


2022-07-26 12:59:16 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:171


1.四川发生大地震的消息让我们震惊 ——》翻译成同位语从句rn2.他虽然不会说话,但能通过手势让别人知道他的意思(by means of)rn3.鼓起勇气,成功就属于你。(keep up)rn 第一句要翻译成同位语从句,2和3翻译时要用上括号里的短语rnrnrn急!!!!!!!!致谢!

The news that earthquake hit Sichuahttp://www.rixia.ccn shocked us.

Though he cannot speak, he can make himself understood by means of gesture.

Keep up your courage and you are certainly to be successful.
1.The news that there occurred a big earthquake in Sichuan province gave us a great astonishment.
2.Though he cannot speak, he can make others know what his idea is by means of his gestures.
3.Keep up courage, and success will belong to you.
(1)The news that Sichuan was distoried by earthquake shocked us a lot!
(2)Although he can not talk,but he can let others understand by means of gesture.
(3)Pluck up the courage,and you will keep up with success.
1.Sichuan earthquake shocked by the news so that we。
2.Although he can not speak, but let people know through gestures what he meant。
3.keep up the part of your success。


RT.rn01.为了照顾他残疾的妹妹,他终身未娶。(single,in order to)rnrn02.他给我写了封信,问我新工作做得怎么样。(get along with)rnrn03.过去的30年发生了巨大变化,中国再也不是以前的样子了。(no longer)rnrn04.政府已经采取了一系列的措施,防止河流进一步受污染。(a series of)rnrn05.老人饱经生活的艰辛,现在和家人一起在乡下过着幸福的生活。(go through)rnrn06.你碰巧认识那个刚才与校长握手的女孩吗?(定语从句)rnrn07.我叔叔上个月乘飞机去华盛顿了,这是他第三次去美国。(it is the...time)rnrn08.河水比平时少多了,所以农民们不敢用它浇地。(dare)rnrn09.中学期间我本该更好的利用我的课余时间。(make use of)rnrn10.计算机和互联网改变了我们工作和娱乐的方式。(the way后跟定语从句)rnrn11.音乐在大多数美国人的日常生活中一直是很重要的一部分。(play a part in)rnrn12.他提出的理论是以他多年的科学研究为依据的。(be based on)rnrn13.即使当时他没被耽搁及时送往医院,他的生命也无法挽救。(even if)rnrn14.全体会员都被要求出席本周五举行的晚会。(request , present)rnrn★翻译句子,括号里的是具体翻译要用到的重点词组或翻译句子的形式.rnrn★麻烦不要用网站的在线翻译或者是翻译的软件,那种的语法都不太对的~
01.为了照顾他残疾的妹妹,他终身未娶。(single,in order to)
In order to look after his disabled siester,he is single all his life.

02.他给我写了封信,问我新工作做得怎么样。(get along with)
He worte to me to ask how I get along with my new job.

03.过去的30年发生了巨大变化,中国再也不是以前的样子了。(no longer)
In the past 30 years,China has great changes.It is no longer what it used to be.

04.政府已经采取了一系列的措施,防止河流进一步受污染。(a series of)
The government has taken a series of measures to protect the rivers from pollution.

05.老人饱经生活的艰辛,现在和家人一起在乡下过着幸福的生活。(go through)
The old man has gone through the hardness of life.Now he lives a happy life with his family in the countryside.

Do you happen to know the girl who shakes hands with the headmaster?

07.我叔叔上个月乘飞机去华盛顿了,这是他第三次去美国。(it is the...time)
My uncle went to Washington last month by air.It is the third time that he goes to the USA.
The river is much lower than the ordinary times,so the farmers dare not use it for watering the farm.

09.中学期间我本该更好的利用我的课余时间。(make use of)
I should have made better use of my parttime in the Mlddle School.
10.计算机和互联网改变了我们工作和娱乐的方式。(the way后跟定语从句)
Computers and the Internet have changed the way we work and entertain.

11.音乐在大多数美国人的日常生活中一直是很重要的一部分。(play a part in)
Music plays an important part in most of American daily life.

