

哪位高人能帮忙翻译一下 不胜感激

2022-06-07 20:07:14 分类:养花问答 来源: 日夏养花网 作者: 网络整理 阅读:175


(二)节日禁忌 节日禁忌是人们在节日生活中对自己言行的禁制,它表现了人们对神灵、对灾锅的畏惧和对未来、对吉祥的希望。rn在我们国家,过春节是我国汉族和一些兄弟民族最隆重的节日,是农历新岁之首,春节期间,从除夕到正月末,禁忌最多,人们也信仰得最虔诚,这充分反映了人们追求快乐、趋利避害的社会心理,也是利用禁忌来调整人们生活中的各种关系。rn在饮食方面,天津人说正月初一吃素饺子一年中就会素素净净。在华东、华南、华中一带忌吃汤泡饭,否则出门常下雨。在汉族居住的广大地区,盛行初一到初三忌煮新食,要吃年前准备的热食,表示连年有余,否则一年不顺。在行为方面,大年初一忌打破碗盏,忌灯油洒地,忌板凳倒地,否则在新的一年里将有凶事,这是各地普遍存在的禁忌,在湖南,忌拜年于床前,这意味着主人常年病卧不起,初一到初三,在汉族、仡佬族、土家族一些地区忌挑水、泼水,意思是怕在种田、出门时常下雨。rn 外国同样有过年的禁忌,奥地利人除夕之夜不能吃虾,认为吃虾会使来年后退。英国人认为在新的一年里是否吉祥如意,取决于第一个来家做客的人,如果来人善良、快乐、富有,则会交好运;如果是一个凶恶或贫穷的人来则会倒霉。在苏格兰,新年第一个客人www.rixia.cc如果是浅黄头发的女人,则会晦气,如果来人是男的而且是黑头发,来年必定走运。匈牙利人在除夕这天不吃禽类菜肴,他们认为,吃了禽类,幸运会飞走。实际上,节日禁忌集中表现了人们的戒备心理和善良愿望。
Two) the holiday taboo
holiday taboo is the people in the holiday life to own words and deeds ban, it has displayed the people to the God, to disaster pot's dreading with to the future, to the propitious hope.
In our country, celebrates the Spring Festival is our country Han Nationality and some brotherly nationality most grand holiday, is head of the lunar calendar new year old, Spring Festival period, from the lunar New Year's Eve to the end of the month, the taboo are most, the people also believe devotionally, this had reflected fully the people pursue the social psychology which joyful, makes use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions, is also adjusts the people using the taboo to live each kind of relations.
In the diet aspect, the Tianjin people said that in the first lunar month first day is a vegetarian in stuffed dumpling for one year to be able the element element only. Area East China, South China, Central China the death anniversary has the reheated cooked rice, otherwise goes out often rains. General areas lives which in the Han Nationality, is in vogue first day boils the new food to the third day death anniversary, must eat the hot food which the year ago prepares, expressed that successive years has -odd, otherwise one year is not suitable. In the behavior aspect, lunar New Year's Day the death anniversary breaks the dishes, envies the lamp oil to sprinkle, envies the backless stool to fall to the ground, will otherwise have the ominous matter in the new year, this is the regional universal existence taboo, in Hunan, the death anniversary pays new year's call before the bed, this meant master year to year sickness cannot lie, first day arrives the third day, in the Han Nationality, Gelao national minority, the Tujia national minority some area death anniversary carries water, splashes water, the meaning is feared farms, goes out often rains.
The foreign country has new year's celebration's taboo similarly, the Austrian New Year's Eve cannot eat the shrimp, thought that will eat the shrimp to enable the next year to retrocede. The English thought that in new year whether propitious pleasant, is decided comes home in first is the guest the person, if nicely comes the human, to be joyful, to be rich, will then hand over the good luck; If will be one rogue or the poor person comes to be bad luck. In Scotland, new year the first visitor, if is the light yellow hair's woman, will then be unlucky, if will come the human is male moreover is the black hair, next year surely will be in luck. The Hungarian does not eat the feather cooked food in lunar New Year's Eve this day, they believed that has eaten the feather, will fly away luckily. In fact, holiday taboo concentrated expression people's alert psychology and good desire.

哪为高人帮我翻译一下下面这段话啊? 不胜感激

I remember there is one sentence says:"You'll meet four people during your lifetime: the first one is yourself ,the secondhttp://www.rixia.cc is the one who loves you most, the third is the one who you love him(her) most, the fourth is the one who will by your side all your lifetime although you two are not the only one for each other. Think this carefully and you will find out.Fristly ignore yourself.when you meet the one who loves you most during your life journey you will always feel that the next will be perfect and you don't give your whole heart to him(her) and perish his(her) love.But when one day he(she) can't withstand the way you do to he(she) and leaves you,until then do you find your heart broken because there is a tear within your bottom of heart for a long time,from this time on you do know that the best is always by your side but your ignorance makes the departure.The tear comes out of your sadness and sorrow and pure your soul and you finally know what cherishment is. The next trip you'll meet the one you love he(she) most because you have learned the lessons but this time the person follows your step just like the one you used to be and as well you leave he(she) but in fact you drop a tear in his(her) heart.When the two with the same tear meet each other at last, the tear teaches you two how to cherich this encounter and you will be together forever and live a happy although you two are not the one for each other


According to Cheal, gifts offer material supports for people to stabilise their performance roles; create normative obligations between individuals and groups; symbolise social identities about interpersonal behaviours, and communicate inner states of the person in form of their beliefs and feelings toward others. On the other hand, a gift is functionally useless but symbolically perfect.rnMoreover, in modern western society, gift giving has become a complex psychological and sociological phenomenon that is a continuous, complementary process dealing with important relationships. Giving a gift implies an intention to establish, develop, strengtMrbqWVgrFahen or maintain important social relationships or networks through the selection, transfer and evaluation of objects that fulfil an obligation or a spontaneous moment.

文章标签: 生石花

本文标题: 哪位高人能帮忙翻译一下 不胜感激
本文地址: http://www.rixia.cc/wenda/264474.html





