


2022-07-30 15:19:45 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:80


1.A and B are a couple . You plan to buy a house ,but find that you canx27t agree on anything.rn2.A and B are both graduates. You meet on the campus and complain about discrimination you have experienced in applying for jobs .rn3.A and B are telling stories of great people in arts/sports/science.The story teller tries to impress the listener who expresses surprise and interest.rn4.A is a visitor to the United Kingdom/United States/India,while B is a native citizen.A asks B about laws/dating customs/religion there ,and shows belief and doubt about Bx27s answer.rn5.A is a new resident while B is a local police officer. A consults B for security tips.rn6.A and B are talking about whether holidays are a good time to express gratitude and which holidays are the most appropriate .rn7.A and B are having a debate about cloning.rn8.A and B are discussing whether it is proper for parents to indulge their children whith many gifts.rn9.A and B are giving each other tips about how to improve health and their life.rn10.A and B are discussing whether they should be taking so many tests and try to find the better way to learn.
谢了哦! 英语口语考试终于过关了!为了帮助更多口语还没有考的同学,我把我的也列出来一下,仅供参考!
1. You plan to buy a house ,but find that you can't agree on anything.
A:Hi!I plan to buy a house,could you give me some advice?
B:Of course.Hmm , what kind of house are you looking for ? A townhouse, a detached, or a semi-detached? [di'tætʃt]
A: Well, to be frank with you, I'd like to live in a condo rather than in a house because my mother wouldn't be worrying about all the housework like snow removal in winter, getting rid of the leaves in fall and whatnot.
B: You’re so lazy and selfish. What about your kids? They need to have their own bedrooms when they grow up! A condo can’t accommodate you all!
A: That’s not a problem. We’ll just look for a bigger condo with more bedrooms! In addation, you can’t buy a good house without a great amount of money!
B:Money doesn’t matter!You can earn a lot of money in furture as you are young ,besides I can lend you some.
A:Hmm,you are right!I will buy a house.

2.A and B are both graduates. You meet on the campus and complain about discrimbLKMiznination you have experienced in applying for jobs .
A: Hey, long time no see!
B: Oh, how’s everything going on since we graduated?Are you hunting for jobs on the Career Fair ,too?
A: Yes!But I experiencred discrimination in the job interview.
B: Did you?I did,too.That really hurt me!
A: Like what?
B: Once I look for a job which looks fine,however,it says :“Blacks not available!”You know that is obviously illegal!I pointed it out to the interviewer,but he just didn’t listen to me and refused me at last.
A: How can they do this! Just because of skin colour! How ridiculous it is!
B: Besides,a girl who looks pretty is much more possible to get a job than who are not so beautiful.
A: Really? I just heard an ad with requirement:20-25 www.rixia.ccyears-old girls,slim,more than 165 centimetre high……I thought it is for a model,but in fact it is for a secretary!

3.A and B are telling stories of great people in arts/sports/science.The story teller tries to impress the listener who expresses surprise and interest.
A: Hi, do you know the scientific fact that we live in a 3 dimensional world?
B: I heard that. Who discovered that?
A: Albert Einstein , the founder of the theory of relativity.
B: Oh, I have heard of him for a long time. He is regarded as one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century.So is there also a 4 dimensional world?
A: Yeah, there must be. However, people can manage to imagine how a 4 dimensional world looks like.
B: I guess that’s probably where those UFOs and aliens come from.
A: That’s amazing.
B: By the way,are you interested in aliens?
A: No, I don’t believe there are aliens in the world .But I love the fantasy movie Avatar.

4.A is a visitor to the United States,while B is a native citizen.A asks B about dating customs there ,and shows belief and doubt about B's answer.
A: Hey, how’s everything going on?
B: I’m doing great! By the way, I need to ask you a few questions about the dating customs here in US.
A: Sure, go ahead,please!
B: Where would you go when you ask a girl out?
A: Usually, I’d like to invite them to see a movie, or go to a cafe where we can sit down and chat.
B:Really? But I think inviting a girl to see a movie is out of date.
A: Hmm ,maybe .You can also invite her for dinner or join a party and so on.
B:Oh,Good idea!Thank you very much!

