


2022-06-14 10:39:20 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:165


exchange your opinions on how to spend the sum of money if you won a million yuan.rnrn请帮我用英文写一下观点,越多越好,谢谢。
1.i will give my parents some money, because they are the best love me in the world.
2.i will buy some before i want buy.
3.after that, i don t need a million yuan money, bucause someone needer than me. so i want contribute 日夏养花网to the society. it can help more people.
围绕这3点,每点写5-10句话(看你水平而定),开头用个hook吸引读者,结尾记得总结,还有你的建议和观点明确一下.随便就有1 2页纸了


1. —— We need a person badly to think up such an idea.rn —— ________ the new comer have a try?rn A. Shall B. May C. Should D. Needrn注意:给出答案,并给出选择该项的原因,以及不选择其他选项的原因。rn2. They must have finished the work by the end of last month, ______?rnA. mustnx27t they B. havenx27t they C. hadnx27t they D. didnx27t theyrn本题要求同上题相同。rn还请各位高手不吝赐教,江湖救急,在线等,在下感激不尽。
而shall却可以用于第一、三人称。如:Shall I get you some tea? 我给你点茶好吗?

Shall the boy wait outside? 让那男孩在外面等吗?

What shall we do this evening? 我们今晚做什么?

May we offer you a glass of wine? 您要一瓶酒吗?
当must+have done表示对过去的情况进行推测(一般句中有明确的过去时间状语),问句要根据陈述部分谓语的情况用“didn't+主语”或“wasn't/weren't+主语”;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有明确的过去时间状语),问句要用“haven't/hasn't+主语”。
A shall 4. shall


Shall I get you some tea? 我给你点茶好吗?

Shall the boy wait outside? 让那男孩在外面等吗?

What shall we do this evening? 我们今晚做什么?

D当must+have done表示对过去的情况进行推测(一般句中有明确的过去时间状语),问句要根据陈述部分谓语的情况用“didn't+主语”或“wasn't/weren't+主语”;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有明确的过去时间状语),问句要用“haven't/hasn't+主语”。
本句中有时间状语last month 意为上个月,所以个人觉得是对过去的情况进行推测
1.C should 是SHALL的过去式,在这里比其他三个表达的语气更委婉。
2. D MUST HAVE DONE 表示对过去的肯定推测,所以回答时用一般过去时。


根据句子含义填入正确的单词 单词的第一个字母已经给出rnrnA q past eleven is also eleven fifteen。rnrn填入下列句子中所缺的词rnThat black man (come) from Africa.rnWe (clean)the classroom this afternoon。rnrn选择填空rnI cannot that box。rnA lifted B lift Clifting D liftsrnrnThere a pen and four books on the deskrnA am B are Cis Dbe rnrn rnI want pound of sugar。rnA half B half a C a half D a halvsrnrn判断下面句子是否正确 不正确的请改正rn1 There are some ice—creams in the refrigerator。rn rnrn2There is some newspapers on the table。rn rnrn3There is some birds in the tree.rn rnrn4There are some pears in the treern rnrn5I have forteen peats and fourty bananas.rn rnrn6To tell you truth, I do not want any milk in coffee.rn rnrn7I want someone to helping me。rn rn rn8He likes orange,but he doesn’t like banana。rn rnrnrn9 Children usually like play in the garden in the afternoon.rn rnrn10The Toms likes Chinese food very much。rn rnrnrnrn英汉互译rnHe cannot get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm。rn rnrnHere is another piece of paperrn rnrn下午 她通常会见她的朋友rn rnrn萨姆感冒了 因此必须呆在床上rn rnrn这场比赛的结果是激动人心的、rn rnrn教师里有一个讲台 十张桌子 和十五把椅子rn rnrn用所给词的适当形式 组成句子rn1 go London to week last wife my rn rn2 be London wife to my go tomorrowrn rn3 go London wife every my month torn rn4 see he can bridge window from the arn rn 5 what do be at moment you hern rn6do tea he like sugar orrn rn7like both tea milk he andrn rnrn8 he swim be river across thern rn rn9 please to umbrella give him thisrn rnrn10 please umbrella give him the
BA qUARTER past eleven is also eleven fifteen。

That black man COMES (come) from Africa.
We CLEANS (clean)the classroom this afternoon。

I cannot B that box。
A lifted B lift Clifting D lifts

There C a pen and four books on the desk
A am B are Cis Dbe

I want B pound of sugar。
A half B half a C a half D a halvs

判断下面句子是否正确 不正确的请改正
1 There are some ice—creams in the refrigerator。

2There is some newspapers on the table。

3There is some birds in the tree.

