

麻烦哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下! 谢谢!

2022-07-02 22:27:04 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:79


1、Experience showed that success is due more to enthusiasm than to rnrnabilityrn2.、A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is rnrnnot aTViEju man rn3、Drunken driving is no less than suicide and killing rn4、He does not think he is superior to others because his father is a rnrnhigh-ranking offical rn5、The year 2009 is the most difficult time fir Chinax27s economic rnrndevelopment in the new century rn6、The government will finance the building of the new roads with the rnrntaxes it collectsrn7、Everyone knows that John lost his shirt when the bussiness he had rnrninvested failedrn8、A strong,prosperous China calls for dedication of the Chinese people rnrnand their hard work for several more decades
1、Experience showed that success is due more to enthusiasm than to


2.、A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is
not a man
3、Drunken driving is no less than suicide and killing
4、He does not think he is superior to others because his father is a
high-ranking offical
5、The year 2009 is the most difficult time fir China's economic

development in the new century
6、The government will finance the building of the new roads with the
taxes it collects
7、Everyone knows that John lost his shirt when the bussiness he had

invested failed
8、A strong,prosperous China calls for dedication of the Chinese people

and their hard work for several more decades 一个强大繁荣的中国还需要中国人民几十年的无私奉献和艰苦奋斗







1,经验表明,更多的成功是由于热情 2一个没有爱的家就如同一个只有肉体而没有灵魂的家 3、酒后驾车不少于自杀和谋杀 4,他不认为他比别人,因为他的父亲是一个高级官方 2009年5,这是最困难的时期杉木中国的经济 发展新世纪 6,政府将提供资金修建这条新公路的调查 它所收藏的税收 7,每个人都知道约翰丢失了他的衬衣的时候,商业 投资失败 8,有较强的、繁荣昌盛的中国需要奉献的中国人民 和他们的努力工作几十年


for those conversations,so brilliant,so scholarly,and so consciously unknowing,seemed to me,silent in the background,to reveal the truth that even college graduates did not know anything,really.Evidences they had,all the testimony of all the wise men in the historical world on everything,but no decisions.NOne.I must myself go to college to rind out more,and wanted to .Itseemed as if i had to go soon.My head ,busy with questions before,was filled with holes that were aching voids as hungry ,as painful,as an empty stomach.And my questions wre xcplicit;I was as if I were not only hungry ;I was hungry for certain foods,My curiosity was no longer vague.
为那些交谈,很是精采,很是博学,和那么有意识的。不知道,似乎我,沉默在背景中,显露出真理甚至大学毕业生都不知道的任何什么东西,真的。他们有证据,所有圣人所有的证实历史世界的一切,但是决定.没有.不必须我自己出去大学外,并且,它看起来,好象我必须很快去。我的头,在繁忙和问题面前,充满了是痛楚的空隙如同饥饿的洞,象痛苦,作为一个空的肚子。并且我的问题的。 我好象我不仅饥饿 我为某些食物饿,我的求知欲不再隐晦

麻烦有哪位英语高手的人帮我把以下的中文句子翻译下!! 注意:要用到括号里面的单词!! 谢谢! 给分

1 Ever since the mobile phone, he never written a letter to a friend。
2Professor Lee at the graduation ceremony made a short speech, his words deeply etched in my memory。
3He found that there is strong interest in their oral
4. He suspected a strong interest in foreign cultures, often read books to find useful information
5 On whether to start a new community issues, our views are inconsistent
6 Go tall island, in addition to other boat, no other
7 This is the first time freshmen to listen to American professor's lecture, the first 20 minutes they did not quite understand what he is saying
8 Ten minutes left, since you've done the exam, you can now carry out an assignment
9 In order not to hurt the feelings of any person, who spent nearly three months before a final decision
10The audience missed the point is to see their musical performances, otherwise they will give a high evaluation
11Although he is far in the country, I wonder if he always felt deep concern for the mother
12She finally came to the booth, put a coin call to Paris after

1.自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了.<no longer>
Since he got the mobile phone, he hadn't written to his friends any longer.
2.李教授在毕业典礼上做了个简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中.<impress upon>
Professor Li made a brife speech at the commenhttp://www.rixia.cccement, and his words expressed upon me deeply.
He finds great interest in speaking English.
4.他对外国文化怀疑浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书寻找有用的信息.<browse through>
He has great interest in foreign cultures, and he always browse through numbers of books 日夏养花网for

useful information.
Our ideas vary a lot on whether to build a new community.
6.要去那座岛,除了搭船以外,别无他法.<other than>
There is no way to island other than by ship.
7.这是大学一年级新生第一次听美国教授的讲座,他们在头20分钟里听不太懂他在说什么.<have trouble doing

It was the first time for the fresh students to listen to the American professor.In the first 20

minutes, they had trouble following what he said.
8.还剩下10分钟,既然你已经做完考题,也可以现在交卷.<now that>
10 mins is left. Now that you have finished the test questions, you can hand in your paper.
9.为了不伤害任何人感情,他们花了近三个月的时间才做出最后的决定.<it took ....before>
In order not to hurt nayone's feelings, they spent nearly 3 months's time to make the terminal

10.这些观众一点是错过了看他们的音乐演出,否则他们会给予高度评价的.<must have done, speak highly

These audience must have missed seeing the concert, or they would give high evaluation.
11.尽管他远在乡下,不知他总能感觉到母亲深切的关怀.<somehow, sense>
Even though he was far away in the village, i didn't know if he would sense love care of his

