

想要信息技术方面的 外文文献和翻译啊 毕业论文急用 哪位大侠给一个吧 跪求

2022-08-01 05:39:39 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:108


在飞速发展的网络经济时代, 信息技术和计算机网络技术迅猛发展, B2B 电子商务应运而生。它给企业带来了更高的生产率、更低的经营成本、更优质的服务和更多的商业机会。B2B 电子商务模式是一种基于Internet , 以企业为交易主体、以银行电子支付和结算为手段, 以企业数据为依托的商务模式, 是电子商务发展的主流, 具有巨大的发展潜力。国内最具有代表性的B2B电子商务网站当属阿里巴巴、慧聪、金银岛和买卖网。本文首先叙述了国内B2B电子商务网站的发展现状,然后对其中的代表网站及业务模式进行简单介绍,进而对其业务模式进行对比分析,从分析比较中总结出代表网站的共同点与不同点、各自的特色之处及能够共存的原因。最后,总结出唯有自立和创新,国内的B2B电子商务网站才能发展更为长远。

在飞速发展的网络经济时代, 信息技术和计算机网络技术迅猛发展, B2B 电子商务应运而生.During the developing at full speed of twww.rixia.cche network economy time,information technology and computer network technology develop rapidly,B2B e-commerce is arisesed at the moment.
它给企业带来了更高的生产率、更低的经营成本、更优质的服务和更多的商业机会。It has brought higher productivity , lower management cost, better service and more business opportunities for the enterprise.
B2B 电子商务模式是一种基于Internet , 以企业为交易主体、以银行电子支付和结算为手段, 以企业数据为依托的商务模式, 是电子商务发展的主流, 具有巨大的发展潜力。
B2B e-commerce mode is a kind of busin日夏养花网ess models which bases on internet ,the enterprise as business main body,, bank electronic payment and settlement as the means, relying on enterprise data. it is the mainstream of the development of e-commerce ,has tremendous development potential .
国内最具有代表性的B2B电子商务网站当属阿里巴巴、慧聪、金银岛和买卖网。The most representative B2B e-commerce website is Alibaba, intelligent and clever, the gold and silver island and network of buying and selling in the homeland.
In this paper frist describes the development status quo of domestic B2B e-commerce ,then introduce the representative websiteas and the operation modles simply, moreover make the comparative analysis to summarize the common ground and the difference ,their respective characteristics and the reason for coexisting.
last, summarize that domestic B2B Electronic Commerce website can get long-term development only by independence and innovation .
In cybereconomy era developing at full speed, information tech日夏养花网nology and computer network technology develop rapidly, B2B e-commerce arises at the historic moment. It has brought higher productivity, lower operating cost, more high-quality service and more commercial opportunities to enterprise. B2B e-commerce mode whether one because of Internet, regard enterprise as transaction subject, regard paying the means by mails and settling account in the bank as, the commercial mode taking enterprise's data as backing is a mainstream of development of e-commerce, have enormous development potentiality. Our country most representative B2B e-commerce website is Alibaba, intelligent and clever, the gold and silver island and network of buying and selling. This text has narrated the current situation of the development of domestic B2B e-commerce website at first, then carry on the simple introduction to website and the business mode of representative among them, and then compare and analyse its mode of business, summarize common point and difference, one's own characteristic places and reasons that can coexist while comparing from analyzing on behalf of websites. Finally, summarize, support oneself and innovate only, domestic B2B e-commerce website develop long-term.
The rapid development of the network economy era, information technology and rapid development of computer network tYjBXxbBfechnology, B2B e-commerce came into being. It brought business to a higher productivity, lower operating costs, better quality services and more business opportunities. B2B e-commerce model is based on Internet, with enterprises as the main trading to electronic bank payment a日夏养花网nd settlement as a means to corporate data-based business model, e-commerce development is the mainstream, with great potential for development. The most representative of B2B e-commerce website Alibaba当属, Huicong, Treasure Island and trading networks. This paper describes the domestic B2B e-commerce development of the site, and then the representatives of these sites and simple business model, then their business models were analyzed, from analysis and comparison of the site summed up the common ground with representatives of different points, Their respective characteristics and can co-exist in the reasons. Finally, to sum up only self-reliance and innovation, domestic B2B e-commerce sites can develop a more long-term.




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本文标题: 想要信息技术方面的 外文文献和翻译啊 毕业论文急用 哪位大侠给一个吧 跪求
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/298671.html