5.A is a new resident while B is a local police officer. A consults B for security tips.
A: Hi, dear police officer, may I bother you for a few seconds?
B: No problem,sir. What can I do for you?
A: I’m new in this neighborhood. Should I purchase a security alarm system for my new house?
B: You should definitely do that, sir. This is for your own safety .
A: Could you give me some tips of preventing from burglary. I am so scared of it.
B: Hmm,there isn’t much going on around these years. Just equip the security alarm. For the rest we will ensure your safety.
A: Oh ,thanks. It’s really kind of you .
B:Not at all!Wish you peace!

6.A and B are talking about whether holidays are a good time to express gratitude and which holidays are the most appropriate .
A: Hello!What are you doing?
B:Nothing important!
A:Good! By the way, I want to discuss about a few questions about ex日夏养花网pressing gratitude.
B: Sure, go ahead,please!
A:When do you think is the best time to express gratitude?
B: Holidays ,of course!
A:Me too.I also believe expressing gratitude on holidays is the most appropriate.But which holidays?
B:Mother’s Day, Father’s Day as well as Teachers’s Day,I think.
A: Wonderful ideas!
B: Besides, you can call your parents anytime whenever you miss them. Last time I called my mom and told her how much I missed her, she burst into tears.
A:Really?I will try so!

7.A and B are having a debate about cloning.
A:Have you heard of Dolly?
B:Absolutely!It’s the first cloning sheep in the history. And it had three mother but no father.
A: And How do you think of cloning. In my opinion , Cloning has great application prospect.
B: Yes, I also think it’s a breakthrough in the area of genetic engineering.
A: Hey, do you think it would make our life a lot easier to have a clone taking care of ourselves?
B: Don’t be silly. What if the clone of you wants to replace you and take over what you have?
A: Yeah, that’s kind of scary.

8.A and B are discussing whether it is proper for parents to indulge their children with many gifts.
A: Hi!Look at those doting parents! When I have my own kids, I will never indulge them.
B: Really?But what would you do when your lovely baby is crying?
A: Hmm ,I would please him with something interesting or give him something delicious towww.rixia.cc eat!
B:Maybe you are right. Indulging children with so many gifts are not proper.
A:Yes! That will let the children fall into a bad habit of receiving so many gifts
B: My mom never bought me anything when I was young!
A:Oh,she must be a qualified mother.
B; You are right. But sometimes it made me so disappointed.

9.A and B are giving each other tips about how to improve health and their life.
A: How to get healthier?
B: Do more exercises to keep fit!
A: Where?
B: Anywhere, at a gym, outside, even at home!
A: How about your usual exercise?
B: Oh,I am getting to Running in the morning. It’s good for my health.
A: Would you mind running together with me from tomorrow?
B: Why not?I just want to morning someone accompany me to exercise together。
A: So see you tomorrow.
B: See you!

10.A and B are discussing whether they should be taking so many tests and try to find the better way to learn.
A: Hey, how’s everything going on?
B: Not very well!
A: Oh,What happened?
B:I failed the test last week again.
A:I am sorry to hear that!But we are drived to take so many tests.
B:Yes! I hate tests!
A: Me too!There are so many tests in our school.
B: We hardly have any free time to learn by ourselves.
A:But tests are the most effective way to find out who learned well.I think the only thing you can do finding a better way to learn.
B: Really? How?
A:You can consult some senior students.
B:I see.Thank you very much!

1.A and B are a couple . You plan to buy a house ,but find that you can't agree on anything.

