请帮忙把菜名翻成英文!!谢谢 (要标准点的)
就是把报菜名翻译成英文啦....很着急用的,谢谢阿,好的多给Reported Caiming(报菜名)你可以去 网站上查啊
你可以去 网站上查啊
Reported Caiming(报菜名)
有点多。谢谢啦,准确点rn蒸羊羔,蒸熊掌,蒸鹿尾儿, rn烧花鸭,烧雏鸡儿,烧子鹅 rn,卤煮咸鸭,酱鸡,腊肉,松花,小肚儿 rn,晾肉,香肠,什锦苏盘, rn熏鸡,白肚儿,清蒸八宝猪,江米酿鸭子, rn罐儿野鸡,罐儿鹌鹑, rn卤什锦,卤子鹅,卤虾 rn,烩虾,炝虾仁儿,山鸡,兔脯,菜蟒,银鱼, rn清蒸哈什蚂,烩鸭腰儿,烩鸭条儿,清拌鸭丝儿,黄心管儿, rn焖白鳝,焖黄鳝,豆鼓鲇鱼,锅烧鲇鱼,烀皮甲鱼,锅烧鲤鱼,抓炒鲤鱼, rn软炸里脊,软炸鸡,什锦套肠,麻酥油卷儿, rn熘鲜蘑,熘鱼脯儿,熘鱼片儿,熘鱼肚儿,醋熘肉片儿,熘白蘑, rn烩三鲜,炒银鱼,烩鳗鱼,清蒸火腿,炒白虾,炝青蛤,炒面鱼, rn炝芦笋,芙蓉燕菜,炒肝尖儿,南炒肝关儿,油爆肚仁儿,汤爆肚领儿, rn炒金丝,烩银丝,糖熘饹炸儿,糖熘荸荠,蜜丝山药,拔丝鲜桃, rn熘南贝,炒南贝,烩鸭丝,烩散丹, rn清蒸鸡,黄焖鸡,大炒鸡,熘碎鸡,香酥鸡,炒鸡丁儿,熘鸡块儿, rn三鲜丁儿,八宝丁儿,清蒸玉兰片,Steamed lamb, steaming bear's paw, steamed Luk Mei-yee,
Burning flowers ducks, chickens burned children, burning sub-goose
Chatham卤煮ducks, butter chicken, bacon, egg, small肚儿
Dry meat, sausage, assorted Su disk,
Smoked chicken, white肚儿, steamed Babao pigs, ducks stuffed glutinous rice,
罐儿pheasant, quail罐儿,
Assorted halogen, halogen sub geese, brine shrimp
Shrimp cooked in soy and vinegar, cook in soy shrimp abuse, pheasant, rabbit prolyl, vegetables python, silver fish,
Steamed khash ant, braise duck waist abuse, abuse of Article duck meat, duck-ching mix丝儿, yellow heart tube abuse,
Braised白鳝, Braised albus,豆鼓catfish,锅烧catfish, soft-shelled turtle烀Paper,锅烧carp, grasping fried carp,
Soft-fried fillet, soft-fried chicken, assorted sets of intestines, Ma butter roll,
熘鲜蘑, fish熘prolyl infants, children熘fillets, fish maw熘abuse, vinegar, meat熘abuse,熘white mushrooms,
三鲜meat, fried whitebait, eel cooked in soy and vinegar, ham, steamed, fried white shrimp, cook in soy Green clams, fried fish,
Cook in soy asparagus, Furong燕菜,炒肝尖儿, South炒肝related abuse, child-ren油爆belly, soup belly burst from abuse,
Fried gold, silver cooked in soy and vinegar, sugar, fried熘饹children, sugar熘water chestnuts, honey filament yam,鲜桃Roberts,
熘南贝, speculation南贝, braise duck silk, braise San Dan,
Steamed chicken, yellow chicken stew, large炒鸡,熘shredded chicken, crispy chicken,炒鸡small children, infants熘chicken,
三鲜small children, eight small children, steamed玉兰片,
Burning flowers ducks, chickens burned children, burning sub-goose
Chatham卤煮ducks, butter chicken, bacon, egg, small肚儿
Dry meat, sausage, assorted Su disk,
Smoked chicken, white肚儿, steamed Babao pigs, ducks stuffed glutinous rice,
罐儿pheasant, quail罐儿,
Assorted halogen, halogen sub geese, brine shrimp
Shrimp cooked in soy and vinegar, cook in soy shrimp abuse, pheasant, rabbit prolyl, vegetables python, silver fish,
Steamed khash ant, braise duck waist abuse, abuse of Article duck meat, duck-ching mix丝儿, yellow heart tube abuse,
Braised白鳝, Braised albus,豆鼓catfish,锅烧catfish, soft-shelled turtle烀Paper,锅烧carp, grasping fried carp,
Soft-fried fillet, soft-fried chicken, assorted sets of intestines, Ma butter roll,
熘鲜蘑, fish熘prolyl infants, children熘fillets, fish maw熘abuse, vinegar, meat熘abuse,熘white mushrooms,
三鲜meat, fried whitebait, eel cooked in soy and vinegar, ham, steamed, fried white shrimp, cook in soy Green clams, fried fish,
Cook in soy asparagus, Furong燕菜,炒肝尖儿, South炒肝related abuse, child-ren油爆belly, soup belly burst from abuse,
Fried gold, silver cooked in soy and vinegar, sugar, fried熘饹children, sugar熘water chestnuts, honey filament yam,鲜桃Roberts,
熘南贝, speculation南贝, braise duck silk, braise San Dan,
Steamed chicken, yellow chicken stew, large炒鸡,熘shredded chicken, crispy chicken,炒鸡small children, infants熘chicken,