4There are some pears in the tree

5I have forteen peats and fourty bananas.

6To tell you truth, I do not want any milk in coffee.

7I want someone to helping me。

8He likes orange,but he doesn’t like banana。

9 Children usually like play in the garden in the afternoon.

10The Toms likes Chinese food very much。

He cannot get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm。

Here is another piece of paper

下午 她通常会见她的朋友
S和usually meet her friends in the afternoon

萨姆感冒了 因此必须呆在床上
Sam has a cold ,so he must stay at bed

the result of the match is exciting

教师里有一个讲台 十张桌子 和十五把椅子
there are ten desks fifteen chairs in the classroom

用所给词的适当形式 组成句子
1 go London to week last wife my
my wife wen to London last week
2 be London wife to my go tomorrow
my wife is going to london tomorrow
3 go London wife every my month to
my wife goesto london every month
4 see he can bridge window from the a
he can see the birdge from the window
5 what do be at moment you he
what do you do at the moment
6do tea he like sugar or
he doesn,t like suger or tea
7like both tea milk he and
he likes both milk and tea
8 he swim be river across the
he is swiming across the river

9 please to umbrella give him this
please give this umbrella to him

10 please umbrella give him the
please give him the umbrella
根据句子含义填入正确的单词 单词的第一个字母已经给出

A q past eleven is also eleven fifteen。

That black man (come) from Africa.
We (clean)the classroom this afternoon。
——comes;will clean

I cannot that box。
A lifted B lift Clifting D lifts

There a pen and four books on the desk
A am B are Cis Dbe

I want pound of sugar。
A half B half a C a half D a halvs
——B。半磅half a pound of

判断下面句子是否正确 不正确的请改正
1 There are some ice—creams in the refrigerator。

2There is some newspapers on the table。
——is 改为are

3There is some birds in the tree.

4There are some pears in the tree

5I have forteen pears and fourty bananas.

6To tell you truth, I do not want any milk in coffee.

7I want someone to helping me。

8He likes orange,but he doesn’t like banana。

9 Children usually like play in the garden in the afternoon.
——play改为playing,like doing固定搭配

10The Toms likes Chinese food very much。

He cannot get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm。

Here is another piece of paper

下午 她通常会见她的朋友
She usually meets her friends in the afternoon.

萨姆感冒了 因此必须呆在床上
Sam got a cold,so he must stay in bed.

The result of this match is exciting.

教师里有一个讲台 十张桌子 和十五把椅子
There is a desk,10 tables and 15 chairs in this classroom.

用所给词的适当形式 组成句子
1 go London to week last wife my
——Last week my wife went to London.

2 will London wife to my go tomorrow
——My wife will go to London tomorrow.

3 go London wife every my month to
——My wife goes to London every month.

4 see he can bridge window from the a
——He can see a bridge from the window.

5 what do be at moment you the
——What are you doing at the moment?

6do tea he like sugar or
——He doesn't like sugar or tea.

7like both tea milk he and
——He likes both tea and milk.

8 he swim be river across the
——He is swimming across the river.

9 please to umbrella give him this
——Please give this umbrella to him.

10 please umbrella give him the
——Please give him the umbrella.
提醒下1.8 He likes orange,but he doesn’t like banana。中orange要加s,还有but是对的,这是转折语气,不用and.
1 There are some ice—creams in the refrigerator.应该成There is some ice cream in the fridge.
3.2There is some newspapers on the table。应改成There iaAJngiPs some newspaper on the table. newspaper是不可数名词。
quarter comes will clean BCB
1.错 去S
2.错 改is为are
3.错 改is为are
8.She usually meets her friends in the afternoon
9.S日夏养花网am was cold,so he must stay in bed
10.The outcome of this match is exciting
11.There is a desk,ten tables and fifteen chairs in the classroom
12.My wife went to London last week
13.My wife will go to London tomorrow
14.My wife goes to London every month
15.He can see a bridge from the window
16.What are you doing at the moment?
17.He doesn't like sugar or tea
18.He both likes tea and milk
19.He is swimming across the river
20.Please give this umbrella to him
21.Please give him the umbrella
我有些是赞成楼上的 但有些不是 希望楼主能仔细校对