12.她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后开始往巴黎拨打电话.<finally, dial>
She finally arrived at a telephone booth and put in the coins before dialing Paris.
1 Since there appears mobile phone, he has no longer written a letter to his friends。
2Professor Lee made a short speech at the graduation ceremony , his words 日夏养花网deeply impressed me。
3He found that there is strong interest in their oral
4. He suspected a strong interest in foreign cultures, often read books to find useful information
5 On whether to start a new community issues, our views are inconsistent
6 Go tall island, in addition to other boat, no other
7 This is the first time freshmen to listen to American professor's lecture, the first 20 minutes they did not quite understand what he is saying
8 Ten minutes left, since you've done the exam, you can now carry out an assignment
9 In order not to hurt the feelings of any person, who spent nearly three months before a final decision
10The audience missed the point is to see their musical performances, otherwise they will give a high evaluation
11Although he is far in the country, I wonder if he always felt deep concern for the mother
12She finally came to the booth, put a coin call to Paris after
自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了.<no longer>

Ever since the mobile phone, he never give letters to friends. < > aubject longer-wavelength

2.李教授在毕业典礼上做了个简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我的记忆中.<impress upon>

2. Professor li at the graduation ceremony made a short speech, his words are strongly impressed on my memory. < > $60-70 upon


3. He found on a keen interest in their speaking. < academicmaria... Spend >

4.他对外国文化怀疑浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书寻找有用的信息.<browse through>

4 he doubts about foreign culture strong interest, often reading find useful information. < > browse around


5. Over whether to start a new society, our opinions are different fr日夏养花网om >."

6.要去那座岛,除了搭船以外,别无他法.<other than>

6. Going to the island, in addition to take a boat there was nothing to < > of than.

7.这是大学一年级新生第一次听美国教授的讲座,他们在头20分钟里听不太懂他在说什么.<have trouble doing sth>

7. It is freshman first listen to American professor's lecture, they in the first 20 minutes to don't understand what he's saying. < > have trouble STH spend...

8.还剩下10分钟,既然你已经做完考题,也可以现在交卷.<now that>

8. 10 minutes left, now that you have finished examination questions, also can now required. < > business now"

9.为了不伤害任何人感情,他们花了近三个月的时间才做出最后的决定.<it took ....before>

9 in order not to hurt anyone feelings, they spent nearly three months time to make the final decision. < it took... Before >

10.这些观众一点是错过了看他们的音乐演出,否则他们会给予高度评价的.<must have done, speak highly of>

10. These audiences point is missed watching their music performances, otherwise, they would think highly of all have done. < > books of highly,

11.尽管他远在乡下,不知他总能感觉到母亲深切的关怀.<somehow, sense>

11. Although he can the country, wondering if he can always feel the mother deep care for. < > sense somehow,

12.她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后开始往巴黎拨打电话.<finally, dial>

12. She finally came to booth, could put in a coin after began to Paris call. < > dial finally,
1. Since had the mobile phone, he never give letters to friends. < > aubject longer-wavelength

2. Professor li at the graduation ceremony made a short speech, his words are strongly impressed on my memory. < > $60-70 upon

3. He found on a keen interest in their speaking. < academicmaria... Spend >

4 he doubts about foreign culture strong interest, often reading find useful information. < > browse around

5. Over whether to start a new society, our opinions are different from >."

6. Going to the island, in addition to take a boat there was nothing to < > of than.

7. It is freshman first listen to American professor's lecture, they in the first 20 minutes to don't understand what he's saying. < > have trouble STH spend...

8. 10 minutes left, now that you have finished examination questions, also can now required. < > business now"

9 in order not to hurt anyone feelings, they spent nearly three months time to make the final decision. < it took... Before >

10. These audiences point is missed watching their music performances, otherwise, they would think highly of all have done. < > books of highly,

11. Although he can the country, wondering if he can always feel the mother deep care for. < > sense somehow,

12. She finally came to booth, could put in a coin after began to Paris call. < > dial finally,
1, the circle Brilliant Garden being destroyed by fire shoulded rebuild one matter to cause the discussion of vehemence in the medium.(Burn down, media)
2, my uncle originally intended retire behind returned to country live, can he changed idea, decided open a bookstore in the city, for retire the place that the old man provides an amusement recreation.(Chang one's mind, retire)
3, the common peoples all concern a food oil price very much the space soars of matter.(Go up, concern)
4, I know to be been not pleasurable by the felling for neglecting, but you can not be caused the other people's attention by this kind of weird hair style, either!(Ignore, draw attention to)
5, she contacts this matter and a little bit other affairs together and realizes that someone intentionally causes disturbance in her office.(Relate to, realise)
6, he is a rich in experience person, always be subjected to high regard of the young man.(Look up to)
7, this building design must good elephant is a nest.A lot of persons who once saw all think this that designing is very interesting.(Design)
8, this cup tea drink very specially., I knew and seemed to grow honey flavor at in.(Taste)
9, from Dalian left for the ship of Shanghai a clock empress pretty much will Qi sail, the sailors are rising Fan.(Sail)
10, the Chinese New Year shall arrive soon.The mother wants to call the person to guard a gate a paint once, hence father bought the best paint.(Paint)
11, before doing not establish a career, I don't intend into a house.(Intention)
12, you silently go out from the back door, no one will notice you not at.(Absence)
13, after trouble take place, someone sees the driver escape a cause the spot.(Flee)
14, she covers up head in the pillow, don't wish to make her cry.(Bury)
15, the volcano erupt my uncle is doing to live under the foot of a hill.(Erupt)


本文标题: 麻烦哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下! 谢谢!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/280248.html