A: Honey, what kind of house are we looking for? A townhouse, a detached, or a semi-detached? 亲爱的,我们买什么样的房子啊?连体别墅,独立别墅,半独立别墅?
B: Well, to be frank with you, I'd like to live in a condo rather than in a house because we wouldn't be worrying about all the housework like snow removal in winter, getting rid of the leaves in fall and whatnot. 其实呢,我更喜欢住在公寓里,因为住大房子,冬天要扫雪,秋天要扫叶子之类的家务太麻烦。
A: You’re so lazy and selfish. What about our kids? They need to have their own bedrooms when they grow up! A condo can’t accommodate us all! 我们孩子怎么办呢?他们也应该有自己的房间。公寓不够住的。
B: That’s not a problem. We’ll just be looking for a bigger condo with more bedrooms! 这没问题。找个房间多一点的公寓不就完了嘛。

2.A and B are both graduates. You meet on the campus and complain about discrimination you have experienced in applying for jobs .

Teddy:Hey, Tina, how’s it going? How was your job interview?
Tina: Oh, I screwed up. But the interviewer was so rigid and he embarrassed me with his crass questions.
Teddy: like what?
Tina: Well, he first asked me about my family background, and then he wanted to know if I’m single.
Teddy: God! What a pervert!
Tina: Yeah, I guess he wouldn’t have behaved that way if I weren’t a girl.
Teddy: I guess so. What position did you apply for, by the way?
Tina: Security guard.

3.A and B are telling stories of great people in arts/sports/science.The story teller tries to impress the listener who expresses surprise and interest.

Teddy: Tina, do you know the scientific fact that we live in a 3 dimensional world? 三维空间
Tina: I heard that. Who discovered that?
Teddy: Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦.
Tina; So is there also a 4 dimensional world?
Teddy: Yeah, there must be. However, people can manage to imagine how a 4 dimensional world looks like.
Tina: I guess that’s probably where those UFOs and aliens come from.

4.A is a visitor to the United Kingdom/United States/India,while B is a native citizen.A asks B about laws/dating customs/religio日夏养花网n there ,and shows belief and doubt about B's answer.

Teddy: Hey, Tom, how’s everything?
Tom: I’m doing great! By the way, I need to ask you a few questions about the dating customs here in US.
Teddy: Sure, go ahead!
Tom: Where would you go when you ask a girl out?
Teddy: Usually, I’d like to invite them to see a movie, or go to a cafe where we can sit down and chat.
Tom: Hmm, good idea. I’ll try that!

5.A is a new resident while B is a local police officer. A consults B for security tips.

A: Hi, dear police officer, may I bother you for a few seconds?
B: No problem, ma’am. What can I do for you?
A: I’m new in this neighborhood. Should I purchase a security alarm system for my new house?
B: You should definitely do that, ma’am. This is for your own safety even though there isn’t much going on around these years. 你最好买个防盗系统。这是为了您的安全尽管这几年这附近没发生过什么。

6.A and B are talking about whether holidays are a good time to express gratitude and which holidays are the most appropriate .

A: What’s the best time to express gratitude?
B: Well, on mother’s day, father’s day.
A: Wonderful ideas! Our parents have done so much for us, we should be grateful to them.
B: Absolutely. Besides, you can call your parents anytime whenever you miss them. Last time I called my mom and told her how much I missed her, she burst into tears.

7.A and B are having a debate about cloning.

A: Hey, do you think it would make our life a lot easier to have a clone taking care of ourselves?
B: Don’t be silly. What if the clone of you wants to replace you and take over what you have?
A: Yeah, that’s kind of scary.

8.A and B are discussing whether it is proper for parents to indulge their children whith many gifts.

A: Look at those doting parents! When I have my own kids, I will never indulge them.
B: That might not be true. Especially when you lovely baby is crying!
A: Oh, really? My mom never bought me anything when I was young!
B: You’re kidding! I don’t believe it!

9.A and B are giving each other tips about how to improve health and their life.

A: How to get healthier?
B: Do more exercises to keep fit!
A: Where?
B: Anywhere, at a gym, outside, even at home!

10.A and B are discussing whether they should be taking so many tests and try to find the better way to learn.

A: I detest tests!
B: Me too!
A: Why the teachers came up with so many exams to torture us?
B: Because there’re so many students, and that’s the most effective way to find out who learned well.
A: I see.