Alex, a student from Australia, is very ___________ on Beijing opera.rnrnfond rnconcerned rnkeen rninterested rnThe more bags they have, the better organized they are to ___________ life http://www.rixia.ccon the street.rnrncoping rncope rncoped rncope with rnShe looked in my face __________.rnrnwith tears streaming down her cheeks rnwith tears to stream down her cheeks rnwith tears streamed down her cheeks rnwith tears to be streamed down her cheeks rn It was under __________ that he agreed to resign from the committee.rnrnfailure rnpressure rncontrol rninfluence rn All our supply of food has __________.rnrnpass out rnout run rnrun out rnrun up rn ―I saw Alice in tears yesterday. What happened to her?rnrn ―Nothing important. __________ a lit cigarette burned a hole in her new skirt. rnrnJust for rnJust that rnJust because rnOnly because rn It was not long __________ the news spread and people from all over the country came to rnrn visit the village.rnrnbefore rnwhen rnuntil rnafter rn Last year we had no rain for weeks _________, so there was a serious drought.rnrnin end rnon end rnat end rnby end rn I knocked several times __________ an old man answered the door.rnrnas rnwhen rnwhile rnbefore rn The police warned the children not to __________ the mad man.rnrnapproach rnbeyond rnreplace rnenroll rn He ___________ that half an hour would be enough for him to get to the station, but he simply forgot that it was the rush hour.rnrnrealized rnassumed rnadmitted rnacknowledge rn I little understood the pressure __________ her.rnrnon rnin rnat rnagainst rn The students experience severe __________ as final exams draw near.rnrncontrol rnpressure rntension rnreaction rn Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin __________ under his chin.rnrntighten rnslip rnissued rntucked rnThe road was so slippery when the snow was frozen into ice that I nearly _________ down the mountain slope.rnrntumbled rnslid rnwalked rnstumbled rn Jane is __________ with cold so that her teeth are chattering.rnrnshaking rnshivering rnquaking rnshocking rn My relatives are ___________ all over the country.rnrnscattered rnexcluded rnseparated rndispatched rn I told the boy to __________.rnrntake easy rntake easily rntake it easy rntake it easily rn What shall I do to ________ this _________ getting dirty?rnrnfrom…keeping rnkeep…from rnkeeping…from rnkeep…on rn The medicine is __________ in dealing with cancer.rnrnlittle of use rnof little use rnof useful rnfor little use
1A根据句子的意思判断 be fond on 喜爱 2D cope with 处理应付 3A 眼泪流下来应该是主动地状态 用ing 4用pressure 我猜的 根据句意来的 在压力下他退出了协会 5run out 用光 用尽的意思 pass out 为分发 out run 不可能 run up 为匆匆 升起的意思 也不是
6 just for 没有这个用法 just that 由于 just because 没有别的原因 only because 没有这个说法所以我会选just that 7 long before 很久以前 before long 不久以后 not untill 直到一般与that 搭配 when引导时间状语从句 貌似不对 after说不过去吧 我选 before long 8in end 没有 on end 为竖着 连续 at end 没有 by end 也没有 这个题不知道 不想写了。。。 有问题的话 你再问吧
Alex, a student from Australia, is very ____keen_______ on Beijing opera.
fond concerned keen interested 搭配问题。

The more bags they have, the better organized they are to ____cope with _______ life on the street.
coping cope coped cope with 这个就是to do不定式。cope需加with。

She looked in my face ___A_______.
with tears streaming down her cheeks 此为正解。主动语态。
with tears to stream down her cheeks
with tears streamed down her cheeks
with tears to be streamed down her cheeks

It was under _____pressure_____ that he agreed to resign from the committee.
failure pressure control influence 根据句意,在压力之下才会退休。

All our supply of food has ____run out______. 句意,表示用完了用run out。
pass out out run run out run up

―I saw Alice in tears yesterday. What happened to her?
―Nothing important. ___Just because_______ a lit cigarette burned a hole in her new skirt.
Just for Just that Just because Only because

It was not long ___before_______ the news spread and people from all over the country came to visit the village.
before when until after

Last year we had no rain for weeks ___by end______, so there was a serious drought.
in end on end at end by end