12.他提出的理论是以他多年的科学研究为依据的。(be based on)
The theory he puts forward is based on the scientific study he worked for many years.

13.即使当时他没被耽搁及时送往医院,他的生命也无法挽救。(even if)
His life cannot be saved even if he was sent to the hospital in time .

14.全体会员都被要求出席本周五举行的晚会。(request , present)
All the associators are requested to present the evening party this Friday.
1)He is single all his life in order to look after his disabled sister.
2)He wrote to me to ask how I got along with my new job
3)China is no longer what it used to be after experiencing thirty year`s deelopment
4)The government has taken a series of measures to prevent the river from being polluted more seriously
5)The old man has went through the hard time of life and now he lives with his family happily in the countryside
6)Do you happen to know the girl who shook hand with the headmaster just now
7)My uncle flew to washington last month and it is the third time that he has gone to America
8)The water of the lake is far less than usual ang farmers dare not use it to water lands
9)I should have made use of time when i wasAUtSNF in high school
10)Compute and the Internet have changed the way we entertain and werk
110Music plays an important part in the most American`s life
12)The theory he put up was based on his many year~s research
13) Even if he didn`t delay ,he couldn`t be saved
14All the members are request to be present at the party to be held on Friday
1.He is a single in order to take care of his disabled younger sister
2.He wrote a letter to me,asked how did I get along with my new work.
3.A very great change happened in China,China is no longer looks like before.
4.The government did take a series of action to protect the river from a more series pollution.
5.The oldman go through the hardships of life,now he has a happy life with his family mambers.
6.Do you know the girl who shaked hands with the schoolmaster by chance?
7.My uncle went to America by plane last month,it's his third time to America.
8.The water in the river is fewer than usual,so the farmer aren't dare to water the crops with it.
9.I should make use of my spare time in my middle school age.
10.Computer and internet changged the way of our work and entertainment.
11.Music played a very important part in American's day life.
12.His thoery is based on his science study for years.
13.Even if he was not be delayed and be sent to the hospital in time,his life can not be saved.
14.All the members were requested be present on the party which would be held in friday evening.
01.为了照顾他残疾的妹妹,他终身未娶。(single,in order to)
In order to take care of his disabled sisiter, he keeps single all his life.

02.他给我写了封信,问我新工作做得怎么样。(get along with)
He wrote me a letter to ask how I was gettiwww.rixia.ccng along with my new job.
(how 后面要用陈述句)

03.过去的30年发生了巨大变化,中国再也不是以前的样子了。(no longer)
China has changed a lot in past 30 years, it is no longer what it was.

04.政府已经采取了一系列的措施,防止河流进一步受污染。(a series of)
The government has adopted a series of measures to prevent the rivers from further pollution.

05.老人饱经生活的艰辛,现在和家人一起在乡下过着幸福的生活。(go through)
Has went through hardness of live, the old man is leading a happy life with his family in the countryside now.

Did you happen to know the girl who shook hands with the headmaster just now?

07.我叔叔上个月乘飞机去华盛顿了,这是他第三次去美国。(it is the...time)
My uncle flew to the Washington last month, it was the third time that he went to the USA.

Since the water becomes less and less, the peasants dare not use it for watering lands.

09.中学期间我本该更好的利用我的课余时间。(make use of)
I should have made better use of my spare time when I was in middle school.

10.计算机和互联网改变了我们工作和娱乐的方式。(the way后跟定语从句)
The computers and Internet have changed the way that we work and amuse.

11.音乐在大多数美国人的日常生活中一直是很重要的一部分。(play a part in)
Music has been playing a vital part in the daily life of most Americans all the time.

12.他提出的理论是以他多年的科学研究为依据的。(be based on)
The theory is based on his many years’ scientific research.

13.即使当时他没被耽搁及时送往医院,他的生命也无法挽救。(even if)
Even if he was sent to the hospital in time, he couldn’t survive either.

14.全体会员都被要求出席本周五举行的晚会。(request , present)
All the members were requested to be present in the party hold on this Friday.

