jump second 跳第二名

22. do well in sth. 某方面做得好

23. do badly in sth. 某方面做得不好

24. be good in/at sth. 擅长于做某事

25. be poor / weak in /at sth. 不擅长于做某事

26. Which sport will you be in tomorrow ? 明天你将参加什么项目?

27. Which sport will you take part in tomorrow ? 明天你将参加什么项目?

28. Bad luck ! 真倒霉 !

29. Good luck ! 真幸运 !

1. take an active part in sth. 积极参加……

2. at the starting / finishing line 在起点/终www.rixia.cc点线上

3. on the first lap 在跑第一圈的时候

4. in front 在最前面/在第一

5. in first place 在第一

6. at the same time 同时

7. on the ground 在地板上

8. the runner from Class 3 3班运动员

9. the Class 3 runner 3班运动员

10. far behind 在后面很远

11. fall behind 落后

12. fall behind sb. 落在某人后面

13. run past sb. 跑过某人

14. pass sth. on to sb. 把某物传给某人

15. catch up with sb. 赶上某人

16. neck and neck 并驾齐驱

17. as …… as …… 和……一样

18. ( not ) as / so …… as …… 和……不一样

19. come on 加油;继续吧;快跑

20. drop sth. on/onto the ground 把某物掉在地板上

21. a moment later 一会儿之后

22. get up 爬起来;起床

23. go on doing sth. 继续做正在做的事

24. go on to do sth. 接着/继续做另外一件事

25. go on with sth. 继续做某事

26. congratulations to sb. on sth. 祝贺 某人 某事

1. right now 立刻;马上

2. right away 立刻;马上

3. at once 立刻;马上

4. well done 做得好

5. do one’s best to do sth. 尽最大努力做某事

6. try one’s best to do sth. 尽最大努力做某事

7. try hard to do sth. 尽力做某事

8. every time 每一次

9. *prepare one’s lesson carefully 仔细准备某人的功课

10. in the end = at last 最终;终于;最后

11. at the beginning 最初

12. be full of surprises 充满惊讶

13. the 2008 Olympic Games 2008年奥运会

14. national team 国家队

15. plan to do sth. 计划做某事

16. win a medal 赢得一枚奖牌

1. in the living room 在起居室

2. be back ( at home ) 回到家

3. ( be ) written by sb. 某人写的

4. computer technology 计算机技术

5. solve business problems 解决商业问题

6. in new ways 用新的方法

7. one of the best-sellers 最畅销的…之一

8. on the New York Times list 在《纽约时报》的排行榜上

9. be interested in sth. 对……感兴趣

10. become interested in sth. 对……变得感兴趣

11. show / have / take ( an ) interest in sth. 对……感兴趣

12. show great interest in sth. 对……很感兴趣

13. feel no interest in sth. 对……觉得不感兴趣

14. lose interest in sth. 对……失去兴趣

15. be sure of / about sth. 确信……

16. be sure to do sth. 一定 / 务必 做某事

17. be sure that-clause 确信……; 务必……; 相信……

18. sb. seems / seemed to do sth. 某人似乎要做某事

19. It seems / seemed ( to sb. ) that-clause. 似乎……

1. learn ( sth.) from …… 向某人学习……

2. want to be …… 想要成为……

3. be born in …… 出生在(地点/月份/季节/年/…)

4. be born on …… rEczX 出生在(某日 )

5. be born of a ……family 出生在(某种)家庭

6. grow up 成长

7. name sth. / sb. sth. after sth. 以 / 随……取名为……

8. in the future 在将来

9. play with computers 玩电脑

10. at that time 在那时

11. at this time 在这时

12. sb. spend some time on sth. 花时间做某事

13. sb. spend some money on sth. 花钱买某物

14. sb. spend some time ( in ) doing sth. 花时间做某事

15. sb. spend some money ( in ) doing sth. 花钱做某事

16. sb. pay some money for sth. 花……(钱) 买某物

17. It takes / took sb. some time to do sth. 某人花……(时间)做 某事

18. Sth. cost sb. some money 买某物花了某人 ……(钱)

19. work sth. out 制定/拟出/计算出//想出……

20. a software program 一个程序软件

21. sell sth. for some money 把某物卖……( 钱 )

22. buy sth. for some money 用……(钱)买某物<o:

英语高手进来翻译下... 高分悬赏!