I knocked several times ___before_______ an old man answered the door.
as when while before

The police warned the children not to ___approach_______ the mad man.
approach beyond replace enroll 接近。

He ___assumed______ that half an hour would be enough for him to get to the station, but he simply forgot that it was the rush hour.
realized assumed admitted acknowledge

I little understood the pressure ___on _______ her.
on in at against

The students experience severe ___tension______ as final exams draw near.
control pressure tension reaction

Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin ____tucked______ under his chin.
tighten slip issued tucked

The road was so slippery when the snow was frozen into ice that I nearly ____slid_____ down the mountain slope. 注意是滑。
tumbled slid walked stumbled

Jane is ____shivering______ with cold so that her teeth are chattering.
shaking shivering quaking shocking

My relatives are ___scattered________ all over the country.
scattered excluded separated dispatched

I told the boy to ____take it easy______.
take easy take easily take it easy take it easily

What shall I do to ___keep_____ this ____from_____ getting dirty?
from…keeping keep…from keeping…from keep…on

The medicine is ___of little use_______ in dealing with cancer.
little of use of little use of useful for little use
Alex, a student from Australia, is very ____fond_______ on Beijing opera.
The more bags they have, the better organized they are to ____cope with
_______ life on the street.
She looked in my face ___with tears streaming down her cheeks_______.
It was under _____control _____ that he agreed to resign from the committee.
All our supply of food has ____run out ______.
―Nothing important. ____Just for ______ a lit cigarette burned a hole in her new skirt.
It was not long _____before _____ the news spread and people from all over the country came to visit the village.
Last year we had no rain for weeks ____by end ____, so there was a serious drought.
I knocked several times ____before______ an old man answered the door.
The police warned the children not to ___approach_______ the mad man.
He ____assumed_______ that half an hour would be enough for him to get to the station, but he simply forgot that it was the rush hour.
I little understood the pressure ______on____ her.
The students experience severe ____pressure ______ as final exams draw near.
Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin _____tighten _____ under his chin.
The road was so slippery when the snow was frozen into ice that I nearly ____slid_____ down the mountain slope.
Jane is ____shivering ______ with cold so that her teeth are chattering.
My relatives are ____scattered _______ all over the country.
I told the boy to ___take it easy_______.
What shall I do to ___keep…from _____ this _________ getting dirty?
The medicine is ____little of use______ in dealing with cancer.
cope with
with tears streaming down her cheeks
run out
Just because
on end
take easy
of little use
cope with
with tears streaming down her cheeks
run out
Just because
on end
take easy
of little use

英语高手请进 高分悬赏

高分 请翻译rnAcid Dyes for WoolrnBefore the introduction of premetallizedrndyes on nylon fibers, acid dyes were alreadyrnbeing subdivided into groups whosernnames still endure and reflect the woolrnprocessing technology for which they wererndeveloped. These include the stronglyrnacidic, level dyeing or equalizing acidrndyes; the fast acid or half milling dyes; thernacid milling dyes; and the neutral dyeingrnor super milling dyes. The word millingrnrefers to the processes by which woolrnfabrics were converted into felts by mechanicalrnbeating treatments in alkalinernsolutions. Dyes which could be applied tornthe wool fabric prior to milling and whichrnsurvived the alkaline treatment were fastrnto milling.rnWool dyeings are generally carried outrnat the boil for about an hour. The dyebath conditions necessary for applying thesernsubcategories of acid dyes to wool are:rn• Level Dyeing Acid Dyes: 2-4% sulfuricrnacid owg (pH 2.5-3.5), plus 5-10% owgrnsodium sulfate for added levelingrn• Fast Acid Dyes: I-3% acetic acid owgrn(pH 3.5-5.0), plus 5-10% owg sodiumrnsulfatern• Acid Milling Dyes: ca. 4% ammoniumrnsulphate owg, plus acetic acid orrnammonia (to pH 5.0-7.5), with the usualrnaddition of 1-2% owg of an organic levelingrnagentrn• Super Milling Dyes: as for acid millingrndyes without the acid (pH ca. 7)rnIt may now be apparent that the levelrndyeing acid dyes must have intrinsicallyrniou* substantivity for the wool and have tornbe induced to dye by lowering the pH,rnwhich in turn generates a higher netrnpositive charge associated with the fiberrnmolecules (7). In other words, adding acidrnincreases the substantivity of the dyes forrnthe fiber and for these particular dyes thernionic (coulombic) attraction between theirrnanions and the fiber cations is the predominantrnform of dye-fiber attachment.rnAt the other end of the scale, the superrnmilling acid dyes have high substantivityrnand even in the absence of acid (pH ca. 7.rnor neutral) they are still strongly attractedrnto the fiber. For these dyes, the contributionrnof hydrophobic bonding between dyernand fiber is going to be much greater.aAJngiP Tornunderscore this, some of the early superrnmillingacid dyes actually have long hydrocarbonrnchains included into their dyernmolecules; e.g.. C.I. Acid Blue 138 whichrnhas a hydrocarbon chain 12 carbon atoms long ,C12H25.
谁让你都拜托我了 不翻都不好意思……如有不够专业之处还望见谅:)


