


2022-06-17 20:58:43 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:102








If such alloys possess other properties which rnmake them suitable for die casting, they are rnobvious choices for the process, because their rnlower melting point will lead to longer die rnlives than would be obtained with alloys of rnhigher melting points. rnrnrnHowever, even if prediction becomes rnpossible, people who live in areas where rnearthquakes are a common occurrence rnwill still have to do their best to preventrndisasters by building structures that arernresistant to ground movement and by rnbeing personally preparedrnrnrnScientists are learning a great deal about rnhow the large plates in the earth’s crustrnmove, the stresses between plates, how rnearthquakes work, and the general probability rnthat given place will have an earthquake, rnalthough they still cannot predict earthquakesrnrnrnAs the science of gene expression grows, we rnmay be able to create genes that can turn rnthemselves off after they have gone through arncertain number of cell divisions or after the gene rnhas produced a certain amount of the desiredrnproduct.
If such alloys possess other properties which
make them suitable for die casting, they are
obvious choices for the process, because their
lower melting point will lead to longer die
lives than would be obtained with alloys of
higher melting points.

However, even if prediction becomes
possible, people who live in areas where
earthquakes are a common occurrence
will still have to do their best to prevent
disasters by building structures that are
resistant to ground movement and by
being personally prepared

Scientists are learning a great deal about
how the large plates in the earth’s crust
move, the stresses between plates, how
earthquakes work, and the general probability
that given place will have an earthquake,
although they still cannot predict earthquakes

As the science of gene expression grows, we
may be able to create genes that can turn
themselves off after they have gone through a
certain number of cell divisions or after the gene
has produced a certain amount of the desired


Dear sirs, We own you name and address to the commercial Counsellorx27s office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for textiles. We avail oerselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relation with you. We are a state-operated corporation,handling both the import and export of textiles.In oder to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present. Should any of items be of interest to you please us know.We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt your detailed requirments. In our trade with merchants of various countries,we always adhere to the pronciple and mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.


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1.许多人喜欢在圣诞的时候装饰自己rn2.我要给青年旅馆协会秘书写一封投诉信! rn3.人们从许多不同的城市前来欣赏圣诞树和装饰华丽的商店橱窗。rn4.等待的时候,他做着白日梦,想着梦寐以求的新相机。rn5. His lawn-mowing job at the Smith’s should provide the money shortly.rn6. hey were therefore surprised when the clerk who received them in the hall of the hotel asked them whether they would be taking dinner there that night.rn7. What on earth has that got to do with some money disappearing?rn8. They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in the boarding-houses they had been used to in the past, no meals were served after seven o’clock in the evening.rn9.领班把他带到餐桌前,记下了他点的菜然后走开了。rn10.入乡随俗rn11.在华盛顿,白宫前也有一棵经过装饰的大圣诞树。rn12.昨天晚上我去体育场看了场拳击赛。rn13.他还差七美元就能买他想要的相机了。rn14. When lunch-time came on his first day there, he decided to go and eat in the restaurant of the hotel.rn15. In New York City, there is a very tall, beautifully decorated Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center at Christmas time. rn16. Just as Mrs Sanders received her change and her purchases, a ten-dollar bill flew out of her hand and fell at Sam’s feet.rn17.过去史密斯先生和太太总是在英格兰度过暑假。rn18. They decided to go to Rome and stay at a really good hotel while they went around and saw the sights of that famous city.rn19. Outside they place wreaths, ribbons, and coloured lights on the door and windows.rn20. The money did belong to Mrs Sanders, but she deserved to lose it after the way she had behaved.rn rn rn21. The head waiter was very annoyed and immediately told one of the other waiters in the restaurant to go to the man and inform him, without being in any way insulting, that people did not do such a thing in restaurants of that quality.
1)我中文不太好,翻的中文只是大概意思,你可能要自己改到好听一点。 不过英文是对的。
2)你第六题打少字了, 第一个字。
3) 。。。你第六题重写吧, 我想你打错了或者忘了标点符号了, 那不是一个句子。。。再读了下, 你句子的单词好像打乱了。
6)第二十一题是不是应该是any way insultingly/any insulting ways而不是any way insulting

(During Christmas, many people like to decorate themselves.)