1.在我进大学的第二周里,我得出去找一家书店,在那里买几本英语词典.(where)rn2.哪些参加会议的人都是我的同学。(who)rn3.她昨天早上起得早,没有赶上火车。(sleep in)rn4.我很快就适应了大学生活。(adjust to)rn5.他们已查清了这个人是谁。(find out)rn6船应该在什么时候开?(be supposed to)rn从句之类不要漏了翻译。翻译的好再加20分!那什么门户网站翻译的那种中文式英语别来嘲讽了。。谢谢!
1.On the second week when I went to university, I got out to find a bookstore where I was able to buy a few dictionaries.
2. All of the people who attended the meeting were my classmates.
3. She slept in so late that she missed the train.
4. I was able to adjust to my college life shortly.
5. They have found out who this man is .
6. what time is the ship supposed to start?
Good luck!
In my second week of college, I have to go out and find a bookstore, where to buy a few English dictionary
What the meeting is my classmate
She got up early yesterday morning, didn't catch the train
I soon got used to the college life
They have found out who the person is.
The ship at what time should open
1/In my second week of college, I have to go out and find a bookstore, where towww.rixia.cc buy a few English dictionary
2/all the people who attend the meeting are my classmates!
4、I soon adjust myself to college life.
5/They have found out the person who is to be.
6/When is the boat supposed to leave?
1、Where I entered university second weeks, I have to go to a bookstore, where to buy the dictionary of the English language

2、Who are sleep in of the people is my classmate.

3、she sleep in of the people is my classmate she sleep in of the people is my classmate.

4、I soon got used to the university life.

5、They have find out who the man is.

6、The be supposed to ship should open?

she sleep in of the people is my classmate
1 when I entered university second weeks, I have to go to a bookstore, where to buy the dictionary. ( where )Which 2 people attending the meeting are all my classmates. ( who )In 3 she yesterday morning early, didn't catch the train. ( sleep in )4 I soon got used to the University life. ( adjust to )5日夏养花网 they have found out who the man is. ( find out )6 ship when should open? ( be supposed to )


摘 要:文章首先介绍了镉在自然界中的分布,从不同方面简要论述了镉对植物光合作用的影响和对人体的危害及其机理。随后从八个不同的方面探讨了各种因素对镉峰电流峰形的影响。rn采用三电极工作系统,以醋酸钠—醋酸,氯化钾和氯化汞溶液为底液,用方波溶出伏安法测定了污水中的微量镉。其峰电位为-0.62V(Vs.SCE),线形范围为0~0.8ug/(25ml).此方法准确、快速、简便。
1.The article first introduced the cadmium in nature distribution,briefly elaborated the cadmium from the different aspect to the plantphotosynthesis influence and to the human body the harm and its themechanism. Afterwards has discussed each kind of factor from eightdifferent aspects to the cadmium peak 电流峰 shape influence.

2.Uses three electrodes work system, take the sodium acetate - aceticacid, the potassium chloride and the mercuric chloride solution as thebottom fluid, dissolved the voltammetry wirEczXth the square-wave todetermine in the sewage micro cadmium. Its peak electric potential is-0.62V (Vs.SCE), the linear scope is 0 ~ 0.8ug/(25ml) This methodaccurate, fast, is simple.
〔Abstract〕 : This article introduces cadmium in the distribution of the natural world, From briefly discussed different aspects of cadmium on the photosynthesis of plants and the harm to the human body and its mechanisms. Then from 8 to explore different aspects of various factors on the peak current of cadmium in peak shape. Three-electrode system to sodium acetate - acetic acid, potassium chloride and mercury chloride solution to end solution, by stripping square wave voltammetry method for the determination of trace sewage cadmium. Its peak potential for -0.62V (Vs.SCE) linear range of 0~0.8ug/ (25ml). This method is accurate, quick and simple.
Abstract: The article first introduced the cadmium in nature distribution, elaborated the cadmium briefly from the different aspect to the plant photosynthesis influence and to the human body the harm and the mechanism.Afterwards has discussed each kind of factor from eight different aspects to the cadmium peak current antinode or current loop shape influence. Uses three electrode work system, take the sodium acetate - acetic acid, the potassium chloride and the mercuric chloride solution as the bottom fluid, dissolved the voltammetry with the square-wave to determine in the sewage micro cadmium.Its peak electric potential is - 0.62V (Vs.SCE), the linear scope is 0~0.8ug/(25ml). this method accurate, is fast, is simple.


本文标题: 英语高手进来。高分悬赏
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/302910.html





