


2022-07-06 10:38:33 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:138


需要翻译的句子如下:rnTo Inigo Jones the moderne period referred particularly to the reign of the early Tudors,which was regarded as a time of prosperity and nationai awareness,and admired as especially "English".rnrnrn这是《Fashion and Fiction》这本书里155页的一句话rn事关我的毕业设计译文rn拜托大家帮我翻译下这句话,谢谢rnPS:要是有这本书的中文翻译就更好了谢谢
To Inigo Jones the modern period referred particularly to the reign of the early Tudors, which was regarded as a time of prosperity and national awareness, and admired as especially "English".

To Inigo Jones the moderne period referred particularly to the reign of the early Tudors,which was regarded as a time of prosperity and nationai awareness,and admired as especially "English".



拜托英语高手们帮我翻译句话!!rn需要翻译的句子如下:rnI am never drestrnWithout a sermon,but am forct to provernThe lawfulness of curhng irons beforernShex27ll crisp me in a morning;I must showrnText for the fashions of my gownes; shex27l askernWhere Jewels are commanded,or what ladyrnIx27thx27 primitive times wore ropes of pearle or rubyes...rn...her whole servicernIs a meere confutation of my clothes rnrn这是《Fashion and Fiction》这本书里160页的一段话rn貌似是在碧玉梅恩斯的作品《The city Match》(1639)中的一段rn事关我的毕业设计译文rn拜托大家帮我翻译下这句话,谢谢rnPS:要是有这本书的中文翻译就更好了谢谢
我从不是drest外面一布道但是是forct证明在她将使自我在朝派a morning;I变脆之前,curhng熨烫的依法的必须对文本为表现出我的gownes的时尚;she'l aske地方珍宝被俯瞰,还是怎么样I'th 原始时代女士穿串pearle或者rubyes......她的整个服务是一我的衣服的meere驳倒.

文字我长袍的时尚; she'l aske
是我的衣服meere confutation

文字我长袍的时尚; she'l aske
是我的衣服meere confutation


我曾经看过一本小说,书的名字叫曼珠沙华的诅咒。曼珠沙华这几个字非常吸引我,当时我甚至不知道曼珠沙华是什么意思。查阅了很多资料之后我发现了它有关人性的一面.rn每一朵花都有自己的故事和MwysdVN传说。传说中,她是自愿下地狱的,后来被魔鬼们遣送回人间,但是却一直在黄泉路上徘徊不肯走。最后魔鬼们便让它把花开在沿途的道路上,给离开人界的灵魂一个指引的安慰。 它叫Red Spider Lily。代表的是 人力,伤心,死亡之美。当我得知了这些信息之后我想到了那些甘于付出一切的人。在中国有一句固话“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。”这句话的意思是,在人的一生中总会MwysdVN有死的那一天,为什么不让死,死的有意义呢? 这句话完全诠释了曼珠沙华的中心意义。rn我带着这些信息把这些故事分享给那个花店店主。听完之后她首先并没有发表任何言论。她直说给我讲了一个她的故事。她本来是一个IT业的佼佼者,她是一个很成功的女人,可是他在她的事业即将进入顶峰的时候,她选择了辞职,开了这样一家带着咖啡屋的花店。rnrn谢谢了!!!
I once saw a novel, the curse of the name was manzhushahua. Manzhushahua these words very attract me, when I don't even know what manzhushahua means. After you access a lot of information I found it on the side of human nature.
Each of the flowers has its own story and legend. Legend has it that she was hell on a voluntary basis, later the devil returned to the human world, but it has been lingering deaths on the road will not go away. Finally the devil will let it on along the road of flowers, to leave the comfort of the human soul in the world of a guideline. It is called Red Spider Lily. Representative of the human, sad, death in the United States. When I was informed that this information and I think that all the people willing to pay. In China there is a fixed-line "life, who die, leave a loyal heart shining. "The meaning of this sentence is that people always have died that day in the life of, why not let die, death of significance? Complete interpretation of the manzhushahua the Central meaning of this sentence.
I took this information to share these stories with the flower shop owner. She first did not make any comments after the hearing. She straight told me about one of her stories. She is a leader in the IT industry, she is a successful woman, but when he was at the peak of her career is about to enter, she chose to resign, opening a flower shop with a cafe.
或者 I read a novel, the book name have called graceful bead Sha Hua the curse.Graceful bead sand China these characters attract me extremely, at that time I did not even know graceful bead Sha Hua is any meaning.After has consulted very many materials I had discovered it concerns human nature one side.
Each flower all has own story and the fable.In the fable, she is goes to hell voluntarily, afterwards is sent back by the devils the world, but continuously paces back and forth actually on road to Hades is not willing to walk.Finally the devils then let it open the flower on along the way path, for leaves the world of human beings a soul direction comfort. It calls Red Spider Lily.On behalf of is the manpower, sad, beauty death.After I had known these informations I had thought these are glad to pays all people.Had a solid speech who in China's “the life not to die since old times, remains takes the loyalty according to the bamboo writing slips.” This speech meaning is, the general meeting has in human's life dies that one day, why doesn't let die, dies has the significance? This speech complete annotation graceful bead Sha Hua central significance.
I have these informations to give these story share that flower shop shop owner.After listens she first has not expressed any opinion.She spoke frankly to me told a her story.She is originally a IT industry outstanding person, she is a very successful woman, but he soon enters the crest in hers enterprise time, she has chosen the resignation, opened such one to bring the coffee room flower shop.
I once read a www.rixia.ccnovel, the book is called Lycoris radiate curse. Lycoris radiate the words appeals to me very much, I don't even know what is the meaning of Lycoris radiate. After consulted a lot of information I found it on the human side.Each flower has its own stories and legends. According to the legend, she volunteered to go to hell, then sent back to earth by demons, but all along refused to go in. Finally, the devil will let it bloom in the way to leave the human world, the soul of a guide to comfort. It's called Red Spider Lily. On behalf of the human, the sad, the beauty of death. After I got the information I thought of all those willing to give everything. In China there is a fixed" all men are mortal., according to retain loyalty." This means, in life there is always the day of deatwww.rixia.cch, why not let die, die with meaning? This sentence totally interpretation of Lycoris radiate the central meaning.With the information you have read these stories to share with the florist. After her first did not publish any comments. She frankly told me a story about her. She was originally a IT industry leader, she is a very successful woman, but he in her career is about to enter the peak time, she chose to resign, to open a flower shop with cafe.
I haveMwysdVN ever read a novel named the curse of manzhushahua. Those words Manzhushahua attracted me strongly. At that time, I even didn't know the meaning of manshudhahua. After consulting a great deal of information, I found its side related to human.
Every flower has its own story and legend. It was said that she was willing to be damned and then sent to the world by evils, but wandering on the way to death without going away. At last, evils had to allow her to blossom along the road in order to give the soul who leave the world a guiding comfort. The flower was called Red Spider Lily, which standed for man-power、sadness and the beauty of death. When I got to know these information, I thought of people who could devote themselves. There is a chinese old saying :" Everyone must die; let me but leave a loyal heart shining in the pages of history ." It means that people will die one day, why not choose to die significantly? The words completely annotated the central meaning of manzhushahua.
I shared the story to that flower owner. After listening, she didn't make any remark until she told one of her stories to me. She could have been a leader in IT and a successful woman, but she chose to resign to open a flower shop with coffe cafe when she would be at the summit of her career.



本文标题: 拜托高手们帮我把这段话翻译成英文
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/282404.html