1. You are the receptionist of your company,A new customer has just arrived. 这句是有关的提示,下面的是涉及的内容:rna. politely ask him if he is Mr.Smith.rnb. politely ask him if he needs some coffec.rnc. Thanks for him.rn~~帮我写6句简短的英语对话,要涉及上面的人物和内容....谢谢...请大家帮帮忙!
YOU:are you Mr.Smith?
Smith:Yes,I am.
YOU:Nice meet you,Sit down please.Would you like a cup of coffec?
YOU:Thank for your coming,any question,don't hesitate to tell me.
YOU:With pleasure.
1. Hello, I am xxx from xx Comapany,
2. Are you Mr Smith ?
3. What can i help u


期末口语考试,要自己写两个情景对话,每个对话不少于七个回合,请英语好的同学帮帮忙,下面是两个情景,多谢,我先自己写写看……rn情景1:rnTom meets Jennifer for the first time on a friend’s birthday party and thought her very nice. He tries to invite her out sometime soon but she is not really interested.rn情景2:(也是对话)rnWhere do you usually go shopping? Give two places and tell us how to get there.
Tom: Hi! Jennifer, nice to meet you.
Jennifer: Nice to meet you.
Tom: I like your out fit today.
Jennifer: Thanks.
Tom: You want to go to the park some day with me?
Jennifer: No thanks. I'm really busy these days.
Tom: Maybe we can make friends first. (sigh)


A(柜台小姐):Hello, this is Nike. Can I help you?
B(顾客):Yes please. I would like to get a pair of new shoes, but I'm not quite sure which kind of shoes I should buy.
A:OK, so would you mind telling me what do you buy these shoes for?
B:Yeah, sure. I just started a running plan lately, but my feet were really hurt when I wore my old shoes to run. I just wanna buy ones that are maybe better for running.
A:I see. Actually we do have a kind of sneakers that are specifical for running. Let me show you where they are.
A:OK, these are the ones.
B:They look nice. Can I try one?
A:Absolutely, what's your shoes code?
B:I'm a 41.
A:OK, wait a minute please.
A:Here you are.
B: Um...You know what? These are a little small for me. Are they really 41?
A:Yeah I'm sure. Oh......I'm sorry. I forgot that these new shoes used a brand new standard sizes, so they are a little smaller than the original ones. I'm so sorry.
B:Don't worry about it.
A:Let me get a pair of 42 for you.
A:There you go.
B:OK, these totally fit. I'll just take these.
A:Thank you, and again I'm so sorry for my mistake.
B:It's really OK, and thank you for your service.


希望能帮助到你吧^ ^


找一个八分钟的英语情景对话 要求有三个人物,医生 护士 病人 挺急的 大家帮帮忙吧 谢谢了
Mrs. Brown :(Carrying her baby in her arms) Excuse me, where is the department of paediatrics? Information-Clerk : Go along that corridor and then you will see a sign, which will lead you to the department of paediatrics. It's on the second floor. Mrs. Brown : Thank you. (She finds the sign, and follows the direction and finds the department of paediatrics.) Here we are, precious. Soon you will be okay. Nurse : Have you registered yet? Mrs. Brown : No, and this is my first time here. Nurse : Any designated doctor? Mrs. Brown : Yes, Dr. Hurt, Cliff Hurt. Nurse : Here is your registration card. Dr. Hurt is at clinic No.3. You can sit over there and wait for your turn. Dr. Hurt : Hello, little fellow. You're David Brown, right? …。Well, Mrs. Brown, what seems to be the problem? Mrs. Brown : I've got the flu these days, and I think he's been infected by me. He started to cough last night. I took his temperature this morning. It was 39 degrees. Dr. Hurt : Unbutton his clothes, please. (Doctor examines the baby with his stethoscope.) The back, please. ( Mrs. Brown turns baby's back to the doctor.) All right. Now open your mouth …。 Mr. Brown : Well, doctor? Dr. Hurt : Not very serious. I'll write you a prescription. If you follow the directions, your child will soon be okay.


本文标题: 英语大神快来帮帮忙!情景对话啊
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/297645.html

上一篇:年轻男士想买一款腕表推荐什么品牌呢?要大气又不失时尚的。中 国手表有什么品牌推荐?