(I will write a complaint letter to the Secretary of the Youth Hostel Association)

(People from different cities came to appreciate the magnificent Christmas tree and the decoration on the shop windows. )

(When he was waiting, he started to daydream about the camera that he is wishing for)

5. His lawn-mowing job at the Smith’s should provide the money shortly.

6. hey were therefore surprised when the clerk who received them in the hall of the hotel asked them whether they would be taking dinner there that night.

7. What on earth has that got to do with some money disappearing?

8. They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in the boarding-houses they had been used to in the past, no meals were served after seven o’clock in the evening.
(他们认为他们一定会饿着肚子睡觉的,因为在以前他们住宿的地方就是这样的。 在晚上7点以后是没有吃的)

(The manager took him to his table, wrote down him menu and went away.)


(In Washington, outside the White House, once it also had a big, decorated Christmas tress)

(Last night I went to the stadium to watch a game of the boxing match.)

(He needs seven more dollars to buy the camera that he wants.)

14. When lunch-time came on his first day there, he decided to go and eat in the restaurant of the hotel.

15. In New York City, there is a very tall, beautifully decorated Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center at Christmas time.

16. Just as Mrs Sanders received her change and her purchases, a ten-dollar bill flew out of her hand and fell at Sam’s feet.
(当Sander太太接过她买的东西和她的零钱时, 一个十块钱从她手中掉在了Sam的脚下)

(Mr日夏养花网. and Mrs Smith used to always went to England for their holiday)

18. They decided to go to Rome and stay at a really good hotel while they went around and saw the sights of that famous city.

19. Outside they place wreaths, ribbons, and coloured lights on the door and windows.

20. The money did belong to Mrs Sanders, but she deserved to lose it after the way she had behaved.
(那些钱的确属于Sander太太的。 不过在她那些行为过后,她不配拥有它/她活该没了钱)

21. The head waiter was very annoyed and immediately told one of the other waiters in the restaurant to go to the man and inform him, without being in any way insulting, that people did not do such a thing in restaurants of that quality.
(服务生经理非常的生气, 他马上叫另一个餐厅里的服务生区告诉那个男的, 并不是想要侮辱/找扎,但人们不会在这种品格/等级的酒店作出这样的行为)
1.MaitTragybmnny people like to decorate their own Christmas time
2.I want to give the Secretary of the Youth Hostel Association, write a complaint letter!
3.People from many different cities came to appreciate the magnificent Christmas tree and decorated shop windows.
4.. Wait, he did daydreaming, thinking about the dream of a new camera.
1. Many people like to decorate their own Christmas time
2. I want to give the Secretary of the Youth Hostel Association, write a complaint letter!
3. People from many different cities came to appreciate the magnificent Christmas tree and decorated shop windows.
4. Wait, he did daydreaming, thinking about the dream of a new camera.
6 嘿,因此感到惊讶时,办事员谁接待了他们在大厅里的酒店询问他们是否将采取晚餐有晚上
8 他们预计,他们将不得不饿着肚子上床睡觉,因为在寄宿房屋,他们已被用来在过去,有没有吃饭后送达的七点钟在晚上。
9. Foreman took him to the table, a note of his order and then walked away.
11. In Washington, former White House has been a big Christmas tree decorations.
12. Last night I went to read the sports field boxing match.
13. He still will be able to 7 dollars he wants to buy a camera
15 在纽约市的圣诞节,有一个非常高大且装饰精美的圣诞树在洛克菲勒中心
16 刚刚桑德斯女士收到了她的变化和她的采购, 10美元的法案飞到了她的手下跌山姆英尺。
17. Mr. Smith and his wife in the past has always spent the summer in England.
18 他们决定去罗马和留在一个非常好的酒店,同时,他们到处看到景点的名城。
19 。他们以外的地方花圈,缎带,以及彩色灯光的门和窗户。
21 。服务员的负责人非常恼火,并立即告诉其他的服务员在餐馆去该名男子,并通知他,而不以任何方式侮辱,人们没有做这样的事情在餐馆的质量。


本文标题: 英语翻译
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/270811.html





