


2022-06-12 07:19:41 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:106


Please change our company's head to your company's on the document,and press your company's mark with signature.Then ,E-mail or fax to me,thank you!
Please change the file's favor (in our company's) into your company's favor and stamp your company's badge and sign on it. Please send it to me by E-mail or Fax as soon as it's finished. Thank you!


曾经有那样一个人 rn不管是真心还是假意 rn不管是痛苦还是快乐 rn陪我走过那样一段路 rn我会记得你的 rn一辈子 rn不是很久
Once had so a personhttp://www.rixia.cc
Ignoring is sincerely or pretends
Ignoring is pain and sufferings or happiness
Accompany me to walk through so a road
I will remember your
Isn't for a long time
Once had such person
No matter is the sincerity or the hypocrisy
No matter is the pain or is joyful
Accompanies me to pass through such section of roads
I can remember you
For a lifetime
Is not very long

There was once such a person,
Whether it was true or not,
Whether it was pain or happiness,
Walked me down the road together
I will remember you
For a lifetime。
Not long enough。


Did you get to Hong Kong today?All the way hard, after the favour completion of work make, good good rest.Making in this several nature's works of Hong Kong would certainly very hard?You have to notice body, little smoke.The weather heat of Hong Kong drink some water more, drinking the beer less.Hope you to be smooth in work in Hong Kong,happy, even hope you work up have new results.If sometimes make a phone call for me.Hope the breakfast sees you.Take good care of!
Have you arrived in Hongkong? You must had a tough journey, and get a rest after your temporary work. And you'll have busy days in Hongkong right? Take care, no smoking please. It must be hot there, and don't forget to drink more water and less beer.
Hope you have a nice time in Hongkong, say smooth work and new gains hah? Call me if you need me, business or privately. I hope I can see you soon. Take care!
have you already arrive to hongkong? have a good rest after you finish your work.you must very tired when work in hongkong.looking after yourself well,and takes little tobacco.dringking more watter that the weather there is hot,and dringking little beer.i hope you have a good journy in hongkong,and get new gain on you work. call me when you have time.
i hope see you soon. take care.
Have you arrived Hongkong today? What a tired trip. Have a good rest after fininshing your work.

You mwww.rixia.ccust be very busy and tired during these days work in Hongkong. Take care yourself, don't smoke much. Drink more water and less beer, the weather in Hongkong is very hot.

Wish you have a happy and smooth day during your working in Hongkong and wish you get more on your work.

Hope to see you soon! Take care!


Secondly, the movie emphasis so much on gratitude and visualization.

I always take gratitude as a life attitude. I find that if you have more gratitudes. You can have more meanings.

One can be lost in lure eventually when he always asks for something instead giving to the others.

But visualization, it means something you imagined. Something you feel that you are using it.

I don't think it's a bad thing.Because when you imagine. You feel happy. You would try something to make your imagination be real.


For example, if you want to have a car. Maybe you would pay more attention on roads and parks than usual or maybe you want to have a drive licence. Those are all good for yourselves.
Second, the film emphasized gratitude and visualization. I always think that grateful is a very essential 日夏养花网life attitude, I found the more the grateful you to get it will be more. If a people only know to blindly to take but not know how to feedback, will one day found that they have lost in their own desires. while visualization is to imagine what their own want, and make themselves feel that you are using it. I do not think this is a bad idea, because when your own imagination, you will not only feel happy. You will try to do some things to help themselves achieve the aspirations. For example, if you want to have a new car, you may pay special attention to you usually tend to go on the road and parking position, or go to the driving test. These are some of the beneficial effect of their own.

Secondly, in the movie emphasized the gratitude and visualization. I always think gratitude is a very necessary attitude to life, I found that the more grateful you receive will be more. If a person only know blindly for and not know how to feedback, someday will find yourself has been http://www.rixia.cclost in the desire of. And visualization is imagine what you want, and make you feel that you are using it. I don't think this is bad idea, because when you in your own imagination, you will not only feel happy. You will also begin to do things to help own wishes come true. For example, if you want to have a new car, you may be special attention at ordinary times you often go roads and parking position, or go to a driver's license. These are some favorable effect.


这段话是:我很想清醒,很想忘记你,但是我做不到,依然还是那么在意你。rn 翻译得好的加分哦!!!一定要正确的。
I want to keep my head clear,

trying hard to forget you,

but I can't help myself。

I still care so much about you.

Keep my head clear: 保持清醒
can't help myself: 不能控制自己
care about you: 在意你

I've been trying to clear my head/ stay awake, trying to forget you/ cross you out of my life, but I can'twww.rixia.cc help it. I just can't care a little bit less about you.(我试图在过去一段时间里保持清醒,忘记你,把你从我生命中勾去,但是我做不到,我做不到有丝毫的不在意。)

I myself just wanna to be normal and sensible & try to erase you ,but whatever I do your image still in my head.
The true feeling tells me to get any news of you ,any affairs about you ,concern any things you concerned ,favor your favourites,unfavor your dislikes.
I think you are remain in my heart that wanders between reality and fantasy for you.

I want to awake, want to forget you, but I can't do it. I still care about you so much.
I want to come round very much , want to forget that you, but I cannot achieve very much, care you about as before or so.


本文标题: 请英文高手帮我翻译一段话,谢谢!
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/267239.html