三鲜small children, eight small children, steamed玉兰片,
Steams the lamb, steams the bear's paws, steams Lu Weier, burns opQSAtJNthe flowered duck, burns the chickling, burns the child goose, the stewin thick gravy salty duck, the sauce chhttp://www.rixia.ccicken, the cured meat, the preserved egg, the small stomach, dries in the sun the meat, the sausage, the assorted Soviet plate, smokes the chicken, Bai Duer, steams the eight precious ingredients pig, the polished glutinous rice ferments the duck,Jar son pheasant , jar young male quail ,
thick gravy mixed , stew you goose , the thick
gravy shrimp in soy sauce , braise a shrimp ,
boil in water for a while , then dress with
soy , vinegar the shelled fresh shrimps son ,
pheasant , rabbit breast , dish python ,
silverfish , Chinese forest frog steamed in
clear soup, braise the duck middle son ,
braise the duck strip son, completely, stir
and mix duck silk son , Huang Xin Guan Er ,
braise the white eel, braises the finless eel
, bulging catfish of bean , boiler burn a
catfish , stew in shallow water the skin
soft-shelled turtle , the boiler burn carp ,
grasp to stir-fry carpSoft-Fried Pork Filet, is soft fried chicken , mixed
cover intestines , hemp butter roll up a son ,
quick-fry fresh mushrooms, quick-fries the fish breast
son, quick-fries the fillet son, quick-fries the fish
maw son , the quick-fried sliced meat with vinegar son,
quick-fry the white mushroom, braises three fresh ,
stir-fry a silverfish , braise an eel , steamed in
clear soup ham , stir-fries the white shrimp , boils in
water for a while , then dresses with soy , vinegar
the green clam , Sauteed Noodles with Vegetables fish,
boil in water for a while , then dress with soy ,
vinegar the asparagus , the Seremban swallow dish,
stir-fry liver sharp point , stir-fry the liver turn
off son in the south, oil cooked tripe of sheep or
swine benevolence son, the soup cooked tripe of sheep
or swine draws a son, Stir-fry Jinsi , braise silver
wire, candy quick-fries ? ? the eleocharis
tuberosa frying the son , sugar quick-fry , honey silk
Chinese yam , fresh peach of candied floss,Quick-fry Nanbei, stir-fries Nanbei , braise duck silk ,
braise scattered pellet , steamed chicken , yellow braise
chicken, stir-fries chicken greatly , quick-fry broken
chicken , savoury and crisp chicken, stir-fry chicken
Ding Er , quick-fry chicken size , three fresh Ding Er
, eight treasures Ding Er , dried slices of tender
bamboo shoots steamed in clear soup,
thick gravy mixed , stew you goose , the thick
gravy shrimp in soy sauce , braise a shrimp ,
boil in water for a while , then dress with
soy , vinegar the shelled fresh shrimps son ,
pheasant , rabbit breast , dish python ,
silverfish , Chinese forest frog steamed in
clear soup, braise the duck middle son ,
braise the duck strip son, completely, stir
and mix duck silk son , Huang Xin Guan Er ,
braise the white eel, braises the finless eel
, bulging catfish of bean , boiler burn a
catfish , stew in shallow water the skin
soft-shelled turtle , the boiler burn carp ,
grasp to stir-fry carpSoft-Fried Pork Filet, is soft fried chicken , mixed
cover intestines , hemp butter roll up a son ,
quick-fry fresh mushrooms, quick-fries the fish breast