01.In order to look after his disabled sister,he's single all his life.
02.He wrote to me asking how i got along with my new work.
03.Great changes has taken place in the past 30 years.China is no longer what it used to be.
04.the goverment has taken a series of measures to protect the river from further pollution.
05.The old man has gone through many hardships.Now he lives a happy life in the countryside with his family.
06.Do youAUtSNF happen to know the girl who shook hands with the principle?
07.My uncle flew to Washington.D.C last month.It's the third time for him to go to the U.S.
08.the amount of water in the river is much fewer,farmers dare not water the farms wit日夏养花网h it.
09.I should have made good use of my part time in my high school.
10.Computers and the Internet change the way we work and entertain ourselves.
11.music always plays a very important part in most people's common life in the U.S.
12.the theory put forward by him is based on his many years' scientific research.
13.even if it wasn't delayed to send him to the hospital,his life would not be saved.
14.All the staff were requested present the party to be held on Friday night.
01.为了照顾他残疾的妹妹,他终身未娶。(single,in order to)
He stayed single all through his life in order to look after his sister.

02.他给我写了封信,问我新工作做得怎么样。(get along with)
He wrote to me to ask how I get along with my new job.

03.过去的30年发生了巨大变化,中国再也不是以前的样子了。(no longer)
China is no longer what it used to be after undergoing a great change during the last thirty year.

04.政府已经采取了一系列的措施,防止河流进一步受污染。(a series of)
The government has taken a series of measures to prevent the river from further pollution.

05.老人饱经生活的艰辛,现在和家人一起在乡下过着幸福的生活。(go through)
The old man has went through the hard time of life and now he lives with his family happily in the countryside.

Did you happen to know the girl who shooked hands with the headmaster just now?

07.我叔叔上个月乘飞机去华盛顿了,这是他第三次去美国。(it is the...time)
My uncle flew to washington last month and it is the third time that he went to America.

The water of the river is much less than usual and farmers dare not use it to water lands.

09.中学期间我本该更好的利用我的课余时间。(make use of)
I should have made better use of my time in high school.

10.计算机和互联网改变了我们工作和娱乐的方式。(the way后跟定语从句)
Computes and the Internet changed the way we entertain and work.

11.音乐在大多数美国人的日常生活中一直是很重要的一部分。(play a part in)
Music plays an important part in most American's life.

12.他提出的理论是以他多年的科学研究为依据的。(be based on)
The theory he put up was based on his many year's research.

13.即使当时他没被耽搁及时送往医院,他的生命也无法挽救。(even if)
Even if he was sent to hospital without delay,he couldn't be saved

14.全体会员都被要求出席本周五举行的晚会。(request , present)
It is requested that all members be present at the party on Friday.


前几天在网上看见一句英语,汉语意思大概是“我想喜欢我的人是不是都在路上被车撞了”那句英语里有个“by truck”就记得这么多,求翻译!!!
I'm wondering if the one I like was hit by a truck on the way.
i think和i thought都不对,i'm wondering或者i wonder都可以
I think about whether all the people who love me were stricken by truck on road.
I wonder whether all of those who like me are hit by truck on the way.
I thought whether all of my friends had been trunk by cars


1:The doctor sald the man should stay in bad for a week。用不定式rn2:The farmer said that the children must not walk in the field.用不定式rn3:The teacher spoke so loudly。I loudly .I could hear her。连成一句rn4:Someone walked into the room。Ifelt it。连成一句rn5:"You have typed it with only one “L”"The boss says to Sandra。改成间接引语rn6:I hope the dictionary will help you。同义句rn7:“Don not break the bottle”Susan says to Bill。改为间接引语rn8:She does not want them to lose it。改同义句
1:The doctor told the man to stay in bad for a week。
2:The farmer told the children not to walk in the field
3.The teacher spoke so loudly so that I could hear her
4:I felt that someone walked into the room。
5:The boss told Sandra that she should have typed it with only one “L”。
6.This dictionary will help you。
7.:Susan told BillDon not to break the bottle。


本文标题: 求英语高手帮忙翻译几句句子!!急急急急急急急急急!谢绝工具翻译者!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/295180.html

上一篇:有一首很好听的英文DJ,歌曲的前面是震动节奏,中间是一个女声唱的,歌词大概是这样的~(哈莱克 t