在引进用于尼龙纤维上的预金属喷镀染料之前,酸性染料已经被细分成几类,这些分类的名字一直沿用至今并且反映了毛织品处理技术的发展。其中包括强酸性、匀涂染色或匀染酸性染料、抗褪色酸性或半耐缩绒染料、酸性耐缩绒染料,以及中性染色或高耐缩绒染料。 混炼一词是指将毛织品纤维通过在碱性溶液中的机械敲打转换成毛毡的过程。 在混炼之前能够在毛织品纤维上使用的染料以及耐得住碱性处理的染料混炼速度比较快。毛织品染色一般要在沸点温度下进行一小时左右。 将这些分类的酸性染料用于毛织品的必要染浴条件如下:
• 匀染酸性染料: 2%-4%硫酸owg(owg指的是按物体重量计算)(pH 2.5-3.5),每增加一级加上5%-10%硫酸钠owg
• 抗褪色酸性染料: 1%-3% 的乙酸owg (pH 3.5-5.0), 加上 5%-10%硫酸钠
• 酸性耐缩绒染料: 约4%硫酸铵owg,加乙酸或氨(至pH为5.0-7.5),一般情况另外添加1-2%的有机匀涂剂
• 高耐缩绒染料: 对于不含酸的酸性耐缩绒染料(pH约为7),有一点可能不是很明显,那就是匀染酸性染料必须对于毛织品具有固有的直接上染性,而且必须通过降低pH进行引导染色,这样便又会产生与纤维分子相关的更高的净正电荷。换句话说,增加酸会提高染料对纤维的直接上染性,对于这些特殊染料来说,其中的阴离子和纤维中的阳离子之间的离子间吸引力(库仑力)是染料纤维附着的主要形式。相对的另一方面,高耐缩绒酸性染料具有较高的直接上染性,即使没有酸有存在(pH约7左右或为中性),这种染料也能牢固地附着在纤维上。对于这些染料来说,染料与纤维之间的疏水性结合作用会更大。为了强调这一点,一些早期的高耐缩绒酸性染料实际上有很长的疏水链包含在染料分子当中,例如C.I. Acid Blue 138,就有着12个碳原子长的疏水链,即C12H25。
在介绍尼龙纤维上的金属络合染料之前,酸性染料已经被细分成几个组,他们的名字一直保持并反映着毛织品处理技术的发展 这些染料包含了强酸、匀染或匀染酸性染料、耐酸或半耐缩绒染料、酸性耐缩绒染料,以及中性染料或高耐缩绒染料。 耐缩绒表示毛织品通过在碱性处理下的机械压力转换成毛毡的过程。 染料应用在毛织品上比用字耐缩绒上要好,毛织品没有经过碱性处理。 毛织品染色一般要在沸点的温度下进行一小时左右。 这些用于毛织品的各种酸性染料的染浴条件如下: • Level Dyeing Acid Dyes: 2-4% 硫磺酸( owg指的是按物体重量计算) (pH值 2.5-3.5), 加上 5-10% owg 附加级别的硫酸钠 • 耐酸性染料: I-3% 的乙酸 (pH值 3.5-5.0), 加上 5-10% 的硫酸钠 • 酸性耐缩绒染料: ca. 4% 的硫酸铵, 加乙酸或氨 (最高 pH值 5.0-7.5), 正常添加1-2% 的有机匀涂剂 • 高耐缩绒染料: 酸性耐缩绒染料不含酸



本文标题: 英语高手快请进!!高分悬赏!!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/268619.html