son, quick-fries the fillet son, quick-fries the fish
maw son , the quick-fried sliced meat with vinegar son,
quick-fry the white mushroom, braises three fresh ,
stir-fry a silverfish , braise an eel , steamed in
clear soup ham , stir-fries the white shrimp , boils in
water for a while , then dresses with soy , vinegar
the green clam , Sauteed Noodles with Vegetables fish,
boil in water for a while , then dress with soy ,
vinegar the asparagus , the Seremban swallow dish,
stir-fry liver sharp point , stir-fry the liver turn
off son in the south, oil cooked tripe of sheep or
swine benevolence son, the soup cooked tripe of sheep
or swine draws a son, Stir-fry Jinsi , braise silver
wire, candy quick-fries ? ? the eleocharis
tuberosa frying the son , sugar quick-fry , honey silk
Chinese yam , fresh peach of candied floss,Quick-fry Nanbei, stir-fries Nanbei , braise duck silk ,
braise scattered pellet , steamed chicken , yellow braise
chicken, stir-fries chicken greatly , quick-fry broken
chicken , savoury and crisp chicken, stir-fry chicken
Ding Er , quick-fry chicken size , three fresh Ding Er
, eight treasures Ding Er , dried slices of tender
bamboo shoots steamed in clear soup,
你:Hi waiter!(waitress)
侍者W:Yes sir(Madam),what can i help you?
你:what is the today日夏养花网39;s specials?(常去的餐馆,今个有啥特别餐吗?,我插一句,你带多少cash现金或 credit card 上limit多大,要点菜3分钟)
what is your special?
W:here is menu,sir(madam,后面不再重复了)
I am sorry for illiterate。(对不起我文盲)Rwww.rixia.ccead it to me(劳烦你把菜单朗诵一下)
then you recite what the waiter(waitress) speaks。and cut him(her)into time from time by saying pardon when you can&www.rixia.cc#39;t hear clearly。when in doubt how the dishes being cooked you can inquiry in the components of them then make decisions接着你就可以重复他的报菜名并不时用pardon打断,当听不清时。另外当你不清楚菜品成分也可以叫侍者讲一下再做决定。)
这样下来我感觉3分钟打不住。。坚持50天 餐馆英语必见飞跃。
祝你有个好食欲!Good appetite! Cheers,Salute!(干杯)
你:Hi waiter!(waitress)
侍者W:Yes sir(Madam),what can i help you?
你:what is the today日夏养花网39;s specials?(常去的餐馆,今个有啥特别餐吗?,我插一句,你带多少cash现金或 credit card 上limit多大,要点菜3分钟)
what is your special?
W:here is menu,sir(madam,后面不再重复了)
I am sorry for illiterate。(对不起我文盲)Rwww.rixia.ccead it to me(劳烦你把菜单朗诵一下)
then you recite what the waiter(waitress) speaks。and cut him(her)into time from time by saying pardon when you can&www.rixia.cc#39;t hear clearly。when in doubt how the dishes being cooked you can inquiry in the components of them then make decisions接着你就可以重复他的报菜名并不时用pardon打断,当听不清时。另外当你不清楚菜品成分也可以叫侍者讲一下再做决定。)
这样下来我感觉3分钟打不住。。坚持50天 餐馆英语必见飞跃。
祝你有个好食欲!Good appetite! Cheers,Salute!(干杯)
man:This resturant is very good.Do you want to have a try with me?
woman:OK!Let's go.
waiter:Welcome to our resturant!How many people?
waiter:oh,I see.Please follow me .This is your table.
waiter:Here's the manu.
man:I 'd like some vegetable salad,please.You?
woman:Me,too.And I think the sandwich will also be tasted good.
waiter:I got it.Please wait for a moment.
woman:OK!Let's go.
waiter:Welcome to our resturant!How many people?
waiter:oh,I see.Please follow me .This is your table.
waiter:Here's the manu.
man:I 'd like some vegetable salad,please.You?
woman:Me,too.And I think the sandwich will also be tasted good.
waiter:I got it.Please wait for a moment.
本文标题: 请帮忙把菜名翻成英文!!谢谢 (要标准点的)
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/287958.html