


2022-07-27 16:38:39 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:83

圣诞节快到了。帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文。 拜托了。 不要用翻译器

圣诞夜 祝福你! rnrn炉火渐渐地温暖了房间, rn写着圣诞卡诉说满怀思念, rnrn在小河边孩童欢乐的歌唱, rn圣诞饰品装点着橱窗, rn关上屋门燃亮温暖的烛光, rn闭上双眼许下个愿望, rn甜蜜的平安夜又来到, rn我愿化作圣诞树上飘落的雪花 rn为你送上,今年第一个 圣诞祝福 rnWishing you and your family,a grand Season ahead! Merry Christmas! rn每一朵雪花飘下 每一个烟火燃起 rn每一秒时间流动 每一份思念传送 rn每一年圣诞,我希望都有我的祝福!
Christmas Eve bless you!

Fire gradually warm the room,
Writing Christmas cards to tell my thinking of you,

Children by the small river singing with joy
Christmas ornaments decorate the windows,
Close the door, ignite the warm candlelight,
Close your eyes and the promise of a wish,
A Sweet Christmas Eve comes,
I wish to be the snow falling on Christmas tree
Send for you, the first Christmas Blessing of this year
Wishing you and your family, a grand Season ahead! Merry Christmas!
Every snow is floating down and every fireworks glows
Every second flows and every thoughts send to you.
Each year Christmas, I hope all my wishes! <seem it is impossiple>

汉译英 把下面中文翻译成英文!!!拜托了!

There are over a thousand students and over a hundred teachers in my school.
I am in Class 3,Grade 7.
My favourite basketball star is Yao Mingwww.rixia.cc.
I spend an hour doing my homework and half an hour playing the piano.
Ther日夏养花网e are two big trees in the playground.
We do after-school activities twice a week.
We clean up our classroom twice a day.

There are more than one thousand students and one hundred teachers in our school,I'm in class three grade one.

My favourite baaketball player is YaoMing.

I spend an hour do my homework and half an hour to play piano.

There are two trees on the playground.

we do extracurricular activities twice a week.

We clean the classroom twice a day.
There are more than 1000 students and 100 teachers in our school
I am in Class Three in juinor school
Yai Ming is my favourite basketball star
I spend an hour doing my homework and half an hour playing the piano
We have outside activies twice a week
We clean our calssroom twice a day
Mhttp://www.rixia.ccy school has more than a thousand students, more than 100 teachers in my first class 3
My favorite basketball star yao Ming
I spent an hour of homework, half an hour playing the piano
The playground with two trees
We twice a week to extracurricular activities
We cleaned the classroom. Twice a day
One thousand students in my school, I started this more than a hundred teacher Class 3
my favorite basketball star Yao Ming
Ihttp://www.rixia.cc spend an hour a day doing homework, playing half an hour Piano
two trees
playground twice a week extra-curricular activities we
we cleaned twice a day












11.How is the werather in your city?(改为同义句)


13.To see the sun is nice in winter.(改为同义句)


15.You can't leave the gym during the party.(改为祈使句)

1.你究竟要到哪去呢? where are you want to go? 2.我不相信他能通过考试. I don't believe that he can pass the exam. 3.他的女儿甚至比他儿子更富有. His daughter even more wealthy than his son. 4.一些人说莫扎特是欧洲最伟大的作曲家之一. Some people say that Mozart is one of Europe's greatest composers. 5.当他长大一些之后,父母带着他周游世界. When he grew older, his parents took him around the world. 6.从昨天早上8:00到10:00,我一直在做我的飞机模型. From 8:00 to 10:00 yesterday morning, I have been doing my airplane model. 7.在那儿,爱丽丝无事可做,所以她回家了. There, Alice had nothing to do, so she went home. 8.“这个地板上的打洞是用来做什么的呢?”警察想. "what the holes used to be on the floor?"the police thought. 9.鲁宾逊不知道,他该如何离开那座小岛. Robinson did not know how he can left the island. 10.杰姆把水果从袋子里拿出来放在桌子上. Jim put the fruit out from the bag on the table. 11.How is the werather in your city?(改为同义句) what is the weather like in your city? 12.现在桂林的气温是多少? what is the temperature of Guilin? 13.To see the sun is nice in winter.(改为同义句) it is nice to see the sun in winter. 14.去北京的最佳时期是秋天. It is the best time to visit Beijing in autumn. 15.You can't leave the gym during the party.(改为祈使句) Don't leave the gym during the party. PS:第十五题不一定准确。


本文标题: 把下面的中文翻译成英语,拜托啦!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/295875.html





